The first signs of menopause in women. When comes the menopause.

Women treat the onset of menopause differently. Some people perceive it as the next stage of natural changes in the body. Others fear, expecting unknown signs of ill health. There are those who perceive it as the end of life. Such women even think about the approach of this period to the neuropsychiatric disorder. For menopause is characterized by a number of unpleasant symptoms associated with hormonal changes. Having discovered the symptoms of its onset, a woman can take measures in time to make it easier.

Premenopause  begins at about 40-45 years old. At the same time, menstruations come irregularly, all at longer intervals, becoming more scarce. The likelihood of pregnancy is significantly reduced.
Menopause  - This is a period of 12 months after the last menstruation.
Postmenopause  means a complete cessation of the production of eggs in the ovaries.

The timing of menopause and its duration can be different, it depends on the physiology, the number of pregnancies and abortions, psychological and other factors.

Early is considered menopause, coming to 40 years, later - after 55 years.

Signs of climacteric changes in women

The first signs of menopause in women are:

  1. Hot flashes - a sudden change of sensation of fever and chill. Tides are accompanied by weakness, bouts of dizziness and palpitations, migraines, sweating.
  2. Changes in appearance: the formation of wrinkles, violation of skin pigmentation, dry skin, deterioration of hair and tooth enamel, brittle nails.
  3. The occurrence of diseases of the skeletal system associated with calcium deficiency in the body.

For menopause is characterized by deterioration of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, signs such as increased blood pressure, headaches, heart rhythm disturbances, also often indicate the beginning of menopausal changes.

All this is the result of age hormonal adjustment. In the body of a young woman, the main role is played by ovarian hormones (estrogen, progesterone), which determine sexual activity and the ability to renew cells of various tissues. When menopause increases the level of the so-called follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), thereby reducing the level of estrogen. It causes aging of the body.

How to determine the beginning of menopause

Knowing about the beginning of this period, a woman will be able to pay increased attention to her health, to undergo a regular examination by a gynecologist and other specialists. This will help to avoid many serious illnesses.

To determine the onset of menopause, a special FSH test is done. When it occurs, there is a steady increase in the level of this hormone in the urine compared with the reproductive period, when it fluctuates at different points in the menstrual cycle.

If a woman still has periods, but the signs of menopause have already appeared, then such a test is performed one of 6 days from the start of menstruation, then repeated a week later. Conducted 2-3 tests for the content of FSH in the urine. If it is consistently high, it indicates the onset of climacteric changes.

If menstruation has already become irregular and rarely occur, then the first test is done on any day, and the next - with an interval of 1 week.

Video: Hormone therapy for menopause

Symptoms of early menopause

Sometimes the symptoms of such changes appear after 35 years. Deterioration in thermoregulation due to decreased hypothalamic function causes hot flashes. A common symptom characteristic of women with an early onset menopause is vaginal dryness, which often causes inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs.

The first symptom of early menopause is a decrease in sexual activity. Women experiencing this condition are more likely to have insomnia, as a result, irritability, bad mood, and depression.

Causes of early menopause

One of the possible causes of climacteric changes in women 35-40 years old may be early onset of menstruation (up to 12 years). An important role is played by the factor of heredity, as well as lifestyle. Constant stress, emotional and physical overload, unhealthy ecology, the presence of bad habits accelerate the process of extinction of childbearing abilities.

To accelerate the onset of menopause may also:

  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • long-term treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • diseases of the thyroid, pancreas, genital organs;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • infectious and neoplastic diseases.

Video: Causes and prevention of early menopause

Prevention and treatment of early menopause

An early onset of climacteric changes increases the risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart disease in a woman. Increases the likelihood of tumors.

Recommendation: Early climacteric changes can be stopped if the first symptoms are noticed in time, the cause is detected. It is recommended to undergo a gynecological examination at least once every six months.

Great importance for the prevention of early onset of menopause is timely access to a doctor when gynecological, endocrine diseases appear, a cautious approach to the use of hormonal drugs (in particular, contraceptives). An important role is played by hardening of the body, strengthening the immune system, vitaminized nutrition, physical activity, regular sex.

When the first signs of early menopause appear, the woman should consult a doctor and be examined for the timely detection of the causes. If necessary, prescribed hormone therapy, means to strengthen the immune system, vitamins.

