Spices and spices medicinal properties reference. Useful spices

Useful properties of seasonings. 7 medicinal seasonings.

Various seasonings give the dish an exquisite aroma and taste. At the same time, some spices also have healing properties. Almost all synthetic drugs (mixtures, pills, saline) obtained by chemical means. And they almost always have side effects. As they say: “We treat one, cripple the other.” Therefore, you should pay attention to the spices - natural medicines, which for thousands of years used by our ancestors in different parts of the world. Now these spices are available to everyone and sold in the nearest supermarket. For example, the following 7 spices that can be used to treat certain diseases.

When coffee or tea is added, it reduces the harmful effects of caffeine and tea. Ayurvedic doctors prescribe it for cough, cold, bronchitis, asthma and the smell of the mouth. It also eases the mood and stimulates the love life. It is used for digestive problems, loss of appetite, flatulence, back pain and rheumatism. It has a stimulating effect on the digestive organs and prevents flatulence. The leaves are used as parsley and are very rich in vitamins. Ayurvedic doctors prescribe it for skin diseases, burns, throat infections and allergies.


Cinnamon is one of the most ancient spices. It was used for embalming in Egypt 2500 years ago. Most spices are plant seeds, whereas cinnamon is the inner layer of bark from a tree, which is dried and rolled into rolls.
  Usually, cinnamon is used as an expectorant and diaphoretic in case of acute respiratory infections and flu. In addition, cinnamon normalizes digestion, increases appetite. Cinnamon can help with toothache and muscle pain.
  Adding cinnamon sticks to ginger tea increases potency. Ground cinnamon can be added to porridge and muesli.

It is used as a means to eliminate bile, kidneys, intestines and stomach. Turmeric also has an appetite and digestion. It can be found in almost all Indian dishes. Bilge oil is also used as liniment for respiratory diseases and rheumatic complaints. In Indian cuisine, cumin is an indispensable spice; It is used in almost all dishes. It turns into amphetamine in the liver, which then acts as a natural mood maker. Caution: If you have more than four grams per day, headaches, dizziness, perceptual disorders, and nausea.


A carnation (spice), unlike a carnation of a flower, is dried, not opened buds of a clove tree growing in the tropics. In ancient times, this spice was used as a breath freshener. In China, during the Han dynasty, the courtiers, before approaching the emperor, chewed cloves to sweeten the breath.

This amount cannot be achieved with regular seasoning, so you can try sauces, soups and vegetables, as well as mashed potatoes with fresh nutmeg. Clove also acts as a spasm, bloating, stimulating digestion, relieving pain and enlarging the stomach. Cloves, still-closed and dried flowers of tropical clove, soothing and anti-depressants. In addition, they prevent bacterial and viral infections, so that they can also support the immune system.

The spice is especially good when you boil all the dried flowers. He is considered the king of spices, because he is so precious. To get one kilogram of saffron, you need about 1 million flowers, the scars of which are collected manually. Saffron is attributed to the effect of stopping pain and cramps, similar to opium. It is used in whooping cough and to stimulate digestion. Saffron has a delicate taste, a very delicate aroma and is used for rice dishes, desserts and pastries. In addition, it has a beautiful yellow color that pleases the eye, and it has an appetizing and invigorating effect, so it is also used as a dye.

Clove contains the highest amount of antioxidants per gram of seasoning. One gram (about ½ teaspoon) of spices contains about the same amount of antioxidants as there are half a glass of berries.

Cloves can help with flatulence (bloating). Broth cloves treat eye diseases (inflammation, conjunctivitis). For diseases of the throat, instead of absorbing tablets, it is better to chew a clove. And clove is a widely used aphrodisiac.

It is stimulated and also has an anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect and contributes to the flow of bile, which has a positive effect on digestion. The effect on the soul and body is soothing, relaxing and amusing. This is especially true when the spice is not crushed, but is used for brownish stars that look like rosettes. They cost a little more, but they remain closed for a long time and are ideal for relaxing teas or for mulled wine and grog.

