Anatomy: Skroneva kistka. Skronev Kistka Channels Skronev Kistka Functions

  1. The front surface of the pіramidi, fades anterior partis petrosae. Small. A, B.
  2. Dah drum empty, tegmen rympani. Thin cystkova plate anteriorly and laterally to the arcuate underneath. Small. V.
  3. Dugopodibne pidnesennya, eminentia arcuaia. Lie on the front surface of the piracy. Vidpovidaє of the front canals. Small. A, B.
  4. A crevice to the canal of the great kamyany nerve, hiatus canalis n. Petrosi majoris. Opening on the anterior surface of the pyramid, in which one nerve passes. Small. A, B.
  5. The crevice to the canal of the small kamyany nerve, hiatus canalis n. petrosi minoris. Opening on the anterior surface of the pyramid, below the gorge, to the canal of the great stony nerve. Small. A, B.
  6. Boroza of the great stone nerve, sulcus n. petrosi majoris. Directly from the sloping gorge forward and medially to the ragged opening. Small. V.
  7. Boroza of the small stone nerve, sulcus n.petrosi minoris. Directly from the sloping gorge to the oval opening. Small. V.
  8. Threefold depression, impresio trigeminalis. Loss of death on the anterior surface of the pyramid at the top for the university of the tripartite nerve. Small. V.
  9. Upper edge of the piracy, margo superior partis petrosae. Small. A, B.
  10. Boroza of the upper stone sinus, sulcus sinus petrosi superioris. Go through the upper edge of the pіramіdi. Small. A, B.
  11. The posterior surface of the pіramidi, fades posterior partis petrosae. Small. A.
  12. Internal auditory otvir, porus acusticus internus. Lie on the back surface of the piracy. Small. A.
  13. Internal auditory passage, meatus acusticus internus. To revenge VII, VIII cranial nerves and judges. Small. A.
  14. Subarc fossa, fossa subarcuata. Loss of death over the internal auditory passage. Inserted with a small lobe. Small. A.
  15. Front water supply, aqueductus vestibuli. Vuzky canal in the rear station of the pirida, z'ednana with the endolimfatic spaciousness of the inner vuh.
  16. The name is the aperture of the water supply system of the front, apertura externa aqueductus vestibuli. Small. A.
  17. The back edge of the piridi, margo posterior partis petrosae. Small. A, B.
  18. Boroza of the lower stone sinus, sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris. Small. A.
  19. Yaremna virizka, incisura jugularis. Open the front edge of the jugular opening. Small. A, B.
  20. Intraspinous outgrowth, processus intrajugularis. Rozdilya jugular opening on two sides: in the posterolateral jugular vein, in the anteromedial - IX, X, XI cranial nerves. Small. A, B.
  21. Ravliki's canaliculus, canaliculus cochleae. Reveal the perilymph duct.
  22. The name of the aperture of the canaliculi of the ravlik, apertura externa canaliculi cochleae. Roztashovana in front and medially from the jugular fossa. Small. B.
  23. The lower surface of the pіramidi, fades inferior partis petrosae. Small. B.
  24. Jugular fossa, fossa jugularis. To lie down for a jugular virizka. Revenge the upper cybulin of the internal jugular vein. Small. B.
  25. Teat tubule, canaliculus mastoideus. I took the ear in the jugular pit. To take revenge on the throat of the blukayuyu nerve. Small. B.
  26. A styloid bud, processus styloideus. Lateral and anterior retouching of the jugular fossa. Є Let's lose another zyabrovy arch. Small. A, B, G.
  27. Styloid opening, foramen stylomastoideum. Roztashovana behind the styloid appendage between the nipple-like appendage and the jugular fossa. Є zovnishnim opening of the facial channel. Small. B.
  28. Drum tubule, canaliculus tympanicus. To mend in the stone dimples. Revenge the tympanic nerve and the lower drum artery. Small. B.
  29. Kamyanista dimple, fossula petrosa. Roztashovana on the cyst ridge between the zonal opening of the sleepy canal and the jugular fossa. Revenge the drum of the ulcer-pharyngeal nerve. Small. B.
  30. Empty drum, cavitas tympanica. Vuzka, how to take revenge on the space between the cyst labyrinth and the drum overflow.
  31. Kamyanisto-drum [[Glazer]] schilinu, fissura petrotympanica []. Roztashovana between the drum part and the cyst plate, the rocky part of the early cyst, dorsomedial from the lower slit fossa. Small. B, G.
  32. Kamyanisto-luskata schilina, fissura petrosquamosa. Roztashovana on the side of the skull, in front of the rocky-drum-like slit, between the cyst plate and the flaky part of the skeletal cyst. Small. B, C.
  33. Drum-luskata schilina, fissura tympanosquamosa. To get up in the face of evil, there are two shilines. Small. B, G.
  34. Drum-nipple-like cracks, fissura tympanomastoidea. Roztashovana between the drum part and the nipple-like sprout. Misce vyhodu vushnoї gіlka of the blukayuyu nerve. Small. B, G.

