Decorations for the house of mountain ash. Magical and healing trees - Rowan

Rowan - female tree, it gives the fair sex beauty, sex appeal and health. This is the most powerful talisman against evil in many cultures, but in this article I would like to tell you about the significance of rowan in the life of Slavic peoples.

Rowan grows almost everywhere, it is difficult to imagine that there are 100 species of rowan in nature, of which about a third grow in the territory of the former USSR.

Rowan was considered a symbol of fertility, prosperity and well-being. This is a beautiful tree - it blooms in spring, beautiful in summer and superb in winter. Our ancestors liked to plant rowan trees near the house as a guard against fires and evil spirits, in honor of this tree there were even special holidays - the names of the rowan.



Nameyans rowan.


The names of the tree were celebrated as much as four times a year, these holidays were accompanied by a bell "rowan" ringing, and on the most important name-days - the Autumn ones made a large shabby Ryabinka doll.

Autumn name-day fell on September 23, the day of Peter and Paul. On this day, the first frosts occurred, and it was after them that the rowan could be collected, allegedly on its name day the bitter rowan becomes sweet. They collected mountain ash, made preparations for the winter, but always left berries for the birds - a beautiful tradition.

Women made kvass from mountain ash, and mountain ash wine was popular even among Scythians, but if you add mountain ash berries to tea, they will give the drink a refined taste. Although ... what are the berries? The fruits of mountain ash are apples, small, wild ...

Still collected rowan clusters were laid in the window frames - as a decoration for the house and as a charm. A sprig of mountain ash was fastened over the door, also in the role of protection from evil.

Many beliefs and signs will be associated with this tree. The most interesting were born from stories about how mountain ash can avenge itself. Therefore, before breaking the rowan branch, the tree bowed and explained why they were taking a particle, otherwise it would be misfortune. The smallest of which is toothache. There is even a special conspiracy for rowan from toothache, which is pronounced in front of the tree in the morning dawn (three earthly bows to the tree are pre-beaten): “Rowan, Rowan, take my illness, from now on and will not eat you forever.”



Scum and rowan


“One berry is a bitter rowan, one tree is a bitter aspen” and those places where only these two trees grow are bad. According to Belarusian legend, the taste of mountain ash ruined the devil, because mountain ash was a great weapon against evil spirits and damage. Such a healer's method was practiced, a spoiled person was lined with rowan branches, but such that there were both berries and leaves, watered with rowan infusion and after a while the spoil was removed.

This magic tree could give a person the gift of foresight, could take away diseases and shift them to evil, bad people. Rowan not only guarded against evil spirits, but also contributed to the success of predictions, so it was planted near shrines and temples.

Mahogany can scare away not only evil, but also the dead. Therefore, there is a tradition to put on a fresh grave a cross from rowan branches, which are tied with red threads, this cross helps the dead person to calm down in the grave and not disturb the living.



Rowan Beads ...


But not only at the funeral, a rowan was needed, she was welcome at the weddings as well. Her branches cleaned the bedroom for the first wedding night, the bride wore the rowan beads, and the groom could attach the bunches to her belt so that they would not glare.

We see that children's amusement - homemade beads made from berries, especially strung on a red thread, have protected women for centuries, decorated, treated, broadcasting a wedding and gave fertility.

It is easy to make such beads, you just need to pick up a lot of red berries, take a needle and thread, and then this magic beauty should be vilified, although if you are not a fan of extravagance, then just hang threads of beads in the kitchen, near the front door and in the bedroom.

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Signs and beliefs:


Rowan plumage blooms - to harvest flax and oats.
If there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - rainy autumn, if it is little - dry.
If mountain ash has a lot of berries, winter will be cold and harsh.
If the mountain ash leaves turn yellow early, there will be a quick autumn and a quick winter. .
Whoever chops the mountain ash will die soon or the dead person will be in the house.
In a dream, there is a mountain ash - to chagrin and tears.
And finally, a few recipes from this amazing berry.

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How to soak rowan:


5 kg of rowan berries in clusters. For pouring: 100 g of sugar, 50 G. salt, 2.5 liters of water.

It is better to cut the bunches of mountain ash after frosts: the berries will be sweeter, and the bitterness will go away.

Rowan sort, wash (let the water drain) and lay in a bowl for urinating. To prepare pouring in boiling water, add sugar, salt, mix, filter and cool. Capacity fill fill so that it completely covers the berries.

Put a cloth on top. Wooden circle and a small oppression. Withstand a week at room temperature for pre-fermentation, then transfer the keg to the cold. After 3-4 weeks rowan is ready.

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Rowan Jam with Apples


1 kg of mountain ash,


500-700 grams of sugar


250 g apples.

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Cooking method:
Rowan bust, blanch for 5 minutes, dry. Wash apples, core, chop, blanch for 3 minutes.

