Can I drink a drink every day and how many times a day can I drink it? Ivan tea - secrets of preparation and rules of use.

Traditional and traditional medicine have always been in easy, partial confrontation. But traditional medicine has at least one trump card: its medicines are not only useful, but also tasty. And you probably know this firsthand, if you have already tried to brew Ivan-tea. And if not, then it is worth learning how to brew Ivan-tea correctly and drink it as often as possible. It is possible that soon you just do not want to start the day with coffee or drink Chinese green tea before bedtime. These drinks will completely replace the fragrant and tasteful Ivan-tea. But even with the occasional use of this herbal drink gives vigor, health and pleasure. Want to try? For this you need to brew Ivan tea right. Fortunately, there is nothing complicated in this, and we will gladly share the details of the technology.

What is Ivan tea?
To begin with, Ivan Chai is no tea at all. At least, it has nothing to do with the tea plant and the raw materials that are cultivated and from which brewed black and green tea in Asian countries. Ivan-tea is generally a comic, popular name. You are unlikely to find it in the directory of botany. And if you still decide to find it in an encyclopedia or another official source, then pay attention to Cyprus, or rather, Cyprus-leaved. This is Ivan Chai, which from time immemorial has been brewed, drunk and is very loved in Russia. Nobody heard about Chinese tea at that time, but the kiprejnye grew abundantly throughout Siberia and in other wooded areas of the Northern Hemisphere.

This plant is large (up to 2 meters in height) and beautiful (it blooms with bright pink or lilac buds), but only leaves are used for brewing. They are collected, dried and fermented, and then brewed for drinking. Previously, it was harvested in large quantities to last for the whole winter. Especially succeeded in this in the area of ​​today's St. Petersburg, in the village of Koporye, where especially zealous amateurs Ivan-tea lived and worked. With their light hand, Ivan-tea received another (out of many) its name: Koporsky phytotea. His popularity throughout the Russian Empire was so high that merchants selling overseas teas seriously feared such competition.

Why drink Ivan tea? The benefits of Ivan tea
Of course, today we have much more opportunities to choose tea to taste: green, black, white, herbal ... Nevertheless, Ivan-tea continues to enjoy great demand. This is due to its effect on the human body. No, no, it's not all about the formation of dependence, but about the benefits and incredibly beneficial effects on literally all organ systems. An experienced herbalist or simply a knowledgeable person will call you several at once useful properties  Ivan Tea:

  • Sedation. Gently soothes at the end of the day, helps to relax and fall asleep. Relieves hyperexcitability, depressive states.
  • Painkiller. Helps to reduce or even relieve headache with migraines, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Laxative. Strengthens intestinal motility with frequent use, relieves constipation.
  • Antiseptic. Suitable for gargling with sore throat and other diseases.
  • Diuretic. It is indicated for cystitis and for general healing of the genitourinary system.
  • Heals wounds. Fresh leaves in a crushed state pus out wounds, accelerate tissue regeneration.
  • When rheumatism helps warm compresses of Ivan tea, superimposed on the joints, bones, aching muscles.
  • It treats the stomach with increased acidity due to its enveloping effect. It enhances the treatment of gastritis, colitis, etc. Rescues when poisoning.
  • Antipyretic. It protects against intoxication and restores strength.
  • Increases immunity. Accelerates recovery after SARS, acute respiratory infections, does not allow the development of a cold.
  • It is considered "male grass." Strengthens a potentiality, treats prostatitis and adenoma.
  • Helps blood formation. It alkalizes the blood. It is prescribed for anemia, anemia.
  • Antioxidant. Prophylactic agent for cancer.
  • It can be used as a cosmetic for the face, body and hair.
  • Does not affect pressure. You can drink and with hypertension and hypotension.
The leaves of Ivan tea do not contain any caffeine and oxalic acid. This is due to its mild effect on metabolism. At the same time, Ivan Tea is rich in essential oils. In addition to their own use, they ensure the safety of other substances, so Ivan-tea can be drunk not only freshly but also cooled down for two more days. From it, the body will receive a generous set of vitamins (group B, vitamin C) and minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron). But that's not all: Ivan Organic has organic acids, flavonoids and tannins. This chemical composition makes Ivan tea not only useful, but also tasty.

What is the taste of Ivan tea?
Speaking of benefits, they often lose sight of such an important moment as the taste of the product. But this is very important if you have to drink it, and not just do compresses. In the case of Ivan-tea, you should not worry about the taste. Moreover: they can be enjoyed as a truly pleasant herbal tea, which has become for many people a favorite drink without exaggeration. Ivan-tay honey also turns out very tasty: transparent, delicate, with a slightly greenish tinge. Seeds of Ivan Tea can even replace sugar: they have long been mixed with flour, intended for dough. So do not be afraid that you will have to drink Ivan-tea through force. Much more likely that you will appreciate and love its taste. But only if you learn how to brew Ivan tea right.