Skrone kistka, os temporale, is a pair, foldable for the shape and buddoge, like taking care of the fate in the established base of the skull, being supported by both pylitic and wedge-like cysts, as well as supplementing the basic features of the cranial dakha. They have three parts, roztasovani near the last auditory opening: luskat, drum and kam'yanist.
Luskata chastina, pars squamosa, is a vertically spreading cyst plate. The vilny uneven, obliquely edging edges of the won’t come close behind the additional flaky seam from the lower edge of the wedge-like brush and the great crill of the wedge-like brush. At the bottom of the luskat, a part of the slope goes up to the rocky and drum parts and turns out to the rocky-lusky chilinoy, fissura petrosquamosa (a little pity on the leaves of young sub'ktyv), and on the drum part - tyus
The name of the skrone surface, facies temporalis, the lusky part is smooth, take care of the fate in the established skrone. Near the lower edge of it, there is a willow outgrowth, processus zygomaticus, straightening forward, de vin bend with the curled outgrowth of a willow brush and fixing the zygomatic arch, arcus zygomaticus. The willow outgrowth appears in two edges, between which the lower slit fossa, fossa mandibularis, is established. The vaughn is covered with cartilage and is connected with the angled ridge of the lower slit. The anterior root of the zygomatic outgrowth, dragged in front of the lower slit fossa, the shape of a hump, tuberculum articulare. On the dorsal root of the zygomatic ridge there is an analogous articular hump, tuberculum retroarticulare, lesser bends. Behind the veins, go into the skronevu line, linea temporalis.
The inside of the cerebral surface, facies cerebralis, lusky part is unhealthy with cerebral palsy, digital impressions, as well as furrows of the cerebral membrane.

Malunok: Skroneva kistka, right, type of call.
1 - willow vine; 2 - hump; 3 - lower slit fossa; 4 - stone-tympanic splinter; 5 - awl-like outgrowth; 6 - drum part; 7 - the call of the rumors of the openings; 8 - edge of the drum part; 9 - nipple-like outgrowth; 10 - nipple-like opening; 11 - skroneva line; 12 - luskata chastina.

