The magical and healing properties of wormwood. The magical properties and the use of wormwood

Names: Artemis grass, witches grass, sea tobacco, criminal grass, black, Chernobyl or wormwood, vicious man, old man, old uncle Harry.
  Aura: cold.
  Planet: Venus.
  Element: air.
  Deities: Artemis, Diana.
  Used parts of the plant: the upper, above-ground part of the plant.
  Main properties: protection from evil forces, clairvoyance.

Using:put in shoes to prevent fatigue during long travel.
  Carry with you to protect against wild beasts, poison, or death blow.
  Make an infusion and drink it to gain the gift of clairvoyance.
  Scratch the artemisia leaves that have just appeared on a magic mirror or crystal ball, this will increase their strength and open the “third eye”.
  Add in incense intended for clairvoyance and prophecy.
  If you put the grass in the pillows, you will see the prophetic dreams and strengthen your clairvoyance abilities. Wisps of wormwood, suspended in the house, drive away negative creatures.
  Since ancient times wormwood has been used as a talisman against dark forces.
  Wormwood was added to potions that protected from witchcraft and from lightning, used in medicinal drugs from fever, weakening eyesight. There is a legend that it is necessary at night, on the eve of Ivanov's day, to unearth the earth at the root of the wormwood, to find an ember there and carry it with you. And this very ember will protect you from plague, lightning, malaria and burns.

This is the most effective remedy against mermaids and mythological characters of Slavic folklore similar to them.

Most commonly, wormwood was used at Trinity Week, during the period when mermaids appeared. Wormwood, “grass damned, without knees,” while fighting with mermaids was considered “a drug equivalent to holy willow and Holy Week candles,” as well as incense. The grasses were scattered around the house, laid on windows, rapids, under the eaves of houses — in order to protect themselves “from mermaids that came out of their waters onto dry land that night,” and if they were “outdoors holy” they had to spend the night outdoors - they put it under their heads. From the attack, mermaids carried wormwood; she was thrown into the water, if she happened to swim. Protecting themselves from mothers, Ukrainian girls wore wormwood in their bosoms; she was woven into braids, believing that then the mermaid would not tickle them. Bulgarians and Serbs attributed to her the ability to "drive away self-divine, karakondzhulov and demons of diseases." Interestingly, it was not at all necessary to carry the plant with itself; it was believed that even one name of wormwood was enough for the mermaids to run away. When meeting with mermaids, do not forget to answer the mermaid's question “is it in your hands?” To answer: “wormwood” - then she will say: “tur tobi, bake tobi! zygn! ”and disappear. The smell of this grass is able to drive out almost any evil spirits.

Wormwood has the ability to restore our harmony with nature, and with a strong concentration of its smoke, susceptible people can begin to see the beings of the thin world - this is the second reason for the rare use of wormwood. In fact, it is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts.

In Prussia, Bavaria and other German lands, artemisia was used for the same purposes as rowan in Scotland - for protection from witches. Prussian farmers laid stacks of this grass at the entrances and around the meadows where cows grazed to protect animals and their milk from witches.
  In Japan, residents of a robbed house, finding traces of a robber, burn grass on them to sting his legs and prevent him from escaping from the police.
  Among the American Indians, it symbolizes the feminine, lunar, nocturnal life principle along with chrysotamius, personifying the beginning of the masculine, solar and diurnal.
  For the Chinese, it means dignity, being one of the eight Highest Jewels.
  In the Greeks, this plant is dedicated to Artemis.

It is necessary to collect artemisia before sunrise at the time when the moon arrives. Artemisia leaves better to pluck from a plant, tending to the north. Artemisia will be most powerful if you collect it during the full moon. Wormwood - very strong, but at the same time very capricious plant. It grows slowly and badly grows from seeds, so when you cut this grass, try not to cut it at the very root. Cut only the tip - the buds have the strongest power of this plant (the stem is not needed for work).

Wormwood is one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs that affect the energy of the whole organism.

Wormwood is most often used in the form of smoking.

An absolutely safe method of its application is to hang in the house (preferably in the bedroom or corridor) a small bunch of this grass.

The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant for water spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present.

Ritual wreaths of wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They were wondering about their future fate.

A secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door, so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. It was considered a very bad omen if such a wreath fell or was torn - this indicated the effect on the family of evil witchcraft.