What is Ivan tea to brew? "Right" Ivan-tea
Properly brew "wrong" Ivan-tea you just will not work, so be attentive to the choice of leaves. If you are not collecting on your own and buying already prepared raw materials on the market or in a store, ask the seller about the conditions for collecting and processing leaves. Refuse to buy if you find out that at some stage the Ivan-tea harvesting technology was broken:

  • The leaves of Ivan tea collected in the period from July to September. At this time, the plant blooms.
  • Ivan tea can not be collected at the end of flowering. If the leaves are collected after the down appeared in place of flowers, they are not suitable for making a drink.
  • The best time to gather is in the morning. The weather should be dry, without rain and fog.
  • The technology of collecting Ivan tea has been developed: the stem is clamped with one hand on the top, and the second one removes the leaves from top to bottom.
  • You can take leaves only from healthy plants, with no signs of disease, dirt and dust.
  • An intelligent herbalist will never damage a plant when collecting leaves and leave it whole and fertile.
  • The best raw materials for tea are obtained from leaves collected little by little in different territories.
  • If among the leaves of Ivan Tea there are several of its flowers, this is a good sign: they were collected by an experienced specialist.
  • The collected leaves are washed from dirt, laid out evenly in an open place in the shade and dried for 2-3 days in a draft. Then crushed and dried in an oven at low temperature.
  • The most useful is not just dried, and fermented Ivan tea. After fermentation, the leaves acquire a sweetish, slightly floral aroma with fruity notes. Feel free to buy this Ivan tea and get ready to brew a tasty infusion from it.
How to brew and drink Ivan-tea
Suppose that you got exactly the right kind of properly prepared Ivan Tea. But do not think that success is guaranteed. Ivan tea brewed is not the same as tea in the literal sense of the word, black or green. Brewing Ivan tea also has nothing to do with the traditional tea ceremony. Properly brewing Ivan tea is needed in the following sequence:
  1. Brew Ivan tea can be in the usual ceramic teapot. If you take a glass teapot, then, in addition to taste, you can also enjoy the beautiful color of the drink.
  2. Dosage is very important for the proper welding of Ivan-tea. Since fermented leaves have a high biological activity, one person should not use more than 5 grams of tea leaves per day (approximately 2 tablespoons). For a half-liter teapot, two teaspoons of dry Ivan tea are sufficient.
  3. The taste of the drink from Ivan-tea strongly depends on the quality of water. Use only perfectly clean (but not distilled) drinking water, ideally spring or well water.
  4. Brewed to boiling water, pour the tea in the kettle and close it tightly with a lid. Wrap or heat the teapot is not necessary.
  5. After 10-15 minutes, gently shake the contents of the teapot without lifting the lid. This manipulation mixes the contents and activates the essential oils. Tea is ready to drink.
It is thanks to essential oils Ivan-tea retains its properties for at least another couple of days. It can be drunk cold or heated. But warming up, do not bring herbal tea to a boil. Sugar in Ivan tea is not put. Lovers of sweets can eat it with raisins, dates and / or other dried fruits.

How to brew Ivan tea right and tasty
There is another, more troublesome way to brew Ivan tea. Some connoisseurs prefer it because it reveals more of the taste of the drink. If you want to try, add some dried flowers to the dry leaves of Ivan Tea and place a thin layer on the bottom of an enamel pot or dipper. Fill up clear water room temperature so that the water level covered tea leaves about twice. Light a weak fire and slowly heat the infusion. At the first sign of boiling, remove from heat and leave for 10 minutes under a lid. This method of brewing was used in those times when Ivan-tea replaced all imported drinks to our ancestors. It may not be any better than modern brewing in a kettle, but you can appreciate both and choose one to your liking.

In any case, now that you know how to brew Ivan tea right, try to train yourself and all household members to drink it as often as possible. Herbal tea is associated with the simplicity of many, "grandmother's" recipes, but remember what a rush he caused once. It is not by chance that the British, famous tea connoisseurs, bought Ivan tea in Russia and were ready to pay any price. Today, Ivan-tea has become more accessible, but at the same time undeservedly forgotten. And you have a chance to restore justice, and at the same time get great benefits from this wonderful drink.

Call common in our area, a flowering plant - willow herb. It received its unusual name a long time ago, approximately in the XII century. The first mentions of him go deep into paganism, when in Russia they celebrated the day of Ivan Kupala - a celebration of water, earth and fire. In those days, willow tea was considered sacred grass. It was used in the treatment of many, even very serious diseases, for which they called boron potion.

Much later, at the time of the beginning of active world trade, it was exported to many countries called Koporsky Tea. This trade name Ivan-tea received by the name of the town of Koporye, which was located in the St. Petersburg province. It was there that the leaves were made from tea leaves, from there it spread all over the world.

And where did Ivan tea come from, what does the legend say?

There are several legends about the popular drink. We will focus on the most ancient Slavic legend that came to us from the depth of ages:

History begins in pagan times. Because people sinned a lot, the gods sent serious illnesses to them, people began to get sick and die often - a real sea began on the earth. Slavs began to pray and ask the gods for mercy and salvation, but they remained deaf to human prayers. And only one goddess Bathing room felt sorry for them.

One warm summer night she appeared in the sky, floating on a silver boat and scattered the seeds of medicinal herbs on the ground. There, where they fell, in the morning bloomed boiling-tea - Ivan tea.

What is useful Ivan tea?

This plant is useful for everything, entirely: the roots, stems, leaves, buds - contain a huge amount of valuable substances, thanks to which the willow herb is famous for its properties to heal the human body.

For example, a high content of tannins has an anti-inflammatory, enveloping effect, therefore infusions of fireweed are taken in case of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

The plant does not contain caffeine, there is no purine, oxalic, uric acids. Therefore, the use of tea from the leaves soothes well, helps to sleep in the evening. Well, a large amount of manganese, iron and copper gives the drink properties to improve metabolic processes,. In addition, its regular use helps to get rid of anemia.