To prepare the syrup 400 ml of water bring to a boil, add 300 g of sugar and boil for 3 minutes. Row ashberries and apples at the same time in a hot syrup, cover with cotton cloth and leave for 10 hours. Then put on fire, bring to a boil and again leave for 8 hours. Boil over moderate heat in 3 doses for 8-10 minutes with breaks of 8 hours. Before the last cooking add the remaining sugar to the jam.

Jam is poured into sterilized jars and sealed.



Rowan jam with honey


1 kg of mountain ash,


500 g honey.

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Cooking method:
Rowan bust, wash and dry.

Put honey in an enamel container, pour 400 ml of water, heat until completely dissolved, bring to a boil, put rowan and cook until ready.

Jam spread on sterilized jars and tightly closed with plastic covers.

P.S.  Red Rowan - contains a rich complex of vitamins and microelements, reduces cholesterol, blood pressure. It is recommended for heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis. Improves eyesight, protects the liver.

rowan and magic are one.

It happens so: a usual thing, an ordinary thing, which is always in sight, you stop noticing. And appreciate.

With plants - the same. Behind the bright wonder you will be, like an obsessed person, wind tens of kilometers along all the garden centers you know. As if these particular leaves, these particular flowers are not enough for your complete garden happiness. And a tree that was knocking on your window with a branch in childhood seems uninteresting, nondescript, banal ...

Rowan ceased to notice and appreciate. And in vain. In ancient times, the northern peoples revered her immensely.

Rowan is one of the 12 sacred trees of Scandinavia. This beauty is actually a tree-warrior, able to give a very tough resistance to the influence of evil. According to some beliefs, it is a distant ancestor of the first sacred tree of good on Earth, which withered with the arrival of evil forces on our planet.

It was believed that mountain ash brings happiness to the house, protects against evil. The ancient Celts planted it near the dwellings. But to uproot or damage mountain ash in his yard and in modern Scotland is considered a bad omen. If the mountain ash will wither by itself, for no apparent reason - a bad sign.

The Celts noticed: the underside of a rowan fruit in shape is an equal five-pointed star. And such a star is one of the most important pagan symbols: the symbol of protection. Charm

Many ancient legends tell us that rowan is the fruit of true love.

According to one of the legends, a wife turned to her, at whose feet her beloved husband died. Evil people wanted to separate them, but could not achieve this with the help of gold, or with the help of power and weapons, or even with the help of death. Their life was beautiful, death was beautiful too. Having kissed her husband for the last time, the faithful wife appealed to the Lord so that he would protect her from the power of the murderers, and at the same moment she would become a rowan at his grave. Its fruits became red as blood shed in the name of love.

Love is always hateful to evil, because love is a divine feeling, not subject to any spell and sorcery. A man and a woman who sincerely love each other become one, like the Creator, and come out of the power of the evil forces of our planet.

Rowan keeps in its berries a bitter fire of love. This tree is able to kindle a flame of true selflessness in the hearts of people.

Since mountain ash is a warrior tree, it protects true love from unhappiness and trouble. Her ripe bunches were used and used as a talisman from dirty deeds of others during the wedding and as a guardian of family happiness in the house. To do this, small branches of mountain ash (always with ripe, bright fruits) are simply placed on the window.

As long as the berries are red, the branch will not lose its strength - no trouble will pass into the house, which can separate loving hearts.

In Western Europe, it was believed that mountain ash protects against evil spirits. Therefore, a cross made of mountain ash was often used at home as a protective talisman.

It is doubtful that mountain ash directly protects a person from the action of evil forces. This is not the nature of this tree. Born out of death, in order to continue life in a different guise, the victorious death, the mountain ash does protect ... but from the energy of the dead world, including from the walking dead, and in part from the zombies and their influence. At least in Russia it was used precisely for this.

By the way, it is now completely forgotten that rowan wine (purely Russian wine) was considered healing, and it was almost never used, except in cases of severe loss of strength or depression. Sometimes ash leaves or rowan branches were used as an additional tool in the treatment of damage and the evil eye, nervous diseases. It was believed that the vitality of the mountain ash is able to ward off the ghosts of death from a person and bring him back to our world. Frequently, in order to lead a faint-hearted person (that is, who lost a real idea of ​​reality) and make him at least go for treatment (what is actually very, very difficult to do), they put an ashberry cross under his bed for the night.

In order to be constantly protected by mountain ash, the ancestors of the current Scots made amulets: crosses made of mountain ash rods tied with red thread. Such crosses were sewn to clothes, hung over the doors of a barn or stable, tied to the tails of cows and bulls. "From the mountain ash to the red thread of the witch is not so frisky" - says the famous Scottish saying.

Similarly, a necklace made from red rowan berries protected from witchcraft. A mountain ash wreath hung around a pig's neck was supposed to help the pig to fatten well

Rowan cross can make anyone.