The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase on a waning moon.

There was even a special day when it was possible to collect wormwood for these purposes. Did it at the end of August on the Assumption.

Wormwood collected at this time was considered the most healing. But for medicinal purposes, it could be harvested throughout the summer.

To protect the house

* bath, in which wormwood is added, will cleanse from all evil
  * burning wormwood will drive away evil forces, protect the house from evil spirits and elves. In China, for this purpose, the plant is hung above the door
  * wormwood burning or thrown into the boiler will protect the house from storms and lightning
  * protect children in the house
  * amulets from wormwood will protect lovers during trips from all troubles and will facilitate a safe return
  * Wormwood protects the house from evil spirits.
  * to gain strength during a long walk or run, put the leaves of wormwood in shoes
  * a pillow full of wormwood will make you dream
  * Chernobyl (or wormwood) is useful to carry with you: in this case, you will not be poisoned by poison, do not be attacked by wild animals, do not get sunstroke
  * wormwood is worn to protect you from back pain and other illnesses
  * madness
* wear it to induce passion, increase potency.

For home magic

* the plant is used in predictions, for this purpose they prepare an infusion of wormwood with honey and drink before predictions
  * Wormwood-Chernobyl herb is burned along with sandalwood during the ritual of awakening mental powers
  * for successful work, leaves of wormwood are placed around the magic mirror or under it
  * in Japan, sorcerers use a bundle of wormwood to spell the spirits of the disease; It is believed that these spirits are afraid of the smell of Chernobyl.
  * wormwood, placed next to the bed, will help with astral projection
  * Wormwood oil is used for the consecration of crystal balls, prisms, magic mirrors and other predictive tools, especially made of silver.
  * wormwood has a strong connection with the crystal ball and the magic mirror, so the magicians use the infusion of the plant to wash them. Prepare a not very strong infusion. Gently wipe the mirror with a clean cloth, making a circular rotational motion. Adherents of various denominations - Christians, Buddhists, Hindus - can pronounce the daily mantra or prayer.
  * Chernobylik attracts the power of the Moon to the magic glass and helps it to be realized more fully.

Wormwood is also used for fumigation when preparing space for shamanic work, to improve concentration and the discovery of clairvoyance abilities and to predict the future.

Wormwood is also used to fumigate a sick household, as it perfectly neutralizes negative energy.

: set fire to a pinch or a branch, put out the fire and fumigate a room or person.

Broth wormwood added to the water, which wash the floor for the destruction of harmful microbes in the room.

The ancient Slavs wormwood was considered a cult plant that can cleanse both the physical world and the spiritual. Buddhists and yogis are sure: wormwood essential oil is one of the best tools to help you concentrate while meditating.

The geography of the spread of wormwood is incredibly extensive. And it is not surprising, because a weed is a weed, it grows everywhere, it does not require special conditions. However, it is this grass that you cannot call useless, in different regions it was used for ceremonial, decorative, medical, culinary and household purposes.
  An outstanding feature of wormwood is the smell. And here there are no indifferent ones: they either don’t tolerate it at all, or they admire it, claiming that childhood, summer and freedom smell exactly like that.

Wormwood was used in everyday life and as a bactericidal agent, for example, disinfected the air in the patient's room. It was used to scare away insects and small rodents, for which they laid grass on the floors, for the winter in the kitchen gardens it was covered with the roots of plants. Bath brooms are made from wormwood, and with their help they treat joints, rheumatism, obesity, used as inhalations.

Aromatherapists are sure: wormwood overcomes fatigue and depression, speeds up the metabolism, improves appetite. But it is highly recommended not to exceed the dosage: 4-5 drops for an aroma lamp, 5-7 for a bath.

To summon the spirits used flowering tops of the plant. This is favored by the fact that the wormwood blossoms for a long time. Those who, by virtue of their profession, such as sellers, are on their feet all day, are advised to wash their feet with a decoction of a Chernobyl.

On the territory of the former USSR more than 10 types of wormwood grow, but the most common is wormwood (Artemísia absínthium). This plant is unpretentious and drought-resistant, feels good on almost any soil. It can be found on the roadsides, in ravines, on the edges, urban wastelands, landfills, various backyards. A distinctive feature of bitter wormwood is greyish-gray color, characteristic taste and aroma that are difficult to confuse with something.

