Is tea harmful after eating? Caution: green tea

This drink is known to mankind from time immemorial and is widely considered very healthy and effective for weight loss. Many of the positive properties of green tea are well studied and confirmed, but do you know about its contraindications and side effects?

Mainly for adults green tea  harmless if consumed in moderation. Green tea extract can also be considered safe for most, both internally and externally.

However, drinking too much green tea — more than 5 cups a day — is considered unsafe. Side effects arising from the caffeine present in this tea may include some or all of the following symptoms:

  - Irritability;
  - Nervousness;
  - Sleep problems;
  - Vomiting;
  - Diarrhea;
  - Violation of heart rhythm;
  - Tremor;
  - Heartburn;
  - Dizziness;
  - Tinnitus;
  - Seizures "
  - Disorientation.

Who should not drink green tea?

Green tea is contraindicated for those who experience the following problems and conditions.

1. Stomach problems

Tannins in green tea increase the secretion of gastric juice, which can cause abdominal pain, nausea and constipation. That is why green tea in Japan and China do not drink on an empty stomach. It is better to drink green tea after or during meals. People with peptic ulcer or heartburn should not consume too much green tea.

A 1984 study found that tea is a powerful stimulant of gastric juice. Reduce this effect by adding milk and sugar.

Due to its high caffeine content, green tea in large quantities is also contraindicated for diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.

2. Iron deficiency

It is assumed that green tea reduces iron absorption. A 2001 study found that green tea extract reduced iron absorption by 25%. Iron is found in foods such as eggs, dairy and vegetable products, such as beans, but if you drink green teathen this component will be absorbed by your body worse.

This effect can be partially offset by vitamin C, which increases the absorption of iron. To do this, squeeze lemon into tea or add other foods rich in vitamin C to your diet, such as broccoli. In addition, according to the National Cancer Institute (National Cancer Institute), iron absorption is little affected by the use of tea between meals.

3. Caffeine Sensitivity

Like all teas, green tea contains caffeine, and its excessive consumption can lead to nervousness, anxiety, heart rhythm disturbances, muscle spasms, tremors and sweating. Some people are especially sensitive to caffeine, and they will suffer from these symptoms more. Excessive caffeine intake can also inhibit calcium absorption, affecting the health of your bones and increasing the risk of osteoporosis. To prevent such problems, limit green tea consumption to 5 or less cups per day. IMPORTANT! Consumption of very large doses of caffeine can be life-threatening. The deadly dose of caffeine in green tea is estimated at 10-14 g (150-200 mg per kilogram).

4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Green tea contains caffeine, catechins and tannins. All three substances are associated with a risk for pregnancy. You should not completely abandon your favorite drink, but it is advisable to limit yourself to 2 cups a day. Large quantity  may increase the risk of miscarriage and other negative effects. Remember that caffeine passes into breast milk and can affect the infant when feeding.

5. Diabetes

Caffeine in green tea can affect blood sugar regulation. If you are diabetic and drink green tea, monitor your blood sugar more closely.

6. Glaucoma and high blood pressure

Drinking green tea increases intraocular pressure. This increase occurs within half an hour and lasts about one and a half hours.

In addition, green tea is not recommended for people with anxiety personality disorder, bleeding disorders, irregular heartbeats and severe liver disease. Finally, green tea is contraindicated in children: tannins in it can block the absorption of nutrients such as proteins and fats by the growing body.

How to use green tea?

For tea, people usually use 1 teaspoon of tea leaves for 250 ml of boiling water.

Drink green tea when it is just brewed, but slightly chilled. Scalding tea can damage your digestive system. In addition, recent studies show that excessive consumption of hot tea may contribute to the development of throat cancer.

Fresh tea is more useful for health, because the positive effect of catechins, such as tannin, and vitamins C and B, is reduced over time due to oxidation. If you brew the same tea leaves again, the duration of tea leaves before use should be even less.

Do not brew tea more than twice. First, each time you brew tea leaves more and more carcinogenic substances (such as pesticides) contained in them that can make your tea even toxic. And secondly, in the old tea contains more bacteria.


You should not give up a cup of your favorite drink, but if you have any of the above mentioned diseases, use caution and consult your doctor about how much tea you can drink per day. Observe moderation and calmly enjoy all the benefits of green tea!

It is not a secret for anyone that high-quality leaf tea is a well of useful substances for our body. In fact, the more often we drink tea, the more it is able to strengthen our health.

