How is tofu a soy product. The history of tofu cheese. How is cheese made?

Tofu burst into our lives, becoming a popular product around the world. What justifies its massive use? This will be said about tofu and the harm of this product.

What is tofu

Some people call it cheese, while others think it is cottage cheese. The consistency of tofu is the same as that of: it can be cut into slices and added to any dish. Its origin is from China, hence the name. Cheese is made from a milk-like liquid extracted from soybeans.

To prepare it, take note of this recipe: the beans were ground with water, the resulting mixture was boiled over a fire. Magnesia and salt were added to make a thick mass. From these ingredients, the protein curdled and a homogeneous curd was obtained, resembling regular cheese.

Tofu variety

Over the years, experiments have lasted and now you can find several types of tofu:

  • soft
  • middle
  • solid
  • flavored

Each of them is appropriate in different cases... Delicious casseroles are made from soft, medium is needed to decorate sandwiches, and hard is added to.

What to do if it starts to disappear? In this case, boil the tofu in water for about 10 minutes. It should increase in size, but it will not lose its taste, it will become more airy. It can be kept in the freezer, but its structure will become much heavier, it will be hard.

What is tofu eaten with?

He has gained a good reputation among vegetarians. Tofu is a great substitute for cheese, which is why it is used in all vegetarian eating places. It perfectly complements a salad, is good for cheesecake, is good for garnishing food, and is good for fried, smoked and any other form. And all this despite the fact that if tofu is eaten separately, as an independent product, then it does not give any taste sensations. Therefore, the culinary experts came to one trick: they began to add various herbs and spices to the cheese. Tofu with basil is very popular and delicious. You can even eat it simply by putting it on bread, because it has a pleasant taste and mouth-watering.

Product benefits

What are the benefits of tofu for the body? It is worth noting that its usefulness will differ markedly from regular cow's milk cheese. After all, it is made from natural products. The first major plus of tofu is that it contains a lot. This is important for vegetarians, since they consume very little of meat due to their refusal to eat meat. Tofu as an irreplaceable source of fiber, amino acids, calcium. Its regular use will strengthen human health and stomach.

It is worth noting that tofu is the perfect product for anyone who is losing weight. It is low in calories, but quickly saturates. It can be added to vegetable salads, eaten with croutons and in pure form. What can we say about its benefits, if in Japan tofu is added to the composition of the children's!

It is prescribed for those who have high cholesterol or dioxin levels. This cheese can be characterized as a source of vitamin B. Frequent consumption of tofu prevents the body from diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Soybeans are taken. They are boiled until tender, and then crushed to make milk. This soy milk is freed from the mass so that it turns out to be homogeneous, after which cottage cheese is made from it using a coagulant - a special substance. The resulting cottage cheese is smoothed for a couple of hours in molds. After that, they are sent to containers with water so that it is preserved. Tofu will become harder in water and will look like regular cheese.

Some manufacturers filter using cotton cloth to make regular tofu, while others filter using silk to make the cheese softer and more tender. But the cheese won't taste better from the fabric. For silk cheese, take thicker milk.

Making tofu cheese at home is problematic, since soybeans are rarely sold in supermarkets, and the technique requires careful adherence. It will still turn out differently from the store.

Interesting facts about tofu

Here's what you need to know about this vegetarian cheese:

  • Pasta is made from tofu, dense in consistency, added to soups and fried in a deep fryer.
  • It is easily absorbed by the body, therefore it is recommended for people with a weak digestive system.
  • A good product for women as it helps to restore hormonal balance. It is often advised to use it during critical days in order not only to normalize the condition, but also to relieve pain in.
  • To prepare 2 kg of cheese, you will need 1200 g of beans.

How to use tofu in cooking

You can make a soup with mushrooms and tofu. Follow the usual soup-making principle, just add a little soy sauce. In the end, when the herbs are added, you should also add the tofu cheese, cut into squares. Boil for two minutes and turn off.

How to fry tofu? It must be cut into squares 2 centimeters thick. Heat the frying pan and add the tofu. Fry until a light golden crust appears on the surface of the cheese. It will be richer thanks to the frying. But keep in mind that fried tofu cannot be stored for a long time.

After watching the video, you will know whether to eat tofu or not.