A woman is a beautiful creature, whose true purpose is not only to adorn the world, but also to continue the human race. The time comes, sexual function in the fair sex fades away, and they begin to notice the first signs of menopause, which is the signal for the end of an important period in the life of women, when the reproductive function in the body was maintained physiologically.

When does menopause come?

The structure of the female body with all its roundness and protuberances, the processes occurring inside the woman’s body, is aimed specifically at the reproduction and development of a new life. But this process is not eternal, like all living things on the planet.

Over time, the production of sex hormones, in particular estrogen and progesterone, is reduced, libido and the likelihood of pregnancy are reduced, there is a mass of unpleasant sensations associated with hormonal changes in the body. When a woman has the first signs of menopause, and what they will be, it is a purely individual matter, because each person’s body is unique and reacts in its own way to various changes taking place both outside it and inside the body itself.

Usually, menopause, as it is called menopause in women, begins to manifest itself at the age of 45-50 years. This is considered the physiological norm, which, however, has its deviations. Pathological menopause with all its manifestations can begin at 30 years. This is facilitated by various causes, starting with ovarian dysfunction and genetic pathologies, and ending with the effects of chemotherapy and various injuries and surgeries in the genital area.

For various reasons, there are changes in the work of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland associated with it, which in turn regulates the work of the genital and endocrine glands. Disorders in the pituitary gland affect the production of sex hormones, their level in the blood decreases, and early menopause occurs.

The first signs of early menopause

Early menopause is called menopause, which occurs in women younger than 40 years. Before the onset of the fortieth year, a woman is considered fully capable of natural conception, but some malfunctions in the body can noticeably shift this border. Already at the age of 30, some women begin to notice manifestations of menopause, and in some particularly severe cases, such symptoms are observed even in adolescence, which is an obstacle to future motherhood.

Despite the fact that menopause in different women can manifest itself in different ways, the first signs of early menopause are considered to be:

  • Various irregularities in the woman's menstrual cycle, such as an increase or decrease in the intervals between periods, as well as the complete absence of menstrual flow.
  • The appearance of manifestations similar to the tides characteristic of the usual physiological climax (throws it in the heat, then in the cold). Sometimes there is a gratuitous chill or heat in the face and hands.
  • Violation of the rhythm of sleep and psycho-emotional state of a woman: fatigue and drowsiness, irritability, aggression, frequent mood changes, loss of memory (especially short-term) and concentration of attention, a tendency to depression.
  • Disorders associated with urination (pain when urinating, urinary incontinence).
  • Weight fluctuations upwards.
  • The deterioration of the appearance and condition of the skin, hair, nail plates. The skin becomes dry and flabby, hair loss increases, nails crumble and break.
  • Increased blood pressure surges, palpitations, tachycardia.
  • Frequent headaches, accompanied by dizziness.
  • Reduced sexual desire (libido), the appearance of painful sensations during sexual intercourse against the background of dry labia, decrease in secretion from the vagina and itching in intimate places.

These are common symptoms of early menopause, but again, they may not fully manifest themselves and with different intensity. It all depends on the specific female body.

Age from 40 to 45 years is considered a border period. The appearance of symptoms of menopause during this period of time is considered a variant of the norm, although it is believed that the later the menopause begins, the better for women's health.

The first signs of menopause in women 45-50 years

Reducing the secretion of female sex hormones at the age of 45-50 years is considered the physiological norm. As well as the related changes in the woman's body, which need to be perceived adequately and as calmly as possible, in order to avoid unnecessary aggravation of symptoms.

Physiological menopause has 3 periods, which can be referred to as premenopause, menopause and postmenopause. Premenopause is the time of onset of extinction of the hormonal function of the ovaries, which lasts until the last menstruation. It was at this time that women of 45–50 years of age begin to experience the first signs of menopause.

For different representatives of the weak half of humanity, the duration of this period can vary from 2 to 10 years, during which it is observed:

  • A sharp decrease in the probability of conceiving a child.
  • Failures in the menstrual cycle: irregular cycle, scarcity or, on the contrary, an increase in the volume of discharge, up to uterine bleeding.
  • The growth of the interval between monthly from 1-1.5 to 3 months.
  • With scanty discharge, the volume of blood secreted gradually decreases to the complete cessation of menstruation.
  • Sometimes the coarsening of the mammary glands, associated with fluctuations in the level of estrogen.