One of the most powerful components of tea are polyphenols, which can slow down the aging process, while strengthening the immune system.

  Lipopolysaccharides contained in tea reduce the harm caused by radiation and other toxins. And the caffeine content in this drink can help maintain a clear mind and relieve fatigue.

However, the illiterate use of tea can not only level all its benefits, but also harm the body. In today's review, we have collected 9 common misconceptions, having studied which, you will understand how to make friends with the culture to drink tea better.

1. Drink tea on an empty stomach

Drinking tea suppresses the secretion of gastric juice and can reduce the total acid and bile in the stomach. Tea can also affect the body's absorption of proteins and other nutrients. Eating tea on an empty stomach will stimulate the gastric mucosa, resulting in a loss of appetite.

2. Drink too hot tea

A drink with too high a temperature will irritate and burn the throat, esophagus and gastric mucosa. Abuse of too hot tea can lead to scarring. Experts note that the temperature of tea should not exceed 56 degrees.

3. Drink strong tea

Replacing tea can increase its caffeine content, which may further affect our health. Headaches, insomnia, dehydration, problems with digestion - all this can be done by the hands of caffeine. Therefore, try to observe the recommended dosage of tea on the teapot, as well as to monitor its brewing.

4. Make tea too long

If the tea is brewed for too long, then regardless of the water temperature, it will be too strong, sometimes even with bitterness. Experts consider such tea unsuitable for drinking, because vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids are destroyed in it, and the result is not only not very tasty, but not very useful drink.

5. Brew tea too many times.

Most good leafy teas can be brewed only 3 or 4 times, otherwise we risk getting a tasteless and non-flavored drink. Flavored teas should be brewed only 1 or 2 times. The exception is highly fermented Pu-erh and "stable" oolong tea - they can be brewed 5-6 times.

6. Drink plenty of tea before meals.

Excessive consumption of tea before meals can not only affect our ability to distinguish between tastes, making food tasteless, but also hinder the absorption of protein in the body. So try next time to pause for 20-30 minutes before eating, and your digestion will be grateful to you.

7. Drink tea immediately after meals.

All the same tannins of tea are associated with protein and iron contained in food, preventing their absorption by the body. In order to avoid these negative consequences, it is recommended to switch to tea no earlier than half an hour after a meal.

Good afternoon, dear readers! ABOUT healing properties  green tea, probably everyone knows. And many are sure that this tasty drink is completely harmless, because it brings so much benefit to health. But in this health drink there are hidden dangers that will be discussed: the harm of green tea.

Based on studies conducted by the Tea Council of Great Britain (UK Tea Council),it was found that a healthy drink with excessive consumption can cause a side effect to human health.

What harm can green tea do?

Harm of green tea is expressed in its side effects, which experts associate with the caffeine content and tannins (tannin and catechin).

Meanwhile, tea brings great health benefits. Read, prolongs life.

Tannins. In their effects, the tannins in the tea leaf are similar to vitamin P, they strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. The tea itself is given a taste and astringency. But their greater concentration in tea affects the walls of the stomach irritatingly, they slow down the absorption and absorption of certain trace elements and can disrupt the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Caffeine- purine alkaloid, is a powerful stimulator of the human nervous system, providing a number of positive effects on health. But an overdose of alkaloid causes disruption of the heart, stomach, intestines and other body systems.

With an excess of even the most useful food, the body is in danger, because all products contain in their composition chemical elements and biologically active substances that the body can not be absorbed indefinitely. Their excessive exposure removes the body from the comfort zone, causing disruptions and disruption of organs and systems.

Side effects or why keep up

Scientists have established a number side effectsthat occur more often with overdose of green tea, which is harmful for both women and men.

Changes the acidity of the stomach

Green tea changes the acidity of gastric juice, increasing it above the norm, which causes irritation of the stomach walls and can cause heartburn. This is the conclusion reached by scientists, studies have shown that tea stimulates the production of gastric acid.

To neutralize its effect on the stomach wall, you can add sugar to tea, which again is not welcomed by everyone. It is better to drink the drink after meals or between meals, when the stomach is not yet freed from food.

People with high acidity of the stomach and peptic ulcer need to be more careful in the use of this drink.

Reduces iron absorption

Since tea is drunk only after a meal, it interacts with substances contained in food. It is established that caffeine, or rather, theine (this is the same caffeine that is contained in tea, differs from caffeine in that it is absorbed only in the intestine), reduces the absorption of iron by 25%. This refers more to the non-haem gland contained in eggs, dairy products and vegetable products.

