Enemies of vitamins! What prevents the absorption of vitamins? Myths about vitamins: tablets absorbed better than fruit

You eat right and closely monitor your diet, but do you know what prevents your body from successfully absorbing vitamins? What needs to be done in order for them to increase immunity and nourish our body by 100%, rather than “fly into the tube”. Find out what you need to do?

For example, calcium  - capricious element. In the human body, he prefers to work only in company with vitamin D, does not like coffee (one cup in 150 ml inhibits calcium absorption for 3 hours). And also not digested with bread, bran and all refined products. Sodium salts also impair its absorption in the body. So if you drink calcium, try to eat less salty.

Eat right, take care of yourself and!

There is a lot of calcium in spinach and sorrel, but it is practically not extracted from there because of oxalic acid (it turns calcium into an insoluble compound).

Starch and fiber also interfere with calcium absorption. Because dairy products are better to eat separately from cereals and vegetables.

Vitamin D is not so fastidious. - it is well absorbed from cod liver, fatty fish (herring, halibut, salmon), together with phosphorus - from canned fish (especially sprat and sardines). And, of course, to get the norm of this vitamin, you need to be on the air at least an hour a day, and in the daytime (in our skin it is formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, therefore it is called "solar").

What else prevents the absorption of various vitamins and minerals?

Alcohol  neutralizes many vitamins, including B1, B6 and folic acid, and also leaches calcium, zinc, potassium, iron, magnesium. It causes the formation of free radicals in the body, and these molecules literally cling to other molecules, damaging the cell membranes, destroying them and changing the structure of DNA. The traditional appetizer adds to the fire - canned cucumbers or smoked sausage. A healthier option is a glass of red or white wine accompanied by fruit, low-fat cheese and greens. Natural wine contains flavonoids, which are not only rich in vitamins, but also improve the absorption of other nutrients.

Smoking prevents the absorption of selenium, contributes to the rapid destruction of vitamins A, C and E - antioxidants that protect the body from viral and bacterial infections. Smoke cigarettes literally saturates the body with carcinogenic substances. To neutralize them, a system of internal protection is launched: vitamins are immediately used, blocking the action of carcinogens or eliminating damage caused to cells and DNA. The value of the vitamin ration during smoking is reduced by almost 2 times.

Caffeine  (more than 3 cups of coffee per day) - kills b vitamins, PP, inhibit the absorption of calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium and iron and reduces their content in the body.

Many drugs adversely affect the absorption of vitamins.

Antibiotics, oral contraceptives, and antacidswhich are usually taken to reduce heartburn, impair the ability to absorb vitamins of group B, vitamin E, iron, calcium, magnesium.

Reception anticonvulsant drugs  causes a deficiency of vitamins K and D.

Vitamin D is also not allowed to be absorbed by lowering drugs.

Aspirin  in high doses reduces folic acid (vitamin B9).

Laxatives  can lead to vitamin A deficiency.

Hypnotics  impede the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, B12, greatly reduce the level of calcium.

Diuretic drugs  increase the excretion of magnesium, zinc, potassium, and vitamins of group B.

Lack A leads to problems with vision, skin, disorder of the functions of the sex glands, weakening of the immune system.

Lack of vitamin C and E provokes atherosclerosis, heart disease, endocrine system malfunctions, metabolic disturbances.

Without vitamin D there is a risk of being left without teeth and bones, since it is he who regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, as well as the conductivity of nerve impulses.

Vitamin B12 is necessary for normal blood formation, normalizes fat metabolism in the liver, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves memory.

Vitamins - Doctor Komarovsky's School:


In a healthy diet, much attention is paid to vitamin preparations. In order to compensate for the lack of vitamins (avitaminosis) in the human body, in addition to the usual food products, it is necessary to take various vitamin preparations (multivitamins) produced by the pharmaceutical industry in tablets, pills, capsules.

For example, Gendevit(for pregnant and lactating), Undevit, Gendevit  (for the elderly) Hepatitis(for diseases of the eyes and skin), Revit  other.

Taking vitamin preparations, it should be borne in mind that a significant portion of vitamins (50% or more) is lost during absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and blood. To reduce the loss of vitamins, the order of taking vitamins is important. Many vitamin complexes are recommended to be taken once a day. Although it is very convenient, but not effective - the body can not immediately absorb a large amount of vitamins. Just as the body can not absorb the entire amount of food for the day at a time. Therefore, the daily rate of vitamins is better divided by 2-3 times.

