Nutrients in green tea. Harm of green tea. Contraindications. How to store green tea.

  A lot is said and written about the benefits of green tea, and people are wondering: is it really that useful? Like any plant, green tea is a medicine, in reasonable doses it is beneficial, and if it is used excessively, it is harmful. Therefore, you should not drink green tea liters. Many even refuse black tea in favor of green. But is green tea really as beneficial as it is written in weight loss magazines? Today we will understand what is the use, and what is the harm of this popular drink and how to brew it correctly.
HGREEN TEA   One of the best sources of antioxidants - substances that remove old toxins and prevent the formation of new ones. Thanks to them, green tea is useful to drink with almost all infectious diseases and for the prevention of atherosclerosis and oncology. The amazing healing properties of green tea have long attracted the attention of people who are not indifferent to their health. The ancient Chinese treated with its help many diseases. And today, no one doubts that green tea is a miracle doctor who treats ulcers, lowers blood pressure, removes heavy metals from the body, etc. But green tea, like any other medicinal plant, has and side effects. Let's talk about the pros and cons of green tea, when green tea is medicine and when it is poison. Green tea most often used as an effective tool for losing weight. Nutrients in green tea. The composition of green tea 15-30% of the composition of green tea is tannins, which are a mixture of more than three dozen polyphenolic compounds - tannin and various catechins, polyphenols and their derivatives. The content of tannin in green tea is almost twice as high as its content in black tea. There are more tannin in high-grade teas than in low-grade teas. Essential oils. The quality of tea depends on essential oils. They seem to be very small (about 0.02%), but their role is enormous - the essential oils give tea its unique flavor. When processing tea leaves, the loss of essential oils reaches 70-80%. Alkaloids. Among them, the most famous is caffeine. Speaking in tea with tannin, caffeine forms a compound tannat caffeine, which more gently acts on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems than caffeine present in coffee. In addition to caffeine, tea contains a small amount of other alkaloids - water-soluble theobromine and theophylline, which are good vasodilators and diuretics. Amino acids. Glutamic acid is found in tea, which is important for the human body: it normalizes the metabolic processes, contributes to the restoration of depleted nervous system. Protein substances together with free amino acids make up from 16 to 25% of tea. Proteins are all enzymes. The content of proteins and their quality tea leaf is not inferior to legumes. Mineral and other inorganic substances in tea contain from 4 to 7%. In the tea there are magnesium, manganese, sodium, potassium, calcium, fluorine, iodine, copper, gold. Vitamins. The tea has provitamin A - carotene, which ensures the normal state of the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx, lungs, bronchi, urinary organs, and is especially important for maintaining good vision. Green tea is rich in vitamins K, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B9 (folic acid), B12, PP (nicotinic acid). Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is also present in tea. Vitamin C is 10 times more in green and yellow teas than in black ones. Vitamin P in green tea is 4 times more than in oranges or lemons. In combination with vitamin C, it greatly enhances the effectiveness ascorbic acid, contributes to its accumulation and retention in the body. Thus, green tea is a treasure trove of substances useful to humans.

Green tea contains biologically active compounds that improve health.

Here are the health benefits of green tea, which have been confirmed by various studies. Green tea is not just a green drink, it contains polyphenols and catechins, such as flavonoids, which act as strong antioxidants. These substances can reduce the formation of free radicals in the body, protecting cells and molecules from damage. Free radicals play a role in the aging process of the body, they are also responsible for various diseases.

HOW TO BREAK GREEN TEA.   To brew green tea for its greater benefit follows: green tea should be brewed only in clean drinking water. In many homes in the faucet flows bad, hard water with lots of impurities. For green tea, the water needs clean, soft, natural. You can buy it in the store or filter the tap water using home filters, pour the water into the kettle and let it boil. As soon as the water boils, pour a small amount of it into the teapot for green tea and shake, allowing the water to warm all the walls of the teapot. This is necessary so that the cold walls do not take away all the heat of the water that is intended for brewing. now clean and dry with a spoon, recruit the right amount of green tea. Typically, the calculation is one teaspoon without a slide for 150 ml of water. You can read the recommendations on the packaging of tea. Many manufacturers print ways to properly brew. Especially important is the time of brewing green tea, which must be indicated on the box. Time depends on the variety and yield of tea. pour tea leaves into the kettle and pour the required amount of water. While we counted on the amount of tea leaves and rinsed the kettle with boiling water, the water cooled down a bit, which was what we needed. It is recommended to brew this type of tea with water not more than 80 degrees. poured, covered with a lid and allowed to brew the desired amount of time. If time is not indicated on the package, then mono will stop at the average value for green tea - 3-4 minutes. we pour tea into cups, but not immediately filling each container to the brim, but doing it in a circle, evenly and in small portions. This is necessary in order to maintain the correct concentration of tea and get the same taste and astringency in all cups.

