Which smells bad from the mouth. Bad breath. Respiratory system disorders and bad breath

Bad breath (halitosis) is a big problem for both the patient and those around him. Despite the obvious ease of detection, you may not be aware of the problem, since you yourself do not smell the smell, and loved ones are embarrassed to tell you about it.

Well, let's say they said ... What's next? It often takes years to find the cause and eliminate it! And this already entails emotional suffering and social failure. The prevalence of this trouble, which we will further call the medical term halitosis, is extremely high. I have no data on Russia, but in the United States, at one time or another of his life, one in five people suffered from halitosis.

How to detect your smell

As already mentioned, halitosis is not always obvious to the patient himself. The best diagnosis is a trusting relationship in the family, when a loved one tells you about the problem. But if a loved one has a chronic runny nose or does not want to upset you for anything in the world, what to do? There are a few simple tricks to make sure you have halitosis yourself:

  • if there is plaque on the tongue, the probability of halitosis is already high, the plaque should be cleaned off with a brush without paste and sniffed;
  • clean the interdental spaces with dental floss or a toothpick and assess the smell from them;
  • in the morning on an empty stomach, exhale slowly into a glass, and then sniff it;
  • put pressure on the tonsils with a spoon, evaluate the smell from them;
  • if you have a removable denture, put it in a plastic bag for a few minutes, and then assess the purity of the smell in it.

How to calculate the cause

In reputable foreign journals, most of the articles on halitosis are devoted to dental problems. In second place are inflammatory processes in the nose, sinuses and tonsils. The esophagus and stomach, other organs are rarely mentioned as sources of halitosis. Is this really the case? I don't think, but rather the fact that these articles were written by dentists, and the patient first of all comes to them with such a problem. This, of course, is correct - you should start your search from top to bottom and from simple to complex.

Dentists have studied in great detail the direct cause of bad breath - the smell is created by anaerobic (oxygen-free) bacteria living in the folds of the tongue, especially its root, in the tongue plaque, in the gum pockets, less often in the lacunae of the tonsils. Dentures are the most important provocateur of halitosis. Chronic inflammation in the nose and sinuses (nasohalitosis) can be an independent source of halitosis. These reasons account for 99% of cases of bad breath. The remaining percentage will go to rare in our days, advanced forms of diabetes mellitus and liver failure (they are easily diagnosed by blood tests).

How to get rid of the smell

The mechanism associated with the multiplication of bacteria in the mouth is not synonymous with specific diseases. The true causes of halitosis can be far beyond the mouth. In order for anaerobic bacteria to multiply, a nutrient medium without oxygen is needed. Such conditions are created with periodontal disease, periodontitis, caries, pulpitis and other dental diseases.

Therefore, the first task in the fight against halitosis is the sanitation of the oral cavity. And if the elimination of fetid cavities in the teeth is usually achieved in a short time, then the treatment of periodontal disease can take time. The teeth were healed, there is no periodontal disease, but the smell remains. We begin to sin on the liver or some mythical "slags". But in vain! You need to remember what your dentist told you about oral hygiene.

We clean the tongue

Sanitation means not only healthy teeth and gums, but also a clean, plaque-free pharynx, tonsils and tongue. Cleaning the tongue, especially its distant part, is a necessary condition for combating halitosis, regardless of its cause.

For this, special scrapers and brushes are produced, but an ordinary toothbrush has proven itself perfectly, which should be used daily to clean not only teeth, but also the tongue - just like teeth, with paste! If this is not enough, the dentist may prescribe antiseptic solutions and gels with an antibacterial component such as metronidazole. Finally, your mouth is perfectly clean and your dentist is ready to screw the mouth of exemplary label onto your teeth. And the smell is still there. What to do now?

We turn to the ENT doctor

The dentist will look deeper into the mouth and find postnasal leakage - mucus and possibly pus flows down the throat from the nose. This is already a job for the otorhinolarygologist. The ENT will conduct a rhinoscopy (examine the nasal cavity with a video camera), tomography the sinuses, find the cause of the inflammation, carry out treatment, and may even need an operation. You have been cured. And the smell ... This smell has not gone anywhere! No, someone was lucky both at the first stage and at the second, but often the plot develops according to the most bizarre scenarios.

For example, I was approached by a patient who went through all the stages described above many years ago, and his dentist decided that it was in the gum pockets, microbes live there. This wealthy patient bought and installed dental equipment at home with a total value of 30,000 euros. The doctor performed procedures on her once a week for 5 years. And the patient, meanwhile, had complaints of belching and heartburn. Gastroscopy showed inflammation of the esophagus, and an ENT guest on this occasion discovered pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx) associated with reflux.

We contact a gastroenterologist

What is reflux disease? This is a condition when the contents of the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus and even the pharynx, stomach acid burns them, they respond with abundant mucus formation, creating conditions for the development of halitosis. That is, with reflux, the source of the smell is also not in the stomach - in the sore throat, tonsils, at the root of the tongue. But the cause of suffering is a violation of the relationship between the esophagus and the stomach. It should be said that this patient had the classic clues typical of reflux disease: belching and heartburn. But this is not always the case. The only manifestation of reflux disease may be halitosis. Sometimes it is accompanied by signs of chronic inflammation of the pharynx and larynx - pain when swallowing, hoarseness, the need to cough up mucus accumulated in the pharynx. After the reflux disease treatment, the odor problem was solved, our patient was able to free his home from medical equipment. Fortunately, now more and more ENT doctors are able to diagnose reflux pharyngitis and laryngitis and refer such patients to a gastroenterologist.

We observe hygiene

As you can see, almost always the cause of the smell is anaerobic bacteria in the mouth and throat, but conditions for them create diseases not only of the oral cavity, but also of the nose, sinuses, pharynx, esophagus and stomach.

However, the basis of the fight against halitosis, regardless of its origin, is oral hygiene. Clean your tongue and especially its root every day, carefully floss the interdental spaces, keep your removable dentures clean - and you will be happy.

Rotten breath can be very different. It may resemble rotten eggs or rotten meat. But in any case, it brings a lot of inconvenience. That is why it is important to quickly understand what led to the appearance of bad breath and eliminate this problem.

ICD-10 code

R19.6 Bad breath [offensive breath]

Causes of rotten breath

If a person develops a rotten smell when he talks or just breathes through his mouth, this may mean that air is escaping from the digestive tract, which contains hydrogen sulfide. It is formed during the decomposition of products with big amount proteins.

Most scientists believe that rotten breath is a dental problem in 90% of cases.

Also, such a smell appears when the patient secretes too little gastric juice. Then food lingers in the esophagus for a long time and the process of suppuration begins. An often commonplace reason for such an unpleasant odor is constant overeating. Eaten food does not have time to digest and decomposes right in the stomach.

  1. Pyloric stenosis (when the outlet in the stomach narrows).
  2. Stomach atony due to decreased physical activity (lazy stomach syndrome).

