Green tea for every day. Is it harmful to drink green tea every day

It is believed that green tea   is a cooling drink. In China, they say that light teas with minimal fermentation cool the body, and dark ones warm it. That is why in the summer you need to drink green tea more often.

The drink of the emperors - that is the name for green tea in its homeland in China. There are also ancient secrets of its preparation, proper brewing, as well as the tradition of drinking green tea in summer. According to studies, the number beneficial substances  in fresh green tea is twice as high as in other teas.

The benefits of green tea for the body

The benefits of green tea  There is no doubt, because in many countries thousands of studies have been conducted on this topic, where a lot of medicinal substances have been found, such as antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, caffeine, trace elements and other compounds. However, one should not forget that only a few parts of the tea leaf are suitable for use - the so-called flushes and tips. These are buds and young leaves that are harvested for high-quality green tea.

How to brew green tea

It is thanks to the subtlety and tenderness of young leaves, dry leaf brewed with boiled water, cooled to 70-80 degrees, depending on the type and size of the kidney leaf. But this is not the only reason that they categorically do not recommend brew green teaboiling water. Due to the minimal fermentation of the leaf, the largest number of biologically active substances is stored in it: catechins, theanine, caffeine. Boiling water can not only kill the most active antioxidants and vitamins, but also release an excessive amount of caffeine. The drink will be bitter, tart, unpleasant and may not be very useful and tasty.

Brewing cooled water, tea already poured into cups will be slightly warm, which is why drink green tea in summer  much nicer than black tea. Also, in the summer hot days, you can infuse green tea in cold water. To do this, you need 5 grams per liter of cold water, and put the tea in the fridge overnight. In the morning you have a refreshing, invigorating and cool drink.

If you want to take cool green tea on the road, pour 2-3 grams of tea in a 0.5 bottle with cold, sparkling water. The main rule of cold tea - it is brewed only in cold water, in no case can not drink cooled tea, brewed in hot water.

Why not drink cooled green tea?

In the cooled tea more harm than good. In China, this tea is considered poison. In the process of brewing, pay attention to the time of infusion and dishes. Green tea is not recommended.

Green tea in summer: the benefits and harm

From drinking green tea should refrain immediately after a meal. Optimal tea time  - between meals, at least 30 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after. Also, green tea will not be so useful if you use it with sugar or drink food and sweets with it. This is due to the content in tea of ​​substances that accelerate the processing of food, which leads to its improper assimilation. Unlike coffee, caffeine in green tea is less active and longer. Nevertheless, due to the high content of caffeine and other active substances in green tea, they should not be abused and drunk in the evening or before bedtime. Therefore, people with sleep disorders, cardiovascular diseases, gastric diseases and pregnant women should be careful with green tea.

With moderate use of properly brewed, high-quality green tea, your body will always be in good shape, the state will be vigorous and at the same time calm, and the mood will be good throughout the day. Here is why in summer you need to drink green tea more often.

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The rich aroma and rich taste make green tea one of the favorite drinks of every second person from early childhood. Who does not like to drink a cup of warming tea, biting candy or cookies? In addition, it is a well-known antioxidant, which, according to research, is the elixir of youth and a means of preventing oncology. Nevertheless, everything is good in moderation. In order to answer the question of whether green tea is harmful, it is necessary to figure out how much it is necessary to use this drink and whether it represents a danger to human health.

Is green tea dangerous?

Green tea can also be dangerous to health. If you drink a lot of tea, and there is no difference - black or green, then a shock amount of flavanoids - biologically active compounds, which clean the digestive organs are cleaned, enters the body. Large daily portions of this drink can cause disruptions in the digestive tract and overload the liver and kidneys. In addition, do not forget that there is more caffeine in green tea than in coffee, so if you drink it in large quantities, you can simply not close your eyes.