The berries were put on the window as a talisman or used for food, and two branches of the same length were crossed and firmly tied in the middle with red threads. Then, over our cross, “Our Father” was read three times, a drop of wax from the church candle dripped onto the intersection of threads, he dipped in holy water three times and rushed three times over the flame of the candle and was ready for use. This cross can also be put under the bed to ward off evil thoughts or dreams (but not longer than 21 days in a row), hang in the house as a guard against the forces of the dead kingdom, etc.

The energy of the mountain ash is quite hard, contains certain radiation, close to X-ray, which pierce our body through. Therefore, many, being under rowan, feel uncomfortable. Rowan cleans our body from the accumulated dirt and slag, forcing to expel with sweat and waste excess salts, poisons and putrefactive products.

First of all, rowan cleans our intestines and blood. People who have accumulated a lot of dirt inside will feel bad for the first time after the influence of this tree, they may even have a fever or pressure. Although later, when the body is cleansed, will come and strength and health. Therefore, it is better to start communication with rowan from 5-10 minutes and gradually increase to an hour. It is better not to be under it for more than an hour - an excess of its energy will be clearly felt, which can lead to a headache or a nervous breakdown. Communication with this tree is standard. Most harmoniously, its energy acts on us, if we stand, leaning our backs on it, straightening the spine. Such a situation allows the mountain ash not only to clean us, but also to tear away from us the energetic bindings stretching from other people and hindering our personal happiness.

Rowan-bonsai favorably affects us, wherever we are. Another thing is that the energy of the mountain ash itself affects everyone in its own way. The most favorable effect of the eye has on the representatives of the earthly signs of the zodiac: Taurus, Dev, Capricorn. Not bad effect on Scorpions. The rest of the signs of the zodiac constant communication with her is not shown.

The wood of mountain ash from old times was used only as decoration, handicrafts, for magical targets. And what just did not make of mountain ash! Cross beams supporting the chimney - so as not to burn. Handles churn - so that the witches could not spell oil. Crib for babies - so the witches do not hurt babies. Cattle Whip: "If you have a rowan whip, you will pass through any city."

There was even a special holiday - “Rowan Day”, or “Day of the Holy Cross”. On this day, a wreath and branches of a mountain ash were solemnly brought into the house in order to protect the dwelling and the outbuildings for 12 months from all kinds of misfortunes.

In industry and decoration almost never used. You will not be particularly enthusiastic with the constant influence of heavy and tough energy rowan. She, like a mountain-ash wine, is slightly drunk, heals and bitters at the same time. Therefore, what is good for medicinal purposes in small doses, with increasing doses can be poison.

Probably, such a respectful attitude to the mountain ash was due to the fact that people have long known that this plant has many beneficial properties for humans.

Its fruits contain vitamins C, P, K, B2, E, a lot of carotene. Moreover, vitamin C rowan rich extraordinarily. In some varieties of mountain ash, it is no less than in black currants or lemon. Fruits, leaves and wood contain many acids: folic, tartaric, malic, citric, ascorbic, succinic, sorbitic. Sorbitic acid has antibacterial properties that help to fight even with staphylococcus. Rowan contains tannins, bitterness, trace elements. Especially a lot of iodine, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus. And the iron in the fruits of mountain ash is 4 times more than in apples.

And why only people did not treat with the help of the miracle tree! Atherosclerosis and hypertension, arrhythmia and heart failure, circulatory disorders and reduced blood clotting, anemia and avitaminosis, hemorrhoids and gynecological problems, diseases of the stomach, lungs, liver, kidney and bladder, thyroid and oncology, respiratory diseases ... , papillomas and keratomas.

Used it for complex cleaning of the body, as well as a wound healing, tonic and sedative ...

The miraculous possibilities of mountain ash were used not only in medicine.

Her bark, which contains up to 14% of tannins, was used to make the most expensive and thin leather. Pigments have been used in the manufacture of natural dyes. Wood is widely used in the woodworking industry. Painfully she is good: hard, thin layer, viscous.

The advantages of rowan are not limited to its mystical and utilitarian properties. This is a very beautiful tree. And, like any beautiful thing, it gives people a lot of positive emotions. Therefore, traditionally mountain ash is very widely used in landscaping. It decorates courtyards, streets and parks. Often adjusting to the most difficult and unpleasant conditions.

Our ancestors have known about these unique properties of the tree since time immemorial. Unfortunately, the true knowledge was gradually lost, but even today, the tradition of life to make all kinds of amulets and personal amulets out of the rowan continues to this day. Even a small branch with red berries, hanging above the door of a residential or business premises, guarantees protection from evil spirits and evil spells.

There is no time, in order to get a rich harvest of winter crops next year, in the late autumn peasants stuck rowan branches along all the grain fields. Rowan leaves, which were hidden in the clothes of the newlyweds, protected the young from the evil eye and spoilage on a special day and for the rest of their lives. On the wedding day, all the rooms tried to decorate as ripely as possible with rowan branches and tassels of ripe berries.