These problems can indicate a number of other diseases, some of which can be quite serious (stomach ulcer, benign or malignant neoplasms). Common causes of rotten breath are also:

  1. Liver diseases (chronic hepatitis of various etiology, liver cirrhosis).
  2. Diverticula of the esophageal wall.
  3. Problems with gallbladder (chronic cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis).

That is why it is so important to visit a gastroenterologist on time at the first appearance of a rotten smell. If you smell rotten meat, it usually indicates liver problems.

Risk factors

As a rule, rotten breath occurs in people who have to breathe through the mouth for a long time, and not through the nose (for example, with sinusitis). As a result, the oral cavity dries up, which causes an unpleasant odor.

If you do not practice good oral hygiene and overeat frequently, it can also lead to bad breath. As a result, microorganisms accumulate in the mouth, emitting gases that smell bad, and the food that remains in the stomach and begins to rot only enhances the effect.

People who are constantly on diets, as well as those who suffer from anorexia, often have a bad breath, as they do not eat properly.

Symptoms of a bad breath

If you or your loved one has a smell of rotten meat from the mouth, this usually indicates liver problems. Very often, other symptoms also occur:

  1. The patient's urine begins to darken.
  2. The sclera are yellowish.
  3. Feces, on the contrary, become colorless.

With a rotten smell of eggs, patients often have pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation.

The smell of rotten eggs from the mouth

Such an unpleasant problem appears when air filled with hydrogen sulfide begins to rise from the stomach. At the same time, belching with an obvious unpleasant "aroma" can also occur. As a rule, a similar smell appears if a person constantly eats fried or boiled eggs.

Of course, if a similar smell is felt not from time to time, but constantly, then this may indicate a rather serious health problem. Usually, the smell of rotten eggs can appear if food stagnates in the patient's stomach (for all sorts of reasons). That is, the stomach simply cannot digest food, which after a while begins to ferment.

For example, the smell of rotten eggs from the mouth appears in chronic atrophic gastritis with low acidity, when food is digested for too long, which leads to the appearance of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, which is expelled from the stomach. Usually the smell intensifies at moments of exacerbation of the disease. In this case, there are also symptoms such as:

  1. Bloating.
  2. Vomiting or nausea.
  3. Stomachache.

The reason for the smell of rotten eggs may be an insufficient amount of enzymes (which take part in digestion) and hydrochloric acid.

To combat the problem, it is necessary, first of all, to treat the disease that caused it. If you notice the first signs of gastritis or another similar illness, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Rotten odor from the mouth of a child

A rotten smell can appear not only in adults, but also in children. This is usually the reason for poor oral hygiene, but there are also a number of serious enough diseases in which this symptom appears.

The causes of a rotten smell from the mouth in a child can be roughly divided into several types:

  1. Extraoral.
  2. Oral.
  3. Psychogenic.

Extraoral causes of an unpleasant odor:

  1. Diseases associated with the duodenum, esophagus or stomach.
  2. Mucus with a lot of bacteria that is found in the sinuses.
  3. Decomposition of food debris that gets stuck in the grooves of the tonsils.
  4. Liver failure.

Mouth causes of a rotten smell:

  1. Poor oral hygiene, which leads to the accumulation of food debris between the teeth.
  2. Frequent runny nose that causes dry mouth.
  3. Fungal diseases mouth.
  4. Gum problems: periodontitis, periodontitis, gingivitis.

Sometimes parents, after reading some medical articles, begin to think that their child has a rotten smell from the mouth. This is the main psychogenic cause.

So that the child does not have an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to teach him to clean his tongue and teeth correctly every day. If the mouth is too dry, you can drink more water. Try to take your baby to the dentist more often.

The smell of rotten meat from the mouth

Most often, the smell of rotten meat from the mouth appears if a person has liver problems. Here it is also worth paying attention to other symptoms and early signs of illness. Acute liver damage, which often causes an unpleasant odor, usually occurs after a viral infection, due to the frequent use of alcoholic beverages or certain medications.

If you notice that you have a rotten smell of meat in your mouth, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist.

Diagnostics of the rotten odor from the mouth

During the diagnosis, a specialist must analyze the patient's complaints, prescribe several important examinations to the patient, which will help to find out the cause of the rotten smell. Among the most popular surveys are:

  1. Blood tests.
  2. Ultrasound of the liver and pancreas.
  3. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

After all the necessary research has been carried out, the doctor prescribes the optimal treatment.


Usually doctors recommend a general and biochemical blood test, which will help establish the presence of certain diseases. A general analysis of feces (coprogram) is also carried out. It will help you see if there are undigested food fragments in the stool. Among the analyzes can also be distinguished:

  1. Biochemical blood test with liver function tests.
  2. Stool analysis.
  3. Analysis of gastric contents.

Instrumental diagnostics

The most popular methods for instrumental diagnostics of rotten breath are:

  1. Irrigoscopy.
  2. EGDS (gastroscopy) - the walls of the esophagus, duodenum and stomach are visible. During the procedure, a special apparatus (gastroscope) is inserted into the stomach.
  3. Ultrasound - helps to see if there are any tumors in the abdominal area.
  4. Radioisotope diagnostics.
  5. Radiography.

Treatment for rotten breath

If the patient is diagnosed with low acidity, then he will be prescribed medications that increase the acidity of the stomach. In addition, in such cases, you will have to revise your daily diet by adding products that help juice secretion: lemon, chicken broth, nuts, apples, pickles.

If the cause of the appearance of a rotten smell from the mouth is a banal overeating, you just need to normalize your diet. If you follow a special diet for at least two months, the problem should disappear.

With the infrequent appearance of an unpleasant odor, you can try to take various drugs (Smecta, Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal, activated carbon).

There are also special measures that must always be followed:

  1. Chew herbs such as parsley and mint throughout the day.
  2. Drink as much water as possible.
  3. Try to rinse your mouth with water as often as possible.
  4. You should always brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue.
  5. It is better to start breakfast with oatmeal.
  6. Observe the correct diet.
  7. Add vegetables and fruits to your diet.


Phosphalugel... Antacid active active ingredient which is aluminum phosphate. Helps to neutralize hydrochloric acid, also has an absorbent and enveloping effect. It is taken for the treatment of gastritis, chronic gastritis, and also helps to eliminate the rotten smell from the mouth if it appears due to this disease.

The standard dosage is as follows: one to two sachets three times a day. If it is necessary to treat infants (up to six months), then the recommended dose is 4 g (1 teaspoon) after each feeding, but at least 6 times a day.

Before use, the contents of the package must be well wrinkled (through a closed bag) so that the powder takes the form of a gel. Make an incision in a special place and carefully pour the gel through the hole. The drug can be diluted in a glass of water.

Among the side effects, only possible constipation is distinguished. The remedy is contraindicated in case of intolerance to the components, violations in the liver.

