A bath for nails, which you see in your home minds. How to create nothing in home minds - the best methods. Lemon will help vibіlity zhovtі nіgtі.

I cover the rest of the river with my nails. Є to add a lot of pluses and minuses to each. Ale sobі I vyznachila pluses. Yaskravі kolori lacquer, stіykіst up to one month plus vіdmіnny master and my girlfriend, which is also important.

My thought lies in proper eating, Vzhivannya vitamins. Well, and obov'yazkovo watch over your health, then the same nails will always be at the government's station. And if the old-fashioned look of nails doesn’t suit you, you can easily make nails at home. Moreover, there is nothing folding in it.

Causes of Zhovtizni nіgtіv

Nigti invigorates our inner health, as well as the sounds of people. And all problems need to be shukati in the middle of the body. Axis, for example, zhovtiznu nіgtіv vykláє lack of zinc, zaliza, lack of vitamins, diabetes mellitus, ill legen, nirok, liver and іn. sickness.

Kurinnya, as one of the factors in the life of nigtiv. If you burn, then the ideal option is to “quit smoking”. Well, don’t stop to go out, that will have to go into the vіdbіlyuvannya nіgtіv.

Nіgtі zhovtіyut through those scho you constantly farbuєte їх with varnish. And through the lack of sourness, nails can fill up with a yellowish eye.

And even the victoria of non-yakіsnogo and cheap varnish for nіgtіv can be brought to zhovtі nіgtіv. And for removing the varnish, it is better to choose a primer for removing the varnish without acetone.

Plus taking antibiotics. medicinal preparations you can call until the appearance of life on the nails. It is also important not to forget it.

Yellow or brown pouring on nails can be a sign of nail fungus. This time you need help fahіvtsya. Zagalom in case of zhovtіznі nіgtіv, it is better to consult with the fahіvtsya. Possibly, it will be necessary to undergo obstezhennia and the building of the necessary analyses.

Yakshcho you need terminovo chi even swidko vіdbіlity nіgti. Let's just say, put them in order. Then you can beat the lemon. Tse perevіreny zasіb for vіdbіlyuvannya nіgtіv. I think there is a lemon in the skin refrigerator. I have accepted it. And if not, it is practical in the skin shop limoni є in reality.

Effective way to treat nails with lemon

I was pleased with the way the nails were treated by the master of the manicure. Vaughn at the capture of the powers of the lemon. Plus, the lemon doesn’t hurt the nail plate any less, but it’s gleeful, and it also smacks the nails.

It is better not to soak the lemon often, the shards of wine can dry out the nail plate. And if there are cracks on the fingers, wounds or teases, then you should forget about getting nails done. So, like a lemon juice, the liver calls out, drinking in the wound.

For a good night's bath, you can take a bath with lemon. Lemon is cheap and affordable. You can rub lemon juice into the nail plate. As you rub the juice of lemon into the nail plate, cover the nails with 5-7 strands of yogo on the nails, and then wash your hands with water. You can also cut a lemon and put it into the pulp of nails for 5 strands.

I’m guessing that the lemon is more than enough to widen the nails for the goodness of the nails, about which you know the skin. And if you didn’t eat lemon, then try it obov’yazkovo, I’m better off drinking lemon.

Prepare a bath with sea sill and lemon juice. For this, add a teaspoon of sea salt and a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to a bottle of warm water. Wu qiu bath lower hands hvilin by 7-10.

Vidbіlyuvannya nіgtіv oil ( ethereal olive) and lemon

It is even more important to smear your hands with a life-giving cream after the procedure. After a bath, wipe your hands dry with a towel and apply cream.

Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to a tablespoon of olive oil (almond, olive, jojoba toshcho). Take oil, be it, those you have in your presence, you don’t need to specially bathe.

Rub Oliya with lemon into the nail plate and remove the hairs for 5. Rinse your hands warm water. At the base oil, you can add a drop of essential oil of lemon or grapefruit and apply the oil on the nails.