Moreover, the mountain ash in charms helped get rid of ghosts and ghosts. If the souls of the dead were disturbed in their sleep and reality, then a simple ritual had to be performed. Go to the cemetery in the afternoon and set a small cross on the grave, made of two rowan branches and tied with a strictly red ribbon, cord or thread. The same cross was hung above the entrance door. Since the end of the ritual, the visits of otherworldly guests have completely stopped.

The energy of the mountain ash is quite hard, contains certain radiation, close to X-ray, which pierce our body through. Therefore, many, being under rowan, feel uncomfortable. Rowan cleans our body from the accumulated dirt and slag, forcing to expel with sweat and waste excess salts, poisons and putrefactive products.

First of all, rowan cleans our intestines and blood. People who have accumulated a lot of dirt inside will feel bad for the first time after the influence of this tree, they may even have a fever or pressure. Although later, when the body is cleansed, will come and strength and health. Therefore, it is better to start communication with rowan from 5-10 minutes and gradually increase to an hour. It is better not to be under it for more than an hour - an excess of its energy will be clearly felt, which can lead to a headache or a nervous breakdown.

Communication with this tree is standard. Most harmoniously, its energy acts on us, if we stand, leaning our backs on it, straightening the spine. Such a situation allows the mountain ash not only to clean us, but also to tear away from us the energetic bindings stretching from other people and hindering our personal happiness.

Rowan-bonsai favorably affects us, wherever we are. Another thing is that the energy of the mountain ash itself affects everyone in its own way. The most favorable effect of the eye has on the representatives of the earthly signs of the zodiac: Taurus, Dev, Capricorn. Not bad effect on Scorpions. The rest of the signs of the zodiac constant communication with her is not shown.

Probably, such a respectful attitude to the mountain ash was due to the fact that people have long known that this plant has many beneficial properties for humans.

Its fruits contain vitamins C, P, K, B2, E, a lot of carotene. Moreover, vitamin C rowan rich extraordinarily. In some varieties of mountain ash, it is no less than in black currants or lemon. Fruits, leaves and wood contain many acids: folic, tartaric, malic, citric, ascorbic, succinic, sorbitic. Sorbitic acid has antibacterial properties that help to fight even with staphylococcus. Rowan contains tannins, bitterness, trace elements. Especially a lot of iodine, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus. And the iron in the fruits of mountain ash is 4 times more than in apples.

And why only people did not treat with the help of the miracle tree!

Atherosclerosis and hypertension, arrhythmia and heart failure, circulatory disorders and reduced blood clotting, anemia and avitaminosis, hemorrhoids and gynecological problems, diseases of the stomach, lungs, liver, kidney and bladder, thyroid and oncology, respiratory diseases ... , papillomas and keratomas.

Used it for complex cleaning of the body, as well as a wound healing, tonic and sedative ...

The powerful energy of mountain ash when it is worn on the body, and even more so when it is used inside the fruit, helps a person to clean the body of toxins, excess salts, putrefactive decay products and poisons. The blood and intestines are cleaned first. At the beginning of the purification process, a person may feel unwell, an increase in temperature and pressure is possible, but soon it will pass and the state of health will improve significantly, the forces will get stronger, the brain will clear up.

With rowan it is quite simple to “overdo”, the excess of its energy is capable of causing harm. Being under the branches of the tree should not be longer than one hour, taking rowan inside, observe the dosage. If you feel nervous overexcitement, headache, it may be a sign of "overdose" rowan.

Collection rules:

Before you make your own sign on the coast, you need to pick fresh twigs and berries. However, not all rowan for the guardian is good. For example, trees standing along busy roads and growing in places of large concentrations of people (parks, squares, near residential buildings) will definitely not work. The energy of such plants is very weak, as they are forced to clear the space of negative thoughts and moods of people.

Important!  It is categorically impossible to collect mountain ash in cemeteries, marshes, in "dead" places. It is here that black sorcerers throw off the negative manifestations of their spells (diseases, kickbacks and other problems).

Trees that have fallen under this influence are easy to recognize. They have crooked pillars, growths, sluggish or diseased leaves. It should be avoided and plants, which are tied with ribbons, ropes, laces. This is a clear sign of sorcery.

But how to find a mountain ash, which is ideal for creating a charm?

Strong trees must be sought on the edge of a forest glade, along the banks of rivers, lakes and ravines. In places where there is a lot of sun and there is water. Particular attention should be paid to the beautiful, healthy and lushly fruiting plants.

By the way, tearing off the twigs, you need to stick to a simple custom. As soon as the selection of a suitable tree is made, go to him and talk quietly. You can talk about your troubles and ask for a sprig for protection, gaining strength and other good purposes. Sincerity is welcome in communication, but you should not deceive.

Once you receive a positive response in the form of a subconscious response, a slight rustle of foliage and other signs, you can safely get down to business.

Important!  But do not tear more than you need. Living nature lives according to the main magical law - it must be necessary in moderation.