The popularity of this product is justified, since looking at its benefits you really understand that you need to sometimes introduce it into the diet. Eating the right food can improve your condition and heal diseases, thus helping.

This name hides bean curd, which is formed during the coagulation of soy milk. Legend has it that tofu was invented in China in 164. The culinary discovery is attributed to a court alchemist named Liu An, who, on behalf of the Chinese emperor, began his search for the elixir of immortality. This man accidentally came up with the idea of \u200b\u200busing soy - after adding special salts to its beans, tofu was obtained.

The product gained fame not only in China, but also in other Asian regions. In China, it is called a little differently - doufu. However, in the West, it is customary to call bean curd in accordance with the Japanese phonetic tradition - tofu, although in the country of the Rising Sun it began to be prepared only in the second millennium of our era. Chinese tofu is softer and more delicate than Japanese tofu, and this is due to different traditions of making soy milk.

The valuable composition of tofu

Low in calories, high in protein

Tofu is a healthy, low-calorie, cholesterol-free food containing soy protein, linoleic acid and lecithin. Soybeans, like peas, beans, lentils or chickpeas, belong to the group of legumes. However, against their background, it stands out for its higher nutritional value, in particular, due to protein and increased energy value. The soy protein present in tofu is considered complete, which means that it contains essential acids that our bodies need to function properly. The body itself does not produce them, and they must be supplied with food. This is why eating tofu is recommended for people on vegan and vegetarian diets. 50 grams of soybeans equals one and a half cups of cow's milk or 150 grams of beef. At the same time, soy protein, unlike animal protein, does not contain harmful purines that interfere with calcium absorption.

Vitamins, minerals, calories, GI

Tofu contains B vitamins, vitamin E (a very strong antioxidant), phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium. More than 80% of the fat in tofu is essential fatty acids, which are very valuable for our health.

100 g of tofu contains: 11 g protein, 5 g fat, 0.4 g carbohydrates, 0 g cholesterol, 146 mg calcium, 105 mg phosphorus, 1.7 mg iron, 0.09 mg B vitamins.

The energy value of this amount of tofu is 80-100 kcal. This product has a low glycemic index, thereby stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Tofu in cooking

What is Tofu? Europe learned about its existence only in the second half of the twentieth century. Is tofu a product of globalization? Hardly ... Yes, and the Chinese say the opposite. They believe that tofu was invented in the Middle Kingdom in the second century Around the eighth century after the birth of Christ, this "cheese" became known in Japan. Later, he gained popularity in the countries of Southeast Asia. Many Thai, Vietnamese and Korean dishes are unthinkable without tofu. The harm and benefits of this product will be discussed in this article. This cheese is taken with a bang by vegetarians, especially those who avoid dairy products. Tofu can also be eaten by people with lactose intolerance. What about the rest? What is the chemical composition of tofu? We will also talk about this.

How tofu is made

According to the legend, soy cheese arose out of a happy coincidence. A Chinese chef, whose name has been lost for centuries, decided to add nigari seasoning to the puree to flavor the dish. In this case, which is part of the spice, acted as a coagulant. He curdled milk. Thus, the process of making tofu is similar to the method of cheese making. Only the raw material is not cow, goat or vegetable - soy. First, tofu curd is made. It is pressed and kept for some time. This produces a white, porous, soft cheese-like product. It is sold in a sealed package filled with water. After opening it, tofu should be kept in the refrigerator, adding cool water twice a day. This cheese, like a sponge, absorbs foreign aromas, so it should not be kept next to strong-smelling foods.

What culinary experts say about tofu

Bean curd and cheese are like a "blank sheet of paper" waiting for the master's brush. It does not have its own taste and smell. But tofu soy cheese perfectly absorbs other flavors. He perfectly "gets along" with all the products that chefs use in the kitchen. Therefore, chefs deservedly call tofu a universal ingredient in dishes. It is used for the first and second. A good soy delicacy for an appetizer, and even for dessert. It is boiled, fried, baked, smoked and marinated - in a word, it is subjected to all types of culinary processing. But since tofu is practically tasteless, it always goes side by side with some other ingredients. The porosity of the cheese allows you to serve it with a variety of sauces - from ketchup to jam. It is customary to add tofu cottage cheese or its soft varieties to soups. And when preparing the second, hard cheese is used. Shanghai cuisine uses "stinky tofu" - the Chinese version of Roquefort. It is almost unknown to Europeans. But you can buy "silk tofu". This creamy curd is like everyone's favorite "Yantar".