One of the most advanced compounds in green tea is antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate, which has been tested to treat various diseases and may be one of the main reasons why green tea has such powerful healing properties.

Green tea also contains a small amount of minerals that are important to your health. It is worth going to a higher-quality green tea, because some lower quality may contain an excessive amount of fluorine, especially here the low-quality tea in sachets, which is often produced by the method of mass production.

  Green tea has long been revered as a drink of cheerfulness and good mood. Thanks to the caffeine contained in it, tea acts as a biological stimulant. If you have a headache, drink a cup of green tea. One cup of tea contains as much caffeine as a single headache tablet. But remember that headaches can have various causes. If the pain does not go away for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor. It is not necessary to insist on green tea for a long time, otherwise you can get harm instead of benefit. Recovery of an exhausted nervous system is one of medicinal properties green tea. It acts as an excellent preventive agent that increases resistance to stressful situations. Green tea is a good antidepressant. Only in this case it should be brewed loosely. Green tea harmonizes the nervous system as a whole, normalizes its activity. It is known that fragility and fragility of blood vessels, including the smallest vessels - capillaries - increases with age. Green tea will come to the rescue here. Unless of course, drink it regularly. It will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity, reduce the risk of internal hemorrhage. The infusion of green tea helps to reduce blood pressure in the initial stages of hypertension, leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol levels, improves the condition of patients with atherosclerosis. Japanese scientists claim that long-term use of green tea can reduce blood pressure by 10-20 units. To do this, tea should be brewed as follows: before brewing, dry green tea, rinse with warm boiled water to reduce its caffeine content, which stimulates the cardiovascular system. Then pour tea with boiling water at the rate of 3 g of tea per half glass of water and leave for 10 minutes. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day after meals. At the same time, the total amount of fluid consumed is reduced to 1.2 liters, taking into account tea (so as not to overload the cardiovascular system). If you regularly drink green tea, then you will never know what sclerosis is. On the one hand, it prevents the deposition of fat and fat-like substances - lipids on the walls of blood vessels; on the other hand, it destroys the already deposited fatty layers. Dutch scientists say that if you drink 4 cups of green tea during the day and eat one apple or onions, the risk of getting myocardial infarction will be halved. This conclusion they made after studying the eating habits of a large number of people who survived to old age. Green tea has long been used as a medicine for dysentery. The catechins that make up tea have a direct antimicrobial effect on dysenteric, typhoid paratyphoid and coccal bacteria. Dysenteric sticks die from green tea for 2-3 days of treatment. Prepare a “tea medicine” as follows: 50 g of ground green tea pour 1 l of water, leave for 30 minutes. Then simmer for 1 hour over low heat, then filter. The resulting infusion can be stored in a refrigerator for up to 3 days. spoon 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. Shown green tea and food poisoning. And if you are poisoned drugs, drugs, alcohol or nicotine - green tea will also help you. Just drink it with milk and sugar. If you have digestive problems, then you should have breakfast, lunch and dinner with tea. Tea tannin promotes normal digestion. Tea is also useful in cases when a lot of toxins accumulate in the intestine due to illness of other organs. If you have an upset stomach, drink strong green tea for 2-3 days. Due to its bactericidal properties, green tea destroys pathogens in the stomach and intestines. In addition, tea of ​​medium strength enhances the motor function of the digestive tract and is a good way to strengthen the intestinal tone. Those who often watch TV, Professor Cheng Tsikun, deputy director of the Tea Institute at the Agricultural Academy of China, advises not to drink coffee and lemonade, but green tea, because it neutralizes the harmful effects of radiation from the screen. This also applies to people sitting at computer screens for a long time. Tenji Ugai, a professor at Kyoto University, summarizing the data obtained after the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, said that green tea is an excellent antidote for poisoning the body with strontium-90, the most destructive isotope that pollutes the air during nuclear explosions. Green tea also contributes to the elimination from the body of lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc and other heavy metals, which