Broke a few twigs? Be sure to thank the plant for its disinterested gift. If, when communicating with rowan, unpleasant thoughts or sensations appeared, then it is better to look for another tree. By the way, the branches for the protection of mountain ash can be gently broken or cut with a knife, but not strictly kitchen.

Rowan is one of the most magical plants, which is used for various purposes: to be beautiful to a woman, to conceive a child, love spells, to remove spoilage and heavy thoughts, and much more. Red mountain ash refers to the element of fire. Therefore, it is one of the best monetary charms of Aries and other fire signs of the zodiac.

Rowan has very strong protective magical and occult properties, protects the house and people from the evil eye, damage, curses. It is very good when rowan grows near the house. Especially if this tree grows on the left side of the entrance door, gate. Then you will always be protected by mountain ash.

Rowan is one of the 12 sacred trees of Scandinavia. This beauty is actually a tree-warrior, able to give a very tough resistance to the influence of evil. According to some beliefs, it is a distant ancestor of the first sacred tree of good on Earth, which withered with the arrival of evil forces on our planet.

Her ripe bunches were used and used as a talisman from dirty deeds of others during the wedding and as a guardian of family happiness in the house. To do this, small branches of mountain ash (always with ripe, bright fruits) are simply placed on the window. As long as the berries are red, the branch will not lose its strength - no trouble will pass into the house, which can separate loving hearts.

And now a few practical examples of how red rowan is used to protect various occasions. It is worth noting that the plant is as universally as possible and unique. Most commonly, general purpose talismans are made of mountain ash. Such products will save from diseases and misfortunes, protect from witchcraft and evil spirits, will give well-being and good luck.

By the way, it is now completely forgotten that rowan wine (purely Russian wine) was considered healing, and it was almost never used, except in cases of severe loss of strength or depression. Sometimes ash leaves or rowan branches were used as an additional tool in the treatment of damage and the evil eye, nervous diseases.

It was believed that the vitality of the mountain ash is able to ward off the ghosts of death from a person and bring him back to our world. Frequently, in order to lead a faint-hearted person (that is, who lost a real idea of ​​reality) and make him at least go for treatment (what is actually very, very difficult to do), they put an ashberry cross under his bed for the night.

In order to be constantly protected by mountain ash, the ancestors of the current Scots made amulets: crosses made of mountain ash rods tied with red thread. Such crosses were sewn to clothes, hung over the doors of a barn or stable, tied to the tails of cows and bulls. "From the mountain ash to the red thread of the witch is not so frisky" - says the famous Scottish saying.

Similarly, a necklace made from red rowan berries protected from witchcraft. A mountain ash wreath hung around a pig's neck was supposed to help the pig to fatten well

Rowan cross can make anyone.

The berries were put on the window as a talisman or used for food, and two branches of the same length were crossed and firmly tied in the middle with red threads. Then over this cross "Our Father" was read three times,  a drop of wax from a church candle dripped onto the intersection of the threads, he dipped himself three times into holy water and rushed three times over the flame of the candle and was ready for use.

This cross can also be put under the bed to ward off evil thoughts or dreams (but not longer than 21 days in a row), hang in the house as a guard against the forces of the dead kingdom, etc.

Rowan Necklace:

The ritual is conducted in several stages:

Strictly in full moon narvite rowan berries, so that they were enough for a necklace or bracelet, but strictly an odd number.

Go home and, by the candle light, string all the berries on a solid thread that is necessarily red.

Exactly 12 times utter the conspiracy phrase over the amulet:

The birds fly away for the wintering, take away the misfortunes with them, and the heat of the mountain ash protects me from all evil. Key. Tongue. Castle.

Wear it on your arm or neck all year.

After a specified period, bury the beads or bracelet in the ground, finally saying:

"Thank you and goodbye."

In the near full moon make a new amulet.

Plot on a rowan leaf for a wallet:

In the new wallet put a leaf and rowan berry and read the plot:

As you rowan fruit, So my purse bears fruit. As you feed the birds, So my wallet will feed me. As your fruit brings good, So my purse will give me good. Amen. Amen. Amen."

A conspiracy to brush mountain ash for prosperity in the house:

“Rowan-Queen, Mother-Rowan, save the servant of God (name) from the dashing slob. As the berries are red on the branches multiply, so the money in my house is added. "

It is best to put a conspicuous twig to the icons, and when there is a shortage of money, you need to take it, repeat the words of the plot, then distribute 3 berries to each of the household so they eat. Rowan will not give you extra money, but for what you need, it is necessary.

The nodule coast:

Another simple but effective amulet of common ash. It is made from rowan berries and a piece of strictly new fabric, preferably red. A regular handkerchief will do.

Again, on the full moon, pick an odd number of berries, wrap them in cloth and make a bundle. Speak 12 times in a row conspiracy given in previous ritual. Tie the top of the knot with red thread. Carry amulet with rowan to yourself or keep at home.