Drum part, pars tympanica, zooseredzhena near the ear canal, meatus acusticus externus. In newborns, the won is swirled in the viglyadі kіltsya, anulus tympanicus, in the open dogory and in the colossal ringing of rumors. You must grow and get angry with the suspended parts. In older adults, the drum part is flanked by the bottom and back of the ear openings, porus acusticus externus, and the empty drum, cavum tympani, growing along the green edges of the thin and nipple-like part. From the lusca of the von is bordered by a drum-lusque slit, in the yak from the side of the front surface of the pyramid, go into the sprout of the drum dakha, for which the slit is called to be distributed on two parallel stone-lines, petrosamy-fissure-lusca through the yak from the drum empty pass the throat of the facial nerve - the drum string, chorda tympani. The cartilaginous part of the ear canal is attached to the wicked and curved edge of the drum part, which is adjacent to the ear canal.
Hang the supra-anus, spina supra meatum above the auditory opening.
The Kamyanist part, pars petrosa, or piramida, behind the form is a three-sided pyramid, the base of which is turned back and laterally, the top is forward and medial. On the first stage, there are three surfaces, from the front, facies anterior, and back, facies posterior, and the lower, facies inferior, to enter the fold of the outer surface of the base of the skull. The top is edged with three edges: top, front and back. Pіdstava pіramіdi zrozhenі z luskatoї part. A small delinka is presented with a piracy, named atrocities, to become unacceptable and to avenge the called rumors. There is a large part of the elements of the organs in the hearing: the cyst part of the ear canal, the middle and the inner ear.
On the anterior surface of the pyramid, there is an arcuate eminentia arcuata, similar to the anterior sinus canal in the labyrinth of the internal air. Two thin furrows pass in front of the whole day: great and small stony nerves, sulci n. retrosi majoris et n. petrosi minoris, scho end in front of one valley, hiatus canalis n. petrosi majoris et hiatus canalis n. petrosi minoris. Open the nerves through the meanings. The common part of the central surface of the brush, where it lies between the arched underneath and scaly-rocky splinters, becomes the upper part of the empty drum, and that is called the drum dach, tegmen tympani. Near the top of the pyramid, there is a threefold depression, impressio trigemini. The bridle of the upper edge of the pyramid passes through the boron of the upper stone sinus, sulcus sinus petrosi superioris. On the back surface of the pyramid є the internal auditory opening, porus acusticus internus, is provided at the internal auditory passage, meatus acusticus internus. Behind the inner auditory opening, there is a first opening to the front water supply, apertura externa aqueductus vestibuli, through the yak pass ductus endolymphaticus. At the upper edge of the piracy between the internal auditory opening and the external opening to the water supply, there is a subarc fossa, fossa subarcuata, as children have the reach of great growths, and when they grow up, they change significantly. At the lower edge on the porus acusticus internus there is an opening of the canaliculi of the ravlik, apertura externa canaliculi cochleae. Along the posterior edge of the pirida idde, there is a furrow of the lower camy sinus, sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris. The lower surface of the pyramid is uneven. In order to go down and forward, an awl-like outgrowth, processus styloideus is the place of attachment of muscular tissues. The general development of the growth is within reach of people who have been kidnapped. Wines are stored from decilkokh vidrizkiv, ostenin okremo and get angry before you finish it nicely. Between the awl-shaped and nipple-like outgrowths before the outer auditory opening, there is an awl-nipple-like opening, foramen stylomastoideum, which serves as a pathway to the facial nerve. In front of and medially from the styloid appendage is the jugular fossa, fossa jugularis. At the bottom of the center of the fossa, you can see the openings of the nipple-like tubule, canaliculus mastoideus. In front of the jugular fossa there is a callous opening to the canal of the sleepy artery, foramen caroticum externum, leading to the canal of the sleepy artery, canalis caroticus, which appears on the upper internum, foramen to the internal carotic. On the back side of the canal of the sleepy artery, close to the opening, there is a decal of small openings of the sleepy-drum tubules, canaliculi caroticotympanici, which appear in the empty drum and guide the judges and nerves. At the comb, there is an opening of the carotid canal and a jugular fossa to see a stone dimple, fossula petrosa, at the bottom of which the drum canal for the same nerve is repaired. Laterally from the foramen caroticum internum, in the gibin of the kut, set with a luscious and front edge of the piracy, the entrance opening of the myazo-tubal canal, canalis musculotubarius, separated by a separate cyst, two septum ... tensoris tympani, auditory tube, semicanalis tubae auditivae.

Malyunok: Skroneva copy of the law, view from the middle and from the back.
1 - arc-like underneath; 2 - tim'ya region; 3 - dah drum empty; 4 - furrowed upper kamyous sinus; 5 - borodenal sigmoid sinus; 6 - nipple-like opening; 7 - tilted edge; 8 - awl-like outgrowth; 9 - furrowed lower kamyanous sinus; 10 - top of the piracy; 11 - kam'yanist chastin, abo piramida; 12 - willow vine; 13 - wedge-shaped edge; 14 - arterial boron; 15 - the back surface of the pіramidi; 16 - internal auditory holes.

From the bottom to the bottom it is knotted into the nipple-like growth, processus mastoideus, the surface of the short hair is attached to the ny sternocleidomastoid nipple-like muscle. In the middle of the nipple-like outgrowth, there is a middle, cellulae mastoidei, of a small form and size, in a mucous membrane. Naybilsha large group - nipple-like stove, antrum mastoideum, see the empty middle air. Up to the middle of the top of the nipple-like outgrowth, there are two parallel furrows. Medially pass borodenal artery, sulcus a. occipitalis, and laterally - nipple-like virizka, incisura mastoidea, scho mіscem a cob of the digastric ointment. From the drum part of the nipple-like outgrowth, the drum-nipple-like spine, fissura tympanomastoidea, passes through the yak, the head of the bloody nerve passes through the yak. At the seam of the nipple-like part and the pylitic cyst there is a nipple-like opening, foramen mastoideum. On the last surface of the nipple-like appendage, they see a practically important dilenka - a nipple-like tricycle, which in front of the lining of the line, carried out from the spina supra meatum (div. from above - line, yak є to the extension of the lower edge of the willow outgrowth. Trikutnik serve as a trepanation monsters at ignition processes middle wooh.
On the inner surface of the nipple-like outgrowth, the sigmoid sinus, sulcus sinus sigmoidei, is S-shaped. Approximately in the middle of the day, a nipple-like opening appears.
Channels of the early list. 1. The canal of the facial nerve, canalis facialis, should be repaired at the bottom of the internal auditory meatus and directed forward and laterally to the level of the canals of the stone nerves. Svidsi go straight kutom vin yde laterally and backward, fixing vigin - a colinse, geniculum canalis facialis, change directly from the horizontal in the vertical and end with an awl-nipple-like opening.
2. Channel of sleepy artery, canalis caroticus (descriptions in the text).
3. M'yazovo-trumpet canal, canalis musculotubarius.
4. the tubule of the drum string, canaliculus chordae tympani, is repaired from the facial canal of the trocha through the awl-nipple-like opening and ends in the area of ​​fissura petrotympanica. At the new one, the head of the facial nerve passes through - the drum string.
5. Nipple-like tubule, canaliculus mastoideus, lays on the cob at the bottom of the jugular fossa and ends in the drum-nipple-like line. Through the tsey tubule pass the throat of the bloating nerve.
6. Drum tubule, canaliculus tympanicus, vinikє in fossula pеtrosa with apertura inferior canaliculi tympanici opening, through the yake enter the glovo-pharyngeal nerve, n. tympanicus. Having passed through the drum empty, the whole nerve under the name n. petrosus superficialis minor go through the upper opening to the canal, roztashovane on the front surface of the piracy.