Medicinal properties of wormwood are determined by the fact that it contains essential oils, bitter, resinous, tannins, vitamins C, K, B6, mineral elements, phytoncides, etc. Thanks to their successful combination, wormwood has a tonic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-inflammatory , anticonvulsant, sedative, choleretic, diuretic, anthelmintic action, stimulates the appetite, normalizes blood pressure and the gastrointestinal tract, and even has a slight hypnotic effect.

When treating with drugs from wormwood, we should not forget that this plant is far from harmless. Uncontrolled intake of large doses of drugs with wormwood can cause significant harm to the body, cause convulsions, vomiting, fainting, and lead to a breakdown of the nervous system. Usually, the treatment of wormwood is up to a month, then a monthly break is taken, after which the treatment can be continued. Do not use drugs from wormwood during pregnancy and do not give them to young children. For some people, wormwood is an allergen.

Without pretreatment, wormwood is used to treat wounds, ulcers, abscesses, fistulas, skin inflammations. To do this, compresses with chopped grass or tampons with wormwood juice impose on the affected skin. Fresh juice of wormwood is used both for medicinal purposes and to stimulate the appetite. In Eastern medicine, specially made wormwood sticks are used to cauterize active points (reflex zones) on the skin. But more often for medicinal purposes use drugs from wormwood (tinctures, decoctions, tinctures, oil, ointment), which are made from fresh or dried herbs.

The most common infusions. For their preparation usually take a tablespoon of fresh herbs or half a spoonful of dry for a glass of boiling water, insist at least half an hour in a tightly closed container. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for the treatment of female diseases, gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, as a diuretic, expectorant and fortifying agent. Infusions of wormwood with thyme is used to treat alcoholism.

To prepare the decoctions, take wormwood and water in the same ratio as for the infusions, but bring to a boil over low heat or in a water bath and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Tinctures made from alcohol, vodka or dry wine are usually used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, removing stones from the kidneys and bladder. In addition, it is believed that they contribute to the removal of toxins and excess fat from the body. I met information about the use of wormwood (usually not bitter, but ordinary) for the treatment of oncological diseases, but I don’t try to judge the effectiveness.

But the effectiveness of the treatment of respiratory diseases with wormwood oil has been tested in practice. Apply it for inhalation with colds, and in a mixture with olive oil drip in the nose with a cold. It is also used to treat cuts, scratches, abrasions. By the way, the oil can be taken by mouth, but for this it is desirable to dissolve it in alcoholic beverages or use 1-2 drops on a piece of sugar, bread, and cookies.

Wormwood is traditionally used in cooking and for economic purposes. Wormwood powder is used as a fragrant seasoning for meat, fish, and vegetable dishes. In a small amount of wormwood is added to herbal teas to give them bitterness. Previously, wormwood oil was widely used in the alcoholic beverage industry for the production of absinthe and aromatization of vermouth. However, the systematic use of even insignificant doses of absinthe for appetite eventually led to wormwood epilepsy and serious damage to the nervous system. Therefore, the production of absinthe was sharply reduced, and now it is not often possible to meet it on sale.

In the villages wormwood has always been widely used for commercial purposes. From it, fabric dyes were obtained, and garden plants from pests were sprayed with infusions or decoctions, used for veterinary purposes.

In the reference books one can find various descriptions of preparations with wormwood and methods of treating many diseases with them. Using wormwood as a medicine, one should not forget that it can not only cure diseases, but also bring substantial harm if it is used in excessive amounts and without consulting a doctor.

And it depends a lot on it, the anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase in its waning phase.

It has a great variety of species, and they all have different magical properties, especially the so-called “wormwood”. Previously, it was hung indoors, and bonfires were burned around the house to drive away evil spirits. Women made brooms from wormwood and swept the whole negative out of the house with trash ...

4) More for strength   (old recipe) wormwood was put in shoes (but fresh grass is needed here)

5) For prophetic dreams, you can make pillows from wormwood. And again, rest on a pillow is very restores. To make it, you can sew a case, and you can buy a ready-made beautiful case and fill it with dry grass)

6) Another very useful is to clean the mirrors in the house with water with wormwood infusion, especially if you made this infusion yourself from your weed collected on the day of strength !!! Why is it - mirrors (all) are associated with the other world . They absorb all the energy of residents. They periodically must be cleaned.