Next year at the time of flowering mountain ash, dig a small hole under the tree. Pour the berries from the bundle into it, and when digging in them, do not forget to say:

"Thank you and goodbye."

By the autumn, when the new harvest is ready, the next talisman can be made.

Charms for children:

Rowan is especially good at helping little children. Berries, leaves and even bark are suitable for making rowan amulets. Many options, for example, of two small twigs, you can make a cross with equal sides and tie it with a red ribbon. The product can be hung above the crib or fastened in a stroller.

You can make a knot amulet with rowan and other herbs. In a fabric bag, place a pinch of any medicinal herbs and a piece of tree bark of mountain ash. Put the bundle in the crib, stroller, pocket of clothing.

For a restful sleep, health and protection from the dark forces under the bed of the baby you can keep a couple of branches with fresh leaves and berries. Periodically, they need to be replaced with new ones, but the former ones cannot be thrown away just like that. They should certainly be burned on the street and, of course, thank you for your help.

Rite with rowan leaves:

Another protective ritual with rowan will protect the baby from evil spirits, the evil eye and intentional witchcraft. It will give him good health, restful sleep and docile nature.

For this:

Pick some rowan leaves in advance.

In the late afternoon, place a green candle on the table in the room where the baby’s bed is located and light it.

Put a few leaves of rowan under the mattress of the baby and say:

Rowan mountain ash, I appeal to you, I try to protect my child. Protect him from evil, guard against the infidel and dashing! Let my child grow up, grow up, flies through beautiful calm dreams. Let the trouble and envy bypass it, let joy find every day! Let all evil dissolve in a moment. So I command - and be done! "

And finally, a very important tip:

Make sure that other people do not touch personal amulets and rowan amulets. They can not be given to "wear it" or even just touch it. This will cause the amulet to lose its magical power and can no longer protect you.

Traditionally, rowan berries are eaten fresh or dried, used in the preparation of various dishes and for canning. People since ancient times knew about its wonderful healing properties, which are now confirmed by science. Rowan berries contain 8–12% of sugars, a wide range of vitamins and trace elements, organic acids, insignificant amounts of protein, tannins, and essential oils.

Magic properties of mountain ash

Since ancient times it was believed that mountain ash has strong magical properties. As a ritual plant, it was used by the ancient Slavs, Scandinavians, peoples of Asia. In magic, first of all, the opportunity of rowan is used to protect it from foreign charms, to deflect damage, to protect it from the evil eye. Even today, girls and women in the villages in the fall make beads from rowan berries, without thinking that before such beads were an important ritual amulet. Such beads were worn for a whole year, before the appearance of new ripe berries. When new mascot beads were made, the old ones were burned or buried.

Curiously, mountain ash is considered a female tree. It is women who first of all take it under her protection. Rowan berries have traditionally been part of the love potions. In the mountain ash, they sought help with infertility, female diseases, and frigidity. In some nations, berries or mountain ash branches were placed in the bed of the newlyweds. Rowan also helped to overcome unrequited love and control their feelings.

For many peoples, the Magi, oracles and soothsayers preferred to settle or conduct rituals in the rowan groves, which were strictly forbidden to cut down. It was allowed to cut the large branches of the racks only for the manufacture of staffs for clerics and wanderers who were sent on a long journey. And small branches with flowers or fruits to decorate homes and conduct rituals. Rowan trees were often planted around shrines and temples. It was believed that this pious plant, contributing to communication with higher powers and predictions.

The use of mountain ash in folk medicine

In folk medicine, mountain ash is used as a hemostatic, antiscorbutic, choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, with hypovitaminosis, rheumatic pains, to enhance the protective properties of the body. Most often, its berries are used, but flowers, buds, leaves, and bark are also used.

  For medicinal purposes, fruits and berries of mountain ash can be used without special treatment. Fresh or dried berry is used for avitaminosis, to increase the protective properties of the body, stimulation of appetite. For the same, you can use juice, syrup, infusions and decoctions of rowan berries. Diluted juice of rowan berries gargle with colds. Unripe rowan berries, which have a pronounced astringent effect, are used as an antidiarrheal agent.

Fresh juice 1-2 tsp take 30 minutes before a meal for gastritis with low acidity. It is worth considering that the juice is an effective natural choleretic and decongestant, helps to eliminate harmful substances from the body. Fresh berries or juice prevent gas formation and fermentation processes in the intestine. As an adjuvant, juice can be used in the treatment of hypertension (moderately lowers blood pressure) and atherosclerosis, to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. To do this, take it to a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

For the treatment of eczema and fungal diseases use a pulp of crushed fruit or leaves. To do this, they are pinned to the affected areas for 1–1.5 days, after which they let the skin dry out and apply a fresh dressing. Usually, after 5-7 days of treatment, a daily break is taken when the affected area is smeared with sea buckthorn oil. Crushed berries and leaves are used and how.