It is believed that if you drink hot tea, there is a risk of throat cancer, not to mention the fact that boiling water burns the esophagus, which can harm the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is best to enjoy freshly brewed tea, since it is the most useful from him, and he does not taste bitter. Some people prefer to drink chilled or very cold tea, which quenches thirst and tones well.

Harm of green tea for people who have serious problems with the joints, is also impossible to deny. The fact is that it contains purine, which helps toxins out.  However, if you drink a lot of tea, this substance can accumulate and convert to salt, which causes significant harm to patients suffering from rheumatism, arthritis and similar serious illnesses. Not for nothing, as soon as a person stops drinking coffee, green or black tea, he immediately feels better.

Who should not drink green tea

  The deadly dose of tea is about 130 cups a day, but you can hardly drink such an amount of this drink. Nevertheless, there is a group of people whom doctors do not strongly recommend drinking green tea, as it is too harmful for them. The conditions and diseases in which it is undesirable to use this drink are listed below:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation. Due to the fact that green tea drink is rich in caffeine, it can affect the fetus through the circulatory system, and those mothers who love strong tea run the risk of having a small baby with muscle hypertonia. During the period of lactation, one must be especially alert and not to lean on green tea, because, in addition to excessive nervous excitability, the baby may experience problems with sleep. As for pregnant women, if you drink this drink on an empty stomach, it can cause nausea and other symptoms of toxicosis.
  2. Gastric or duodenal ulcer, erosion, gastritis. Despite the fact that green tea cleans the digestive system of toxins and slags, its theophylline component can prevent erosion and ulcers from being delayed, as it contributes to an increase in acidity in the stomach. In addition, tea is harmful to the intestines, because caffeine has a laxative effect, and for such serious illnesses - this is contraindicated. It often happens that sick of green tea - this happens because under its action the muscles of the esophagus relax. Emetic urges may occur - a frequent occurrence with high acidity or when consumed on an empty stomach.
  3. Insomnia, depression, neurosis. With all these conditions, tea should be minimized, as it acts excitingly. In addition, an excess of caffeine can cause frequent headaches. This drink is not so harmful to give it up completely, but in such cases it is recommended to drink it only in the first half of the day. But drinking tea with milk at night with such diseases would be very helpful.
  4. Hypertension, diabetes. If there are problems with the heart and blood vessels, as well as frequent pressure surges, drinks such as tea should be used with caution, as they are caffeine-containing. It is a lot of cases that hypertonic gums after a strong tea from an excess of caffeine, so that if you drink this drink with such a disease, then the tea leaves should be weak. Tea affects blood sugar levels, so diabetics also need to refrain from drinking.

The fact that tea harms the reproductive system has not been proven. However, its constant use gives overexcitation, and after lethargy and, as a result, a decrease in sexual activity.

  • Do not buy low quality tea. It is not recommended to buy green tea bags - as a rule, tea powder is packed there. It is better to give preference to proven producers of large leaf tea;
  • do not drink tea with alcoholic beverages, as this combination gives an additional load to the liver and kidneys;
  • drink food with a tea drink, but not to get involved in it in the morning on an empty stomach.

When there is a need to clean the body of toxins, green tea drink will come in handy. However, it will not be harmful if you drink no more than one and a half liters of the drink per day. The maximum course duration is one week, and the result will be more noticeable if you additionally eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

Often you should not drink tea for the purpose of recovery, if you want to repeat the course, you can do it not earlier than in a month. But this does not mean that you should completely give up your favorite health drink - green tea is recommended to drink daily in the amount of two cups, but no more.

Should I give up the favorite drink, for fear of harming their health? A couple of cups of flavored tea a day will not do any harm.  In addition, people who have a sedentary lifestyle and spend a lot of time at the computer, doctors recommend regularly to use this anti-carcinogenic drink.

A large number of studies have shown that it is useful to drink green tea. However, green tea does not harm if you drink it in moderation, not more than three cups a day. If you exceed the number of cups drunk, then the person will feel harm from, which far exceeds the benefit received from him.