Malunok: Skroneva copyright, bottom view.
1 - hump; 2 - lower slit fossa; 3 - rocky-drum-shaped slice; 4 - drum part; 5 - nipple-like outgrowth; 6 - nipple-like virizka; 7 - myazovo-pipe channel; 8 - internal sleep openings; 9 - call to sleep of openings; 10 - jugular fossa; 11 - awl-nipple-like opening; 12 - boron artery.

7. Sleepy-drum tubules, canaliculi caroticotympanici, pass through the sleepy artery canal near the doorway and enter the empty drum. The stench is to serve for the passage of the judgment and nerves.
Oosteninnya. Skroneva kistka has 6 ossification points. In the end of the 1st month of intrauterine development, there are ossification points in the lusts, on the 3rd month - in the drum part. On the 5th month of the year, there are a number of ossification points in the cartilaginous foundation of the pyramid. Until the moment of populist skrone, the knuckle is stored in three parts: lusky with the rudiment of the zygomatic outgrowth, stone with the rudiment of the nipple-like part and the drum, which in the main is already formed, but in the newly arisen, there are too many of them. The awl-like sprout grows from two centers. The upper center appears in front of the people and gets angry with the stone part of the first fate of life. The lower center appears to be a part of the people and to get angry with the upper center when it comes to the period of the state of maturity. By stretching out the first fate of life, three parts of the brush grow between themselves.

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1. Facial nerve canal (canalis n. Facialis) to fix at the bottom of the internal auditory canal and to go forward and laterally to the valley level to the canal of the great stone nerve. Here the vigin is set - the ring of the face to the channel (Geniculum n. Facialis)... From the canal, the canal goes straight along the cuff laterally and backwards the bridle of the axis of the piracy, then the horizontal straight line changes vertically and ends with the rear end of the drum emptying of the awl-nipple-like opening.

2. Sleepy canal (canalis caroticus) repaired with a callous aperture on the lower surface of the pyramid, move vertically, and face downward with a straight cut, see at the top of the pyramid internal aperture (apertura interna canalis carotid)... The internal sleep artery passes through the canal.

3. M'yazovo-trumpet canal (canalis musculotubarius) to repair at the top of the paramount, between the front edge and the thin front brush. Vin to become a part of the auditory tube.

4. Drum string canaliculus (canaliculus chordae tympani) to repair from the canal of the facial nerve trocha through the styloid opening and end in the stone-drum cleft. At the new one, the head of the facial nerve passes through - the drum string.

5. Teat tubule (canaliculus mastoideum) take the cob at the bottom of the jugular fossa and end in the drum-nipple-like slot. Through the tsey tubule pass the throat of the bloating nerve.

6. Drum tubule (canaliculus tympanicus) vinikє into the kamyanist_y dimples with an opening, through the yak enter the throat of the oticopharyngeal nerve - the drum nerve. Having passed through the empty drum, you go through the same ravine to the front surface of the piracy.

7. Sleepy drum tubules (canaliculi caroticotympanici) to pass in the stationary channel of the sleepy artery close to the first aperture and to see the empty drum. The stench is to serve for the passage of the nerves and nerves (Table 1).