The substance found in tender inflorescences and leaves - hanerol, according to some information, helps to fight tumors. At least, the antitumor drug, created on the basis of fireweed, is already being tested for effectiveness.

Ancient healers highly appreciated willow-tea. It was believed that he gives strength, keeps youth. And now folk healers recommend taking it to get rid of insomnia, to get rid of the symptoms of alcohol and food poisoning. Infusions, decoctions will help get rid of a migraine. Tea will help with colds and asthma. It also helps cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, enlightens the mind, adds energy.

Men who regularly drink a cup of flavored drink rarely have problems with the prostate gland and do not suffer from sexual impotence.

Ivan Tea - brewing recipes

In order for the prepared drink to bring tangible health benefits, it must be properly prepared, in particular, not to be filled with boiling water. Heat the teapot well (porcelain or ceramic). Sprinkle dried, palm-rubbed leaves, inflorescences, cover with very hot water with a temperature of 80 degrees. Observe the proportion: 1 tsp. on 200 ml. Warm a teapot with a thick towel. After 15 minutes, fragrant, healing drink will be ready.

Drain the liquid in another teapot, as steamed tea can be used up to four more times. And each portion will have valuable properties, since useful material  extracted from the grass gradually. As, for example, hanerol. This substance is fully disclosed after the third brew. Only the last two times, pour boiling water for no more than 3 minutes.

There are other recipes for making brewing tea.

Drinks from Ivan Tea

To prepare a vitamin drink, add crushed dried fruits: dried apricots, dates, raisins. Drink with the addition of honey.

The recipe for rustic tea includes raspberries and cherries. Apple leaves are often added to the composition.

Field tea is made from grass, fireweed inflorescences with the addition of wild raspberry, strawberry, lingonberry and oregano leaves. All this is mixed with.

How to drink ivan tea?

For therapeutic and recreational purposes, it is recommended to drink the drink half an hour before meals, or one and a half hours after.

Rules for the use of Ivan tea

Amazing tea from fireweed is able to retain its beneficial properties for another three days. Therefore, in the summer you can keep it in the refrigerator and drink it as a cool, refreshing drink.

This cardinally distinguishes it from traditional black varieties and Chinese green. In particular, as the Chinese themselves say, their tea should be drunk immediately, because after 20-30 minutes it becomes like the “rattlesnake venom”, that is, it becomes harmful. This is due to the fact that a short time after brewing, the synthesis of substances begins, which, entering the body, block the absorption of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

According to experts, it is useful to add willow tea to ordinary black or green tea leaves. But in this case, you can brew this mixture once, and then cook fresh.

Ivan tea during breastfeeding and pregnancy

Infusion of fireweed can be drunk to pregnant, lactating women. The plant does not contain caffeine, as well as other substances that are contraindicated for women during these periods. therefore traditional tea, coffee is useful to replace the firestorm. During pregnancy, this drink will help to cope with nausea, heartburn. At the breastfeeding stage, it will increase the quality of milk and enhance its production.

However, despite the benefits and safety of drinks from Cyprus, a woman is still advised to consult with a doctor about the possibility of their use during pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Legendary Ivan tea in traditional medicine

Consider several popular treatment recipes using this wonderful plant:

Metabolic disorders in humans

Prepare a decoction: pour a glass of boiling water just 1 tablespoon. dry grass. Boil at a very low temperature for 15 minutes (the water should boil slightly). Leave under the lid, wrap a towel for another hour and a half. Treatment: small sip, half an hour before meals.

Ivan tea for pancreatitis

Prepare a healing collection: mix an equal amount of dried leaves of fireweed, agrimony, mint and goiter. Add dried powder. Mix well. Pour 1 tbsp. l mix half a liter of boiling water. Wrap the dishes with the infusion well, wait 40-60 minutes, strain. Treatment: two weeks - half a glass, an hour before meals. The course is repeated in a month.

Ivan tea for stomach ulcers

In case of peptic ulcer, healers also use the collection of herbs: mix the same number of leaves of fireweed, lemon balm, and oregano. Add more rhizomes (chopped, as small as possible), crushed and. All mix thoroughly, grind to a state of coarse powder.

Pour 2 tbsp. l in a small refractory container, pour 400 ml. boiling water. Leave in a boiling water bath for only 10 minutes. Then still insist under the lid for at least 2 hours, putting the dishes in heat. Then strain.

Treatment: a quarter cup on an empty stomach, before breakfast. Then take a small sip after 1 hour, after eating. For night pains, drink a little before bedtime. Be sure to take it slightly warmed, warm. In pregnancy, this collection of treatment is contraindicated.

Treatment of prostate inflammation in men, bladder

Pour 2 tbsp. l dry grass with boiling water will be enough 200 ml. Warm well, leave for 2 hours. It is best to use a thermos for this purpose. Then pour into a different dish through a frequent strainer. Treatment: warm infusion take half a glass, always half an hour before the meal. As you understand, as a herb for inflammation of the bladder, it can also act as erysipelas.

Ivan tea for insomnia, atherosclerosis, neurosis, hypertension

Pour 1 tbsp. l herbs 200 ml boiling water. Warm well, leave to cool. Pour into a cup through gauze or strainer. Treatment: 1 tbsp. l after eating, about an hour later.