Vitamin preparations are best taken during a meal or immediately after it. With this procedure, the intake of vitamins is absorbed more slowly and their losses are reduced. Vitamins taken on an empty stomach are rapidly absorbed into the blood, their absorption decreases, and losses increase.


Not all vitamins are absorbed by the body, most of them are quickly destroyed. What contributes to the destruction of vitamins and mineral salts in the human body?

Vitamins of group B, A, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc destroys alcohol.

Vitamins A, E, C, selenium destroys nicotine.

Caffeine destroys vitamins B and PP and reduces the content of potassium, iron, zinc.

Antibiotics destroy B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, iron.

Sleeping pills prevent the absorption of vitamins B 12, A, E, D, reduce calcium levels.

Aspirin reduces the content of potassium and calcium, vitamins A, C and group B.


Many pharmaceutical companies recommend considering compatibility (antagonism) of certain vitamins and microelements that interfere with each other during absorption. They suggest taking some vitamins in the morning, others in the afternoon, and others in the evening. Indeed, there is antagonism not only of vitamins and microelements, but of all nutrients. For example, antagonism between glucose and fructose, although both are part of sucrose. Or antagonism between amino acids, but as part of the protein, they get along well with each other. The interaction of various nutrients is a natural physiological phenomenon characteristic of the body's metabolism. With a balanced healthy diet and taking vitamins, their interaction is balanced in the body and there is no negative effect on each other.

But the problem may arise if the treatment uses large doses of individual vitamins or trace elements. In this case, they may be negative interaction with each other. For example, large doses of copper can destroy vitamin C. To reduce the negative effects of antagonism, the intake of those nutrients in relation to which it is manifested should be increased.

Compatible Vitamins(positive vitamin interaction):

Vitamin A is compatible with vitamin E.

Vitamin B2 is compatible with vitamins: B6, B9, K.

Vitamin B12 is compatible with vitamins: B5, B9.

Vitamin C is compatible with vitamin E.

Calcium is compatible with vitamins: B6, B12, D, K.

Vitamin B3 is compatible with iron.

Vitamin E is compatible with sulfur.

Zinc is compatible with manganese.

Incompatible vitamins  (negative interaction of vitamins):

Vitamin A is incompatible with vitamins: B12, K.

Vitamin B12 is incompatible with vitamins: B1, B3, C, E, copper, iron, manganese.

Vitamin E is incompatible with vitamin K, iron.

Vitamin B9 is incompatible with zinc.

Vitamin C is incompatible with copper.

Vitamin E is incompatible with iron.

Vitamin B5 with copper.

Calcium is incompatible with iron, manganese, zinc.

Iron is incompatible with chlorine, magnesium, manganese, zinc.

Manganese is incompatible with copper.

Zinc is not compatible with chlorine and copper.

Useful articles:

Features of the absorption of vitamins by the body

To ensure the normal functioning of the body you need to take care of getting a full range of vitamins. Their total number is 13. But it is important to know that different vitamins are absorbed in different ways by the body.

The first thing you need to know about vitamins, that they can be taken from food, as well as tablets. Today there is a perception that vitamins that enter the body in a natural way are more beneficial and their absorption is better. However, this is not quite true. Scientists have proven that substances obtained by different methods have the same activity. That is why such rapid absorption of natural vitamins as well as synthetic ones does not occur.

Getting a full range of natural vitamins is a more complicated process. This is due to the fact that inside the vegetables, as well as fruits, the vitamins have a bound form, so their absorption occurs much worse compared to chemical analogues. A person must necessarily support his body with chemist's. This all has nothing to do with just one vitamin E. Its synthetic variety is less active than natural.

Getting all the necessary vitamins from natural products is a daunting task also because after processing they lose most of the beneficial properties. This refers to cooking on the fire, as well as salting. However, there is a method of preparation in which the vitamins are not only preserved, but this fermentation is activated even more. This means that sauerkraut contains more digestible vitamins, compared with fresh.

Also important is the knowledge of how the compatibility of vitamins affects the degree of their digestibility. There are substances that are in good contact and are complementary to each other, others are an obstacle for the body to absorb, blocking antagonists. With the use of antagonistic substances, of course, you can not harm the body, but do not bring him good. With this option, you will simply consume a pacifier, because vitamins will be neutralized inside the body. Especially large number of antagonists differ in vitamins B12, as well as calcium with iron.