we get with food, air and water. If you have a colitis, then green tea will come to the rescue. Take it inside by 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. Can be used in the form of enemas. Green tea is also recommended for gastritis with high acidity. When conjunctivitis, inflammatory processes of the eyelids, flush the eyes with strong, quickly-cooled green tea. Green tea of ​​medium tea leaves with lemon, pepper and honey is a diuretic for colds and respiratory diseases. But at high temperatures green tea can not be abused, as there is an additional burden on the heart and kidneys. Juice of fresh tea leaf or powdered tea leaf helps with burns. If you get sunburns, then brew green tea, quickly cool it and moisten burnt skin with a cotton swab. Strong tea can wash fresh wounds. Due to tannins, tea coagulates proteins, i.e. possesses hemostatic effect. When rhinitis, rinse your nose with green tea infusion. For this, 1 tsp. chopped green tea pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Use a disposable syringe without needle for flushing. Do this procedure 6-8 times a day. Infusion of green tea will help with sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, as well as inflammatory processes in the tongue or gums. 2 tsp dry tea pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Rinse your throat with warm tea. Repeat this procedure several times a day. Green tea improves blood composition by improving the number of blood cells. In addition, it activates the activity of the liver and spleen, reduces the risk of kidney stones. Those who regularly drink green tea, diseases associated with metabolic disorders, as a rule, do not threaten. When rocking in the car and seasickness, it is good to chew dry green tea. When vitamin deficiency prepare yourself such an infusion. 3g of ground tea pour half a cup of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Add 1 tsp. rosehip syrup. Drink warm one glass 3 times a day after meals. Green tea has an anti-cancer effect. It is assumed that the mechanism of this action is reduced to the blood-purifying properties of tea, i.e. the ability of tea polyphenols to excrete carcinogens from the body. Tea strengthens the immune system, which reduces the risk of cancer cells. Poor green tea (no more than 2 cups per day) is useful for pregnant women. There is a lot in the drink beneficial vitamins and trace elements. Japanese scientists have found that women who regularly drank green tea before pregnancy give birth to stronger children. Green tea is a source of youth and longevity. Among the long-livers who have stepped over the 90-year-old threshold there are many admirers of green tea. It is also an excellent cosmetic. For example, oily hair after washing, rinse with strong infusion of green tea. With a vascular mesh on the face, a mask is made of chilled tea brewing (tea leaves are applied on the cleansed face for 15-20 minutes). The same mask is also useful for fading dry skin of the face. Only after removing the tea leaves, you need to grease the skin with a greasy cream. Fat, aging skin is useful to wipe with ice cubes made from green tea. To enhance the effect, apple cider vinegar can be added to the tea infusion or lemon juice   (1 tbsp. On 1 tbsp. Chaya) There are still many different useful cosmetic recipes that do not fit into the scope of this article. It turns out that green tea kills craving for alcohol. That is why in China and Japan - countries that have a particular preference for green tea - much less excessively drinking people than in Western countries. For the preparation of an anti-alcohol beverage, use the following recipe: 1 tsp. green tea for 1 st. of water. Drink without sugar. The remaining leaves are not thrown away - they are eaten. The effect is not momentary. Months will pass and the effect will come. There are many different slimming teas, but the best among them is undoubtedly green tea. This is the perfect drink for those who seek to lose weight without harm to their body. Green tea is useful for those who want to lose weight, as it reduces appetite. In addition, it regulates nodrenaline, a chemical neurotransmitter that plays an important role in the formation of fat. Therefore, when you drink green tea, you reduce the fat layer in the thighs, waist, buttocks. There is a ten-day diet with green tea. Tea in this scheme for weight loss is used as a substance to speed up metabolism, suppress appetite and improve the quality of life. Green tea for weight loss with and without milk will help us in the fight against overweight and pressure. Green tea can be used as a means to lose weight. It speeds up the excretion of fats from the body and speeds up the metabolic processes
GREEN TEA WITH MILK is a good preventive measure against kidney and heart diseases.. It is also a strengthening agent for depletion of the central nervous system and polyneuritis. Prepare a drink like that. 5 g of tiled tea, 200 ml of water, 200 ml of baked milk, 10 g of butter, salt. Dry tea in the oven and put in boiling water. Then strain, add milk, butter and salt - to taste.
CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR GREEN TEA:   As we said earlier, green tea helps to lose weight, and also improves mental activity, reaction and vision. Now let's talk about the dangers of green tea. Despite all the positive properties of green tea, do not abuse it. Since green tea lowers blood pressure, hypotensive drink should not be taken. You can not get involved in green tea with: acute form of hypertension; any diseases in the acute phase; diseases associated with high fever. It should be remembered that green tea increases the acidity of the gastric juice, which is undesirable in case of a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Suffering from rheumatoid arthritis is also better to abandon this drink. The excitatory substances in green tea - caffeine, theobromine and theophylline - actively act on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Therefore, you should not get involved in green tea, especially strong, people suffering from tachycardia, increased irritability, insomnia. Remember that in tea, left for later, the amount of purine compounds and caffeine increases. This tea is especially dangerous for patients with hypertension, glaucoma and gout. Green tea is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach, as well as while taking alcohol. Tea with alcohol forms aldehydes that act poorly on the kidneys. Green tea can not be stored in paper bags: they are tightly closed and leak moisture, during such storage the tea will spoil very soon.
RULE FIRST.   Brew green tea in a heated teapot. A cold teapot will lower the water temperature by about 20 degrees. Therefore, the first brewing of green tea will be spoiled by cooled water. Such tea will not bring any harm or benefit, and you will not get pleasure from tea drinking. Essential oils and trace elements do not have time to leave the tea leaf fully. Therefore, before brewing tea - warm the teapot by pouring boiling water over it.
RULE TWO.   Do not brew green tea with boiling water Hot water destroys the useful components of tea and spoils its taste and aroma, and also reduces beneficial features. Optimal temperature brewing 60-80 degrees Celsius. Some teas should be brewed with hotter water. Brewing temperature is usually indicated on tea packages (if you buy it from a reliable manufacturer). Water is better to use spring water, and if it is not possible, then soft and light (odorless, taste and taste in the mouth). If you want to drink a real healing drink - do not let the water boil! It is enough to heat it to 95 degrees (water bubbles begin to appear at the bottom of the kettle), and then cool. In boiled water, all the salts are precipitated, and the oxygen leaves the water - so the tea will not be so tasty and fragrant.
RULE THREE.   The first water to drain Chinese Chinese tea ceremonies always drain the first water poured into the teapot. This is done in order to rinse the tea. After that, the tea leaves are immediately poured with fresh water.
RULE FOUR.   Control the time of brewing green tea. You can not brew green tea for too long. If you overdo it in the teapot, it will taste bitter, since a lot of tannins will stretch out of the sheet. In addition, this tea can not be brewed several times, because the whole flavor has already been used. Please note that each type of tea has its own brewing time. It can range from 30 seconds to 1 minute. And yet, do not rely on the color of green tea. Each variety of green tea has its own color. Some varieties are practically transparent, others are light green, or honey, amber.
TIP:   Never drink cold green tea. Cold tea loses many of its beneficial properties: vitamins are lost, essential oils evaporate, antioxidants are destroyed. Always brew exactly as much tea as you can drink.
  The aroma and taste of tea depends not only on the proper brewing, but also on the conditions of its storage. Not least important is the dishes in which you brew a drink.
Clay - ideal for teapot. It possesses excellent heat capacity, is chemically neutral and allows tea leaves to “breathe” - i.e. ideal conditions for making tea are created. In addition to clay, you can use glass and porcelain, they are also chemically neutral. But tea leaves do not breathe in them. In addition, in them the tea cools very quickly. In no case do not brew green tea in metal or plastic teapots. In the first case, your tea will acquire a persistent metal taste, and in the second, it will be saturated with toxic elements. Plastic is strictly contraindicated for hot products.
  Gentle green leaves of tea well absorb extraneous smells and moisture. If tea is stored incorrectly, it will quickly lose its beneficial properties and flavor. Your tea will smell like anything, but not real green tea. Light can also spoil tea brewing. Therefore, use sealed and opaque dishes for storage. Tin jars with a tight-fitting lid or wooden boxes will do. Tea should not be stored in paper bags either: they leak moisture and close tightly - the aroma of tea will evaporate with time. Enjoy your tea!