7) Inside ...

Inside the infusion of wormwood with honey drink before the predictions.

Wormwood loses part of the vulture in a water extract, and to taste it is very bitter. At the same time, the strength of wormwood is very high and inside it can be used only in micro doses.

As a medicine, wormwood is used for:

A) Wound healing. It is enough to knead fresh leaves of wormwood or soften dry and attach them to the wound. Small wounds, due to such a lotion, are tightened quickly, and purulent need to be washed with stronger infusion, having prepared it from 2 tablespoons of wormwood herb with the same amount of interior pork fat, steamed in a water bath for 5 minutes. After the mixture drain. Sore spot smear received ointment.

B) With cystitis. In case of chronic cystitis, treatment of wormwood lasts about six months. Put a handful of herbs in a container and pour 2 hot milk, cover and let it brew. As soon as the composition has cooled down a little, transfer the composition into a plastic bucket, and then sit on the bucket, wrapped in a feather scarf to the waist. The cooled broth can be heated. In the absence of milk, you can pour wormwood with water, but then the effect will be slightly weaker.

B) From sweating. Prepare a decoction of oak bark and wormwood twigs: 1 cup wormwood-0, 5 cups of oak bark. boiling water and cook for 20-30 minutes on low heat. Strain and pour the broth into the water bath. After such a procedure, a very pleasant aroma comes from the body. Or wipe the body with a decoction.

D) With angina, as well as with difficulty breathing caused by stressful situations, with loss of strength and excessive thinness

D) For diseases of the stomach. For gastritis or ulcers, chew a pinch of dry or fresh wormwood, swallow saliva. Gradually, the bitterness of wormwood can be used. You can drink wormwood, brewing, like tea, a pinch or 1 sprig per cup of boiling water.

E) For a headache. Apply wormwood to your temples and forehead. You can combine wormwood with leaves of lovage, making a compress from them and putting it on your head.

G) From pain in the legs. Add to the shoes or spread out leaves and twigs with a layer of 3-5 cm in linen or cotton fabric. The fabric should be of such size that the compress completely covers the place. Put the cooked compress into the pan and pour boiling water on it, so that the water completely covers the fabric with grass. Leave until partially cooled. Then gently squeeze and attach to the inflamed place, covering the top with a dry woolen cloth. After a while there will be a feeling of warmth. Remove the compress after it has completely cooled. The procedure is repeated until complete cure.

8) To eat.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of wormwood in the form of seasoning. It is possible to season with wormwood, salads, soups, meat dishes. The taste of wormwood is bitter, so do not overdo it, seasoning the dish. Use this wormwood seasoning in dry and fresh form.

Another wormwood is a pronounced antidepressant and an excellent means to improve immunity, has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant action.

  In cosmetology and dermatology, the healing properties of a plant are used to treat papillomas and warts, pustular diseases and oily skin prone to inflammation.

Important: there are contraindications to the use of medicines from wormwood. Wormwood preparations should not be buried in the ears and nose. Wormwood is not recommended for use during pregnancy.

  It must be remembered that the use of drugs from wormwood in large doses can cause poisoning. Observe the dosage, dilute the pure juice of wormwood.

Yes, it is necessary to dry wormwood in bunches, flowers down in a dry room.

“My advocate,” was exactly what my grandmother called wormwood. She loved her, treated her. A bundle of wormwood was always stuck in the door jamb, and even under the threshold several branches lay on the window sill. When I came to her, for the first two days I slept with a mortal sleep.

At first I thought that it was me after the city life for a year, and after study I was so tired. But my grandmother, smiling slyly, claimed that it was the scent of wormwood that “put me to sleep” and treated me at the same time — I filled it with power. And what dreams dreamed! Awesome! Fabulous, bright, I even felt smells in a dream. And grandma again claimed that all this

Wormwood has long been considered a magical herb. Where does the belief of people originate in that the wormwood of mermaids and other evil spirits drives away is unknown, but the grandmother told me that when she and her friends went to the far lake to swim, they always threw wormwood into the water first, and then they went. Were sure that the wormwood would protect them from accidental drowning (the mermaids grabbed them and dragged them to themselves).

Each month, the grandmother held a special ceremony in the house: she took a small bundle of wormwood and set it on fire, and “smoked” all the rooms and the barn with smoke. In modern fashion, we can say that in this way the premises were cleaned of everything negative.