Finally, the digestibility of vitamins is determined by the time you take them. It is better to start taking vitamins at the beginning of the day, avoiding taking them in the evening when the body gets tired and gets ready for sleep. Also do not forget about taking vitamins when you eat. The absorption of vitamins during meals is better, as well as the consumption of dietary supplements.

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Are you trying to eat more vegetables and fruits, or even take a vitamin complex, but still complain about poor health and weakness? This is because the vitamins that enter the body are not properly digested. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the wrong way of life. Let's see what hinders the absorption of vitamins and whether these causes can be overcome.

1. Smoking. More than 4,000 chemicals are contained in cigarette smoke, many of which have a devastating effect on vitamins A and C. But it is these vitamins that activate the body’s immune activity and protect people from bacterial and viral infections. In smokers, the body is saturated with carcinogens, which reduce the value of the vitamin ration in two times.

2. Too intense exercise.  With active physical exertion, breathing is accelerated, so the process of burning fat and the oxidation of blood sugar occur faster. Due to excessive physical exertion, vitamins C, B6 and B2 are derived from the body. These are substances that are responsible for the absorption of protein. One conclusion: exercise in moderation, so that it goes to the benefit, and not to harm.

3. Stress.  In people who often experience stressful conditions, an excessive release of biologically active substances and hormones is triggered. This process leads to increased consumption of B vitamins, vitamin E and C;

4. Medication.  People who take antibiotics for a long time, anti-pills, oral contraceptives and other medications lack vitamin H, K and group B. These substances are very “capricious”, therefore some medications can interfere with their absorption. With prolonged use of anticonvulsant drugs in the body, there is a lack of vitamins D and K. The absorption of folic acid is affected by the intake of aspirin and sulfonamides. Excessive intake of laxatives takes vitamin A from the body. Fat-soluble vitamins A, K, D and E are not absorbed by the body when it comes to mineral oils.

5. Lack of fermented milk products in the diet.  In kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese contain bacteria that can independently synthesize vitamins B, K, C, folic acid and riboflavin. Also, these bacteria are indispensable in the synthesis of essential amino acids, lactic acid and natural antibiotics. If a person does not use dairy products, then the body is deficient in these vitamins, which leads to a decrease in protective functions and the development of many diseases. In order to protect yourself from these problems, eat fermented milk products regularly!

6. Waking at night. People who like to sit at a computer deep into the night or those who often spend their leisure time in nightclubs have a lack of vitamin D, which we get when skin interacts with the sun's rays. If a person is awake at night, and sleeps during the day, inadequate exposure to the sun quickly makes itself felt.

7. Alcohol Abuse
. Many vitamins, for example, folic acid, B1 and B6, are not able to have a positive effect if alcohol enters the body. It is especially harmful to seize spirits with canned food and smoked meats. Than to pour beer or spirits into the body daily, it is better to drink a glass of dry red or white wine.

8. Meat semi-finished products.  Sausage, sausages and other ready-made meat delicacies that tempt us from the shelves of shops, fill the body with nitrates and nitrites. To neutralize these substances, the body consumes significantly more vitamins, which, in the end, leads to their lack.

9. Cooking in deep fat.  Food prepared in deep fat, does not contain vitamins, they are replaced by carcinogens. It is much more useful to bake dishes in the oven, stew products or steam.

Remember: to feel vigorous and healthy, you need to eat only healthy foods, do not abuse alcohol and do not smoke. When you use drugs, you must follow the instructions of the doctor, and in the gym or on the sports ground do not bring yourself to exhaustion. Try to fully relax at night and do not give yourself reasons for stress. After all, no one can take care of your health better than you.

Both men and women understand the important role vitamins play in the human body. We all realize that for the normal functioning of the body needs to be replenished in the form of vitamins and useful trace elements.

As a rule, most people try to buy different foods in order to get some useful substances out of them. But, unfortunately, these attempts are limited to the purchase of citrus, rich in vitamin C, dairy products rich in calcium, etc.

Parents are trying to give their children vitamins that everyone has heard. And this of course is very correct and useful.

But, unfortunately, we think about some vitamins only when the body is already flowing

A routine blood test may show abnormalities in vitamin B12. Few people know what its functions are and how it is absorbed. But the complications to which the lack of this element can lead are very serious.

What is the importance of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 (the second name of which is Cyanocobalamin) performs very important functions:

  • Takes part in the process of blood creation
  • Necessary in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism
  • Necessary in the regulation of fat metabolism in the body.