Iwan tea day

A holiday dedicated to this legendary plant is carried out in many regions of our country, for example, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Ufa, Iremel (Bashkiria), etc. On this day, the secrets of gathering, cooking and fermenting leaves are revealed to everyone. They arrange bathing in a river or a lake, steaming in a bath, give master classes on the art of soaring with brooms.

In the evening, interesting themed tea parties are held, where they talk about the Kupala night, about the healing properties of fireweed. They also dance and sing folk songs. On the table is always vegetarian food and no alcohol.

A day dedicated to willow-tea always passes in nature, against the backdrop of wonderful summer landscapes: flood meadows, village huts, endless expanses. Conducting ancient rituals help with all my heart to plunge into the old Russian ethnos.

This is an interesting, useful pastime in a good company of like-minded people and friends. This is fun, and appeal to our native roots, healthy life, healthy mind. It would be nice if the day of willow-tea became a national holiday!

Of course, to feel the fullness of the taste, honey aroma, tea from fireweed should be made according to the rules of fermentation - there is a special technology of preparation. And in the treatment using the roots, inflorescences of the plant. But you cannot tell everything at once. But we will definitely talk about it next time. Be healthy!

Svetlana, www.sayt

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How nice in the middle of winter to drink herbal tea, which will remind you of summer days, energize you, and even heal. Ivan-tea among the variety of plants occupies a special place. Contains a storehouse of nutrients, a large list of indications for use for the treatment of diseases. The main thing is to learn how to collect, dry and brew willow tea.

What is useful drink from Ivan-tea

In the sunny forest glades, healing wilderness grows - willow-tea, blooms with pink-lilac flowers. For brewing, they use leaves that accumulate vitamins C and B over the summer. Protein in green mass helps to saturate the body with energy. The plant has a lot of useful elements, including:

  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • nickel.

If you know how to brew willow tea, you can improve your health and cope with diseases. The drink, having an anti-inflammatory, sedative effect, assists in the treatment of:

  • sore throats;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of the kidneys, urogenital system;
  • prostate adenomas;
  • gout;
  • throat diseases;
  • neurosis;
  • anemia;
  • migraine;
  • signs of mental disorders.

Due to the enveloping action, the brewed willow tea relieves the condition of gastritis, stomach ulcer. Antioxidant properties help to cope with alcohol intoxication, remove toxins from the body. Drink from the leaves of the plant contributes to:

  • stabilization of metabolism;
  • immunity increase;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • lower temperatures;
  • increase male power;
  • decrease chill, fever.

Even if you know how to properly brew willow tea, you should be wary of long-term consumption of the drink in large quantities. It can cause diarrhea. Do not recommend to drink the drink to children, pregnant women, women during lactation. Ivan-tea is contraindicated if you have:

  • varicose veins;
  • thrombosis;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • plant intolerance.

How to brew willow-tea

It is not enough to know how to brew willow-tea. It is important to properly collect and dry. You can buy ready-made composition in a pharmacy, but it is not guaranteed that it is collected in an environmentally friendly area. If possible, it is worth to do the procurement of raw materials yourself. It should take into account:

  • collection is carried out from July to September - the flowering period;
  • the plant must be healthy;
  • collection time - morning in dry weather.

Healthy and tasty herbal tea must be properly prepared. Simple technology involves drying the leaves of willow tea in a shaded purged place. The process lasts for three days. Then the plants should be crushed and dried in the oven at a low temperature. Especially healing and aromatic tea is obtained, prepared by the method of fermentation. With this method, fermentation and oxidation processes take place in the grass, readily soluble substances appear, giving the tea a refined taste.

The fermentation process takes time to implement, implies:

  • withering raw materials in the shade - lasts about 12 hours;
  • twisting the leaves tight roll between the palms, to moisturize;
  • exposure of these blanks under the yoke, covered with a wet napkin for 10 hours;
  • cutting rolls into small pieces;
  • drying in the oven with a temperature of 120 degrees - keep the door open;
  • storage in glass containers.

How to brew Ivan-tea? There are many recipes. It is better to try different ways and choose a favorite. To brew willow-tea, it is desirable to use high-quality water. The most popular popular recipe:

  • take a ceramic or glass vessel;
  • put 4 spoons of tea leaves;
  • pour a liter of boiling water;
  • wait a quarter of an hour;
  • without opening the lid, stir vigorously.

How to brew willow-tea to those who love milk? You will like the recipe, in which you need to pour a teaspoon of tea leaves with hot milk - one glass. Tea insist a quarter of an hour. An interesting recipe for a cold drink. How to make tea from fireworm in this case? It should be filled with a liter of chilled water teaspoon of tea leaves. To sustain 12 hours, to drink without warming up.

How to brew herbal tea correctly? There is no definite answer. All methods are good, it is worth trying them. To prepare a decoction for gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to put 20 grams of dry raw material on a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, then strain.

Another recipe for a tasty drink:

  • fill the kettle by a third with a brew;
  • pour water, which has a temperature of 80 degrees;
  • after half an hour to merge;
  • to drink tea;
  • the grass in the kettle in this way is brewed up to 7 times.

How many times can brew Ivan-tea

There are so many nutrients in willow healing properties  such effective that persist, if repeatedly brew it. It is clear that it is better to use fresh tea. The use of double the amount of brewing allows you to brew a drink up to five times. It is worth considering that with each subsequent case the number of useful components decreases.