Cases of abrupt cessation of menstruation are the exception rather than the norm, so women usually know about the approach of menopause in advance. The period of menopause lasts for a year after the end of the last menstruation, after which comes postmenopause, accompanying the woman until the end of her life. Starting from the menopause, a woman loses the ability to become pregnant naturally, the figure begins to lose its rounded feminine forms, the shape of the mammary glands changes (they sag, losing their elasticity, the nipples become flatter), thinning hair, vaginal mucous discharges disappear, and even the skin in the area of ​​mucous membranes it becomes dry, flabby and wrinkled.

In addition to the manifestations of premenopause described above, there are still some symptoms indicating the beginning of the pre-climatic period. The first signs of menopause include the so-called "tides", accompanied by a sudden fever, which begins with the face, neck and hands, gradually spreading throughout the body. At the same time, a slight increase in temperature can be observed, the pulse rate increases, the skin takes on stains and acquires a red tint, sometimes there is increased sweating, especially at night.

Hot flashes are the most common symptom of a premenopausal period, which few can avoid. Nevertheless, the intensity of this symptom in women may vary significantly, so some women simply ignore such manifestations.

In addition, the beginning of menopause may be marked by:

  • Insomnia, problems with falling asleep, when unpleasant thoughts are associated with the day and problems that arise, and the woman tries to find a way out of these situations instead of sleeping.
  • Severe heart palpitations, when the heart as if jumps out of the chest without any reason for excitement.
  • Abrupt pressure, which has either elevated rates, then drops sharply, causing nausea, headaches, dizziness, and even fainting.
  • Incomprehensible chills, often disturbing night sleep.
  • Increased fatigue and lethargy, impaired memory and concentration, which significantly affects the performance and quality of life.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Anxiety and anxiety, even obsessive ideas about the development of a woman's incurable disease.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, which women associate with all sorts of pathological processes in the body.
  • Reduced sexual desire. In some cases, on the contrary, an increase in sexual libido occurs, which is also the norm.
  • Against the background of circulatory disorders, a depressing feeling appears in the chest, numbness of the extremities with a characteristic tingling, trembling and goose bumps on the skin.

For many women, during this period, there are daily changes in body temperature, a feeling of lack of oxygen, taste changes, dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, weight gain. Hair actively turns white, becomes thin, fragile and less dense. The skin also ages due to the lack of hormones responsible for its elasticity and beauty.

What to do at the first sign of menopause?

Climax is a normal physiologically conditioned process, symbolizing a certain deterioration of the body, to fight with which does not make sense. You can increase the elasticity of the skin through special cosmetic methods and means, reduce the symptoms of menopause with the help of drugs prescribed by a specialist doctor, but it is simply impossible to restore the body to youth and ability to reproduce.

Another thing, if the climax for some reason came very early. Early menopause is fraught with various complications. Such patients have a high risk of developing dangerous cardiovascular pathologies. Violations of the hormonal background can trigger the appearance of benign, and often malignant tumors in the area of ​​the mammary glands and ovaries. The mineralization of bone tissue worsens, as a result of which osteoporosis develops.

Hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, infertility are diseases whose early menopause becomes the fertile ground for the development of which. That is why it is so important when the first signs of menopause appear before the age of 40, immediately consult a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, and possibly even a psychiatrist. And this does not need to be shy when it comes to women's health.

In any case, whenever the menopause comes, it is a thankless task to prescribe the treatment of the symptoms, as it can lead to unpleasant consequences. After all, only a doctor can pick up the necessary drugs and tools based on the characteristics and needs of the body, about which the patient himself knows little.

Usually, in case of mild to moderate menopause, drug treatment is not required, there are enough folk remedies to help fight irritability, insomnia and headaches. In severe cases, doctors resort to drug therapy in combination with physiotherapy, water therapy, homeopathy, means traditional medicine, sessions of the psychologist and psychotherapist, sanatorium treatment.

There are special preparations of a complex action, such as Remens, Klimoxan, Chi-Klim, Feminal, etc., which alleviate the condition of women with menopause. But, despite the fact that they are generally safe and have a small amount side effects, to predict what impact they will have on each particular woman is very difficult. After all, each of us has its own "sores" and "troubles".

It is not always possible to confine ourselves only to the recipes of traditional medicine in the form of soothing herbs and various infusions that do not adversely affect the body, because menopause can manifest itself differently in each particular case. The prescription of stronger antidepressant drugs is again within the competence of the specialist doctor.