Tofu: composition

Now let's talk about what the ingredients of this product are. So, we found out that tofu is a soy cheese made by fermenting bean milk. Thus, its composition is rich in complete plant protein. In hard cheese it is 10.7%, and in cottage cheese - 5.3%. You should know that vegetable protein is better absorbed by the human body than a substance of animal origin. It contains essential amino acids for health. At the same time, soybean cheese is low in calories: only 73 kcal per hundred grams of tofu. says a lot about its benefits. Here you have iron - which helps to fight anemia, and calcium, which, as you know, is " building material»For bones. Tofu does not contain cholesterol, but it contains a lot of vitamins. Among the line nutrients it is necessary to highlight group B. This vitamin is responsible for good memory, strong teeth and nails, for shiny and thick hair, healthy skin.

Tofu: harm and benefit

All the properties of soy cheese, both positive and negative, are due to its composition. Since the product does not contain cholesterol, it is good for cores. Vegetable protein obtained from cooked and mashed soybeans is perfectly digestible. And therefore it is prescribed to patients with a weak stomach. The low nutritional value of tofu (reviews often mention this) makes it indispensable in nutrition. Soy cheese is also prescribed for athletes. Regular consumption of tofu slows down aging and is an excellent prophylactic agent against cancer, as it removes dioxin, the causative agent of cancer, from the body. Soy delicacy helps to better fight osteoporosis, menopause, heart disease. And, of course, tofu is just a gift for allergy sufferers, those who cannot tolerate dairy products. It is also good for those who have recently suffered a fracture. Soy cheese helps bone tissue to regenerate and makes it denser and stronger.

Who benefits from tofu

We can say that everyone. In China, the homeland of the product, soy was treated like a product of the poor. In Ukraine, they say that for a beggar and honey agarics - chicken. And in the Celestial Empire, it is believed that soy is "meat without bones." However, the demand for this product was raised by vegetarians. "Chops", "goulash" and, of course, "cheese" appeared. To get enough, you need to eat more of these cutlets than their meat counterparts. But this is almost the only minus of tofu. Its price is quite democratic - 150-290 rubles per package (depending on weight and type). Of particular note is the benefits of tofu for people who care about their appearance. Soy cheese contains isoflavones, powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. It also contains substances daidzein and genistein, which interfere with the action of estrogens. Thus, cheese saturates our body with energy, strengthens bones, and the selenium and iron contained in it give us physical strength.

Soy cheese harm

All food products - depending on the amount of their consumption - have positive and negative properties. Tofu is no exception. The harm and benefits of this product are mainly dose dependent. Do not overuse soy cheese. This can lead to diseases of the thyroid gland, negatively affect the reproduction of women and men. Children should be given bean curd and cheese with extreme caution. Tofu can cause diarrhea, and in adolescents it can provoke early sexual activity. But this product can act as a mild laxative for constipation. By the way, not all allergy sufferers can use it. Doctors have recorded several cases of allergic reactions to tofu, which were expressed in nausea and hives. This is caused by individual intolerance to soy products.

What can be made with soy cheese

In Japan, many diets have been developed in which tofu is the main product. The harm and benefits of this product have already been discussed by us. It remains only to add that the soy diet allows you to lose from seven to fourteen kilograms. And this despite the fact that you do not need to change your usual lifestyle and limit yourself in the amount of food. Just replace with cheese and the result is evident. Now let's look at how this product is. Simply consuming it as it is sold is like eating Dutch cheese. Momen - hard tofu - can be put on a sandwich, diced in a salad, or fried in breadcrumbs. It can be pickled. And if you smoke the dense soy tofu cheese, you will not be able to distinguish it from the ham. Kinugosi ("silk") is a delicate soft curd. It is used for soups, desserts and sauces. Sometimes you can find on sale tofu with fillings (spices, herbs, nuts) or sweetened - for making "vegetarian cheesecakes".

Benefits in cosmetology

Women use soy tofu for more than just weight loss. Chinese women have long used it to whiten skin and make it velvety and soft. In order to prepare such a mask, you need to grind this Japanese curd with one teaspoon of olive oil. The face must be thoroughly cleaned and steamed before applying. Apply the mask to the skin with light patting movements with your fingertips. Hold in a state of absolute rest for about ten minutes. Then rinse with cool water. The procedure should be repeated once or twice a week.