As is known, green and black varieties of tea are made from the same plant. The finished product is selected in the store, acquires the characteristic properties of the corresponding processing of raw materials. Traditional in many countries, the drink has a tonic and tonic effect, which is especially important for raising and maintaining a wonderful mood during the day. The benefits of green tea in the rapid quenching of thirst, it stimulates digestion, reduces body fat, increases male power. The drink can be harmful in the presence of certain diseases, abuse in excessive quantities, failure to follow the brewing technology.

Compounds found in green tea can improve brain function.

A key ingredient is caffeine, which is a well-known stimulant. It does not contain as much coffee as it has less effect on excessive caffeine, such as malaise, anxiety, irritability or hyperactivity. The task of caffeine is to block a neurotransmitter inhibitor called adenosine. Thus, it actually increases neuronal activity and concentration of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and norepinephrine.

Caffeine is intensively researched and consistently leads to an improvement in various aspects of the functioning of the brain, including an improvement in mood, alertness, stimulus response and memory. It also increases dopamine secretion and the formation of alpha waves in the brain.

How tea leaves are processed

It is no secret that there are many varieties of popular drink. The raw materials are the various parts of the tea plant, which is distinguished by its ability to extract the maximum of the useful from the soil. For some varieties, only the buds and young upper leaves are required, the others are mature greens.

Green tea increases fat burning and improves physical fitness.

The combination of these two compounds significantly improves brain function. Many people who drink green tea appreciate the energy they give, and they also emphasize that they are more productive when they drink green tea than they drink coffee. Studying the ingredients list of fat-burning dietary supplements, it is likely that green tea will be in many of them. This is due to the fact that green tea showed an increase in fat burning and an improvement in metabolism in clinical trials.

One study of ten healthy men, green tea, increased energy consumption by 4%. Another study showed that fat oxidation was increased by 17%, which indicates that green tea can selectively increase fat burning. However, it should be noted that some studies on green tea did not show an increase in metabolism, so the effects may depend on the person.

The tea bush is small, about a meter in diameter, one and a half meters tall. The plant is whimsical and requires proper care. With the creation of appropriate conditions, it grows rapidly, allowing the leaves to be harvested twice a month.

Quality teas are made exclusively from the leaves of the first harvest. In the green drink the following fees contain less nutrients.

Caffeine alone also showed improved physical activity, activating fatty acids from adipose tissue into energy production. Antioxidants in green tea can reduce the risk of various types of cancer. Cancer from uncontrolled cell growth is one of the main causes of death.

It is well known that cell damage contributes to cancer, and antioxidants can have a protective effect. Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants, so it makes sense that it can reduce the risk of cancer, especially. Breast cancer: observational studies have shown that women, who more often drank green tea, had a 22% risk of breast cancer, the most common cancer in women.

The most useful green teas are made in China   and Japan. They are significantly inferior products Ceylon, Me you, India.

In comparison with black tea, the green variety is obtained by more careful processing of the leaves. The finished product is more useful because it preserves the mass of biologically active substances released during brewing.

Prostate Cancer: One study found that men who drank green tea had a 48% risk of developing prostate cancer, which is the most common malignant cancer in men. Many other observational studies have shown that people drinking green tea are much less susceptible to various types of cancer.

Green tea can protect your brain in old age, reducing the risk of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's

It is important to remember that it may be a good idea not to use milk in tea, as this may reduce the antioxidant value. Not only can green tea improve brain function in the short term, it can also protect your brain from old age.