How to drink Ivan tea correctly

Drink herbal tea from fireweed hot and cold. It is very important that it is prepared using quality water - well, bottled or spring water. Of great importance is the technology of preparation of raw materials. To feel the rich taste and rich aroma of willow tea, it is better not to add sugar to it. It is useful to drink this drink with honey.

How to make tea in a thermos

To brew willow tea in a thermos, you can use dried grass or fresh leaves. If you take three times the amount of raw materials, you will get a brew, which should then be diluted with hot water. To drink freshly prepared tea, you must:

  • rinse the thermos with boiling water;
  • put a handful of leaves or 2 spoons of tea leaves;
  • pour a liter of boiling water;
  • wait 15 minutes;
  • close the lid;
  • drink in an hour.

Video: Koporsky Ivan-tea

88 Irina14.08.2013 How to brew Ivan - tea. Medicinal properties. Application

Dear readers, today I want to continue the topic of our undeservedly forgotten grass - Ivan - tea. About the fact that it is useful, I told in his article. For those who have not read this article, I invite you to read. Pay attention to all its useful properties. Just a unique plant. In the same article there is all the information on how to dry it properly, to ferment it, in order to get just useful tea.

It burns, Ivan-tea, blazes, raging,
  Repeats the gentlest colors of the dawn.
  Look, admire, the newly-born Schubert,
  And give a musical moment to the earth!
  V. Bokov

It should be noted that properly brewed Ivan-chai is much tastier than the highest quality Indian and Ceylon tea. In terms of strength and color, it occupies an intermediate position between black and green tea, but it does not contain caffeine, thus does not violate all metabolic processes in our body. Let me remind you once again that you can drink it cold. Moreover, it retains all the useful properties in cooking for 2-3 days. This is very different from ordinary tea.

Healing properties of Ivan-tea. Application.

And today we will talk about how to brew it and apply it to health. Teas, infusions, teas with boiling have medicinal properties:

  • Painkiller. It is very useful for people with vegetative-vascular dystonia, for headaches and migraines.
  • Does not increase blood pressure.
  • Ivan-tea has a healing effect. Fresh and crushed leaves are recommended to apply to festering wounds, ulcers and bedsores. And in winter you can steam and warm to apply in the form of compresses on the sick dream (joints, muscles, bones, wounds).
  • Used for rinsing with sore throat and sore throat.
  • Mild laxative. Only you can not get involved in them for a long time and drink a lot so that diarrhea does not happen. Be wise. Everything is good in moderation. After two weeks of tea, take a break and continue to enjoy this tea.
  • Well brew tea for gastritis, colitis, anemia, acute respiratory infections, to improve immunity.
  • Ivan - tea is brewed to prevent all cancers.
  • It is very good to brew it with cystitis, treats the entire urinary system.
  • Brew Ivan - tea with increased excitability, poor sleep.
  • It is very useful to drink for men with diseases such as prostate adenoma, prostatitis.

How to brew willow tea? Making tea

You can brew willow-tea yourself, or you can brew with other herbs. I love this tea with leaves of strawberry, black currant, mint, and rosehip. Rosehip while it is necessary to grind. The proportions always take "by eye" and depending on what is at home at the moment.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the best and most beneficial for health is to brew not just dry grass, but fermented Ivan-tea. I described this in detail in the article. Make it a snap. Let us recall the British, the French, who bought Ivan-chai in large quantities from us. Would they spend money on just dried grass?

So, rightly brew Ivan - tea. Secrets of good, healthy tea.

Kettle rinse with boiling water. At 0, 5 liters of water put 2-3 teaspoons of dried willow-tea. Pour boiling water. It is best to first pour a third of the kettle, wait 5 minutes, then pour boiling water. No need to wrap the kettle. Use for this spring or purified water. Insist at least 10 minutes and enjoy the aroma and taste. The proportions can be changed, depending on what kind of tea you like best.

After drinking freshly brewed tea, you can top up boiling water up to 5 times in brewing. At the same time, tea will not lose its beneficial properties. This tea can stand for 2-3 days. You can drink it cold. Best to drink without sugar. Instead, eat dried apricots, raisins, dates, halva, honey.

You can add a little dry flowers and willow-tea to dry leaves. The proportions are approximately as follows: 2 teaspoons of dried leaves and flowers for 0.5 liters of water.

Ivan-tea video. Here is a video of how to brew willow tea from the herbalist Vasily Lyakhov.

Blooming Sally. Recipes for health.

With gastritis, stomach ailments, colitis, with headache and insomnia   - brew 20 grams of dry chopped grass with a glass of boiling water. Insist 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily before meals.

For sore throat and sore throat   - gargle with decoction (recipe above) several times a day.

With anemia, acute respiratory infections, bleeding, as well as gastritis and colitis   You can use this recipe: 15 grams of dry crushed leaves pour a glass of boiling water, boil on a low heat for 15 minutes, insist, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before meals.

This broth is used for washing wounds and ulcers.

With cystitis and diseases of the genitourinary system : 1 tbsp. Chopped leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals.

A decoction of rhizomes of willow-tea.

Used by in the treatment of gastritis, colitis, with anemia, acute respiratory infections, bleeding . 2 tablespoons of crushed rhizomes pour 0.5 liter of boiling water. Cook for 20 minutes on low heat. Strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily before meals.

A successful alternative to plastic surgery is non-invasive thread lifting. The effectiveness of the method has long been tested. Quick and effective result. After the procedure, there are no scars. The result obtained is stored for quite a long time.