Undoubtedly, it is very significant for the continuation of the life of each person.

With insufficient blood levels of cyanocobalamin, a very serious disease develops - anemia.

Anemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12 can be found under the following names:

  1. Anemia is pernicious (in translation from Latin, pernicious means - bearing death).
  2. B12-deficiency anemia.
  3. Megaloblastic anemia.
  4. Addison-Birmer disease (these are the names of the doctors who first identified the disease, it happened in 1855 and 1872).
  5. Malignant anemia (outdated name given by Thomas Addison and Anton Birmer).

First of all, the lack of B12 in the body affects the central nervous system and bone marrow.

For a long time, this disease was considered incurable and deadly. And only in 1926, a group of scientists found an amazing way to treat anemia. It has become - consuming the liver in its raw form, as it contained a substance, without which absorption of vitamin B12 is impossible.

Malignant anemia is a disease that is characterized by a violation of DNA synthesis, which affects the slowing down of the division of all cells, especially blood cells.

How deficiency of vitamin B12 is manifested

A feature of megaloblastic anemia is that it can develop over the years. Its course is also almost not accompanied by any symptoms before anemia reaches a serious stage of development.

The long-term development of the disease is due to the fact that the liver contains a fairly large supply of vitamin B12. He is almost 5 mg.

Every day, the body needs about 5 µg, therefore, in the absence of B12 intake in the body, its reserves will run out only after 3 years.

Symptoms that describe vitamin B12 deficiency in blood include:

  1. Pallor of the skin.
  2. Increased weakness
  3. Shortness of breath even with minor loads.
  4. Dizziness with sharp movements, turning the head.
  5. Cardiopalmus.
  6. Glossitis.
  7. Enlarged liver and spleen.
  8. Psychological disorders.
  9. Impaired sensitivity.

If you identify these symptoms, you should always consult a doctor. The attending physician who deals with the treatment of anemia is a hematologist.

What factors can trigger the development of B12-deficiency anemia

Already from the name of anemia, it is clear that it occurs with a deficiency of vitamin B12.

Such factors can affect its insufficiency:

Consider the specific reasons in these groups in more detail.

Factors of the 1st group:

  • Compliance with a vegetarian diet
  • Unbalanced menu
  • Insufficient use of foods with vitamin B12
  • Compliance with mono-diet (when one product dominates in the basic diet)
  • Anorexia

Factors of the 2nd group:

  • Diseases of the intestinal mucosa
  • Tumor formations in the intestine
  • Low absorption
  • Insufficiency of the internal factor for the absorption of B12
  • Removal of the ileal site (it is in it the absorption of B12 occurs)
  • Stomach removal
  • Taking medications like: Colchicine; Neomycin.

Factors of the 3rd group:

  • Anemia (hemolytic)
  • Development of psoriasis or exfoliative dermatitis

Factors of the 4th group:

  • Alcohol addiction
  • Helminth worm
  • Bacteria in the digestive tract, which prevent the absorption of vitamin.

What prevents the absorption of vitamin B12

The absorption of vitamin B12 can be complicated by many factors. We can say that this vitamin has “enemies” that prevent its absorption into the blood.

What foods contain cyanocobalamin

The body must supply B12 with food. This allows not only to prevent anemia, but also to avoid disorders of the nervous system.

Many psychiatrists prescribe vitamin B12 injections to patients. After this much sick. Vitamin B12 has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

In addition, if there is a lack of B12 in the body, the level of carnitine decreases. Carnitine is needed to transport fat molecules to the mitochondria, where fats are broken down, giving the body energy. Otherwise, there is an accumulation of degradation products in the blood. That leads to all sorts of complications.

The main products from which you can draw a supply of vitamin B12 include:

  • Beef, veal and pork liver (must be eaten at least once a week)
  • Yeast (bakery or beer)
  • Dairy products
  • Raw egg yolk
  • Greens and green parts of plants (tops of radish, carrots)
  • Spinach
  • Seafood
  • Wheat (Sprouted)

Doctors say that B12, more effectively absorbed when combined with other vitamins of group B.   Thus, it is recommended to eat liver with salad (the volume of salad should be three times more than the liver).

Normal B12, possibly with a varied food menu, which includes meat, fish, vegetables and dairy products. Vegetarians are advised to use milk and soy, as they are at risk of lowering B12 levels.