Fermentation Stop

In order for the tea to have maximum benefit, you must stop the oxidation processes, so-called fermentation. Regulating the duration of fermentation, get red, white, yellow   kind of drink.

Oxidation processes are stopped by treating the plant mass with steam for 2-3 minutes. As a result, the aroma of fresh leaves is eliminated, they become soft and sluggish, prepared for the subsequent twisting.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease in humans and one of the main causes of dementia. Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease and is associated with the death of dopamine neurons produced in the brain.

Numerous studies show that compounds such as catechins contained in green tea can have different testosterone and neonatal protective effects on test tubes and animals, which potentially reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's.

Upon completion of the steam treatment, the vegetable raw materials are kept for some time in air to eliminate excess moisture.


The procedure is performed on special equipment. The raw material of the order of an hour is crumpled and rolled to continue the removal of moisture, giving the particles of one form or another. As a result, the finished product takes on a distinctive look.

Green tea can kill bacteria, affect healthier teeth and reduce the risk of infection. Catechins in green tea also have a different effect. Some studies have shown that they can kill bacteria and inhibit viruses, such as the flu, which can reduce the risk of infection.

Catechins that kill bacteria inhibit the formation of plaques, which is the main factor affecting the cavity and decay. However, you cannot drink green tea too much and then have worse teeth than tobacco or coffee. Studies have shown that drinking green tea is associated with improved dental health and a reduced risk of tooth decay.

It is believed that the stronger the tea leaves are twisted, the longer the natural properties of tea are preserved, the stronger it is brewed.

  • Nearly not twisted   varieties are called unchi. They look like grass.
  • Twist across the fibers   gives the product the appearance of scales or balls, these are the so-called "pearl" teas.
  • Twisting along the fibers   makes the cups in the form of spirals or sticks.

Drying or roasting

The final stage - the final drying of the leaves, allowing to stabilize the aroma and beneficial substances. Moisture removal is performed by drying or roasting:

Another great benefit of drinking green tea is the fact that numerous studies show that it can reduce bad breath. This disease affects people with elevated blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance or the inability to produce insulin.

Studies show that green tea can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood glucose levels. The results of seven other studies involving more than two hundred and eighty thousand people using green tea are 18% lower than diabetic.

  • during drying raw materials do not mix. The finished product has a dark green color, soft taste.
  • at roasting   the mass is constantly mixed, becomes bright green, with a rich aroma and great taste.

The finished product is better preserved in an opaque sealed package.

Green tea can reduce the risk of early death and help you live longer

Cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and stroke, are the most common causes of death in the world. Studies show that green tea can improve some of the major risk factors for these diseases. Of course, we all must die in the end.

However, given that green tea drinkers drinkers have a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, it makes sense that green tea can help you live longer. In a study on 40,000 Japanese adults who drank green tea regularly, they died less often after 11 years.

Varieties of green tea varieties

Depending on the size of the tea leaves, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • large leafcharacterized by quality and high cost;
  • small leafmore affordable, but less tasty and fragrant;
  • powderused with brewing. It is in demand among gourmets. For brewing, the powder is put into a cup, filled with hot water and whipped until a foam forms on the surface.
  • tiled tea, to the green variety of which can be attributed with a stretch Puer. It matures under the influence of various external factors, including the activity of microorganisms. With age, the taste of Pu-Erh tea improves, but you need to wait at least 2-3 years. The best taste characteristics appear after 10-20 years of appropriate storage.

What is useful in green tea

Death for all reasons: 23% lower in women, 12% lower in men. Death from heart disease: 31% lower in women, 22% lower in men. Death from stroke: 42% lower in women, 35% lower in men. men It is important to brew tea with soft water, because hard water limits the release of some compounds from green tea, increasing the temperature of the water used for infusing green tea, causes more caffeine and other compounds to be emitted, but the taste deteriorates. To increase the release of healthy green tea compounds, you can wipe away powdered leaves and, therefore, powdered Japanese green tea, Matcha has so many followers.

As you know, the invigorating and stimulating effect of a green drink is associated with its constituent caffeine. In tea terminology, this purine alkaloid and simultaneously a psychostimulant is called theine. Thus, caffeine and theine are identical.