These are the recipes for health with Ivan tea for today. For anyone interested in herbs, I highly recommend reading N.Verzilin’s book “In the footsteps of Robinson”. You can download the book for free here Ivan is tea. Beneficial features. Contraindications

  (kiprey, koporsky tea) - a drink that is very pleasant to the taste and color, which has a powerful healing effect!

More in Russia used the infusion of Ivan-tea as a drink and a cure for various ailments. This grass, which looks inconspicuous in terms of its therapeutic effects and health-improving properties, even taking into account its unique chemical content, is many times over.

After drinking Ivan tea after sunset, you give your body a chance to prepare for recovery, to calm the heartbeat gently, reduce arterial pressure and normalize general health. This is a state of night "anabiosis" - a real opportunity to extend or increase the periods of active life activity for at least a quarter of its cycle on average. And this is certainly a lot.

An example and confirmation of the restorative properties of Ivan-tea is the life of the researcher of the early twentieth century - Peter Aleksandrovich Badmaev. Most of his scientific works are devoted to the study of the secrets of the healing power of this plant. The doctor lived one hundred and ten years, and at the age of one hundred years he knew the joy of fatherhood. And it is not known how many years he could have enjoyed life, if everything had not broken off the prison in Petrograd.

Europe very quickly appreciated the merits of this tea for its unique content. It contains six and a half times more vitamin C than in any lemon. In addition, there are tannins - up to 20 percent, a large amount of flavonoids, mucus and pectins. Therefore, from Russia this product was exported to Europe in huge batches.

Koporsky tea

It is made from plant materials Ivan-tea. This happens by analogy of getting from green tea  black Preparation of the most delicious and healthy tea  begins with fermentation - 24-48 hours. From the time of the beginning of fermentation and the actual temperature depends on the smell, color and taste of the product, which is obtained as a result of all the manipulations. The color of the tea becomes different - green, yellow or completely dark. The mix of black in the tea market has no competitors! More fermentation will be explained.

Taste Ivan-tea has a pleasant and fragrant features, brings the body to tone, encourages and adds vitality. It has a health-improving effect on the whole organism. In the heat there is no better means to quench your thirst, regardless of the temperature of the drink. The main thing that makes this drink the most popular, especially for people leading a healthy lifestyle, is different in composition from various caffeinated beverages and black tea.

Kipprey perfectly influences the blood, if it is used as a strong infusion or decoction of cypress, provided it is continuously consumed (increases hemoglobin level, restores the acid-base rate in the blood)

What else is useful Ivan-tea?

    It assists in the normalization of digestion and metabolism, improves all types of metabolic processes, especially lipid and carbohydrate;

    It has a powerful antiphlogistic and antiseptic properties, is effective as a healing and prophylactic drug in the general scheme of treatment of infections and inflammations. In this matter, the leaves and flowers of this grass are far superior to such familiar to all powerful natural antiseptics like willow bark, oak bark and bear ears. Such a specific effect of a plant is related to the content of flavonoids, tannins, carotenoids, vitamin C, organic acids, triterpenoids, trace elements;

    It prolongs the active life of the male body, maintaining and improving the function of the "second heart" - the prostate gland. In addition, the state of men's health improves significantly: it increases potency, normalizes erectile function. No wonder Ivan-tea is called "masculine" grass. Recall that the researcher Koporskogo tea Badmaev PA became a father in a hundred years;

    It has a mild diuretic effect, normalizes water and electrolyte balance, while reducing;

    Thanks to magnesium boiling water, vitamins of group B, flavonoids, it is an effective non-synthetic hypnotic and sedative, normalizes the psycho-emotional state (reduces nervousness, irritability, relieves headaches, normalizes night rest);

    Since Ivan tea contains tannins, mucus, pectins, etc., it can improve and restore activity. digestive system, eliminating constipation, heartburn, dysbiosis. This is achieved through enveloping, anti-inflammatory and reparative effects;

    Due to the presence of organic acids in Kopor tea, together with magnesium and flavonoids, a choleretic effect is manifested;

    Acts on viruses and resists allergies;

    The reparative (i.e., wound-healing) effect is achieved due to the presence of elements such as chlorophyll, tanning mixtures, carotenoids in the grass content, which accelerate the granulation and epithelization of skin lesions;

    The gradual analgesic effect of Ivan Tea is due to the presence of alkaloids, mucus, flavonoids, magnesium in the flowers and leaves;

    It has lactation qualities, prolonging breast-feeding  and thereby improving the health of babies;

    Flavonoids and pectins of Ivan-tea leaves are natural adsorbents and purify the body from toxic elements and slags;

    Endocrine organs work smoothly and more efficiently;

    The herb has especially gained success in the form of an antitumor agent due to the antioxidant effect of hangrol and other antioxidants - carotenoids, flavonoids, tannins, copper, organic acids, manganese, vitamin C, magnesium. During scientific studies, they found out that in a boiling narrow-leaved leaf there are low-toxic and high-molecular substances that show "interest" in relation to cancer cells;

    It slows down early skin aging, making it supple and elastic. All this is due to substances that stimulate the natural processes of collagen synthesis (phyesterols, vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenoids, organic acids and copper).

With constant use Koporsky tea is used in general and preventive treatment of the following diseases:

    Anemia (anemia);

    Gastritis, ulcers in the duodenal bulb and stomach, colitis, disorders in the biliary system,;

    Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system in men (prostate adenoma or prostatitis);

    Exchange inflammatory skin diseases.