In folk medicine, infusions, decoctions, rowan syrups are widely used. It is worth considering that drugs from mountain ash are not recommended for small children and taken during pregnancy.

To obtain infusions usually take 20−25 grams of crushed dry berries (fresh 1.5 times more) per 250 ml. boiling water. Insist in a thermos or thick-walled pot for at least 4 hours. Drink 100 grams before meals for diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, hemorrhoids, bleeding, atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency, anemia, gastritis with low acidity, as a diuretic.

For similar purposes, a decoction can also be used, its advantage is a longer shelf life. To prepare the decoction, the same ratio of rowan fruits and water is used, but the mixture is kept for 10-15 minutes at the boiling level in a water bath, then infused for at least 10 hours. The principle of application is the same as that of infusions. For the treatment of cough, colds, women's diseases, hemorrhoids make decoction of rowan flowers, which take 2 times less than the berries, otherwise the principle of production and use is similar to the previous one. Broth oak bark (the ratio as with the decoction of the berries) treat inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and skin. Inside the broth is taken before meals to reduce senile sclerosis.

  In the treatment of a number of diseases using rowan syrup. For its preparation, 1 kg of berries are rubbed with 600 g of sugar, drawn in a dark place for 3 weeks, filtered and squeezed out the resulting mixture. Syrup can be used in pure form. But sometimes to it add 20 ml of alcohol or 40 ml of vodka. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach and 1-2 tablespoons with vitamin deficiency, treatment of rheumatism, polyarthritis, diseases of the stomach, kidneys, bladder. There is evidence that syrup helps to remove stones.

On the Internet or in reference books you can find many other recipes for the use of rowan, including in collections with various medicinal plants. There is also a mass of recipes for cooking dishes using rowan berries. Men, however, will certainly remember that this berry allows you to combine the useful with the pleasant, if you take a pile of rowan on cognac before eating.

Harvesting mountain ash for medicinal and nutritional purposes is not particularly difficult. Flowers, buds, leaves and rowan bark are dried in a well-ventilated place or in an oven at a temperature of 70-80 ° C. Berries can be dried, frozen, make a syrup or juice, pasteurized. In a cool place well kept berries, ground with sugar or honey. When collecting berries, it is desirable to leave some of the fruits in the trees, as in winter they serve as food for many birds.

Late autumn and the period of the first frost are a good time to pick red rowan berries. In winter, it will delight you with delicious fragrant tea, help strengthen your health, and simply decorate the room if you put dried branches with tassels of berries in a vase.

Since ancient times, in various nations of the world mountain ash is revered as a female tree, giving attractiveness and health to the fair sex. In addition, the amulet amulet protects from evil spirits and evil people.

In Russia there was a belief that this tree is able to avenge itself. That is why breaking rowan branches is extremely undesirable. If this still needs to be done, before the mountain ash is bowed and with kind words, explain for what intentions a part of it was required. Otherwise, a person is waiting for various evils, the most innocent of which is toothache.

People believed that a talisman from the mountain ash protects the world of the living from the invasion of the dead, ghosts and ghosts. She also helps to ward off death from critically ill people, brings them a long-awaited recovery.

But most of all mountain ash is known as a talisman in love affairs. The scarlet color of its berries is associated with passion. Rowan bunches are put on the windowsill in the house so that love does not leave him.

Cut rowan can only be a new clean knife, always in September, when the moon is in the constellation Virgo.

There is a legend among Belarusians, according to which the bitter taste of mountain ash is a trick of the trait, it was he who spoiled the original sweetness of the berries, so that his fellows would not think of eating destructive fruits for themselves.

Wise women in the old days with the help of rowan were taken from people damage. For this man, freshly cut branches of mountain ash, I have leaves and berries, and inside they gave to drink mountain ash infusion.

It was also believed that the amulet of mountain ash is capable of endowing the person with the gift of foresight, sharpens perception, takes the disease away from him to bad, evil people.

For protection from witchcraft, protective runic marks were carved on rowan log cabins.

Bunches of ripe mountain ash were hung over the entrance to the house to protect its inhabitants from the evil eye. In pens for cattle berries protect it from damage and disease.

In the distant past, rowan groves were venerated sacred and inviolable, they were located in the places of sanctuaries of pagan gods.

Charm from rowan developed an important ability to control their feelings, helped to escape from the spell of the people around them.

This custom is associated with the belief in the healing properties of mountain ash: in Russia, a sick person was carried into the shade of a mountain ash daily for several hours. After a while, the disease receded. People firmly believed in the power of mountain ash, and she helped.

In Scandinavia, rowan was included in the list of twelve sacred trees. She was called the “warrior tree” for her ability to repulse evil forces. Rowan trees were also considered the ancestors of the sacred tree of Good, which perished with the arrival of Evil on Earth. In ancient times, the Celts planted mountain ash in the courtyards of their dwellings, carefully caring for it. It was believed that if a tree fell ill and died, it was a bad sign, signifying the imminent arrival of trouble in the house. To this day in Scotland, a bad omen is considered to be intentionally or accidentally damaging a mountain ash tree.