Tamarind works against biliary ailments, fever and diarrhea. Even the fragrance of a refined orchid pod reduces stressful emotions and a gloomy mood. The orchid plant also has a proven, aphrodisiac or effect that promotes love: vanilla perfume is similar to the substance of a person's sexuality and is therefore often found in perfumes, lotions and creams. The positive effects of Indian cuisine on our health Indian cuisine is healthy! Ginger gets warm inside and in connection with gingko. In Sri Lanka - an important ingredient for almost all dishes.

Often, clove oil is often used to treat and prevent various diseases. Clove oil is a good antiseptic, it is an excellent remedy for toothache. By the way, if you smell the oil of cloves, then you can get rid of hiccups.


Paprika is a plant from the same family as chili peppers. Originally a wig was discovered in Mexico, Christopher Columbus took the plants back to Spain, where he was ground into powder. Since then, paprika has become one of the main spices of Spanish cooking.

So enjoy the delicious nutmeg in the restaurant. To get a kilogram of saffron, you need about 1 million flowers, the scars of which are collected manually. Saffron is attributed to an analgesic and antiperspirant effect similar to opium. The effect on the soul and body is soothing, relaxing and amusing. Spices really pull out the dish. However, they do not develop indefinitely: as the bag or glass opens, the air and light become more intense. And how can you preserve the aroma and flavor as long as possible?

Paprika comes in several varieties: sweet, spicy, soft, pink and delicious. Each option has its own special flavor.

Like chili, paprika is a seasoning with a high content of antioxidants, including beta-carotene, capsanthin, quercetin and luteolin.
  Paprika improves blood supply to the skin, therefore it is often used as a part of massage ointments in the treatment of rheumatic diseases, sports injuries, and cellulite. Paprika contains in its composition a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. This pepper is recommended for patients with diabetes, dermatitis, edema. The combination of vitamins C and P in paprika helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Paprika thins blood and prevents blood clots. The high content of potassium and sodium contributes to the strengthening of bones, the development of stable immunity, increases the number of erythrocytes in anemia.

Image: Spices do not last forever. Regular inventory makes sense especially for terrestrial products. Spices are aromatic natural products, the shelf life of which is usually long, but not unlimited. Especially in the case of terrestrial products, air and light exposure can significantly reduce the aroma and, therefore, flavor. Regular inventory, especially for terrestrial products, is worth it. Please note that the printing expiration date is valid only for unopened packaging.

Optimal storage of raw spices, spice mixes and dried herbs is crucial for their quality. Very important: never pour spices directly into the steamed dish, but always take a spoon from the glass or from the jar. Moisture, water vapor, can form mold in spices.


India has one of the lowest rates of intestinal cancer in the world, and partly because of the high consumption of turmeric by Indians. In recent years, there has been an explosion in research into the beneficial properties of curcumin, a bioflavonoid, which is part of the turmeric root. Numerous studies have shown that this antioxidant has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiarthritic and anti-cancer effects.

A sufficient supply for many years would have already lost its aromatic power to final consumption. Ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, peppermint and cinnamon sticks can last up to four years. Dried herbs should not be stored for more than one year. Salt is an inorganic compound. It does not contain ingredients that can be decomposed by bacteria or mold. Therefore, there is no clean date for pure salt. Spices should be stored individually, cool, dried and protected from light as best as possible. We recommend spices or glasses with a tight closure. If possible, do not hang the spice yarn directly above the kitchen area. Excessive heat, humidity and odors harm the spices.

  • Do not buy spices in large quantities.
  • Unopened spices have the longest shelf life.
  • Anise, dill seeds, coriander seeds and cloves can be stored for up to five years.
Pepper only with pepper and salt will be quite mild in the long run - and many dishes will not be cooked properly.

German researchers fed sick mice with curcumin. Observations on mice showed a decrease in inflammation in their intestines and the strengthening of its walls. Thai scientists have discovered the ability of curcumin to suppress dysfunction in the work of blood vessels.

Turmeric reduces craving for sweets and fat, which makes it an excellent means for losing weight.