The use of infusion and decoction of Koporsky tea is also recommended for:

    Poisoning and intestinal dysfunction;

    The general course of rehabilitation from alcoholism, for relief of hangover;

    Increased psycho-emotional pressure and chronic;

    The effect of constant fatigue, overwork;

    In dentistry - in children at the time of appearance of milk teeth, in older age, with looseness and;

    Endocrine disorders in women of various origins (problems with the menstrual cycle, existing uterine bleeding, menopause, premenstrual syndrome);

    As an aid after manipulating cancer and cancer (chemotherapy and radiation) during the recovery period;

    In the treatment of blood diseases (leukemia or lymphogranulomatosis) as an adsorbent;

    With a decrease in immunity (immunodeficiency state);

    With avitaminosis, especially vitamin C and group B.

Ivan tea for men:

Of course, the healing properties of the plant help everyone - men, women, children, but, possessing the ability to cure prostatitis and prostate adenoma, Ivan-tea has earned unconditional trust from men.

Ivan tea for women:

It is an unsurpassed remedy for the treatment of cystitis, thrush and other diseases of the genitourinary system in women.

Tea from Ivan-tea

No matter how good Koporsky tea is, all the taste, smell, and color of the drink is largely determined by the quality of the water. Anyone who ever drank tea in spring or thawed water will never forget this taste. Per day per person, ideally, should be five grams of Ivan tea (dried tea leaves). It makes four to five cups of concentrated drink. The tea can be brewed several times, but note that the concentration of beneficial properties will decrease, although the taste qualities are preserved in small quantities.

How to brew Ivan-tea?

Proper brewing of willow leaves is one of the two main components that ensure the safety of all medicinal properties.

The first method of brewing willow tea

2 teaspoons of dry herbs pour 600 ml of boiling water (it is best to use natural or purified water). The container is tightly closed and left to infuse for 10–15 minutes, after which the infusion is stirred.

Infusion contains in its composition essential oils, so the drink does not spoil in a few days, but it is best to use it freshly prepared. Concentration depends on your taste preferences.

You can drink tea and chilled. If you want to warm up, in no case do not allow boiling. The finest flavor will disappear immediately. Drink without sugar, eat raisins, dates, dried apricots, honey, halva instead.

The second method of brewing willow tea

Fresh leaves of willow tea are placed in an enameled bowl with a layer of 3-5 cm, then poured with purified water at room temperature (up to 10 cm), after which the infusion is put on a low heat and heated. The next step is to insist the resulting composition for 10 minutes.

As a brew, you can also take a mixture of leaves with flowers: a half-liter of boiling water is a mixture of flowers and leaves of Ivan-tea 2: 2 (teaspoons).

When to collect and how to dry Ivan-tea?

Ivan tea is collected during the flowering period, it is important to collect the grass at a time when the flower brush has not fully blossomed yet. Flowering begins in late June and lasts until autumn. In August, beans ripen on the lower branches of willow-tea, inside of which there is an unpleasant down. This down should not get in the collection.

The collection is recommended to carry out in dry weather, you should not start it immediately after the rain. Dusty, dirty, sick, affected plants are not suitable for collecting. Ivan-tea, growing along busy roads, is not intended for medicinal fees.

For the preparation of medicinal infusions and decoctions, the above-ground part of the plant is suitable, therefore during collection it is cut or broken in the middle, sometimes closer to the ground.

Floral brushes gently spread out on the floor in a thin layer (about 5 cm), then rolled into a roll and compressed to highlight the juice. The roll is left for 8–10 hours in a room where the air temperature is 20–25 degrees.

The fermentation process can be carried out in a wooden box, folded in it compressed flower brush and, to save moisture, covered with a wet cloth. After the time, the grass is dried in an oven at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C.

In early May, you can collect the tops of young shoots, from which you can make excellent quality tea. This tea has an amazing ability to regain strength and restore energy reserves.

Ivan-tea seeds

Seeds of Ivan tea collected in a small box, ripen in the period from July to August. On one plant can ripen at the same time up to 20 000 seeds, distinctive feature  which is the presence of white tuft (fluff). The crest helps the seeds to fly apart a considerable distance from the plant; for this light wind is enough. Another distinctive feature of the seeds of willow-tea is the ability to grow even a few years after maturation and contact with the soil.

In folk medicine, the seeds of willow tea are not used, therefore, they are of no value. Seeds are used exclusively for planting plants at a certain site.

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Fermentation methods:

1. A simple way to ferment

The collection of plant material is carried out in the morning after the dew dries. Rip flowers the most top, without seeds and leaves. If it is very hot, then the grass cannot be collected, because the leaves will spoil, they will “burn”. Carefully watch what you put in the basket, as the forest bug caught in the raw material can spoil the whole crop.

The leaves and flowers should be dried slightly in a place where there is no direct sunlight, rub in the palms and compactly folded into a three-liter bottle. Cover with a wet napkin and leave in a dark cooled room (up to 25 degrees) for 36 hours. After the specified time, the fermentation process is considered complete. The prepared mixture is loosened and dried at degrees +95 - +110. You can use both electric and gas oven.

