After eating drink tea. When is it correct to drink tea: before meals or after? Is it possible to drink food with tea? A couple of tea bans

In China, tea is called the fire of life.bestowing unearthly bliss. This fragrant, perfectly quenching thirst drink has long and firmly entered the life of modern man. Without a cup of fragrant tea today it is simply impossible to imagine even the most ordinary day of an ordinary person. They invite you for a cup of tea, wanting to get to know each other better, for a cup of tea commercial negotiations and simple intimate conversations are being held.

It has also been established that drinking tea during meals reduces the availability of catechins for the body - compounds present in tea, and plays a vital role in various physiological profiles. Therefore, if you want to drink tea with or after a meal, you can choose between green tea  or ginger teaas they are found to help digestion. And people suffering from iron deficiency should limit their consumption of tea during meals or consult with their doctor to prevent health complications.

Is it possible to drink food with tea?

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Television is full of commercials calling for a new day to start with a cup of fragrant hot tea. They are charming girls or sexy guys, barely rising from the bed, immediately take up a cup of tea. But is it good to drink tea before mealson an empty stomach? And whether it will lead to undesirable consequences for an organism?

Drink half an hour before training

It is well known that green tea  helps weight loss. But drinking only green tea can not do the trick. Green only works in conjunction with adequate exercise. Green tea can improve your level of performance and help you last longer. Thus, you can burn more fat during exercise.

At least two hours before bedtime

The best time to drink green tea for weight loss is 2 hours before you get into bed. It can help boost your metabolism. But, it is not a good idea to take a cup of green tea right before that. The caffeine content can cause insomnia.

Let's try to figure out when to drink tea: before or after meals?

  In the Middle Kingdom, the birthplace of tea, since ancient times there is a rule "Do not drink tea on an empty heart". This rule is confirmed by the research of modern scientists. The substances contained in tea lead to the dilution of saliva, and if drinking tea before meals, the taste buds in the mouth cannot correctly convey the true taste of food, it may seem fresh and tasteless. In addition, diluted saliva cannot adequately support the digestive process. therefore drink tea should be about 20 minutes before sitting down at the table  - during this time, saliva will completely restore all its properties and functions.

Today, in the era of the craze for various diets, one often hears the opinion that a cup of tea drunk before eating leads to a decrease in appetite and will help not to eat too much. Indeed, drinking a cup of tea will fill the stomach and create a feeling of fullness. But is it worth it to endanger the body by interfering with the normal digestion process and littering the gastrointestinal tract with poorly digested food?

Why not drink liquids while eating? Or can it?

Excessive green tea can damage the liver. When you pour a cup of tea, the world seems to slow down a bit, and everything seems a little more elegant. However, tea is more than pairing it with crisps or hearing the whistle of a kettle.

White tea has a light, crisp, even slightly sweet taste, because it is uncured and non-fermented. If you want to reduce your risks, white tea may be for you that a recent study showed that white tea has the most anti-cancer properties compared to other more processed teas. Since it has a light crunchy taste, it is an excellent tea to drink ice food. Since it is lower in caffeine than in other teas, and has a light color that does not stain teeth, drinks a few cups a day.

Drinking tea immediately after a hearty lunch is also not recommended., true connoisseurs of this drink and experts advise to take a break of 20 to 30 minutes and to enable the gastrointestinal tract to digest a little of the food. The fact is that tannins contained in tea and a number of others interact with food and prevent it from being rapidly absorbed in the body. This is especially true of proteins, the main building material of human cells. Tannin, which is also found in tea, can lead to the solidification of iron and protein in food.

Green tea is made from parried tea leaves and has a fragrance that can be described as grassy and grassy. To get the most out of your metabolic benefits, it’s best to drink at least 3 cups a day. Green tea is wonderful to drink at any time of the day and eat tasty food with a little honey. It may be especially helpful to drink green tea before, in one small study, green tea extracts helped people burn 17 percent more fat during a 30-minute workout with medium-intensity heart failure.

Tea after meals should not be  also because it reduces the concentration of gastric juice in the stomach, which also does not contribute to good digestion. By the way, this concerns not only tea, but also any other liquid.

Still, before or after?

So how to drink tea - before or after meals?  The answer to this question can be found in the same Chinese. The Chinese tea ceremony is an entire ritual bordering on a religious ceremony. And this ritual has nothing to do with eating. From this we can conclude that tea should be drunk separately from food, but in no case on an empty stomach. Observing this rule, you will get the maximum pleasure from this truly wonderful drink, presented to us by nature itself.