Tannin, an isomer of one of the kakhetins, has the property of inhibiting the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Are all the properties of green tea? Of all the types of tea, green tea is the healthiest. After finding several chemicals that are very beneficial to human health, the researchers were especially interested in the composition of this tea. And well, because they found in it a lot of interesting things.

It turned out that in green tea you can find an abundance of antioxidants. First of all, a group of polyphenolic compounds called catechins. These extremely powerful antioxidants have been found in recent studies as antiviral compounds that slow down aging and have a very positive effect on our health and, therefore, on our well-being. Clinical trials have undoubtedly shown that the catechins do not know the mercy of useless free radicals by pulling them out of our bodies.

The benefits of green tea varieties are manifested in oncoprotective properties due to the constituent epigallocatechin gallate. Experiments on animals found that this type of catechin destroys free radicals, keeping cells intact, reduces the size of tumors.

Compound theine with tannin   forms caffeine tannatethat gives tea a characteristic taste and aroma, slows down the absorption of caffeine. Therefore, compared with coffee, it is a softer invigorating effect.

Vitamin C and E are considered very powerful antioxidants. During fermentation, which often undergoes tea production, catechins are oxidized to chemicals called teflavin and tirubigin. Thus, unfermented tea is rich in catechins and fermented into their oxidized derivatives. This is what is characterized by black tea, whose positive effect on health is much less. In addition, green tea is also a very good source of other flavonoids, called flavonoids.

Fortunately, flavonoids are not oxidized in the fermentation process, so they can be used both in tea that has undergone a fermentation process and in unfermented tea. A number of other uses have also been found for green tea. It turned out, for example, that the meat of animals to which green tea is added is stored much better. This is due to the fact that catechins contained in catechins stabilize a-tocopherol in the muscles of animals, which as a result maintains their high quality. In addition, it was also shown that the addition of tea polyphenols to fried foods helps to improve their oxidative stability, which, of course, has a great impact on our health.

Due to the gentle processing of plant materials in green tea varieties, the content of theine is higher than in the black variety. Its highest concentration in young leaves and buds. In mature leaves, the content of theine and tannins is lower.

Green drink contains vitamins A, groups B, P, PP, K, C, they are saved almost in full after the technological processing. Trace elements are presented copper, iodine, potassium.

This effect is especially noticeable when frying pasta. Recent studies have allowed scientists to unravel the mystery of the mechanism that positively affects the tea polyphenols on our bodies. It turned out that their antioxidant activity is due to the direct interaction of our proteins in the form of polyphenol-protein interactions. The discovery of this mechanism may in the future pave the way for other discoveries.

Scientists have divided the positive effects of tea on the human body into several groups: lowering high blood pressure, lowering blood sugar levels, preventing cancer, lowering cholesterol levels. This general breakdown does not allow us to describe all the positive effects we experience when using green tea, but should have a great influence on our decisions, making us more knowledgeable consumers.

How to brew tea

The teapot is rinsed with boiling water, the tea is put into it at the rate of about 1 tsp. on the glass. Hot boiled water is poured approximately 80 ° C. After a couple of minutes, the finished tea is poured into the so-called "chahai", a fairly capacious dish, from which it is then poured into cups.

Hot water is poured into the teapot again, but it is pressed for 30 seconds longer. The finished drink also pours into the chahai. High-quality green teas benefit even after 7-10 brewing cycles. Used utensils should not be metal or plastic, the best material is clay.

In another, simpler way of brewing green tea, a bowl and kettle are used. Tea leaves are filled with hot water, two minutes later they are poured into a bowl, then back into the kettle. So a few times. As a result, the tea is stirred, slightly cools, "breathes." After waiting a short time to give a little more, you can drink it.

The drink should not taste bitter, otherwise it is a sign of over-steaming.

It is believed that tea after 2 minutes after completion of brewing has an invigorating effect, after 5 minutes - soothing. During the day, do not eat more than 5-6 cups.

Green tea and pressure

As is known, terms arterial hypertension   and arterial hypertension   considered synonymous. Although, to be precise, "hypertension" means an increase in vascular tone, and "hypertension" means "an increase in pressure in the system."