In the process of drying the vegetable mixture is constantly stirred or turned over in the form of a dense layer. Gradually, the tea becomes the desired color, which varies from light brown to dark. Drying loose tea in time occurs in different ways, this is due to the moisture of the grass at the time of collection. Willingness is fixed visually, that is, "by eye". The period of drying round tea is determined by the mass of the dried tile. Raw mix and dry tea in finished form correlate 5: 1. Ready tea is stored in a dark dry place, in a tightly closed container, it is better from glass, but a plastic can is also suitable. With proper storage, shelf life is three years.

2. Forgotten way

A sheet of Ivan tea is laid out onto a moistened linen fabric, a layer no more than 3 centimeters thick, rolled up as tightly as possible in the form of a roll (twist). The size of the fabric depends on the volume of grass. Do not forget to moisten the cloth with clean water. This can be done from the most ordinary spray. In the opposite case, the napkin will absorb the most valuable juice from the leaves of the grass of fireweed.

The twist is tightened with a string, for which a rubber cord is also suitable. Diligently we rub grass in palms, making flexor and extensor movements for about half an hour. It is desirable that two people participate in this event. In this process, the destruction of the structural cells of the plant and the impregnation with the juice of plant materials are observed. Then, two or three hours, there is primary fermentation. The temperature of the twist is checked by the palms. If you feel the heat (about 37-38 degrees and above), the initial fermentation process is completed. The mass has a delicate smell, reminiscent of sour compote of pears.

Young tops of plants, collected in May, are so fragile and sensitive that structural changes begin even during compaction in the container.

If you click on the raw material, you can hear the characteristic sound, like a crunch. The mass fits tightly into the container (plastic bucket or glass jar) and closes to complete the fermentation for 36 - 40 hours. In order not to spoil the final product, on the container lid it is best to write the date and time of the bookmark, and the end of the process. If necessary, you can give the tea a more refined taste by extending the time of fermentation in a chilled place. For the late harvest of Ivan Tea in July - August, we carry out additional fermentation.

To this end, we will extract the vegetable mass from the bucket and carefully grind it with hands until the juice appears.

An important point!

To facilitate the cooking process, you can skip the vegetable raw materials through a meat grinder (pre-remove the knives), but keep in mind that the healing properties and taste will be much worse, weaker.

Then we collect the processed mass in a handful and leave for 6-8 hours with room temperatureCovering up with a wet cloth. And when the mass under the fabric when pressed will resemble a soft rubber - it's time to go to the oven for drying. Future tea, laid out on a baking sheet, dries at an average temperature of 100 degrees, before the drying is completed, the degrees increase. This roasting, like that of coffee beans, will improve the taste, make the tea more fragrant and beautiful.

Do not forget about the frequent mixing of the mixture. The oven should be slightly ajar. Red bricks or ceramic tiles are put under the baking sheet to prevent the tea from drying out. This device works like a Russian stove and normalizes the temperature in the oven. This is a very important point, because it depends on how healing the drink will turn out.

Making tea Koporsky in the oven takes a half - two hours. In one day you can get 300-400 grams of the finished product in dry form. The mixture in the tiles must be wrapped in compacted paper. Tea, having a loose structure, is stored for 3 years, in the form of tiles - for decades!

3. Fermentation under the yoke in its own juice

All raw materials are divided into two parts (this includes the top of the plant and its leaves). Juice is squeezed out of one part using a press juice extractor. It turns out quite a bit of liquid, even if it is a modern “Angel” juicer. The second half of the raw material is placed in a metal-ceramic pan and pour juice to the same place. We press down on top of the yoke. It is a wooden circle with a load of at least 20 kilograms. The load can be replaced with a weight of two poods wrapped in polyethylene to prevent metal from contacting the juice. After 72 hours, the fermentation ends, drying and tea production in the final version occurs at a temperature of 90 degrees.

And now a vivid lesson of cooking Koporsky tea, watch the video:

Application at:

Healing infusions and decoctions have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent, diaphoretic and enveloping action.

Ivan-tea has a pronounced sedative effect on the body (according to the mechanism of action and therapeutic effect, the infusion of this plant is close to the action of the drug). It is used for neurosis, increased excitability, aggression, frequent night awakenings, anxiety and a sharp drop in mood.

Water infusion is used as an anesthetic for headaches, as an enveloping agent for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (, etc.).

The anti-inflammatory effect of willow tea is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the urogenital system, including chronic and acute cystitis and inflammation of the urinary tract. For men, the use of medicinal infusions will help to cope with chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Antibacterial action medicinal plant  used for diseases of the oral cavity - angina, and.

Ascorbic acid, manganese, and iron, which are included in the chemical composition of willow tea, allow the plant to be used as an adjunct in the treatment of iron deficiency.

Ivan tea during pregnancy

Ivan-tea is a plant, to the use of which no contraindications have been identified to date, so if necessary it can be taken by pregnant women.

Tea made on the basis of willow tea is a natural remedy for the treatment of gastritis of high acidity, colitis, stomach ulcers. The plant has anti-inflammatory action, helps to overcome headaches, diseases of the nasopharynx, sore throat.

Vitamins and other beneficial substances that are part of willow tea have a positive effect on wound healing, contribute to the normal course of pregnancy, which once more confirms the safety of its use for pregnant women.

Ivan tea to children

The plant has antiviral properties and is used as a prophylactic agent during the period of exacerbation of seasonal diseases (and ARVI).

Ivan tea for prostate

Article author:  Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna, naturopathic doctor, phytotherapeutist