Early menopause is dangerous by the development of various complications, such as osteoporosis. For its prevention and treatment, it may be necessary to take special bisphosphonate preparations (Pamiphos, Osteomax, etc.), calcium compounds and vitamin D, including as part of vitamin-mineral complexes and preparations for osteoporosis. It is not less dangerous to prescribe such drugs for yourself, than for the means of high blood pressure, which is one of the symptoms of menopause.

Moreover, with early onset of menopause, non-hormonal treatment is unlikely to give the desired result, and the appointment of hormonal drugs must be approached with extreme caution, because both the lack of hormones and their excess can adversely affect the patient's health.

Why take hormones at the first sign of menopause?

Early menopause in women is associated with a pathological lack of certain hormones, so the main treatment will be aimed at replenishing the reserves of these hormones in the body. Typically, for menopause therapy in women 30–40 years old, drugs are used that contain 2 main hormonal components: estrogen and progestogen (an analogue of progesterone). Estrogen has a positive effect on cellular compounds that are dependent on it, and progestogen prevents the development of malignant tumors, in particular in the genital area.

It is these 2 hormones that can prevent the onset of unwanted complications of early menopause. But their dosage as part of prescribed drugs depends on the needs of a particular organism, therefore, in addition to complex drugs (Diane-35, Rigevidon, Novinet, etc.) containing both hormones, the doctor prescribes monopreparations that help adjust the dose individually.

Estrogen containing drugs include Estrozhel, Ovestin, Extrimax, Mikrofollin, etc.

Analogues of human progesterone are "Depostat", "Prozheszhel", the drug with the same name "Progesterone", etc.

As you can see, it is very difficult to overestimate the importance of hormonal drugs in the treatment of menopause. You can try to replace them with hormone-containing folk remedies and homeopathic medicines, but even this treatment should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician so that the first signs of menopause at an early age, which served as a signal for action, would help prevent possible complications, and not turn into big health problems.

All the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to the upcoming menopausal period are completely different form. Someone perceives this process as a naturally occurring natural change in the functioning of the reproductive system of organs associated with the onset of the senile period. And someone at all falls into a panic at the thought of a possible deterioration of the state of health and the development of any pathology. The onset of hormonal adjustment in the female body can cause a number of not very pleasant symptoms, so it is extremely important to timely notice the first signs of menopause and seek qualified help. It is necessary to do this in order to timely start treatment for menopausal syndrome, which will help avoid subsequent complications and alleviate the general condition.

Age hormonal adjustment of the female body can last from 3 to 10 years, and sometimes more. The whole climacteric period is divided into 3 stages of its course, which are characterized by corresponding changes in many areas of organs and systems of the female body.

The first signs of menopause in women begin to appear in the age period between 40 and 45 years, corresponding premenopausal stage  menopause, helping to determine the onset of menopause.

There is a violation of the menstrual cycle with an oscillatory amplitude of delays, up to the complete cessation of menstruation. The possibility of conceiving a child is markedly reduced, but still remains possible.

The next stage is itself menopausewhich lasts for 12 months, since the last month.

The full stop of the functioning of the reproductive system of the female body occurs in postmenopausal stage  menopause.

The age threshold for the onset of menopause and its duration depends on the individual characteristics of the female body, the number of successful deliveries and gynecological interruptions of pregnancy, past diseases and other causes.

The menopausal period, which began to manifest itself before the age of 40, indicates the onset of the early form of menopause, and after 55-56, the beginning.

First signs of menopause

The first symptoms of menopause in women are:

  • Attacks of hot flushes, manifested by a sudden sensation of suffocating heat, which is sharply replaced by a feeling of chills. During an attack, there is a feeling of weakness, dizziness and an increase in the rhythm of the heartbeat. And also the general level of perspiration rises, and migraines appear.
  • Changes in external data, among which the most striking are: the formation of deep wrinkles, loss of elasticity skin cover, the occurrence of dryness on the skin and mucous surfaces in the vagina, a violation of the structure of the hair and nail plates, accompanied by an increase in their fragility.
  • The development of pathological changes in the bone skeleton, against the background of a decrease in calcium content.

A woman after 45 years old has pathological changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the appearance of symptoms such as increased blood pressure, the occurrence of pain in the head and the change in the rhythm of the heartbeat are among the first signs of the onset of menopause.