The coastal properties of mountain ash Celts tied to the fact that the bottom of its berries in its form is nothing more than a five-pointed star - one of the most important protective pagan symbols.

There are many legends telling that rowan is a symbol of true love. According to one of them, a woman turned into this beautiful tree, at whose feet her beloved died. What people did not do to separate them, and eventually committed the murder. The girl, broken by grief, prayed to God, and he turned her into a tree growing right on the grave of her husband. Scarlet fruits symbolized blood shed in the name of eternal love.

Love is a feeling given to people from God, so it has always been and will be hated by Evil. But be that as it may, a true, strong feeling is not subject to any witchcraft and spell, it always wins.

So often love is "bitter", and the taste of rowan fruits reminds of this. Mages used them to instill in the heart of a person the dedication and courage of the victor.

In Russia, on their wedding day, the home of the newlyweds was decorated with clusters of red rowan to protect them from the evil eye and the envious slander.

Western Europeans preserved the mountain ash from the mountain in the form of a cross in a secluded place to protect them from various evils and evil spirits.

In Russia, they prepared wine from a rowan tree, and it can also be considered a kind of amulet. They believed that it has a very strong healing effect, so they didn’t use it just like that, but only during illnesses, prostration and mental depression. A decoction of rowan fruits healed various nervous diseases.

To alleviate the condition of a seriously ill person and give him a good sleep, they put a rowan tree cross under the bed for the night.

Charm of rowan, which was used by the ancestors of the Scots, was a wooden cross of rowan twigs, tied with red thread. Thus the crosses were made on the body, sewn to clothes, hung over the entrance to the dwelling and pens for livestock, tied to the tails of horses, bulls, cows.

The necklace made of ripe red rowan berries strung on a string has strong coastal properties. They adorned themselves with women, and also hung the piglets around their necks, so that they would grow up healthy and fat.

In order to make a rowan cross, you need to take two equal length branches, cross them and tie them in the middle with red threads. Then read the prayer “Our Father” three times, put wax of the church candle in the center of the intersection of threads, dip it into the container with holy water three times, and carry it over the burning candles three times. After this your charm will be ready. It can be kept in the house, hanged over the front door, put under the bed during illness or if insomnia and nightmares are tormenting. Best of all, if you pick up the sprigs of mountain ash from the ground, and do not break it off the tree.

The healing properties of rowan amulets

The powerful energy of mountain ash when it is worn on the body, and even more so when it is used inside the fruit, helps a person to clean the body of toxins, excess salts, putrefactive decay products and poisons. The blood and intestines are cleaned first. At the beginning of the purification process, a person may feel unwell, an increase in temperature and pressure is possible, but soon it will pass and the state of health will improve significantly, strength will get stronger, the brain will clear up.

With rowan it is quite simple to “overdo”, the excess of its energy is capable of causing harm. Being under the branches of the tree should not be longer than one hour, taking rowan inside, observe the dosage. If you feel nervous overexcitement, headache, it may be a sign of "overdose" rowan.

To improve your well-being, to bring thoughts and feelings in order, being in nature, be sure to find a mountain ash, lean your back against it, straightening up your spine, and stand there for a few minutes. It is also a good prevention of depression, sets up a positive way.

What only sores did not heal in the old days with the help of mountain ash! Hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart failure, arrhythmia, reduced blood clotting and other circulatory disorders, hemorrhoids, avitaminosis, diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, bladder, gynecological diseases in women, diseases of the endocrine system, colds and viral diseases ... And this is far from complete list!

Modern medicine confirms the healing properties of mountain ash and causes them to be rich in vitamins and useful acids in its fruits: ascorbic, sorbitol, amber, folic, citric, malic, tartaric. In terms of vitamin C content, mountain ash is even ahead of black currants and lemons, it also contains carotene, vitamins E, B2, K, P. The antibacterial properties of rowan fruits make it possible to fight even with staphylococcus. Rowan is rich in microelements: manganese, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus; and there is more iron in it than in apples, 4 times.

Astrologers say that the constant impact of the mountain ash favorably affects only Capricorns, Taurus, Dev and Scorpions, while the rest should be limited to communication with this tree.

Use of mountain ash in construction

In the decoration of rooms, mountain ash is used extremely rarely today, but in the past everything was different: the protective properties of this tree were highly valued and widely used. For example, the beams supporting the chimney were made of mountain ash so that it would not burn down, and also that evil forces would not penetrate the house through it. They made cradles for babies from mountain ash to protect them from witches and the evil eye.

Needless to say, the rowan is good for everyone: both beautiful and useful! Surely the information you received from this article will come in handy in life, it will help you to take a fresh look at the tree that is so often found in Russian, and not only nature.