Mezim Forte... Enzymatic agent, which contains pancreatin with minimal enzyme activity (amylase, lipase and proteases). The drug is taken to facilitate the digestion of food. The dose is determined individually. It depends on how much the digestion is disturbed. One to two tablets are usually recommended before eating.

The main side effects from taking the drug: constipation, nausea, allergies. The drug is contraindicated in pancreatitis, especially chronic.

Periodontal disease. A drug with analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Comes in the form of a mouthwash for gum disease (which can cause a bad breath). Rinse the mouth twice a day (morning and evening). To do this, add 15 drops of solution to a third of a glass of water. Do not swallow.

The main side effects of the remedy are: contact eczema, allergies. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Asepta... A modern remedy that is used to treat gum disease. Produced in the form of napkins that have the shape of a fingertip. For use, you need to open one sachet, put a napkin on your finger, remove a special protective film from it, thoroughly wipe the tongue, gums, teeth, cheeks (inside). Fingertips are disposable. The active ingredients are plant extracts.

Alternative treatment and herbal treatment

Please note that traditional medicine only helps to reduce or mask bad breath, but not cure the underlying problem.

  1. You can chew aromatic spices (parsley, cloves, fennel seeds, bay leaves, juniper berries).
  2. You can clean your teeth and reduce odor by eating an apple. It will also help improve intestinal motility.
  3. With the help of weak decoctions medicinal plants: sage, chamomile, lemon balm, strawberry leaves, thyme.


In our country, homeopathic remedies have become popular quite recently, therefore they cause mixed feelings in patients. But for bad breath, these drugs can help.

If a rotten smell appeared due to a disease of the pharynx, you can use Aconite, Belladonna, Argentum nitricum, Brionia, Mercurius solubilis, Capsicum.

With tonsillitis, you can get rid of a rotten odor with the help of: Barite carbonics, Kali mureaticum, Hepar sulfur, Fitolakka.


So that you never face the problem of the appearance of a rotten smell from the mouth, you need to carefully monitor oral hygiene. Brush your teeth and tongue every morning and evening. You also need to revise your daily diet and add fresh vegetables and fruits to the menu. Try not to drink water while eating, chew food carefully and slowly, and do not overeat. Don't sit down to the table if you have no appetite.

Halitosis is the most common medical term for bad breath. This is a serious psychological problem that often becomes an obstacle in communication between people.

The human body is able to adapt to many features of the environment, including odors. We very quickly get used to both the scent of our perfume, ceasing to notice it, and to the smell of air coming out of our mouth when we exhale.

We do not feel it, and, at the same time, we do not want those around us to turn away with disgust when talking. How to diagnose your own breathing?

There are several ways to determine the degree of freshness.

  • Bring your hand to your face and exhale deeply through your mouth. Smell the air in the palm of your hand.
  • Buy a disposable mask and breathe into it for a minute. The scent under the mask will be an exact copy of the scent felt by those with whom you communicate.
  • Ask family members to rate your breathing.
  • Get examined with a halitometer, a special device used in dental clinics. This device evaluates the concentration of volatile nitrogen and sulfur-containing compounds in the exhaled air on a 5-point scale.

The first two methods are highly subjective, since it is difficult to assess your own smell.

The last two require the presence of outsiders, which is not always desirable, when you smell from the mouth, the reasons are unknown, and such a delicate problem requires its resolution. You can do two simple tests on your own.

Spoon test

How unpleasant the smell of your breath is, can be determined with a regular plastic spoon. It is used to clean the plaque from the back third of the tongue, and after a minute the odor is assessed.

This can be done by the test taker himself or by a trusted person. With the help of this test, both halitosis and the place of accumulation of bacteria provoking it, plaque on the back of the tongue, are revealed.

Wrist test

Try licking your own wrist and after 10 seconds sniff it. If the smell is unpleasant, then the stench that your interlocutors feel is even stronger. After all, from the wrist comes the smell of the front of the tongue, cleared by saliva.

Video: bad breath

The reasons

Let's try to figure out why the breath stinks. In most cases, the offensive odor is caused by volatile sulfur compounds and amines.

These substances are waste products of the so-called anaerobic (growing and multiplying without oxygen) bacteria.

The causes of halitosis can be both insufficient hygiene and various diseases.

Bad breath is also reported by those who choose a diet low in carbohydrates as a means of losing weight. During a diet that burns fats, the body produces ketone, a volatile organic substance that is excreted in the urine and the respiratory system.

To get rid of the undesirable side effect of stale breath, you should include some carbohydrates in your diet.

An unpleasant acetone smell can appear on an empty stomach. If you practice fasting, be prepared to smell this scent in your exhaled air.

Already on the second day of hunger, the body, in need of energy and nutrition, begins to use reserves - fats and proteins, during the breakdown of which acetone is formed.

Often, an unpleasant odor appears due to bad habits and the use of certain foods with exceptional aromatic characteristics.

Video: the most popular reasons

Strong smelling foods, alcohol and smoking

Do not overuse garlic and onions before going to public places.

Sulfur compounds are present in significant quantities in these products.

They create a characteristic garlic or onion smell, which makes the interlocutors turn away from the lover of strong-smelling products. The body copes with this kind of aroma, removing "odorous" molecules in a relatively short time.

It is strange to hear from a smoking person who doesn’t deny himself even strong drinks, the question: “Why can there be a smell in the mouth?”.

Photo: Smoking and alcohol - causes of bad breath

Alcoholic drinks and tobacco significantly impair the aroma of exhaled air. Alcohol, tobacco combustion products and nicotine in themselves have a strong specific odor.

As a result of smoking:

  • there is a drying out of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, contributing to the appearance of a disgusting odor;
  • in the oral cavity, the oxygen content decreases, which creates conditions for the progressive development of anaerobes;
  • the risk of developing inflammatory diseases in the mouth and tartar deposits increases.

Smell and plaque on the tongue

Bad smell and white tongue are closely related.

It is in the thickness of the plaque on the tongue that the most favorable "oxygen-free" environment for anaerobic bacteria is created.

The appearance of plaque indicates a malfunction or disease of any organ, but it can also be observed in a completely healthy person.

According to the severity of the bacterial layer, its thickness, consistency, color, location, experienced doctors can judge the presence of certain diseases.

Insufficient oral hygiene is often the cause of plaque. A simple and effective method of breath freshening is the use of raw vegetables and fruits, chewing of which contributes to the mechanical removal of bacterial plaque from the tongue.

Photo: Eating raw fruits freshens breath

The air you breathe out will be much cleaner if you include carrots and apples in your diet.

Video: how to clean your tongue

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity

Dental diseases occupy a leading position in the ranking of the causes of halitosis.

Diseases of the teeth

There is a direct relationship between dental disease and unpleasant odor.

The main enemies of our teeth are caries and its complications (pulpitis, periodontitis), which cause a lot of trouble. Avoid the development of more severe forms of oral diseases.