The increase in blood pressure to 140/90 mm Hg. not always associated with increased vascular tone. High values ​​can be observed at their usual and even lowered tone due to an increase due to various causes of cardiac output.

Therefore, discussions about the benefits of green tea for lowering or continuing.

According to one point of view, there is no change in indicators. Part of caffeine stimulates heart activity, which initially increases the pressure. At the same time vasomotor center   the medulla oblongata, which is responsible for the narrowing or expansion of blood vessels, gives the command to reduce the tone, with the result that the indicators quickly return to normal.

Research has established that the green drink has the property of making it more fluid. As a result, the load on the heart muscle is significantly reduced, the pressure indices are normalized, the risk of stroke decreases.

Other studies with varying degrees of confidence confirm the use of green tea to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, strengthen and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels due to the high content of tannins in it. The best effect is achieved when using high-quality varieties made from the top young leaves.

Green tea varieties are useful for having a diuretic effect and therefore can be used in the treatment of cardiovascular or renal diseases, reducing puffiness.

The results obtained allow us to recommend to use the green drink to everyone who is healthy to reduce the risk of hypertension, as well as in the initial stage of this disease. Many patients note normalization or a noticeable decrease in indicators, improvement of the condition. But to talk about the complete cure of the disease in this way is not necessary.

To make a more definite conclusion about the benefits of green tea to reduce the pressure of its regular use, additional long-term studies are required.

The beneficial effect of green tea

Regular consumption of a healthy drink helps the body get rid of harmful metals: lead, cadmium, mercury, radioactive compounds.

When seasickness   or when it is heavily swaying, it is helpful to chew a pinch of dry tea.

In some cases, green teas are beneficial in combination with lemon. The fact is that tea tannin prevents the absorption of trace elements. Vitamin C contained in lemon neutralizes tannin action.

Tea of ​​the green variety is useful after fatty foods, it contributes to its faster digestion. It is better to consume any liquid half an hour before the meal or a couple of hours after, so as not to reduce the concentration of the secreted gastric juice.

Regular use of green tea is good for preventing cariesnormalizing exchange processes.

Tea slimming recipes

Having decided to lose 2-3 kilograms, it is useful to use a green drink several times a day. Do not add sugar, honey or sweetener to it. Lemon slice, 1-2 dried fruit, leaf of mint helps to diversify the taste.

Simple one-day diet

The weight loss recipe is based on taking 2-2.5 liters of milk during the day. Heating a liter, add a pinch of green tea to it. You can brew tea in the usual way and drink it with milk.

The effect of a diuretic and intestinal cleansing can quickly get rid of one or two kilograms.

Low-calorie weekly diet recipe

Healthy green tea should be included in any low-calorie diet lasting from 7 to 10 days. Brewing and eating it can be 5-6 times a day an hour before meals or an hour or two after a meal. Once a day it is allowed to add milk to tea.

Can be used fruits, vegetables, berries, milk products, lean meat, fish. It is better to completely abandon sugar, it can be replaced with a small amount of honey. In a day or two to cook buckwheat porridge. To avoid insomnia due to significant caffeine content, do not take tea before bedtime.

Adherence to dietary restrictions is relatively easy, since a decrease in appetite does not cause severe discomfort.

Harm and contraindications

It is believed that green tea is contraindicated and can be harmful to health in the following cases:

  • at tachycardiaincreased excitability, insomnia;
  • excess drink in case hypotension   may further reduce pressure, cause fainting;
  • the abuse of green tea, or the complete replacement of water by it, can harm, cause pathological changes in the liver and kidneys due to poisoning   polyphenolic compounds, of which catechins are representative;
  • contraindicated in strong form when gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, acidity of gastric juice. Due to its tannins, weakly brewed tea has an antiseptic effect that promotes healing of ulcers. Overly strong causes intense secretion of gastric juice, increases acidity;
  • don't take strong tea in case atherosclerosis   or hypertension;
  • pregnant   tea green varieties can cause some harm because quality product   significantly increases blood pressure, muscle tone, heart rate, which is undesirable in this state;
  • not to be broken baby's sleepA nursing mother should not drink green tea for the night.