Everything that happens in the body of women with the onset of the menopausal period is a consequence of a decrease in the production of sex hormones, leading to a change in the general hormonal background.

In a young female body, estrogen and progesterone play a major role, which are produced mainly in the ovaries. With a decrease in the level of ovarian health, there is a decrease in the production of estrogen and progesterone, and an increase in the level of FSH, which is the cause of aging women.

Determining the onset of menopause

When determining the beginning of menopause, women after 45 years of age should begin to pay the necessary level of attention to their reproductive health in a timely manner. It is necessary to be regularly examined and every year visit the gynecological office for preventive purposes, which will contribute to the timely prevention of the development of dangerous pathological processes.

In order to accurately diagnose the beginning of menopause, you need to do a test to determine the level of follicle-stimulating hormone. To understand that menopause comes, the positive results of this test will help, indicating a significant increase in the content of this hormone in the composition of urine. Its level should be several times higher than in the fertile period of a woman, when FSH could change with fluctuations in hormonal levels during menstruation.

In cases where a woman still has menstrual function, but the first signs of menopause are already present, the test for determining the level of FSH is done during the first five days from the beginning of the menstrual period.

After which it is carried out again, after 7-8 days. So a few tests are done to determine the follicle-stimulating hormone in the composition of urine. And if all the results of the tests, show an equivalent high content of FSH, then these are reliable signs of the approaching menopause.

If the menstrual cycle has changed its nature of flow and periods come with long delays and a scant amount of blood released, then the first test for FSH is possible on any day, and all subsequent tests should be carried out every 7-8 days.

Harbingers of early menopause

Sometimes the first signs of menopause occur after 33-35 years. Violation of thermoregulation processes in the female body against the background of a pathological change in the functionality of the hypothalamus causes the appearance of attacks of hot flushes. Also, with the appearance of early menopausal symptoms, the most pronounced symptom is the formation of dry mucous membranes in the vaginal area.

Dryness of the mucous membranes is the root cause of the further development of various pathological diseases, inflammatory processes and unpleasant, sometimes even painful sensation during sexual intercourse.

With the onset of early menopause, the process of decreasing the sexual activity of a woman begins, as well as an increase in the level of irritability, tearfulness, violation of the general psychoemotional state and the frequent formation of a depressive state.

Causes of early menopause in women

Among the most likely causes of early climacteric symptoms are:

  1. The early age of puberty and the onset of menstrual flow.
  2. Hereditary predisposition
  3. Lifestyle and the presence of a large number of bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

The initial signs of early menopause can also be triggered by exposure to frequent stressful situations, poor environmental conditions, as well as excessive loads from the physical and emotional activity of the woman.

Moreover, the onset of premature extinction of the functioning of the ovaries may be preceded by such factors as:

  • long-term use of contraceptive drugs;
  • long-term treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • a pathological change in the functioning of the endocrine system of organs;
  • low immunity;
  • development of pathological processes of infectious or oncological nature of the course.

Let us take a closer look at how to warn yourself that the menopause will start earlier than the prescribed time, and also how to alleviate the condition caused by the development of signs of menopause.

Methods of prevention and treatment

The onset not only the early, but also the middle-aged stage of climacteric changes can cause the development of such diseases as:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Oncology of varying degrees.
  3. Osteoporosis.
  4. Cardiovascular pathology.

If you timely identify the formation of early signs of menopause and the cause of their development, then there is a greater likelihood to suspend the approach of menopause, even to postpone its onset time to a later age period. But for the timely detection of early development of menopause, it is necessary to visit the gynecological office at least 2 times a year.

For prophylactic purposes, timely elimination of diseases from the sexual and endocrine system of organs, as well as caution in the use of hormone-containing drugs and contraceptives, is of great importance.

Before menopause, it is recommended to get rid of bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol-containing products. Also, if possible, do not get into stressful situations and maintain a moderate level of physical activity.

On the question of what to take to improve the general condition of a woman during the period of the manifestation of menopausal syndrome, experts recommend:

  1. To maintain physical fitness and a balanced psychological state, it is necessary to take drugs. anabolic spectrum of action, preventing the development of metabolic disorders and premature aging processes.
  2. To combat coronary insufficiency, urinary incontinence, osteoporosis and muscle weakness, drugs are prescribed from the group hormone replacement therapy.