Tofu cheese has long been used in oriental cuisine. This exotic and unusual product has become popular with many gourmets. More and more unusual dishes were prepared from the curd mass, they began to add it as an ingredient that emphasizes the taste of the dish. Soybeans have become a major source of amazing tofu.


The benefits of eating tofu are great, as it is rich in essential substances for the body. Also in it beneficial features necessary for the human body. To maintain good health, it must be consumed due to its nine amino acids. In tofu, the source of calcium is at the highest level, and the dietary fiber in the diet supports the figure. It is often added to dietary and low-calorie dishes, the benefits of which are at a high level.

The Japanese make good food for children from a unique product. Tofu perfectly removes unnecessary substance from the human body - dioxin. It is often used to lower cholesterol levels. The benefit of the product lies in the fact that it contains trace elements, as well as B vitamins. Due to the presence of necessary components that prevent the formation of cancer cells, and also eliminates all heart diseases. The product is nutritious due to the fact that it contains a small amount of sugar, and also fats are in small quantities.

The main ingredient for making tofu is soybeans. They must first be cooked, then pounded. Milk is obtained from soybeans, which is subjected to separation, then a coagulant is added and curdled. The resulting compound must be placed in a special form and sent to a cold place for solidification. Thus, a nutritious product with an unusual name is obtained - tofu.

Previously, it had an unusual name - a square egg. They called it that because it contains a large amount of complete vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed in the human body. Compared to real eggs, tofu has no cholesterol.

It is rich in calcium and is recommended for people who cannot tolerate fatty dairy products in their diet. It is also great for people who cannot absorb milk protein in their bodies.


Tofu can be harmful as well as beneficial. Experts often ask you to pay attention to phytic acid. Getting into the human body, namely digestive system, it connects such mineralslike calcium, magnesium, zinc, and also iron.

When used by men, their sperm concentration begins to drop sharply. People who have a weak endocrine system should also refrain from eating tofu. If soybeans are grown in an unfavorable environment, they will make poor quality products, including tofu, which will turn out to be bad for consumption. The harm of such products is inevitable, and the benefits are lost.

Calorie content

A product like tofu is low in calories. There is no cholesterol in it. It is a complete protein and is quickly absorbed in the human body. Tofu is often called bean curd, so it lacks a high calorie content. For the manufacture of the product, soybeans are used, which are boiled and wiped. 100 grams of cottage cheese contains 73 calories. People who are looking to lose weight or keep their figure in good shape, they can consume tofu. For them, bean curd will become a good food, from which they will quickly lose weight and they will feel how great the benefits are.

Content Calories per 100 g 1 glass 1 tablespoon 1 teaspoon
proteins 8.1 g 16.2 g 2.25 g 0.65 g
fat 4.2 g 8.4 g 1.5 g 0.34 g
carbohydrates 0.6 g 1.2 g 0.15 g 0.048 g


There are contraindications when using tofu. It is not recommended to use the product for children, as well as for women who are in a position and expecting a baby. Exclude from the diet and do not enter into your menu for people suffering from thyroid disease. For patients with urolithiasis, it is also not recommended to consume soy curd - tofu, the benefits will instantly turn into harm that the human body will receive. If tumor diseases are found, it is best not to use such a product so as not to provoke the development of the disease. If you have any morbidity, it is important to consult a specialist before use. If you consume soy product in unlimited quantities, the thyroid gland will cease to function normally and the metabolism may fail in its rhythm. There will be a lot of harm.


A bean curd called tofu is often a supplement to various ingredients. It can be used to prepare various dishes using processes such as stewing, boiling, roasting, marinating, baking. The Chinese also used this unusual product. Its preparation was random. Asian cuisine in the modern world has become increasingly used. Thousands of specialty shops on the streets of Asian countries sell soy products and all the residents who live in these countries buy it. It does not have any foreign taste and smell, it is excellent for making various dishes. Delicious pastes and sauces are made from it. If you add tofu to vegetable dishes, it immediately emphasizes the taste. Bean curd is also added to puddings and ice cream. It contains three main components - a liquid in the form of water, a special substance called a coagulant, and the presence of soybeans. The coagulant can be in three components: either as a substance - nigari, or in the form of sodium sulfate, or calcium chloride. If, upon purchase, there are no foreign odors, then it is fresh. Also, the taste with a slight sweetness, without the presence of acid, speaks of freshness. After purchase, it must be placed in a cold and clean water, then cover with a lid, you need to change the water as often as fashionable.