Table 1. Channels of the early list

Channels and channels

Yaki empty (oblast) z'єdnu

Go to the canals

sleepy canal

The name of the base of the skull and the top of the pancreatic cyst

Internal sleep artery, internal sleep (autonomous) nerve gossip

Sleepy-drum tubules

Sleepy canal (on the cob) and empty drum

Sleepy-drum nerves and arteries

Internal rumor passage

Posterior cranial fossa and internal vuho

Facial nerve (VII pair cranial nerves), Anterior ulcer nerve (VIII pair of cranial nerves), artery and vein of the internal vein

Facial nerve canal

The posterior surface of the paramedic skeletal cyst (internal auditory passage) and the styloid opening (outer cranial opening)

Facial nerve (VII pair of cranial nerves)

Drum string channel

The canal of the facial nerve, empty drum and stone-drum cleft (outside the skull)

Drum string - facial nerve drum (VII pair of cranial nerves)

drum tubule

The lower surface of the pyramidi skronevoy cistka (kamyanist dimple), the drum empty and the anterior surface of the piradi (gorge of the lesser kamyany nerve)

Malium kamyanistichesky nerve - throat of the laziopharyngeal nerve (IX pair of cranial nerves)

M'yazovo-pipe channel

The top of the pan and the empty drum

M'yaz, scho napruzhuє drum rewind (half-channel m'yaza, scho waggle drum rewind), auditory trumpet (half-channel of the auditory trumpet)

nipple tubule

I will jar the fossa and the drum-nipple-like slit

Vushna throat of the bloating nerve (X pair of cranial nerves)

anterior tubule

Anterior day of the internal air and posterior cranial fossa (aperture of the anterior canaliculus)

Front water supply and Vienna front water supply

ravliki tubule

The front of the internal wuh (the media wall of the cyst front) and the lower surface of the lower edge of the lower cyst (the aperture of the canalicus)

Plumbing Ravliki and Vienna Plumbing Ravliki

ossification: Skroneva brush grows from 6 points of ossification. First (in the end of the 2nd month of the intrauterine period) there are ossification points in the lusky part, on the 3rd month - in the drum part.

On the 5th month, there are a few ossified points in the cartilaginous foundation of the pyramid.

Until the moment of population skrone, the knuckle is stored in 3 parts: lusky with the rudiment of the zygomatic outgrowth, stone with the rudiment of the nipple-like outgrowth, and the drum part; mіzh with cimi parts in a new-born one there are cracks, zapovnenі with a full tissue. The awl-like sprout grows into 2 points.

The top point is to appear in front of the people and to get angry with the stone part of the stretching of the first fate of life. The lowest point is to be written by the people and to get angry with the upper deprivation in the period of statistic maturity. At the 1st ric of life, 3 parts of the brush grow between themselves.

Anatomy of a Human S.S. Mikhailov, A.V. Chukbar, A.G. Tsibulkin

Skroneva kistka, os temporale, Parna kistka, I can fold Budova, so as a vison of all 3 functions of the skeleton and not only the fixation of the part of the biconline and the base of the skull, but of the organization of hearing and gravitation. Won є a product of zlittya decilkokh kistok (zmishana kistok), which are independently used by the little creatures, and that is stored in three parts:

  1. chastin luskata, pars squamosa;
  2. drum part, pars tympanica i
  3. kam'yanista chastina, pars petrosa.

By stretching out the first fate of life, the stinks get angry into one basket, the ringing rumors pass through, meatus acusticus externus, such a rank, when the luskata part lies over it, the rocky part is to the middle to the bottom, and the drum is to the back from the bottom. go angry surroundings the pre-cut worms are reserved for all life at the sight of the industrial seams and shines, and the same: on the cordon pars squamosa and pars petrosa, on the antero-upper surface of the rest - fissura petrosquamosa; in the glybin of the lower slotted fossa - fissura tympanosquamosa, which grows into an adrosive rocky part on fissura petrosquamosa and fissura petrotympanica (through which the chorda tympani nerve enters).

Luskata chastina, pars squamosa, Take a part in the approved biches of the skull. Vona be carried up to the curved brush, that is, E. Kostenin on the ground with good fabrics And for some reason it’s quite simple for the viewer to stand vertically the plates with a rounded edge, put on the upper edge of the old brush, margo squamosa, at the viewer, there are ribs at the viewer, the sounds and look like її name.

on cerebral surface, facies cerebralis, Look at the brain, fingers, impressions, impressiones digitatae, and on the back of the furrow from a. meningea media. The name of the surface of the luska is smooth, take care of the fate in the established early fossa, and this is called facies temporalis. From it to enter the willow sprout, processus zygomaticus, which goes forward into the wilderness cist. Its cob has two roots: the anterior and the posterior, where there is a fossa for articulation from the lower slit, fossa mandibularis.

On the lower surface of the anterior root, there is a hump, tuberculum articulare, where the head of the lower slit is crossed forward with a significant open mouth.