It is important to note that the use of hormonal therapy may not be in every case, since there are a number of contraindications.

To replace HRT help traditional medicine or drugs based on phytoestrogenbelonging to the group of homeopaths.

To normalize the psychoemotional state and reduce the intensity of hot flashes, drink decoctions of herbs in combination with homeopathic medicines, but only after mutual agreement with your doctor.

Among other things, with the onset of menopause, it is recommended to diversify their livelihoods with sports activities.

They will contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes and the most rapid way out of depression.

The most important role of eliminating menopausal symptoms belongs to the correct adjustment of nutrition. With the onset of this period of age-related changes in the body, it is necessary to eliminate foods with a high content of sugar and simple carbohydrate compounds from the usual diet.

It is recommended to abandon the use of fried, smoked, spicy and fatty foods, since their use increases the risk of developing cardiovascular pathological processes, among which the greatest danger is the development of atherosclerosis. Also, this food contributes to the active set of extra pounds, which, in turn, can cause the development of other pathologies, including diabetes.

To maintain normal blood pressure and stability of the mental nervous system, special antidepressant drugs are also needed, which can be prescribed only by a qualified specialist based on the individual characteristics of each woman.

At present, not all women understand the importance of timely testing and often flap their arms toward the formation of any ailments in a mature pre-menopausal age.

This can later lead to the development of diseases such as endometrial cancer in the uterus and other pathologies that do not manifest themselves until the last stage of their development, when no treatment will help.

Therefore, if there are any irregularities in the menstrual cycle or general state of health, then every woman who is in juicy adult age should certainly turn to specialists and undergo the necessary examination methods. This is necessary in order to eliminate the likelihood of developing serious diseases, and, if possible, start timely treatment of menopausal symptoms.

Useful video on this topic:

In some women, its manifestations are accompanied by pathological symptoms, which are eliminated by pharmaceutical preparations. In case of pronounced complications of menopause, HRT is performed (hormone replacement therapy).

If symptomatic treatment was carried out from the initial stages of the disease, the negative effects of postmenopause can be eliminated. This eliminates the need for the appointment of hormones for the normalization of the reproductive cycle.

The early stages of menopause are difficult to determine, since it can begin in the range from 45 to 55 years. It is good if a woman does not have a large number of hot flashes per day. When the pathological symptoms of the disease are actively increasing, immediate assistance is required. In order to carry it out professionally, it is necessary to determine at what stage the climacteric period of a woman is.

What are the stages of menopause

Climax is divided into 3 main stages:

  1. Premenopause;
  2. Menopause;
  3. Postmenopause.

If you control the disease in the premenopausal stage, you can prevent the negative effects of the transitional phase in a woman’s life.

What is premenopause and how to treat it properly

Premenopause begins after 40 years. Its duration on average is from 15 to 18 months. At this interval there is a gradual decrease in the functionality of the ovaries, the end of ovulation, the periodic termination of the usual menstrual cycle.

The intervals between the monthly with each month increase. The following early signs of illness can be distinguished from the external sensations of women:

  • Hot flashes (sudden reddening of the skin, neck, face);
  • Headaches;
  • Mood swings;
  • Palpitations;
  • Vaginal dryness;
  • Increased urination;
  • Decreased sexual activity.

Tides last about 3 minutes and occur mostly in the evenings.

In the premenopausal stage, the production of female sex hormones decreases: luteinizing and follicle-stimulating. Premenopause is also characterized by a decrease in male hormones - hyperandrogenism. Sometimes their level decreases less than female counterparts. At the same time, representatives of the fair sex can be traced to male manifestations - the growth of whiskers, the expansion of the shoulder girdle, and the roughening of the voice.

By the above changes in the body, you can determine the first signs of the disease. At the same time, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time to prevent serious complications at the stage of converting premenopause to menopause.

What are the signs of menopause and postmenopause?

Menopause is characterized by the complete cessation of estrogen release. This physiological phase is observed at the age of 50-53 years. The first signs of the condition are the formation of osteoporosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system. With the termination of the release of female sex hormones, diabetes can occur.

Postmenopause is a stage that is observed from the time of the appearance of the last menstruation to extreme old age. Hormonal studies of hormones show an increase in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels. At this stage, all the symptoms of menopause disappear, so there is no rationality in conservative treatment.