Proper nutrition is a complex science that often acquires myths that are sometimes created from scratch. Tea and coffee for many centuries are among the most controversial in terms of usefulness to the body of products. Let's try to figure out how to use tea, so as not to harm health and well-being.

It has a very bold, rich and slightly bitter taste. Due to its caffeine content and dark color, you can limit it to one to two cups each day. It has a smooth aroma with floral notes. Antioxidants in oolong tea seem to benefit heart health, for example, they control cholesterol levels. This is a tea with a lower caffeine content and very easy to use. Oolong tea is said to have digestive benefits, so you can try some after meals.

Must love the Internet - one person publishes something, and everyone else who knows very little about the topic simply copies this idea and perpetuates bad or partial information. An article in which everyone gets their information reads like this. It is much easier to simply agree and copy what someone else wrote than go out and do your own research.

Expert opinions

The tea leaf is a storehouse of a wide variety of substances that, in combination, have a tonic, antispasmodic, stimulating and warming effect. Depending on the processing method, some oxidative processes occur in the sheet, the result of which is the conversion of some substances into others and the enrichment of the composition in general. When it comes to green tea, it is the last to undergo fermentation, and therefore it is considered the most useful. Why you can not drink tea after eating and is it true?

So, after all the food?

Scientists have set up a “12-week double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study comparing groups” in which “all subjects took barley tea with or without tea before each of the three daily meals.” The Chinese government website advised not to drink tea immediately after consuming any protein, because Pu-erh can inhibit iron absorption and because tannic acid can also slow down protein digestion. Does coffee really remove fluid from the body? Nutrition Expert Brigitte Fisher knows if this is true.

If we talk about fluid in general, then no one expert in healthy nutrition will say that it is useful immediately after a meal. And when it comes to tea with its rich composition, it is on the list of prohibited foods. What is the reason?

The simplest and most understandable fact confirming the possible harm of drinking tea after a meal is its ability to dilute the concentration of gastric juice. It consists of hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes and other substances that are designed to break down food entering the body into simple substances that are absorbed by the human digestive system.

Sweetener increases appetite, brown sugar is healthier than white, and chocolate gives you acne. Many myths surround the topic of nutrition. But what is right and what is wrong? To clarify this, two nutrition experts answer questions and answers. Healthy eating is important - there is no doubt about it. But is fat really unhealthy? Does cooking really remove important nutrients from vegetables? And do we need to take three liters of fluid a day? Nutrition experts not only eliminate nutritional errors, but also show which myths may not be completely untrue.

Any liquid is harmful after eating.

Diluted gastric juice disrupts the balance of enzymes, from which food is digested more slowly and not as efficiently as necessary. Scientifically speaking, metabolic processes slow down. In addition, the slowdown of digestion begins at the stage of ingestion of food into the oral cavity, where liquefied saliva also cannot qualitatively perform its digestive function, and this is the splitting of simple carbohydrates.

A couple of tea bans

Whether you are increasing or not, Margarete Besemann does not depend on whether you eat something in the evening or not, but how much energy is consumed during the day or how much energy is consumed. "It's about daily balance, not about the only food." This is strongly denied by nutrition expert Boseman, because it doesn’t matter whether you take food warm or cold, "on the right composition of food is important." This means a balanced mix of carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Of course, there are also foods that we can not eat raw, such as potatoes, poultry and legumes.

The second fact against tea lies in its composition. This is a high content of tannins, which on the one hand are very useful for humans, and on the other, violate the process of protein digestion, which acts as a building material for cells. Tannin also does not work very well, which prevents the normal absorption of iron, which is already available to a person in limited quantities.

Margaret Besemann also questions: “If you mean basic ingredients like protein, fat or carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that are healthier, then you should understand that there are hardly any differences.” The benefits of organic products are different: "Organic products contain less harmful substances." Lower levels of nitrates and the absence or only a small amount of pesticide residues. In addition, animal products do not contain GMOs. According to Beseman, organically produced food contributes to preserving the environment, which ultimately benefits people in the form of a quality of life.

There is another nuance: polyphenols and tannins dull the sensitivity of taste buds, which prevents a person from fully feeling the taste of food consumed, and this is also a big minus for those who like to eat. It is especially harmful to combine tea or coffee with a cigarette during and after meals. This is a powerful blow to the metabolism and cardiovascular system.

Lose weight with light foods, or rather no fat?

For example, food can be called "light" if it contains at least 30 percent less fat or sugar than a comparable product. But this does not mean that each food is automatically low in calories, so “chips” or light mayonnaise with 50 percent fat is just a small calorie, smaller than fatty originals. On the contrary - fats are vital! However, it depends on the amount - and even more on the quality of the fat. In particular, vegetable oils, such as canola, walnut and olive oil, were favorable because they gave, above all, unsaturated fatty acids.