Carious disease destroys enamel and hard tissues, causes pain and rewards the owner of a diseased tooth with bad breath.

Sometimes, after tooth extraction, alveolitis develops - inflammation of the walls of the tooth socket (alveoli), accompanied by painful sensations and an increase in bad odor from the oral cavity.

Most often, this complication occurs after the removal of a wisdom tooth. In such cases, you should rush to the dentist to avoid more serious consequences.

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the oral cavity and teeth during pregnancy. During this period, the body actively consumes calcium, which greatly increases the risk of tooth decay.

In order not to experience the discomfort associated with a bad smell from the oral cavity, it is necessary to contact the dentist at the first sign of trouble.

Video: caries, pulpitis, periodontitis

Gum disease

Pest bacteria are comfortable living in the periodontal areas along the gum line and in the spaces between the teeth.

Periodontal diseases are accompanied by the formation of "periodontal pockets" - depressions with a favorable environment for harmful bacteria.

Photo: Deposits in periodontal pockets

It is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to clean these depressions without the help of a specialist. The most common inflammatory conditions that can cause very foul odor are gingivitis and periodontitis.

If you do not have dental diseases, and the smell continues to bother you, look for causes inside the body.

Video: gum disease

Respiratory system diseases

Diseases of the respiratory system with sources of infection in the form of inflammation and purulent discharge, rank second in the ranking of the causes of bad breath.

Tonsillitis and pharyngitis

Chronic tonsillitis is accompanied by the formation of purulent plugs and odor. If the tonsils have increased in size and reddened, and the body temperature has increased, they are diagnosed with acute tonsillitis.

The tonsils are a source of stench due to the accumulation of a large amount of pus.

For sore throat, signs of intoxication and a characteristic odor, antibiotics are prescribed.

Pharyngitis, an acute or chronic inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the pharynx, is also characterized by the appearance of stale breath.

The doctor determines the treatment regimen for this disease individually for each specific case.

For pharyngitis, gargling with decoctions of herbs is useful, to a certain extent reducing the unpleasant odor. These can be decoctions of eucalyptus, sage, calendula or chamomile.

Video: chronic tonsillitis

Sinusitis and sinusitis

A very unpleasant odor sometimes comes from the mouth of patients with sinusitis or sinusitis.

Treatment of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses should be carried out under the supervision of an ENT doctor, since self-medication can only do harm here.

Video: sinusitis treatment

With adenoid vegetation in the nasopharynx, lymphoid tissue proliferates and becomes inflamed.

As a result, mucus with a purulent odor accumulates on the surface of the adenoids.

Enlarged adenoids do not allow air to freely enter the respiratory tract. The patient breathes through his mouth, spreading a stench around him.

Video: treat or remove adenoids


The problem of freshness of breath also exists in bronchitis.

An unpleasant odor occurs due to stagnation in the bronchi of purulent sputum.

Video: chronic bronchitis

Dry mouth

Xerostomia is a chronic dry mouth.

Xerostomia, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, is observed in teachers, guides, representatives of other professions, whose activities are associated with the need to talk a lot.

Dry mouth can be a side effect of a number of medications or develop at an advanced age.

In these situations, the amount of saliva must be replenished by consuming a sufficient amount pure water (about 2 liters per day). The extra fluid prevents the mouth from drying out and freshens breath.

Poor hygiene

On poorly cleaned teeth, gums, tongue, in the interdental spaces, food debris accumulates, which decompose under the influence of bacteria.

Poor hygiene results in halitosis and sometimes more serious diseases of the oral cavity.

Video: what you need for proper oral hygiene

Internal organs problems

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Sore stomach: gastritis or ulcer

The cause of halitosis can be a stomach disease (gastritis, ulcer) caused by the anaerobic spiral-shaped bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

For gastrointestinal diseases:

  • immunity decreases,
  • the activity of the digestive enzymes of saliva decreases,
  • plaque appears on the tongue.

As a rule, the breath of a patient with this kind of diagnosis loses its former freshness.

Liver disease

Liver diseases and disorders associated with the outflow of bile from the gallbladder give an unpleasant odor both in the morning and throughout the day.

These diseases can be cirrhosis of the liver and liver failure.


If the smell appears after physical exertion and in the morning, you need to be examined by a nephrologist.

A foul odor can occur with kidney failure and urinary tract problems.


The smell of acetone emanating from the mouth is a characteristic sign of diabetes mellitus.

Video: symptoms of diabetes

What is the smell

What does this or that shade of the smell of exhaled air indicate? Below is a brief description of some of the "flavors" from the mouth.

Hydrogen sulfide, or rotten eggs

The reason for the hydrogen sulfide smell is the process of decay of protein compounds.

If the smell is accompanied by pain in the abdomen after eating, nausea, belching, then the possibility of developing gastritis with low acidity or ulcers cannot be ruled out.


The sour smell can be caused by the discharge of stomach contents into the esophagus.

It is characteristic of gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer and problems with the esophagus.


A characteristic metallic odor may indicate periodontal disease associated with bleeding gums.

Smell of ammonia, urine

The smell of urine signals kidney disease.


The taste and smell of bitterness is one of the manifestations of liver and gallbladder diseases.

Smells like acetone or sweet

Acetone odor with a sweetish aftertaste causes pancreatic diseases and diabetes.

Pus or rot

A putrid odor occurs in diseases of the esophagus and stomach with low acidity.

Exhaled air has an unpleasant shade of fecal masses in case of dysbiosis, intestinal obstruction and its dyskinesia.

Video: intestinal obstruction


Trimethylamines are fetid compounds found in sea fish.

In fish odor syndrome (trimethylaminuria), these substances are excreted in sweat, urine, and exhaled air.


The smell of iodine may indicate a supersaturation of the body with this microelement. To find out the true cause of the iodine odor, you should contact an endocrinologist.

What to do, how to treat?

Elimination of causes

The solution to any problem must begin with the elimination of the causes that gave rise to it. Find out why your breath smells bad. An unpleasant odor is a rather disturbing symptom that should be paid attention to.

You can't just drown out the smell. Otherwise, the true disease will progress and turn into a neglected form, which is much more difficult to cure.

Cleansing the mouth

The fight for fresh breath begins with proper oral care.

Add a cleaning of the tongue surface to the daily routine of brushing your teeth twice. Do this in the evening using a brush with a ribbed back or a regular teaspoon.

Photo: Toothbrush with tongue cleaning surface

Use gentle strokes from root to tip to remove daytime plaque. The procedure does not give pleasure, but it gives a tangible effect.

Clean the spaces between the teeth with a special floss. Be sure to rinse your mouth after every meal.

Photo: Cleaning the gaps between teeth with floss

Eliminate odor with rinses

The effect is often achieved through a strong mint flavor. Many mouthwash contains alcohol, which dries out the mouth, which can increase odor production.