Drum chastina, pars tympanica Approves the anterior, lower and part of the posterior edge of the ear canal, bone endesmally, as all the curved cysts, little plates, only sharply curved. The famous rumor passage, meatus acusticus externus, is a short canal, which is straight in the middle and trocha forward and leading into the drum empty. The upper edge of the last opening, poms acusticus externus, and the part of the rear edge is made up of a flat edge brush, and on the sieve - a drum part.

In the new-born callous rumors, they have not yet been formed, so the drum part is not just a ring (annulus tympanicus), tighten it with a drum ring. As a result of such a close rozstashuvannya drum rewind is called among the new women and children of the early age, most often are encouraged to get rid of drum emptying. Kam'yanist's part, pars petrosa, is so named after the miraculousness of its kistkovy speech, which was reinforced by him, as the part of the kistka takes care of the part in the presentation of the skull, and in the cystystyle of the organs of hearing and gravitational tonke budova and demand a motorman acquaintance from a shop. It grows out on the basis of cartilage. The other name of the central part is the pyramida, given according to the first form of the trigonal pyramid, the base of which is terribly named, and the top is forward and in the middle to the wedge-like cyst.

Piramida has three surfaces: front, back and bottom. The anterior surface extends to the bottom of the middle cranial fossa; the posterior surface is turned backwards і medially і fixing a part of the anterior wall of the posterior cranial fossa; the lower surface is turned down and only visible on the outer surface of the skull base. The name of the relay is foldable and the structure of the budovyyak in the middle (empty drum) and internal vuh (cyst labyrinth, which is stored up from the equal and alive of such nerves), as well as in the passageways. On the anterior surface of the pyramid, near the top, there is a slight depression, impressio trigemini, from the node of the tripartite nerve (n. Trigemini). Namely, two thin furrows pass through, medial - sulcus n. petrbsi majoris, і lateral - sulcus n. petrosi minoris. The stench leads to two identical openings: medial, hiatus canalis n. petrosi majoris, і lateral, hiatus canalis n. petrosi minoris. Names of these openings are slightly arc-like underneath, eminentia arcuata, where the vypynenya grows burrily to the labyrinth, the top of the semicircular canal.

The top of the brush mіzh eminentia arcuata і squama temporalis set the drum empty, tegmen tympani. Approximately in the middle of the rear surface of the pyramid, there is an internal auditory opening, porus acusticus internus, as well as an internal auditory passage, meatus acusticus internus, to pass the facial and auditory nerves, as well as the artery of the auditory nerves. From the lower surface of the pyramid, the beast on the base of the skull, there is a thin stinging of the styloid sprout, processus styloideus, the service provider with the small attachment of the muses of the "anatomical bouquet" (mm. stylohyoideum і stylomandibular. The shilopod_bnyy sprout is a part of the withers of the finch wandering. At once z lig. stylohyoideum vin є too far from the yazic arc. Between the styloid and nipple-like outgrowths there is a styloid opening, foramen stylomastoideum, through the yak to enter n. facialis and enter a small artery. Medially from the styloid appendage, the gliba jugular fossa, fossa jugularis, is removed. In front of fossa jugulalis, aside from it, we go with a comb, there is the first opening of the sleepy canal, foramen caroticum externum.

The pyramid has three edges: front, back and top. The short front edge is made up of the gostry kut with a lining. At the end of the codend there is a hole in the tube channel, canalis musculotubarius, leading to the empty drum. The channel with a partition extends into two sections: upper and lower. Upper, lesser, semi-channel, semicanalis m. tensoris tympani, containing a whole muscle, and the lower, larger, semicanalis tubae auditivae, is a cyst part of the auditory tube, which serves to carry out the throat into the empty drum. Along the upper edge of the pirudin, where the anterior and posterior surfaces are distributed, there is a well-worn sulcus, sulcus sinus petrosi superiors, - a trace of the same venous sinus. The posterior edge of the paramid anteriorly of the fossa jugularis is located at the basilar part of the capillary cyst and at the same time is closed with the cyst sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris - the next of the lower stony venous sinus.

The name of the surface is supposed to serve as a place of attachment of the music, which is the reason for the development of the її zvnіshnіy relєf (wadrostok, virizki, shorstkostі). To the bottom of it, you can find yourself in a nipple-like growth, processus mastoideus. The sternocleidomastoid nipple-like meat should be attached to the new one, as I put my head in the pivot, which is necessary when the body is upright. That nipple-like sprout is seen in chotirinoids and to navigate humanoid maws and develop only in humans in conjunction with their upright walking. On the medial side of the nipple-like outgrowth є the side of the nipple-like virizka, incisura mastoidea, is the attachment point of m. digastricus; even more to the middle - small bearded, sulcus a. occipitalis, is the name of the same artery. On the last surface of the nipple-like outgrowth, there is a smooth tricycle, which is a shortcut for quick access to the middle of the nipple-like outgrowth when the gnomes are stored.