Here are other candidates for basic spice equipment. On real cumin, so the full name, the perfume is separated. This is a strong and herbal spice, which, due to the high proportion of essential oils, develops a very intense aroma. The hold is ideal for seasoning hearty dishes and makes foods rich in calories more easily digestible, but its taste is not universal. Crucifix has little to do with real cumin. Botanically, it belongs to a different genus, with a taste separates the two worlds of spices. Cross-cumin with its fresh, slightly spicy taste is mainly used in Eastern and Asian cuisine. Muscat The name is misleading. Nutmeg is not a nut, but the seed of the apricot fruit of the nutmeg tree. Nutmeg, with its intense aroma, is traditionally used to refine light sauces, mashed potatoes, and cauliflower, should be carefully metered and only shortly before serving. Cinnamon. The spice, which is extracted from the dried bark of cinnamon trees, is mainly used for sweets, fruit dishes and pastries, has a boom in the winter and holiday season. This spice blend is modeled on Indian masala spice preparations, which are used to flavor the chickens mentioned by South Asian dishes. The composition of the curry is different, the solid components are mainly turmeric, coriander, cross-cumin, black pepper and clover walnut.

  • These two spices provide certain sharpness.
  • Cayenne pepper is slightly bitter-smoky and extremely sharp.
  • If you care about your taste buds, you can avoid pepper.
If you have these spices in stock, you can add some extra dishes to various dishes.

Turmeric also has antibiotic properties. And we know that natural antibiotics, unlike synthetic ones, do not harm the body.

Turmeric is used in traditional Indian, Thai and Chinese medicines to solve a variety of health problems.

Chilli or cayenne pepper

In the history of herbal medicine, chili - pepper is associated with the most extreme method of therapy. At the beginning of the 19th century, it was used in large doses to heat the body and cleanse it of the disease. Let's not get excited: using a much smaller amount of cayenne pepper, we can improve blood circulation and clear mucous and sputum from the sinuses and nasal passages. Chili dilutes the sputum in the lungs and helps to remove it from the lungs (it has an expectorant effect).

There are useful accessories from pots to pots for professional knives at surprisingly low prices. Immune to its sweet taste and at the same time slightly spicy, cinnamon has properties that leave interesting surprises. If we think of evergreen spices, this is definitely cinnamon.

On the other hand, the Arabs, who took him to Western markets, gave a secret to the beginning of this spice, in order to maintain a high price. Even now, cinnamon is not economical: but worth buying, because it is more versatile than we think, and it has a positive effect on health. It is not by chance that it has always been used as a natural remedy for the treatment of various conditions.

Capsaicin is the substance that makes chili peppers the hottest food on the planet. Capsaicin is part of many drugs and helps in the treatment of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis. Also, capsaicin lowers blood pressure and reduces blood cholesterol levels.

Well, do not forget about the careful dosing of taking cayenne pepper in food, so as not to turn into a fire-breathing dragon.

This may seem like the easiest thing in the world, just go to the grocery store! But beware, there are two types of easily confused powders on the market, called cinnamon. It is important to know how to distinguish them. Cinnamon from Ceylon or Queen. It comes from Sri Lanka and is the most valuable. Light color of hazelnut, it is more subtle than another. To be sure that we buy, it is always better to choose fair trade and biological products. Only herbal medicine is used.

The color of the pinkish-pink color has a more intense and penetrating taste; leaves a slight itch on the tongue. It can only be used for cooking and in small doses. In fact, it contains different proportions of coumarin, a substance that has healing effects, but which, if accumulated, can cause damage to the liver.


In ancient Rome, after a hearty meal, a tortilla of bay leaves, seasoned with anise, was served for dessert. This cake helped the gluttons - the Romans digest food and prevent bloating. Carminative property of anise makes it useful for flatulence and colic.

Like ginger, anise has several uses. Anise fruits have an expectorant effect and are indicated for bronchitis, cough and infections of the upper nutrient pathways. Anise is also used as an antipyretic and diuretic.

Obviously, the powder is less preserved, but in this form cinnamon can be used better on food and beverages. In fact, it can be added to drinks, cakes, cookies, puddings, cocktails, Macedonia and fruits. But we can also inspire oriental dishes and add cinnamon to salty dishes. For example, it is delicious with rice, delicious with curry and fried vegetables. It is not by chance that this is part of a diverse mix of Oriental spices, such as Indian Garam Masala or Marebn Hanut.

Rods are great for making infusions and wines; Some small pieces can also be added to couscous sauces or Indian curries. Traditionally, the main functions of cinnamon are stimulant and antiseptic; They are especially appreciated in the lemon countries where this species is widely used.