Analyzing the periods described above, one can calculate how long menopause lasts. Its duration is constant from the time of the last menstruation. Premenopause and menopause in combination can last from 5 to 10 years.

When menopause comes, how to determine

To determine when there is a menopause, you can by the following symptoms:

  • Tides;
  • Flickering goosebumps;
  • Muscle cramps and cramps;
  • Dry skin;
  • Insomnia and mood swings.

The duration of the climacteric period depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The first signs of the disease should be under the control of a gynecologist-endocrinologist. After that, to monitor the condition, it is advisable to visit the doctor every 6 months.

So it should be ideally. However, in practice, it turns out that women in the climacteric phase continue to work, get nervous and do household chores. Against this background, it is difficult to capture specific changes in hormonal levels. Due to such changes, the first signs of pathology are often overlooked, since women of the beautiful half “write off” negative changes in their health for fatigue.

To determine when menopause occurs, you can conduct a specific test to determine the level of FSH in the urine. For these purposes, there are diagnostic strips. They can be purchased at the pharmacy.

If the strips give a positive result for 2-3 tests, it is possible to assert with a high degree of certainty that premenopause has occurred.

However, even when using test strips, there may be an error. Each organism is individual, so the concentration of hormones may vary significantly. If, after receiving positive results based on the definition of FSH, menstruation continues, the analysis should be repeated after a week.

When there is a persistence of menstruation, but there are the above signs of the onset of menopause, uterine bleeding should be excluded.

How to evaluate when menopause occurs

When the climacteric period comes, you need to contact a gynecologist. The main thing is to reveal this physiological period at the stage of premenopause. It is difficult to diagnose it, therefore, the examination methods are repeated after several months, regardless of the receipt of positive or negative results.

These results are due to daily fluctuations in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

Menopause and menopause, how to treat it with HRT

Menopause and menopause are conditions that require prescription (HRT). This method is the basis for the prevention of subsequent concomitant changes in the woman's body: osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, osteoarthropathy, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and vascular accidents.

For the appointment of HRT are required indications. Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed in women over 45 years of age. At this stage, the aging gene is activated, which triggers pathological conditions.

What methods include hormone replacement therapy:

  1. Prescription of growth hormone;
  2. Melanotonin;
  3. Dihydroestrogen;
  4. Thyroid hormones.

Climax includes a set of pathological symptoms caused by dysregulation of progesterone and estrogen. The imbalance between these substances can cause marked clinical changes.

The severity of the disease is assessed by doctors for the tides:

  • Up to 10 per day - mild;
  • Up to 20 - medium degree;
  • More than 20 tides - severe.

There is a Cooperman index to evaluate when there is a climacteric period in a woman. It assumes a point estimate of the severity of the pathology:

  • Up to 20 points - easy stage;
  • Up to 35 - medium;
  • Over 35 is heavy.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) significantly improves a person’s quality of life. The addition of the body to sex hormones is necessary after the onset of the climacteric stage in the presence of complications:

  • Hot flashes several times a day;
  • Lower abdominal pain;
  • Discharge from the uterus;
  • Temperature rise;
  • Headaches;
  • Dizziness.

With aging, not only the amount of sex hormones is reduced, but adrenal cortex insufficiency is also observed. Obviously, to compensate for these defects, it is necessary to use hormonal drugs. However, women have developed strong prejudices about the harmfulness of hormone therapy, as it has pronounced side effects.

What data in favor of the use of HRT during menopause:

  • Any chemical non-natural substances are harmful to the body, but hormones are a natural substance;
  • The therapy eliminates hot flashes and other signs of the disease;
  • The metabolism and hemostasis is normalized;
  • Without hormones, restoration of working capacity is impossible;
  • HRT can alleviate post-menopausal disorders.

The pharmaceutical industry has created excellent combination products. They are used when there is marked climacteric adjustment (more than 20 tides per day). During such periods, a woman may experience depressive syndrome, the pulse rises and dizziness appears. To prevent such changes, only HRT will help.

Modern hormone replacement therapy consists of 3 ingredients.

Opinions against HRT:

  • Have many side effects  with improper dosage;
  • May induce tumor growth;
  • Exacerbates the course of varicose veins;
  • Can not be used for early menopause.

Despite the many causes of climacteric conditions, the treatment of pathology is similar. The use of the above drugs is applied for a limited time to eliminate post-menopausal changes. In old age, one cannot do without these drugs.