Tofu needs to be stored in a cool place. Storage is allowed up to 2 weeks, but do not forget that it must be washed after 4 days with running water. It can be stored in the freezer for about 5 months. To maintain freshness, the soy product is placed in cool water, which is changed 2 times a day. Such use will leave the product fresh for a long time, and will also prevent foreign odors from penetrating. The storage temperature should not exceed 6 degrees. If the product is placed in the freezer, it will remain fresh for a long time, but the color will change.

The nutritional value

In tofu as well as in other products there is the nutritional value... It has a white color, and has a neutral taste and smell. It is made from soy milk, which is a staple in soy products. Tofu contains substances such as nagari - this is magnesium chloride, and there is also calcium and citric acid can sometimes be found. Okinawa uses seawater to make an amazing product for curdling milk. High-quality plant-based protein, about 11 percent, is found in bean curd and is a beneficial ingredient. It replaces iron as well as calcium.

Vitamins and minerals

Tofu is rich in minerals and vitamins. It is rich in calcium, vitamins E and B12, and also has iron. Bean curd is rich in phytoestrogens. They are like a plant analogue of a woman's genitals. It is recommended to use the product for girls during hormonal disruption or with the onset of menopause in women. Tofu also has a beneficial effect on kidney function, and on the formation of gallstones, which are subsequently removed from the body. People who are intolerant to milk sugar or have allergies can consume bean curd. Tofu is a product that does not cause any harm. If you use it in unlimited quantities, then the benefits will immediately go to harm. If men consume it in excess, the concentration of spermatozoa can sharply decrease, and if a woman uses it in excess, the presence of phytoestrogens will increase.

Content of nutrients Quantity and unit of measure
Vitamins: C 0.1 mg
AT 9 15 mg
AT 6 0.047 mg
AT 5 0.068 mg
RR 0.195
AT 2 0.052 mg
IN 1 0.081
Calcium 350 mg
Magnesium 30 mg
Sodium 7 mg
Potassium 121 mg
Phosphorus 67 mg
Selenium 8.9 μg
Zinc 0.8 μg
Manganese 605 mg
Iron 5.36

There are two types of soy cheese - tofu: with high hardness, the composition resembles mozzarella, and also eaten with softness. It is silky and similar in composition to pudding. Cheese with a hard compound is most often used in dishes that need to be fried, or dipped in deep fat or smoked. This is not recommended with a soft product. It goes best with sauces, soups, and sweet dishes. For culinary experts and great foodies, tofu is a spongy product. Thanks to him, there is a great saturation in the dishes. You can add cocoa powder or sugar to it. This filling can be used for filling cakes. Be sure to use an unusual delicacy and use bean curd - tofu. He is sure to please all family and friends. And children from cooking it or adding it to cakes will only be delighted.

Today, a wave of love for Asian cuisine has already swept over a good part of foreign gourmets. People all over the world buy sushi, ramen, they have become familiar to everyone ... And tofu deserves special attention among the Asian innovations that have entered our diet. It is not just a delicate product that exquisitely sets off and emphasizes the flavors of other dishes, but also a storehouse of benefits for the body and an ideal solution for vegetarians. Try making tofu at home, and who knows, you might join the army of Asian food lovers.

Tofu cheese composition

First you need to understand how tofu cheese differs from all other ordinary well-known varieties, like, etc.

  • First of all, of course, the difference in the composition. Tofu is a soy-based product. In other words, soy milk is used instead of regular cow's milk.
  • Another ingredient is the starter coagulant. In Asian countries, calcium sulfate or sea salts can be used as a coagulant, however, ordinary lemon juice is also quite suitable for making homemade tofu cheese with your own hands.

Soy tofu cheese: benefits, harms, calories

Tofu is a great helper for people who want to eat healthy.