Photo: Rinses 32 Bionorma Long-lasting breath freshness and Colgate Plax ICE Mint Ice

Choose modern rinses with zinc and holorinated substances that can reduce the activity of halitosis through chemical reactions.

Choose a toothpaste that does not contain alcohol, which dries out the mucous membranes.

Pay attention to pastes containing chloride-based antibacterial agents.

Photo: Toothpastes Splat Arktikum and LACALUT flora

Ways to quickly freshen your breath

To quickly get rid of a bad smell, it is convenient to use gum, aerosol fresheners, lollipops. These funds are effective, but they are characterized by low stability due to their short duration of action.

Photo: ROCS Spray and Ice Breakers

How to remove the smell from the mouth, when at the right time there were no fresheners at hand?

  • Drink a cup of tea and rinse your mouth out with clean water.
  • Eat an apple or carrot.
  • Neutralize the onion or garlic flavor with parsley or celery root.
  • Chew on the coffee bean and muffle unpleasant tastes and odors.
  • Pour a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide into a glass of water and use the mouthwash solution.

Folk remedies

Home treatment is not only possible but necessary.

Try rinsing your mouth with the following decoctions.

  • Pour a tablespoon of a mixture of mint, chamomile and sage with a glass of boiling water. Cool and strain the broth. Use after meals for rinsing 3-4 times a day.
  • Pour a tablespoon of oak bark with 200 ml of boiling water and heat in a water bath for about 30 minutes. Oak bark is able to cleanse tonsils from plaque and have a firming effect on the gums.

Bad breath is a common phenomenon among the adult population that can bring a lot of trouble to a person. It often becomes a serious barrier to communication, affects the human condition, causing depression of mood. The symptom is easy to overcome if the cause is known.

In medicine, bad breath is called halitosis. It is considered normal from a physiological point of view if it manifests itself in the morning after waking up. It is eliminated by brushing teeth and rinsing the mouth. Other known causes of oral stench include:

  • Food with a strong odor.
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Dental diseases.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Nasopharyngeal infection.
  • Bad habits - smoking and consumption of alcoholic products.
  • Taking medications.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.

Stale breath is often observed in women during menstruation. This is due to hormonal changes.

Bad breath is triggered by bacteria that are present in the human mouth. When the number of bacteria exceeds the permissible values, the stench becomes unbearable. Some are capable of causing a cadaverous smell, others a heavy aroma of rotten meat.

Improper oral hygiene

Most often, a bad smell occurs in people who do not brush their teeth properly or pay insufficient attention to oral hygiene. If a person forgets to brush their teeth or does not use dental floss after eating, bad breath will begin to haunt throughout the day.

It is important not only to clean teeth from plaque, but also to thoroughly remove, rinse your mouth well after brushing.

Plaque on the root of the tongue

Human language is an indicator of health. In a person who is not affected by inflammatory processes, infections - the tongue is pink, the papillae of the organ are not enlarged. A bloom of yellow or white with an unpleasant stench indicates that the bacteria live and multiply actively.

The color of the tongue may change when there is a disease of the internal organs, when drinking alcoholic beverages or smoking. Plaque often develops in people who do not take good care of the oral cavity.

Dry mouth

A common cause of halitosis is dry mouth. Microbes and dead cells are not flushed out with saliva. The cells begin to decompose, causing halitosis. Dry mouth is a frequent companion of people whose water-salt balance is disturbed. It occurs after the use of drugs or a large amount of alcohol.

With prolonged use of a number of medications, dryness occurs in the cavity and a sharp unpleasant odor.

If dryness becomes chronic, we are talking about a disease called xerostomia.

Dental diseases

Pathological processes occurring in the oral cavity are always accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Common diseases include:

  • Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease in which the integrity of the bone ligaments that hold the tooth is impaired. A purulent focus appears in the upper part of the root.
  • Pulpitis is an inflammatory process in the inner tissue of the tooth. The disease is accompanied by a putrid stench.
  • Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. With a severe form, the gums bleed, a terrible smell comes from the mouth.
  • Periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth.
  • Caries is a sluggish pathological process of destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth.

During such processes, microbes and bacteria multiply well in an environment favorable to them. To eliminate the strange odor, you need to visit the dental office and undergo treatment. Removal of diseased teeth or roots may be required. If the teeth are in order, the cause of halitosis is in diseases of the internal organs.

Internal diseases

A bad smell is present with healthy teeth - the reason for this phenomenon is a disease of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. If the dentist has not identified any problems with the gums, teeth, and there is an incomprehensible smell, you need to contact a gastroenterologist.

With the smell of feces, the patient is often diagnosed with dysbiosis. A similar symptom is present with intestinal obstruction.

Symptoms indicate poisoning: the smell of a dead egg, fever, weakness, nausea.

With a stomach ulcer, a bitter or sour taste and stench appears. With gastritis, there is bloating, nausea and vomiting, the smell of hydrogen sulfide or a rotten egg.

Ammonia aroma means the patient has kidney disease.

If a patient has a problem with the thyroid gland, the smell of iodine appears due to the oversaturation of the body with a substance. The aroma of acetone is triggered by an infectious disease.


Nervous state, stress, depression often become the causes of such trouble. When emotional balance is restored, the pathological process stops.

To prevent the symptom, you need to closely monitor your health. Avoid stressful situations.

Nutrition and bad habits

Food is often the culprit for unpleasant odors. Certain foods have a strong aroma on their own, and when they are eaten, the aroma from the mouth arises naturally.

A specific smell comes from a smoking person. The reason is that the substances contained in the cigarette are deposited on the teeth and mucous membranes. It is possible to get rid of amber forever. You need to quit the bad habit.

Causes of halitosis in a child

Signs of halitosis can be seen in children. A child without dental problems has fresher breathing. If an adult noticed an unpleasant odor in the baby, but hygiene rules are observed, you need to show the child to the pediatrician. The smell may be due to a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract. The doctor will prescribe diagnosis and treatment. The violation will go away quickly.

In addition to dental and gastric pathologies, baby's bad breath is often caused by:

  • Diseases of the nasopharynx, throat;
  • Eating fatty foods;
  • Emotional stress and childhood stress;
  • Moisture deficiency.


It is not always possible to independently determine the freshness of one's own breath. In a medical institution, the doctor conducts diagnostics using a special device - a halimeter. If the device confirms the presence of abnormalities, a laboratory examination of plaque and oral cavity will be required. Diagnostics helps to find out why the stench appeared.

If an unpleasant aroma is associated with diseases of the digestive system, diagnostic measures are prescribed:

  • Urine examination;
  • Endoscopic examination;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics.

Some procedures cause discomfort for the patient, but thanks to the intervention, it is possible to find out why the person is haunted by the phenomenon.

How to get rid of bad breath

To avoid an unpleasant odor and the problems it provokes, it is necessary to pay special attention not only to oral hygiene, but also to the body as a whole. Regular visits to the dentist, gastroenterologist, careful care of the gums, teeth, tongue will contribute to fresh breath.