The fate of women falls a lot of tests: menstruation, childbirth, menopause. Through all this, the beautiful and tender half of humanity passes with great courage. You should understand what is climax in women - symptoms, age, treatment and how to prepare for them.

What is climax?

Climax in women is the transition from the reproductive period to the cessation of menstruation (menopause). At what age comes the menopause worries all the fair sex. Usually there are symptoms of menopause after 45 years, when the ovaries gradually reduce the production of hormones.

Climax is accompanied by menstrual disorders and other unpleasant symptoms. A woman’s body undergoes great changes; from this point on, women in the beautiful half of humanity have lived through 3 stages of their lives:

  • premenopause;
  • menopause;
  • postmenopause.

Premenopause is the earliest forerunner of menopause. What time does premenopause begin? Nobody can say for sure, in each specific case everything is individual. During the premenopausal period, the functioning of the ovaries gradually decreases until the completion of menstruation. The first signs of menopause in women. The duration of premenopause can last both 2 years and 10 years. In a woman's body, such changes occur:

  • the ability of conception decreases sharply;
  • there are failures in the menstrual cycle, menstruation becomes scarce or, conversely, abundant, there may be cases of uterine bleeding;
  • if the course of premenopause is normal, the interval between menstruations gradually increases up to their complete cessation;
  • with each menstruation, the blood discharge becomes less and less until it disappears completely;
  • when menopause begins, there is a fluctuation in the blood of estrogen, because of this, engorgement of the mammary glands is possible;
  • there may be cases where the termination occurs abruptly, without being accompanied by any additional symptoms.

At the end of the year after the last menstruation, menopause begins.

Menopause is considered the entire period from the last unexpected menstruation. At this stage, the production of hormones by the ovaries completely stops, the level of estrogen becomes low. The skin on the genital lips becomes flabby, changing the shape of the breasts. During a gynecological examination, you can find that the amount of mucus on the cervix is ​​significantly reduced, and then disappears altogether.

The beginning of menopause

Sooner or later, each representative of the beautiful half of humanity will know what is menopause in women. When the menopause begins, no one can say with accuracy. Each organism is individual, and therefore, the beginning of age changes is difficult to predict. When menopause comes, a woman enters a new life phase.

Tides at night and sweating are the very first manifestations of menopause in women. Tides may be disturbed even at night. How menopause manifests during premenopause depends on each organism individually. Symptoms may not be at all, but in most cases they appear as follows:

  • heart palpitations - manifested by periodic attacks;
  • arms and legs are numb, a feeling of tightness in the chest may appear, in most cases this symptom manifests itself in women with poor blood circulation;
  • chills, manifested at night and disrupting the sleep of a woman;
  • tingling in hands and feet, creeping sensation;

  • menopause and menopause can be burdened by sudden drops in blood pressure. Because of this, there are dizziness, headaches and even loss of consciousness;
  • apathy, fatigue, weakness, pain in the muscles;
  • insomnia - a woman tosses and a thousand thoughts swarm around her head, causing anxiety and loss of sleep;
  • such signs of menopause as loss of libido, or, conversely, increased sexual activity;
  • frequent fluctuations in body temperature;

  • taste buds may change;
  • pain may cover the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • female menopause is accompanied by a stage of aging of the skin, as well as dryness of the mucous membranes. This happens due to a decrease in the production of sex hormones, and consequently, a reduction in their function of maintaining skin elasticity and protecting mucous membranes;
  • dry mouth and eyes;
  • hair begins to sit sharply, they become fragile, there is a significant loss of hair;
  • the figure may change, it loses its former femininity.

All these menopause symptoms in women give signals that the ovarian functions are beginning to fade, and a large restructuring of the body is approaching. Regardless of how old menopause begins, from this point on the woman's body undergoes rapid aging. A new period may exacerbate existing chronic diseases, if any, there is also a risk of an increase in new diseases or a protracted course of existing ones.

If the first symptoms of menopause are tolerated by a woman well or are absent altogether, then in this case there can be no talk of medical assistance. Very rarely, but still there are times when menopausal women become the reason for seeking medical attention. This suggests that the climax state of a woman is severe.

Do not be afraid of the above symptoms and wait for menopause, as a terrible event in life. Reviews of women suggest that many of them have never experienced anything like it. And the beauty of a woman cannot be spoiled by anything, just for women at 47 years old, she needs a little more support.


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