It is believed that anise relieves frigidity, normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves menstrual pain, and in men increases the potency.

Tea from anise seeds will be useful for nursing mothers, as it promotes lactation.


India is considered the birthplace of ginger. Ginger can be grown in the country or in an apartment in a pot. Ginger root contains a huge amount of nutrients: vitamins, essential oils, fiber, minerals, carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Ginger also contains antioxidants, and we know that antioxidants allow us to prolong youth.
  For medicinal purposes, ginger is used to combat nausea and digestive problems: this is especially true during sea voyages. Amino acids, which ginger is rich in, contribute to the normalization of metabolism, including fat metabolism, so ginger is often included in the diet of numerous diets.

However, it can also be used in our country to combat sore throat and the common cold: in fact, cinnamon can stimulate immune defense. Its antiseptic strength can be used to make simple homemade mouthwash; enough with a piece of cinnamon, cloves and a handful of mint to get a rinse that brings fresh breath.

In addition to this, cinnamon is digestive and antioxidant. But the cherry is still ahead. Cinnamon acts on fatty fat, which facilitates elimination. Many studies also point to this as a species capable of regulating glycemia. In patients with type 2 diabetes, cinnamon can improve blood glucose levels and lower levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol.

Spice is used for arthritis and arthrosis. Scientists also found that ginger lowers cholesterol in the blood, activates cerebral circulation, strengthens blood vessels.

After eating to freshen breath and get rid of bacteria, you just need to chew ginger root or at least rub your teeth and gums. This spice acts much more efficiently than chewing gum imposed by advertising.

Eating spices, spices and dry aromatic herbs, a person fills cooked dishes with unique taste, vitamins and trace elements. Spices can be added to salads, in almost all the first and second courses, and even desserts. Each spice has its own unique taste, aroma and different uses. And most importantly - each has a number of beneficial properties that positively affect the human body.

Useful and medicinal properties of spices

Bergamot is used most often in confectionery and perfumery production. Its fruits are unsuitable for food, and from their peel, shoots and flowers are made essential oil, which has a wide range of applications and many useful properties.

Vanilla is an excellent aromatic spice, which is actively used in the preparation of sweets and desserts. Chocolate, various mousses, muffins, cookies, etc. flavored vanilla acquire a unique taste. The unique vanilla scent used in aromatherapy has a soothing effect and relieves irritability. Vanilla is also used in perfumery, adding sweet notes to any aroma.

Clove is a fairly strong flavoring. In appearance, this spice resembles a small carnation and has a tart taste. Used in marinades, sweet, vegetable and rice dishes, syrups.

Ginger is widely used in cooking and in medicine. It is difficult to overestimate the value of ginger, because it contains almost all amino acids. Frequent consumption of even a small amount of ginger increases metabolism, being a strong antioxidant, removes toxins, improves appetite, thins blood and boosts immunity. Ginger tea is an excellent remedy for colds. This unique spice has antibacterial and anthelmintic properties, reduces pressure. The aroma of ginger helps to increase activity, confidence. It is recommended to take people engaged in intellectual work.

Cardamom - spice with a delicate aroma. Stimulates the digestive system and has an excellent cleansing effect on the stomach and small intestine. Used mainly in the preparation of desserts. The smell of cardamom gives a feeling of peace and lightness, also contributes to increased brain activity. This spice is used in medicine as a mild anthelmintic agent.

Coriander seeds are famous for their high content of magnesium and vitamin C, they have a sweet-spicy taste when consumed. In food, they can be combined with salads, soups, vegetables and root vegetables. The oils contained in the seeds of coriander help the work of the stomach and intestines, help cleanse the body.

Cumin is a spice that can be used both in main dishes and in desserts, it is saturated with calcium, protein and essential oils. Kumin helps to clean the organs of the respiratory system, cleanse the body, calms the nervous system. Compresses from its mixture with olive oil help to remove inflammatory tumors, and the use in food stimulates the appetite.