To keep your breath fresh, you need to thoroughly clean the oral cavity from food debris, use high-quality toothpaste and a suitable brush.

The toothpaste should be from a trusted manufacturer, it is good to remove plaque, freshen your breath. The brush for cleaning teeth is chosen medium hard for adults and soft for children. You can purchase an ultrasonic brush equipped with a timer. Such devices are good at cleaning out food debris, and a timer indicates the recommended duration of the procedure.

To clean your teeth throughout the day, experts recommend flossing after every snack.

Mint chewing gum or a sugar-free mint lollipop can help break the scent.

Treatment for dental problems

Any diseases of the gums and teeth can be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. In this case, a visit to the dentist is required. For prevention, a visit to the dentist is provided every six months. Getting rid of a bad smell is easy. It is enough to cure an unhealthy tooth or undergo regular cleaning of restoration structures with a special apparatus in a doctor's office, and the smell will disappear.

Treatment of odor for infections of the larynx and nasopharynx

Diseases of the nasopharynx and larynx are often accompanied by a fetid odor, which cannot be eliminated without eliminating the pathological process itself.

For treatment, it is necessary to often gargle with a solution of furacilin or other disinfecting solutions. Tonsils need to be treated with streptocide. The tablets of the drug are dissolved in water, then the throat is rinsed.

If a terrible smell is associated with sinusitis, antibacterial agents, for example, Azithromycin, must be used. Drops with vasoconstrictor properties. It is important to rinse the nasopharynx, cleanse it of accumulations of pus.

For men or women, bad odor from the mouth always causes a lot of difficulties in communication. Treatment measures should not be aimed only at getting rid of the symptom, eliminating the cause is an important stage on the path to recovery.

Treatment with folk remedies

IN folk medicine Many universal methods have been described, using which it will be possible to freshen breath at home, without medication. You can use the funds for halitosis caused by any pathologies or processes. The very cause of the stench cannot be removed forever, but the breath will be made fresh without risk to health.

Hydrogen peroxide

Popular home remedy for odor control. Effective as peroxide has antibacterial properties. Eliminates microorganisms well. People who have used the rinse solution have noticed that it whitens teeth well.

It is contraindicated to use peroxide in its pure form. Rinse the mouth with a solution. Dissolve three teaspoons of peroxide in half a glass warm water... Rinse at least three times a day.

If during the procedure there is a slight burning sensation and the formation of white foam is observed, then there are wounds in the mouth that are disinfected by rinsing.

Do not swallow hydrogen peroxide. A strong solution can burn the lining of the mouth and esophagus. The solution is purchased at the pharmacy.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is a well-known absorbent that absorbs toxic substances and removes them from the human body. The drug is safe, used for various diseases, including pathologies that cause a strong fetid odor from the mouth. The medicine helps to eliminate odor and improves the general well-being of a person.

The drug is taken in courses. On average, the course is one to two weeks.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil helps fight odor from the mouth. The product must be of high quality. To eliminate the repulsive aroma, you will need to rinse your mouth with oil for 3 minutes. Then spit it out and rinse the cavity with boiled water. Carry out the procedure at least twice a day.

It is possible to add salt to the oil and also rinse your mouth.


Popular recipes for treating bad breath include rinsing with herbal infusions and decoctions.

  • Mix the leaves of wormwood, chamomile and strawberries in equal proportions and pour boiling water over. Insist herbs for at least half an hour and strain through a sieve.
  • Peppermint tea is an excellent remedy for relieving bad breath. Tea soothes well, fights insomnia.
  • Mint tea can be used in place of mouthwash.
  • A decoction of oak bark will quickly eliminate the unpleasant odor. Pour a tablespoon of chopped bark with a glass of boiling water and leave. Strain, cool and rinse.
  • Calamus will help to overcome the specific aroma. The herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour. Then it is filtered. Rinse with infusion at least twice a day.
  • You can remove the symptom with the help of an infusion of sorrel leaves. Fresh leaves are poured with water, placed on a heated stove and boiled for a quarter of an hour. The broth is infused and filtered. Take orally two sips before meals four times a day.
  • It will be possible to destroy bacteria by taking a decoction of magnolia bark. The tool is capable of killing 90% of pathogenic microflora. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of bark and simmer for 20 minutes. Rinse your mouth three times a day.

Other folk ways

Eliminate folk remedies an unpleasant smell is possible after eating, if there is a meeting or negotiations ahead. Recipes:

  • Grind the ginger root into a powder. After eating, take half a teaspoon of the powder orally.
  • Helps from the smell of aniseed. Chew the seeds before breakfast.
  • It is useful to eat a couple of apples in the morning before meals. The fruit saves from unpleasant odors and normalizes the stomach.
  • Parsley will help against odors from onions and garlic. Chew on a sprig of grass and the smell will disappear.
  • Fried sunflower seeds effectively mask the smell.
  • The best remedy for bad odor is apple cider vinegar. Dissolve a teaspoon of the natural remedy in a glass of water and rinse your mouth for several minutes.
  • You can get rid of the unpleasant smell by chewing the fruits of the juniper tree.
  • With periodontal disease, propolis will help to cope with halitosis. Tincture of propolis is good at getting rid of bad odors.
  • Try using chamomile and honey to treat the symptom. You need to finely grind the flowers and mix a teaspoon of the herb with two tablespoons of honey. Take a teaspoon before meals.
  • It is possible to get rid of the strong onion aroma by chewing coffee beans or needles.
  • succeeds with the help of Corvalol. Doubtful option, but alcohol will disguise.
  • Fresh pleasant aroma will give the breath nutmeg.

Effective home remedies can help fight halitosis, cleanse the mouth, remove bacteria, and reduce or eliminate unpleasant odors. But they are not able to rid a person of the cause of the symptom. If the smell haunts constantly, the struggle brings temporary freshness, you need to see a doctor.


Preventing halitosis is easy. Undergo regular check-ups with a dentist, carefully monitor the oral cavity, follow the doctor's recommendations. In addition to brushing your teeth, you need to clean the tongue, as a mass of bacteria settles on the organ. The tongue is cleaned with a regular brush or a special rubber brush.

It is important to monitor your diet, exclude unhealthy foods, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Doctors recommend adjusting nutrition and lifestyle. So that a bad scent does not pursue a person, you will need to give up bad habits.

The main thing is to monitor your health, treat diseases in time digestive system and undergo preventive examinations.

Alternative medicine and the uncontrolled use of herbs to eliminate symptoms can be ineffective and hazardous to health.

If all the measures taken do not give a result, nothing helps, and the stench appears immediately after brushing your teeth, an unpleasant smell becomes a habitual phenomenon - you need to visit a doctor. The dentist will examine the oral cavity and find out whether an unpleasant symptom has appeared from the teeth or not, and will tell you what to do to avoid trouble. If the pathology is not of a dental nature, you will have to consult a gastroenterologist. The doctor will diagnose, diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Many have met people with bad breath more than once. In medicine, this phenomenon is called halitosis. Yes, and some themselves sometimes feel that they smell disgusting.