In the middle of the nipple-like outgrowth and to take place in the middle of the cellulae mastoideae, which are like the wobbling light beams, like to see it from the drum empty, in the middle of the stench behind the antrum. On the cerebral surface of the base of the pyramid, there is a glibka boron, sulcus sinus sigmoidei, and there is one venous sinus. Channels of the early list. The largest channel is canalis caroticus, through which the inner sleep artery passes. Having felt his own inviting opening on the lower surface of the pyramid, one must go to the fire, then turn into a straight cut and see one's inner opening at the top of the medial canalis medially.

A special canal, canalis facialis, is repaired in the glybin porus acusticus internus; at the cychs, the canal opening, becoming horizontal, is turned towards the straight cut laterally and backward, the vigin is set up - the colinse, geniculum canalis facialis, and then downwards and then it ends behind the additional foramen stylomastoideum, rosted on top of the lower

Skroneva kistka, os temporale, a pair of kisstka, I can fold Budova, so as a vison of all 3 functions of the skeleton and not only the fixing part of the basic wall and the base of the skull, but to take advantage of the body's hearing and gravity. Won є a product of zlittya decilkokh kistok (zmishana kistok), which are independently used by the little creatures, and that is stored in three parts:
1) luskata chastin, pars squamosa;
2) drum part, pars tympanica i
3) kamyanist chastin, pars petrosa

Stretching out the first fate of life, the stink gets angry in one basket, quiescing callous rumor pass, meatus acusticus externus In such a rank, where the luskat part lies over it, the kamyanist part is right up to the middle of the next, and the drum is behind, below and in front. Follow the evil around the outer parts of the rim of the worms to be saved for all life by the eyes of the industrial seamstresses and shilines, and the very same: on the cordon pars squamosa and pars petrosa, on the antero-upper surface of the rest - fissura petrosquamos a; in the glybin, the lower slit fossa - fissura tympanosquamosa, Yaka will grow into an adolescent rocky part on fissura petrosquamosa і fissura petrotympanica(The chorda tympani nerve goes through it).

Luskata chastina, pars squamosa, Take a part in the approved biches of the skull. It should be carried up to the curved brushes, that is, Kostenin on the ground with a good fabric and it’s quite easy for the eyes to stand vertically. the edge of the tim'ya kistka, margo squamosa, At the viglyadі there are lusky ribs, the stars and sounds like її name.

On the cerebral surface, facies cerebralis, Take a note of the brain, fingers, impressiones digitatae, I visit furrow from a. meningea media... The name of the surface of the luska is smooth; facies temporalis.

From her to come willow vine, processus zygomaticus, Yakiy go ahead on the day of the Vilnicheskaya kistkoyu. Its ear of willow has two roots: anterior and posterior; fossa mandibularis.

Place on the lower surface of the anterior root humpback, tuberculum articulare, Scho pereshkojaє vivihu of the head of the lower slit forward with a significant opening of the company.

Drum chastina, pars tympanica The fringe of the cyst fixes the anterior, lower and part of the posterior edge of the ear canal, the bone is endemic, as all the curved cysts, although the plates are visible, are only slightly curved.

Called rumor pass, meatus acusticus externus, It is a short channel, which is straight in the middle і trochas forward і leading into the drum empty. Top edge of yogo open mouth, porus acusticus externus, The first part of the rear edge is set as a flat front brush, and on the sieve - with a drum part.

In the new-born callous rumors, they have not yet been formed, so the drum part is not just a ring (annulus tympanicus), tighten it with a drum ring. As a result of such a close rozstashuvannya drum rewind is called among the new women and children of the early age, most often are encouraged to get rid of drum emptying.

Kam'yanist's part, pars petrosa, is so named after the miraculousness of its key speech, which was explained by him, that part of the key takes care of the part in the delivery of the skull, and the cyst in the style of the organs of hearing and gravitating the future, as well as It grows out on the basis of cartilage. The other name of the central part is the pyramida, given according to the first form of the trigonal pyramid, the base of which is terribly named, and the top is forward and in the middle to the wedge-like cyst.

Pіramida MAє three surfaces: Front, back and bottom. The anterior surface extends to the bottom of the middle cranial fossa; the posterior surface is turned backwards і medially і fixing a part of the anterior wall of the posterior cranial fossa; the lower surface is turned down and only visible on the outer surface of the skull base. The name of the relay is foldable and the structure of the budovyyak in the middle (empty drum) and internal vuh (cyst labyrinth, which is stored up from the equal and alive of such nerves), as well as in the passageways.