Turmeric is one of the richest in vitamins spices, contains iron, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, vitamin C, essential oils and vitamins of group B. Seasoning helps to fight cellulite deposits, to preserve feminine beauty and youth. For example, a mixture of turmeric with ginger strengthens the hair. When using turmeric in food, all dishes become sunny yellow, and you can add it to soups, rice, sauces, vegetables, and even dairy drinks. Turmeric cleans the blood well and is used in diabetes.

Marjoram - a spice that helps to establish digestion and the menstrual cycle, is used as a strong painkiller, antiseptic, expectorant and healing. It is also recommended for asthma, marjoram well cures cough, restores the lungs. The sedative effect relieves pain in the stomach and intestines.

Poppy - contains substances that have an analgesic effect, coughing, and also used for spasms of blood vessels. Poppy seeds are consumed by humans and processed fruit walls are used in pharmacology. Broths and poppy juice helps improve digestion. Water from poppy seeds took off fatigue and helped sound sleep.

Melissa - has a large variety of its positive effects on the human body, relieves pain, soothes the nervous system, stops vomiting, increases appetite, is used for frequent insomnia and migraine. Broth lemon balm is used to relieve inflammation and pain from the gums. Spice contains vitamin C, essential oils, coffee acids, carotene, etc.

Peppermint has a healing smell, which in itself can have a beneficial effect on a person. Mint aroma activates mental activity, soothes, kills germs and bacteria in the airways.

Oregano is a spice with a wide range of effects on the human body. It helps improve digestion and intestinal function, relieve inflammation, increase expectoration when coughing, treats indigestion. Essential oil is used for pain in the teeth, head, spasms of the intestine and stomach. Oregano has a positive effect on the work of the liver, facilitates the state of the body in case of poisoning, strengthens the nervous system, is used for hemorrhoids. Oregano leaves are used in soothing and healing baths.

Paprika is known for its high content of vitamin A, vitamin C, and is a spice that promotes the growth of endorphins - the “hormones of happiness” in the human body. Eating paprika with food improves brain activity, stops the development of atherosclerosis, helps fight cough, flu and sore throat.

Black pepper is one of the most common spices in the world. Its use in food improves digestion, stabilizes the work of the stomach and intestines, helps fight chronic bronchitis, relieves menstrual pain, prevents caries. From black pepper make oil infusion, which, with regular instillation helps to heal the nasal mucosa. The positive effect of black pepper on the circulatory system, as well as the cardiovascular system, has long been known; its use in food enhances blood circulation and reduces the risk of heart disease. People who regularly consume pepper, have good health and live longer than others.

Rosemary when used in food, gives it a bright aroma and enhances the taste, most often applied to meat and fish dishes. This spice helps rejuvenate the brain, prevents neuralgia, stabilizes the nervous system. Rosemary leaves contain a large amount of nutrients and vitamins that have a positive effect on the body.

Thyme is widely used in liquid form for diseases of the respiratory organs, helps with expectoration, and relieves pain. As an anesthetic, it is most often used in dentistry. In addition, thyme is used for disorders of the stomach and intestines, flatulence, and also as a sedative. Thyme lotions help to heal wounds, have an antiseptic effect.

Tarragon is actively used in the diet kitchen, well complements various sauces and omelets. Tarragon has gained great popularity in the countries of southern Europe - Greece, Spain, Italy. Essential oil derived from tarragon is used to obtain vinegar, is used in the preservation of vegetables, because it has good preservative properties. Spice of dry tarragon enhances the taste and activates the flavor of the dish. Often used in the preservation of cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage and mushrooms. It has long been believed that tarragon cleans the blood well, strengthens the body and saturates it with vitamins. Tarragon contains a large amount of vitamin C and carotene, therefore it is an anti-inflammatory agent, increases appetite and helps with disorders and stomach cramps. Tarragon leaves were used for menstrual disorders, and the roots help to relieve toothache.

Eastern medicine uses tarragon in the treatment of diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other diseases of the respiratory system. Tarragon leaves are rich in vitamin A and C, as well as ascorbic acid and rutin. Fragrant tarragon, like many other spicy spices, returns a person to a state of vigor, good mood and fullness of the body with energy.

Thus, it is clear that all spices and spices have beneficial effects on the body. Regular use of them in food will help to maintain health, maintain the work of all organs and systems, prolong youth and feel great.