Bad breath is rather subjective. In general, it consists in deviating from generally accepted standards, which leads to disgust or avoidance of contact with a person with this problem.

Remember that the repeated occurrence of unpleasant breathing can be the result of painful processes in the body. Therefore, it is imperative to find out the cause of the problem.

Halitosis is often the culprit for serious problems:

  • in the social sphere;
  • interpersonal contacts - despite their attractive appearance, people can literally become outcasts in the team, and misunderstandings often arise in the family on this basis;
  • a person may well develop complexes, lower self-esteem;
  • there is even such a mental disorder - halitophobia (fear of bad breath).

What are the most common causes of halitosis?

Most often, halitosis is associated with poor hygiene, but this is far from the main factor.

In about 90% of cases, halitosis is caused by pathological processes in the oral cavity, in a smaller part - diseases of the stomach, esophagus, intestines, systemic and metabolic disorders:

  • insufficient dental hygiene;
  • caries, especially advanced;
  • food leftovers under the dentures;
  • conditions accompanied by a decrease in the amount of saliva secreted, which is of great importance in rinsing out food particles (for example, Sjogren's syndrome);
  • stomatitis of various etiologies;
  • frequently recurring sinusitis;
  • chronic inflammatory processes, abscesses and dilatation (stretching) of the bronchi;
  • systematic purulent tonsillitis;
  • gastritis (catarrh of the stomach);
  • very long presence of food in the stomach. This can be, for example, with stenosis of its pyloric (exit) department or slow peristalsis;
  • gastroesophageal (gastroesophageal) reflux - the throwing of food that has already begun to be digested along with gastric juice into the esophagus. In most cases, this disease is due to the weakness of the esophageal sphincter;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • uremia, in particular with severe renal failure;
  • expansion of the esophagus;
  • severe liver failure, etc.

What other causes of bad breath in an adult can be:

  • smoking cigarettes, abuse of alcoholic beverages, taking certain medications (antihypertensive and diuretics) - this provokes dry throat, reduces the production of saliva;
  • menstruation or menopause - in addition to dryness of the oral mucosa, there is a change in the level of hormones, which activates the reproduction of bacteria. In this case, you need to brush your teeth often, drink more water and use sugar-free gum;
  • strong mental stress - the stress hormone not only increases sweating, but also inhibits the secretion of the salivary glands (which is why when we are nervous, our mouth dries up). This disrupts the microbial flora and releases more sulfur compounds;
  • diet for weight loss, because low-calorie food and fasting often cause dehydration;
  • persistent constipation - food stays in the intestines for a long time, it decays and gasses, toxins are absorbed into the blood and excreted by the whole body.

Do you suspect that you have bad breath? It's very easy to check it!

To find out if you have a problem, ask a loved one. If you are shy, you can check it yourself. It is best to do this 2-3 hours after eating. Then the maximum amount of bacteria is present in the mouth.

Do not brush your teeth or use fresheners (liquids, chewing gum, mints, etc.)

So, do the following:

  • open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue as much as possible. Rub it with your fingers and then smell them;
  • brush your teeth for 3 minutes with a dry brush without paste. Do not wet or rinse it. Smell the brush half a minute after the procedure;
  • a floss without wax and fragrance go between your teeth. After half a minute, sniff the thread.

It is assumed that the odor left on the thread or brush is identical to that released from the mouth.

Bad breath in the morning - normal or pathological?

In the morning, immediately after waking up, do you feel an intense specific aroma? This is a completely physiological phenomenon, about which you absolutely should not worry.

Bad odor in the morning is caused by a decrease in saliva production during sleep. There are many anaerobic bacteria in the mouth, especially on the tongue.

Microbes produce gases, ammonia, amino acid degradation products and fatty acids. These substances have an unpleasant odor.

Also, during sleep, bacterial decomposition of food debris occurs.

Symptoms that may accompany unpleasant breathing

In addition to the unpleasant smell, there may be other signs that can help determine the cause of the problem.

What symptoms are important in terms of diagnosis:

  • burning, pain, discomfort, irritation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue - they speak of the pathology of the ENT organs (inflammatory, infectious, tumor). The infectious process can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses or protozoa;
  • toothache - constant or while eating;
  • dry mouth for various reasons;
  • pain in the nose, forehead, eye sockets, jaw, rhinitis, frequent infections of the upper respiratory tract;
  • weakness, fatigue, intense thirst, frequent profuse urination, increased appetite;
  • hoarseness lasting more than 10-14 days, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, painful sensations when talking and swallowing are signs of a malignant neoplasm of the larynx;
  • pain and gurgling when swallowing, belching, reflex cough - this is typical for esophageal diverticulum;
  • belching, heartburn, cough, increased stomach acidity;
  • progressive renal or hepatic failure - because at this stage, the patients are under medical supervision; in principle, it makes no sense to describe the symptoms.

Diagnostics and treatment

Successful treatment of bad breath is impossible without identifying the specific cause of the disease.

Diagnostics consists in identifying concomitant symptoms:

  • if local signs of damage to the oral cavity, nose, pharynx or larynx are found, then the doctor who must be visited first of all should be a dentist or otorhinolaryngologist (depending on the location of the problem). If necessary, these specialists send for additional analyzes and studies - X-ray or tomography of the paranasal sinuses, bacteriological smear of the nasopharynx, histopathological analysis, etc.;
  • if gastrointestinal disorders prevail, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist in order to examine for gastroesophageal reflux. Gastroscopy and acidogastrometry (measuring the acidity of the stomach) can help the doctor in making a diagnosis;
  • if general symptoms dominate, it is best to start the examination with a general practitioner or family doctor.

The degree of severity of halitosis is also evaluated:

  • mild - when the smell is felt at a distance of 10 cm from the patient;
  • medium - at a distance of 30 cm;
  • heavy - 1 meter.

To measure the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds in the exhaled air, a halitometer apparatus is used. Its action is based on the principle of gas chromatography. Research helps not only in diagnosis. Also, using halitometry, you can monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

When will the dentist help?

Caries, necrotizing and gangrenous pulpitis often show a putrid odor. It is necessary to cure teeth and gums, to eliminate inflammatory processes.

If you have dentures, you need to have a dentist to treat bad breath. The doctor will examine and check them. They must not be damaged or worn out. In the presence of defects on the surface of the prostheses, a large number of bacteria accumulate, which is very difficult to get rid of with ordinary cleaning.

It is important that the dentures are fully consistent with the dentition and are correctly manufactured. Otherwise, they will constantly injure and irritate the mucous membrane. This is manifested by discomfort, redness, swelling, i.e. inflammatory processthat can even become to provoke malignant neoplasms.

How to maintain hygiene?