On the front surface of the pyramid, near the top, there is a slight depression, impressio trigemini, View of the node of the tripartite nerve (n. Trigemini,). Name of the new pass two thin grooves, Media - sulcus n. petrosi majoris, I lateral - sulcus n. petrosi minoris... The stench leads to two identical openings: medial, hiatus candlis n. petrosi majoris, і lateral, hiatus canalis n. petrosi minoris. Named from these openings, eminentia arcuata, Scho to vvvyutsya zvdyaki vipinannya burrhlivayutsya to labyrinth, zokrem of the upper semicircular canal.

Top of the brush eminentia arcuata i squama temporalis I will make the drum empty, tegmen tympani.

Approximately in the middle of the rear surface of the pyramid is located internal auditory opening, porus acusticus internus, Yake wede y internal auditory passage, meatus acusticus internus, De pass the facial and auditory nerves, as well as the artery and veins to the labyrinth.

From the lower surface of the pyramid, the beast on the base of the skull, enter the thin fire styloid bud, processus styloideus Service "Anatomic bouquet"(Mm. Styloglossus, stylohyoideus, stylopharyngeus), as well as ligg. stylohyoideum і stylomandibular. The shilopod_bnyy sprout is a part of the withers of the finch wandering. At once z lig. stylohyoideum vin є too far from the yazic arc.

Between subulate and nipple-like growths are styloid opening, foramen stylomastoideum, Go through the yake n. facialis and enter a small artery. Medially from the styloid protuberance of the glibok jugular fossa, fossa jugularis... In front of fossa jugularis, we go out of the river with a comb, there is a call opening of the carotid canal, foramen caroticum externum.

The pyramid has three edges: front, back and top. The short front edge is made up of the gostry kut with a lining. It’s about the whole cottage hole of the target tube channel, candlis musculo tubarius, Providny to the drum empty. The channel with a partition extends into two sections: upper and lower. Upper, lesser, half-channel, semicanalis m. tensoris tympani, Vmіschuє in itself a whole muscle, and lower, more, semicandlis tubae auditivae, It is a kistkovu part of the auditory tube, which serves to carry out the drink from the throat into the empty drum.

Along the upper edge of the pirudin, where the anterior and posterior surfaces are distributed, there is a well-worn furrow, sulcus sinus petrosi superiors, - a trace of the same venous sinus.

The rear edge of the piracy before going to fossa jugularis, go to the basilar part of the pyelic chain and set up at once with the whole chain sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris- Slid of the inferior camy venous sinus.

The name of the surface is supposed to serve as a place of attachment of the music, which is the reason for the development of the її zvnіshnіy relєf (wadrostok, virizki, shorstkostі). Bottom of it, run into nipple-like growth, processus mastoideus... The sternocleidomastoid nipple-like meat should be attached to the new one, as I put my head in the pivot, which is necessary when the body is upright. To that nipple-like growth is seen in chotirinoids and to navigate humanoid maws and to develop only in humans in conjunction with their upright walking.
On the medial side of the nipple-like outgrowth є glibok nipple-like virizka, incisura mastoidea, - attachment m. digastricus; even more to the middle - small bearded, sulcus a. occipitalis, - slid, of the same artery.

On the last surface of the nipple-like outgrowth, there is a smooth tricycle, which is a shortcut for quick access to the middle of the nipple-like outgrowth when the gnomes are inserted.

In the middle of the nipple-like outgrowth midges cellulae mastoideae, As they are, as they look like empty beams, as they look at the empty drum beams, because of what smell you will see behind the middle antrum mastoideum... On the cerebral surface of the base of the piracy to pass gliboka boron, sulcus sinus sigmoidei, De lie one venous sinus.

Channels of the early list. Highest channel є canalis caroticus Through how to pass the inner sleep artery. Having felt his own inviting opening on the lower surface of the pyramid, one must go to the fire, then turn into a straight cut and see one's inner opening at the top of the medial canalis medially.

Special channel, canalis facialis, Repair in glybin porus acusticus internus, The canal spines from the front and laterally to the hiatus on the anterior surface of the paramedium; in tsikh, having opened the canal, becoming horizontal, turned laterally and backward with a straight kut, making a vigin - colinse, geniculum canalis facialis, And then go down and end up behind the additional foramen stylomastoideum, roztashovanim on the lower surface of the pandemonium, canalis musculotubarius.

Video # 1: normal anatomy of the cranial cyst

Інші video lessons on a qiu topic:

Video # 2: normal anatomy of the canals in the frontal cyst