1. The harm of green tea is caffeine.
  Fifty grams of green tea contains caffeine as much as one hundred grams of coffee contains. Therefore, green tea without harm can drink more than coffee. But many people have an increased sensitivity to caffeine, which they don’t even suspect. If you, after drinking a couple of cups of green tea, notice increased irritability, sleep problems, trembling hands, increased heartbeat, upset stomach, become irritable, notice loss of appetite, rash or "goose bumps", frequent urination, nausea - then you are one of those people who have caffeine sensitivity.

2. InRed Green Tea in Polyphenols and Minerals Overdose
  Tea leaves have a concentrate of the following minerals: manganese, aluminum, fluorine, which they receive from water and soil, and tend to accumulate in the body. For the normal operation of the human body, such minerals are necessary in small doses, with increasing doses and when they are received in large quantities, they can cause intoxication.
Michael white Dr. Washington University, in 2005 raised the question about the dangerous content of an element such as fluoride in tea. He was able to diagnose such a rare disease in a middle-aged patient as fluorosis, which is characterized by the presence of elevated fluoride levels in the bone. It turned out that this woman had a habit of drinking about seventeen cups of tea a day!

Green tea has a high concentration of polyphenols, in other words, tannins. In essence, they are antioxidants, and in small quantities are useful, but if you allow an overdose, you can cause a severe blow to the liver.

3. Harm of green tea - its side effects
  The Chinese use green tea for more than two thousand years. But somewhere in the six hundredth year of our era in China, green tea was not used as a drink, but only as a remedy. You should be very careful about herbal treatment. And green tea is also medicinal plant! It should be used moderately, not exceeding the dose.
  Green tea is harmful for people who have the sensitivity of the gastric mucosa. In such people, green tea can cause indigestion. Green tea is harmful if you drink it on an empty stomach. Green tea is harmful in a strong brewed form. Its concentration should not be strong, so it is recommended to do or weak brewing, or subsequently dilute it with water, of course, clean.
  Green tea prevents the gland from being absorbed by the body, and this threatens with iron deficiency anemia. Do not recommend drinking green tea with food rich in iron. In this case, the iron ceases to be absorbed. If you are diagnosed with anemia, green tea is obvious to you, you cannot eat it at all.
  In addition, green tea interferes with the absorption of folic acid, especially this danger lays in pregnant women, because the developing fetus needs folic acid.
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Such a drink in some cases is even considered an excellent medicinal and prophylactic agent, but this does not mean that it can be consumed in any quantities. If you drink too much green tea, it can lead to unpleasant consequences. As a rule, the nervous system suffers first. The person feels over-excited or even irritable.

An adult is recommended to drink no more than 6 cups of not too strong green tea per day. If you have already neglected this advice, drink sweetened water and eat sweet fruits. This will help to deal with the symptoms.

If you drink too much green tea, after excessive arousal, a breakdown begins, a headache. The next stage is severe nausea and even vomiting, as well as dizziness. Some people even have symptoms similar to signs of alcohol intoxication. For a strong, healthy body, it will not be too much harm if you drink too much green tea once, but even young and strong people should not get carried away with this drink so as not to undermine their health.

The negative impact of green tea on the body

It is important to remember that drinking green tea leads to a decrease in pressure. If it is too high, this drink will help to gently correct the situation. If he will be drunk by many people who have already faced the problem of reduced pressure, the results can be unpleasant. In particular, there is a risk that symptoms such as nausea, cold sweat, dizziness, blackening of the eyes, weakness will appear.

The effects of green tea on the body may vary. This is especially the case when it comes to tea with special additives that can not be transferred by any person.

There are even representatives of special "risk groups" who should not consume green tea in large quantities. It is primarily about pregnant women and people suffering from anemia and diseases of the nervous system. In addition, it is not recommended to drink a lot of tea for girls during their periods. Pay attention: representatives of risk groups should consult with your doctor about the amount of tea you can drink during the day. The fact is that the optimal dose for them may not be 5-6, but, for example, 3-4 cups.