The best way to have good breath, teeth and gums is to follow good hygiene practices.

Healthy teeth not only make a person younger and more attractive, but also provide high-quality chewing of food and good articulation of speech.

A healthy mouth is very important to your wellness!

Daily prevention plays a significant role, especially thorough cleansing.

In addition to regular visits to the dentist, everyone can easily perform the simplest manipulations, which greatly reduce the risk of caries, gingivitis and other dental diseases.

What to do:

  • brush your teeth with high quality twice a day and use dental floss daily;
  • eat well and balanced, avoid snacks between meals;
  • for hygiene, use special products containing fluoride (pastes, rinses, etc.) recommended by dentists.

How are diseases of the ENT organs and unpleasant breathing related?

What to do if bad breath continues to bother you even though your dental problems have been fixed? It is worth visiting an otorhinolaryngologist.

Perhaps the reason lies in the tonsils or paranasal sinuses:

  • there are accumulations of lymphoid tissue in the pharynx that can be seen with the naked eye. These are the palatine tonsils, the more common name for which is simply the tonsils. In a healthy person, they are small and moderately elastic. But if someone often suffers, for example, sore throats, rhinitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the tonsils are usually enlarged and have a loose edematous surface. Desquamated epithelium and mucus (plugs), food debris, etc., accumulate in the folds of the tonsils. All this is decomposed by anaerobic bacteria and an unpleasant putrid smell appears;
  • sinusitis is also often to blame for halitosis. Purulent secretion flows down the throat and lingers on its walls and in the tonsils. A similar situation can be observed with rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa).

If the doctor detects diseases of the ENT organs, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment, which will quickly remove the infection:

  • antibiotics (tablets, sprays, throat rinses, etc.);
  • if necessary, removal of tonsils.

Check your stomach

Gastroenterological problems are very often accompanied by an unpleasant odor in the mouth.

This could be:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • acute catarrh of the stomach (gastritis);
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • lack of enzymes of the pancreas and liver, etc.

In the latter case, food is digested very slowly and literally rots in the stomach.

Unpleasant gases can be produced by fungal infections of the digestive tract and anaerobic infections. The only way out is treatment by a gastroenterologist.

The problem is not always caused by a disease. Overeating may be the cause!

A full stomach compresses the diaphragm. As a result, the digested food, along with the acidic gastric juice, enters the esophagus and poisons the breath.

In such cases, changing the diet will help:

  • reducing portions;
  • restriction of sweets, coffee;
  • exclusion of heavily digestible, fried and fatty foods.

Natural ways to make your breath feel good?

Not only dental diseases lead to the development of halitosis. It can appear in violation of the processes of digestion in the stomach and fermentation of food in the intestine. Fungal infections, accumulation of heavy metals, functional disorders of the liver, kidneys and lungs can all be the cause.

Sulfur compounds begin to be intensively excreted by the body, including the lungs.

Supermarket breath fresheners only mask the smell, not the cause.

In many cases, the problem can be solved with natural remedies. It will be not only effective, but also absolutely safe for health.

Healthy gastrointestinal tract

One of the most important prerequisites for fresh breath is systematic bowel cleansing.

How to get rid of bad breath with constipation and irregular bowel movements? This requires:

  • eat a lot of fiber;
  • get enough water.

This is not to say that you have to "revel". Of course not! However, drinking a glass of water 10 minutes before breakfast is a great way to activate intestinal motility and kidney function.

Then it is enough to drink a glass of water before each meal and a couple of cups of green tea throughout the day.

During active physical activity, sports or heat, the drinking regime should be increased!

Pay attention to foods that contain both water and fiber:

  • green salad;
  • fruits;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • germinated seeds;
  • beans, etc.

Healthy intestinal microflora

Beneficial bacteria are very important not only for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but for the whole body as a whole.

Regular consumption of probiotics helps support the microflora and normal bowel function.

Probiotics are found not only in yoghurts, kefir and other dairy products. There are muesli, juices, chocolate bars, etc.

There are many pharmacological preparations based on probiotic bacteria and fungi, as well as dietary supplements.

How to deal with bad breath with regular store products

Some popular foods sold in every grocery store can help freshen and clear your breath.

The main thing is to use them regularly, then the effect will not be long in coming:

  • water - flushes out harmful bacteria, and in combination with a slice of lemon, water becomes a good freshener;
  • sugar free chewing gum - chewing increases the production of saliva, which neutralizes the acid released by bacteria;
  • parsley - its greenery contains chlorophyll, which gives it a bright color. This substance is a powerful natural deodorant. Parsley is the most popular and effective remedy;
  • natural yoghurt - Various scientific studies have confirmed that the live bacteria present in this fermented milk product help to cope with halitosis. They neutralize colonies of other bacteria inhabiting the tongue that are responsible for the stale odor;
  • green tea - its leaves contain catechin, a powerful antioxidant. It destroys a huge number of harmful microorganisms on the tongue;
  • fruits - apples and pears increase salivation. Saliva plays an important role in the prevention of caries and, as mentioned above, neutralizes bacterial acids;
  • nuts - regular consumption of these products not only strengthens the teeth, but also acts like a brush on them. The fiber found in nuts gently cleanses and reduces microbes in the mouth;
  • vitamin C - citrus fruits and berries are the most important source. Vitamin C helps fight inflammatory gum disease by making it more resistant to microbial attack.

There are foods that have dual properties. For example, onions and garlic. When we eat them, their aroma lingers in respiratory tract for a whole day, or even more. Onions and garlic are found in many salads, sauces, etc.

The aromatic substances they contain are absorbed in the intestines and then exhaled by the lungs. This is why bad breath lasts so long.

However, there is also a positive side to eating onion and garlic. Their essential oils, entering the lungs, have a disinfectant effect.

Do deodorants help overcome the problem?

If halitosis occurs as a result of eating foods such as garlic, then refreshing sprays are ideal. With their help, you can quickly mask a specific aroma.

When choosing a deodorant, it is important to consider the following points:

  • pay attention to how much alcohol is in the composition. Alcohol-based preparations can irritate and dry out the mucous membrane;
  • it is best to purchase a spray containing peppermint or eucalyptus oil, which are definitely softer;
  • if the composition contains an antimicrobial component, for example, chlorhexidine, then such a drug is indicated more likely after dental procedures or for periodontal diseases.

Remember that deodorants last for a relatively short time. These products are good in situations where hygiene is not possible. traditional ways... If you have the opportunity to brush your teeth, be sure to do it!

The key to fresh breath is regular hygiene, i.e. brushing your teeth after meals, using floss and dental rinses.

How to eliminate bad breath with a spray? It needs to be sprayed into the tongue. Just one application is enough to feel the effect.

If you decide to purchase deodorant, think carefully about whether it is really the solution for you. Perhaps the reason lies in some kind of disease, and the smell is only a consequence. Therefore, if you are very bothered by halitosis, consult your doctor.