However, always the smoke of wormwood caused me to have a strong coughing fit, and my grandmother immediately drove me out of the house. And then, she somehow told about one more magical property of wormwood - about the possibility of seeing otherworldly beings from the concentration of smoke, and therefore drove out, because children are more sensitive, they were afraid that a vision would arise, and I would be frightened.

All summer that I stayed with my grandmother, I always found a small sprig of wormwood in my dress pocket. - this is what my granny explained to me. And on the night of Ivan Kupala, all the girls made wreaths of wormwood and guessed about them for the future.

The magical properties of wormwood are strongest, if you collect it on the right day - in the Assumption (at the end of August).

A few more magical properties of wormwood:

drives away evil spirits

- pillow stuffed with wormwood helps to cope with insomnia. And many, even, prophetic dreams.

- wormwood helps magicians who use a magic ball in their work

- it is added to potions to protect against witchcraft, made medicinal infusions from fever and visual enhancement.

- Wormwood was put under the heels of the travelers who were going on a long journey so that they would not feel tired.

- In the old days wormwood was used to facilitate childbirth, as well as to interrupt unwanted pregnancy.

The magical properties of wormwood are known throughout the world. For example, in Japan: if you rob a house, you must burn a few branches of wormwood, while thinking about thieves, then they will not be able to get far from the guardian of order.

Here it is - the "grass teddy." So do not pass by, it is imperative for the house to tear off the twig, but above imperceptibly strengthen, then people with evil thoughts will bypass your house.

Wormwood is not an easy herb, has many amazing properties that you need to know and be able to use them.

With a strong concentration of wormwood smoke, susceptible people can begin to see the creatures of the thin world. Therefore, wormwood is used in magic. Since ancient times, sorcerers, witches and shamans, used wormwood when conducting various rituals and rituals, making potions, amulets and charms.

In ancient times, the priestess of the goddess of fertility and motherhood, Isis, wore wreaths of wormwood, and she decorated the temple with sprigs.

In many religions, fragrant smoke of smoldering wormwood was used in religious activities. And now - mostly incense ... about wormwood and almost no one knows ...

Wormwood has long been revered as charm plant.

Scum fears the bitter smell of wormwood.   Therefore, wormwood brooms have long been used to clean the house.

Wormwood is one of the most powerful herbs that affects the energy of the whole organism.

Wormwood is most often used in the form of smoking.

The simplest and best is to hang a small bunch of this grass in the house. The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant for water spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present.

Ritual wreaths of wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They were wondering about their future fate.

Wormwood to protect the home

  bath, which added wormwood, cleanse the evil

burning wormwood will drive away evil forces, protect the house from evil spirits and elves (in China for this purpose wormwood is hung above the door)

  wormwood burning or thrown into the boiler will protect the house from storms and lightning

  protect children in the house

  amulets of wormwood will facilitate return   from travel, travel

Wormwood for health

  during a long walk or run, put the leaves of wormwood in shoes

  a pillow full of wormwood will make you sleep

  Chernobyl (wormwood) is useful to carry with you: it is considered that then you will not be poisoned by poison, do not be attacked by wild animals, do not get sunstroke

  wormwood worn with you to protect against back pain and other diseases

  it is used from madness

  wormwood is worn to arouse passion, increase potency.

Wormwood in magic

the plant is used in predictions, they prepare an infusion of wormwood with honey and drink before predictions

  Wormwood (Chernobylik) is burned along with sandalwood during the ritual of awakening mental powers

  For successful work, the leaves of wormwood are placed around the magic mirror or under it

  in Japan, sorcerers use a bundle of wormwood to spell the spirits of the disease; it is believed that these spirits are afraid of the smell of Chernobyl

  wormwood, placed next to the bed, will help with astral travels

  Wormwood Oil is used to sanctify crystal balls, prisms, magic mirrors and other predictive tools, especially made of silver.

  wormwood has a strong connection with the crystal ball and the magic mirror, so the magicians use the infusion of the plant to wash them


Taking large doses of drugs with wormwood can cause significant harm to the body, cause convulsions, vomiting, fainting, and lead to a breakdown of the nervous system. Do not use drugs from wormwood during pregnancy and do not give them to young children. For some people, wormwood is an allergen.