It is also interesting that, contrary to popular belief about the benefits of eating green tea on an empty stomach, doctors recommend drinking it only after or during meals. According to research results, green tea drunk on an empty stomach strongly irritates the mucous membrane. If you drink it on an empty stomach too often, you can get gastritis or an ulcer. That is why it is strongly recommended not to use green tea in the morning half an hour before breakfast, as described in some diets. Drinking it just before a meal is also not worth it, because it will worsen the absorption of protein by the body.

Green tea combined with alcohol

By itself, green tea in small quantities has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and liver, and can even improve their performance. This, however, does not apply to cases where such a drink is used together with alcohol, as well as shortly before or after it. The fact is that green tea, combining with wine, vodka, champagne and any other alcoholic beverages, releases toxic substances that can cause very serious damage to the liver and kidneys.

Even in ancient China, people noticed that drinking green tea soon after wine caused puffiness, back pain, deterioration of the kidneys, discomfort in the bladder, and the appearance of heaviness in the body and sputum. Moreover, according to doctors and scientists, such a drink can cause very serious harm to the body, even if it is consumed several hours after drinking alcohol. In a word, even in the morning after a stormy night, it is better to give preference to other drinks.

Poor green tea

Low quality green tea is one of the most harmful drinks. The use of poor-quality raw materials or non-compliance with the terms and conditions of storage can lead to the deterioration of the drink. Of course, you can’t drink it after that.

Green tea of ​​dubious quality can contain a lot of toxins that poison the human body. Regularly consuming such a drink, you may even notice significant deterioration in well-being.

In order not to purchase low-quality goods, give preference to tea from well-known companies, check the expiration date and use the services of well-known stores with a good reputation. Also note that it is not recommended to choose a drink with flavors or big amount  additional ingredients, especially if you are prone to allergies.

Publication date: 02/08/2012

Green tea has long been valued in many Asian countries. In China, it is even called the drink of emperors and the gift of the gods. Not so long ago, this drink "tasted" in our country. However, the debate about whether it is harmful to drink green tea, or, nevertheless, it can be considered useful, has not abated until now.

As you know, the benefits of any herb depends on its composition. The composition of green tea is extremely rich. Alkaloids and tannins, catechins and vitamins, vegetable proteins and minerals, as well as many other, sometimes not even known to science substances, do their job: as proved by the same science, green tea improves blood circulation and vision, removes toxins and slags from the body, reduces skin susceptibility to inflammation, relieves fatigue, boosts immunity and even slows down the aging process. And that's not all. beneficial features  this amazing drink ... However, those who are wary of green tea will also be right.

So is green tea harmful? And if it is harmful, then why did he not please the person? As you know, this drink contains caffeine - albeit in fairly small doses. However, this will be enough for people who suffer from insomnia or are characterized by increased excitability, so that sleep is disturbed or a breakdown occurs. Green tea is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach - it turns out that it irritates the gastric mucosa. And if you mix it with alcohol, this “mixture” will not have a very positive effect on your kidneys (however, this has not yet been fully proven). Well, another, perhaps, the well-known property of green tea is to reduce pressure. Therefore, it is better for hypertensive patients not to take this drink regularly.

But, as you know, there is a way out of any situation. First, if you decide to use green tea, forget about the sachets - use normal, loose tea leaves, medium or large leaf. Secondly, you only need to drink fresh tea leaves. Thirdly, remember that this drink is harmful if you drink it with milk - during the combination of these two products certain chemicals are formed that can hardly be called useful. Fourthly, do not lean too much on tea, here, as in everything, moderation is needed: five cups a day, not more, will be quite enough to harmful properties  tea did not show up on you.

So who is right - those who believe that green tea benefits or those who are sure that only harm is from it? The whole truth is that this drink, like any other product, has its advantages and disadvantages. And in general: drinking a cup or two, listen to yourself - your body will certainly tell you whether green tea is good for you or should you refuse it.

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