Anyone who is interested in factors contributing to weight gain knows that the amount of food consumed depends on the volume of the stomach. A portion of the liquid, drunk after a meal, helps to stretch the walls of the stomach. If you systematically follow the habit of drinking food, the stomach can really increase in size. This will affect the volume of the abdomen and further the amount of food eaten.

On the contrary, most animal fats and coconut and vegetable fats are unfavorable, as they are rich in saturated fatty acids, which increases the level of harmful blood lipids and, thus, the risk of heart attack. "Beware of hidden fats in sausage, cheese, sweets and rodents: besides calories are mainly unfavorable fatty acids."

In science, opinions differ on this topic. “There is currently no reliable statement regarding the relationship between the frequency of food intake and the regulation of weight in healthy adults,” says Brigitte Fisher. Decisive for the development of weight is the energy balance. With a balanced, balanced energy and a conscious diet, and also, accordingly, reduced.

Food, like drinking mode, must be correct. On this depends the level of health, well-being, susceptibility to disease. The total should be in moderation, this also applies to the amount of tea and liquid in general.

Are we drinking tea right

Properly drinking tea is a whole science in which the main experts are the Chinese. They know for sure that tea will be useless and even harmful if it is consumed on an empty stomach or washed down with food. It is not for nothing that such a tradition arose in this country as the tea ceremony, which resembles a complex ritual dedicated to the taste of a wonderful and aromatic drink.

Do carbohydrates make you fat and sweeteners really harmful?

Potatoes - cooked in the form of potatoes with salt or a jacket - even with a low calorie content, namely, 100 grams contain only 70 kilocalories, “less banana,” says Margaret Bezemann. Compared to pasta, rice or bread, potatoes have far fewer calories. “But it depends on the preparation,” the expert warns: potato salad, fried potatoes or french fries have significantly more calories, the absolute leader is chips with 598 kcal per 100 grams.

If you systematically drink a cup of tea in the morning on an empty stomach, you can provoke the development of gastritis and slowing down the pancreas and the flow of bile. After eating, you can drink tea at least 30 minutes later. This is the length of time for which digestive system  will be able to partially process the incoming food.

The ideal period of time when you can safely drink any tea drink is 1 hour. Here we are talking about both green and black tea.

And the pasta? Noodles are healthy sources of energy and good for satiety. As always, it depends on the amount. From time to time the pasta was cooked well and healthy. On the other hand, you should be careful with the sauce, since cream sauce is very high in calories.

The fact that a sweetener can stimulate appetite and, consequently, increase weight, according to Bridget Fisher, has not yet been scientifically proven. On the contrary, sweeteners are a useful tool for reducing energy consumption. You get a sweet taste without sugar, energy-saving products, especially in drinks.

More beneficial to health and important for losing weight to use tea in between meals. After how much to do it, depends on the temporary diet. It is known that tea dulls appetite, so you can bring its use to lunchtime or dinner. Allowed to taste a cup of hot drink 30 minutes before meals. This does not prevent digestion, but also increases the rate of saturation.

For years, experts have discussed possible health risks. Nevertheless: according to critical medical experts there is a residual risk for people with extremely high levels of consumption, especially with saccharin and cyclamate. The question of how a large number of different sweeteners work has not yet been fully understood.

Brown sugar, honey, chocolate - what's good and what's not?

"Honey, brown sugar, molasses, syrup, or fruit juices offer nutritionally only small benefits to white sugar." However, according to expert Fisher, the fact is that they usually have an interesting taste in their own right and that, among other things, some contain valuable minerals and trace elements. The amount, however, is small, and the sugar contained in it has as many calories as regular white budget sugar. "Basically, they stick to your teeth more."

  Green tea is richer than black for antioxidants and organic acids

A couple of tea bans

To understand the general picture of tea consumption, you can familiarize yourself with several prohibitions, which are confirmed by experience and scientific research:

  • Experts prohibit the use of hot tea, as it strongly irritates the esophagus and makes the stomach walls very sensitive. Optimal temperature  drink - 56 degrees.
  • Under the ban and cold tea, which slows down the metabolic processes and blood circulation.
  • You can not drink tea immediately after eating, if it is very strong. This can cause stomach cramps.
  • Prohibited drink tea with medication, from this they are poorly absorbed, and therefore become ineffective.
  • Yesterday's brewing  It can be harmful, therefore it is used only as an external agent (washing the eyes, rinsing the hair).

Answering the question of whether it is possible to drink tea after a meal, and armed with other useful facts, everyone will be able to determine for himself the most proper regimen of drinking tonic with health benefits.