  • This is not surprising, because this Asian cheese is a storehouse of iron, calcium, fiber, as well as a huge amount of amino acids, minerals and B vitamins necessary for the body.
  • Everyone who decides to switch to vegetarianism should include this product in their diet, because soy tofu cheese is one of the best sources of high-quality non-animal protein (about 10 g of protein per 100 g).
  • In addition, this cheese is a great find for people suffering from heart and intestinal diseases. It is easily absorbed by the body, therefore it is suitable for weak stomachs, and besides, it does not contain cholesterol, which will be a gift for patients with cardiovascular systems.
  • Well, weight-watchers of the fair sex should also pay attention to this product. The calorie content of tofu cheese is only 76 kcal per 100 g. Of this, most of it comes from high-quality protein, and the rest is from healthy fats. It practically does not contain carbohydrates at all.

But, despite all the positive qualities of this product, like with any other, it is important to know when to stop. Excessive consumption of it can weaken sperm concentration in men and adversely affect the health of infants and pregnant women. In addition, an overabundance of this treat can be bad for the endocrine system, especially for people who already have health problems in this area. Be sensible in your use, and then this product will not harm you.

How to use tofu?

Since this product may seem specific to many, it is worth mentioning separately how best to eat it.

This appetizer is almost tasteless, so eating it just like the usual cheese is unlikely to give you pleasure. But there are many dishes, when added to which this soybean cheese acquires a wide variety of gastronomic flavors, while emphasizing the tastes of other ingredients.

It goes well with almost all products: vegetable, fruit, meat, sweet, salty, sour ... With it you can cook different salads, you can fry and bake it with spices, add to soups ...

It is good to have this cheese on the shelf in the refrigerator if you love Asian dishes: it is a component for many of them. For example, it can be used for or, recipes for which have already been described on this site, as well as for many other Oriental dishes.

Tofu cheese at home

To be honest, it's easier to buy tofu at the store than to make your own. The cooking process, although lifting, is quite cumbersome, and in large supermarkets 1 kg of soy cheese can be purchased for only 300 rubles.

However, if you want to always have homemade cheese tofu at hand, cooked with love, with your own hands, then, of course, you should definitely read the instructions for preparing this product and make it yourself.

There are two recipes for tofu cheese. The first option will greatly facilitate your life, since it only requires soy milk and lemon acid... In this case, cooking will not be difficult for you. However, if for some reason you cannot buy soy milk, or you simply decided to take a more complete recipe for the product in order to make the cheese completely homemade, which is called “from scratch,” then you will need to make soy milk yourself. It is this version of the tofu cheese recipe that we present to your attention.

Making soy milk for tofu cheese

Ingredients for making soy milk:

  • Soybeans - 1 kg;
  • Soda - 2 pinches;
  • Water - 2.5 liters.

Soy milk preparation step by step:

  1. Pour a kilogram of soybeans with water so that it completely covers the cereal, and leave to infuse for a day.
  2. Add a couple of pinches of baking soda to the water to get rid of the herbal aftertaste;
  3. Change the water to fresh water a couple of times;
  4. After a day, rinse the swollen beans and pass through a meat grinder;
  5. Pour the resulting gruel with 2.5 liters of water and let it brew for 3-4 hours;
  6. All that remains is to strain the mixture using a colander and folded gauze, and you will get excellent, healthy, vegetarian soy milk, which we need to make tofu.

Cooking tofu cheese

Required ingredients for tofu:

  • Soy milk - 1 l;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp l.

Step-by-step instructions for making tofu cheese at home:

  1. Pour soy milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil;
  2. As soon as the milk boils, turn it off immediately and let it simmer under the lid for about 5 minutes. Ideally, it should turn out to be 80-85оС;
  3. Add 2 large spoons to the prepared milk lemon juice and stir the mass until it is completely curdled;
  4. Leave the mixture to sit under the lid for another 5-10 minutes;
  5. Strain the resulting mass through the cheesecloth folded several times;
  6. Transfer the remaining curd to a bowl, depending on the shape of your future "dish". Place a press on top of the mixture. Its weight will determine what kind of cheese you get: denser or softer;
  7. In an hour, your soy milk cheese is ready to eat!

Try making delicious, healthy, vegetarian, low-calorie soy cheese from Asia. Such an unusual addition to the usual dishes will undoubtedly diversify the diet and delight your household.

Video: Homemade Soy Milk and Tofu Cheese Recipe