But this harmful effect on the body, fortunately, can be neutralized if fresh lemon juice is added to a cup of tea or vegetables and fruits saturated with vitamin C are eaten first (greens from beds with dark colored green leaves, tomatoes, broccoli, lemon, currants) .

For women, it is important to observe moderation in tea drinking. Often without it, they suffer from anemia and iron deficiency, and large concentrations of tea exacerbate this situation. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, caffeine concentration can affect fetal development and baby's health.

Promotes chronic headaches

If a person constantly consumes drinks containing caffeine, the body gradually gets used to it. And with a lack of this "doping" it responds with a long headache. This is a kind of caffeine addiction, causing a kind of breaking with insufficient intake.

An additional intake of drinks solves this problem in 25-30 minutes, but is it worth it to accustom your body to such an addiction? If there are headaches with a lack of caffeine doping, it is better to completely abandon these drinks. After all, these symptoms will gradually intensify.

Sometimes people have chronic pain in the head, turning into migraine. Studying such cases, scientists have found a connection between this pain and the use of beverages (in large doses) containing caffeine.

Causes anxiety and nervousness, interferes with restful sleep.

All these symptoms are more pronounced in sensitive people with overdose. The thing is xanthine, which is a purine base and a precursor of uric acid. And its derivative is caffeine.

Him side effects  on the human body is the ability to block sleep hormones in the brain, and he also activates the production of adrenaline.

Increases heart rate and blood pressure

Sometimes there is a marked contraction of the muscles of the heart (heartbeat) or abnormal contraction, with a rhythm disturbance. As a rule, such failures and violations quickly pass. And if such cases occur, it is better to talk to your doctor, get tested and identify the true cause of the deviations.

If a person has an increased sensitivity to caffeine and its derivatives, then it is better to refuse drinks containing it in its composition.

You should not get involved in drinks and people with high blood pressure, the fact of the influence of caffeine on the increase in pressure is well known.

Causes diarrhea

This feature depends on the individual sensitivity of the organism. The lining mucous membrane of the digestive organs contains a huge number of neurons (nerve cells and endings). Therefore, the digestive organs are very sensitive to all chemicals coming from food.

And drinks containing caffeine are rich in organic acids (citric, succinic, malic, oxalic), which stimulate the production of bile. At some point this plays a positive role.

But the accumulation of bile, in turn, triggers mechanisms in response to exposure to biologically active substances that cause the toilet to run. For those on whom caffeinated beverages have a laxative effect, it is better to discard them.

Promotes heartburn and vomiting

Medical experts recognize the fact that caffeine-containing beverages can cause heartburn. This is explained by the fact that during irritation of the mucous membrane by caffeine derivatives, the production of hydrochloric acid increases.

And since the active substances still have vasoconstrictor abilities, this in some measure disrupts the functioning of the sphincter, which does not work in time and passes hydrochloric acid into the esophagus.

Do not drink the drink hot, because it irritates the gastric mucosa more strongly and do not work in the slope after drinking a cup of tea.

Overdose of tea sometimes causes nausea, turning into vomiting, which is rare. This is also associated with a change in the acidity of the stomach and the irritating effect of the active substances on the emetic center of the brain.

Perhaps dizziness, ringing in the ears

Caffeine derivatives have insidious properties. In small dosages, they increase pressure, cause vasospasm, which can cause dizziness.

With an overdose, on the contrary. lower pressure. And again they cause weakness and dizziness. Tinnitus may occur, especially with increased pressure.

Causes trembling limbs and lack of calcium in the body

Can I drink cold tea

Experts do not recommend drinking as too hot tea, and cold. Hot tea can burn, and the frequent consumption of hot drinks causes mutation of epithelial cells lining the throat, which leads to the formation of a malignant tumor.

Cold tea after standing, quickly oxidized, which leads to the destruction of the vitamins, minerals and active biological substances contained in it. There will be no harm from this, just thinking about the utility, you will drink a pacifier. But in cold tea a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of bacteria.

Biologically active substances contained in green tea and beneficial, can be potentially dangerous to health if it is consumed in unreasonable quantities. The harm of green tea for the body lies only in this reason. If you follow the rule of the middle middle, then all problems will go away.

The sensible use of tea turns the caffeine and tannin contained in it into friendly substances that carry only health.

Drink tea wisely and be healthy!