Kharchov soda for nail plate removal

Soda in cosmetology has proven itself to be a miracle cure for nails. Baths are mainly prepared with soda. It is necessary to add a teaspoon of grub soda to a bottle of warm water;

The procedure is three times 7 to 10 minutes. And for efficiency, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the bath. For the resurrection of nails, make sure everything is good, smut, so that it doesn’t hurt. Therefore, work all warto competently, insure all contraindications.

Kharchov soda and water peroxide for clarification of nails

For the preparation of nails, you can prepare a porridge that is made up of soda and water peroxide (3%). Use soda and peroxide to make porridge. Apply the porridge on nails for 5-7 minutes, after which rinse your hands with water.

You can brush your toothbrush, to clean your nails with soda peroxide. It is even more important to work everything carefully, instead of a brush, soda with peroxide can be applied to a cotton pad.

After the first procedure, the nails become noticeably lighter. And if there is a little bit of life on the nails, the procedure should be repeated once more. For the consumption of three procedures.

Estimated for clarification of nails

For vіdbіlyuvannya nіgtіv vіdko vybіbno vykoristovuvat apple ocet, but still not possible 9%. With wounds, scuffs and cracks on the fingers, it’s not worth it.

It is necessary to prepare a bath from otstu and water. Add a teaspoon of water to a bottle of water and dip your fingertips near the water for 3-5 strands. Tse approximately proportions, you can take a couple of bottles of water, for example. Ring out for me alone. As if you felt the liver or discomfort, apply the procedure and wash your hands with warm water with sweetness.

It’s true to try to remember nothing of the light. Tsej zasіb I reverberated practically rich times. Ale zahoplyuvatisya otstovami baths all the same, not a raja.

Seen nails with toothpaste

Toothpaste is necessary for white color. Adzhe at once, a selection of toothpastes is even greater, є green, blue and іn. See the trohi of pasture in a container and mix it with grub soda.

And you can apply it on your nails with the help of an excellent toothbrush. You can take a special brush for nails. Rub the paste with soda into the nigtik. And then, wash everything with running water.

It is even more important to remember that in case of cracks and wounds, it was not possible to carry out the procedure for removing nails. On whom I'm naked. So, if you get different diseases, the wound will cause teasing, liver and other unacceptable symptoms.

If you don’t want to bother with baths and oils, you can bring olives, which you can see. You can get them in the pharmacy. They can also be easily seen in domestic minds.

To protect nails, vikoristovyte base pіd lacquer and yakіsnі varnishes. Bring 3-4 bulbs of your favorite varnishes, below a box of cheap varnishes.

Buvay so that the nails began to sway and lamatize, then here it is already possible to zastosovuvat. Well, never forget about taking vitamins and microelements, as well as calcium. The intake of calcium is important for the improvement of teeth, nails, bone tissue, and the nervous system.

With the help of the help for me, it helps the lemon and the sik їkhny in my home minds. It's really fast and efficient. Ale vіdbіlyuvannya vіdbіlyuvannyam, and on your own health, respect varto. It is possible that the causes of life in nigtiv are more pronounced and give you a signal about malfunctions in the robots of internal organs.

Hello friends!

Some of you are rich, if you want to live once, sticking with the problem of bad nails.

It's a pity, far from knowing everything, how is it possible to have nothing in the minds of the home and what is the problem of succumbing to the question of shvidko.

Let's take a look at what nutrition.

From the above stats you know:

In nails, you can simply rub it with the product.

At the same time, they deprive them of at least five breaths for a diyak, after which they resolutely wince. The citrus is split into two halves and the nails fall right into the new one, after which about five quills are trimmed.

Lemon is a soft product, which is a kind of building to get out of the problem at a time.

  • Lightening for the help of olive oil and lemon juice

It is necessary to lubricate the hands with cream after all procedures of lightening. Take a spoonful, be it an olії for the ruling court and mix it with a spoonful of lemon juice. Oliya pidide be like, like at home.

Otrimana sumish is applied to the nails and is left for about five minutes. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse your hands with water.

In the main ingredient, you can also add a little bit of essential oil of lemon.

How can I get rid of the flames on the nails?

  • thoroughly rub the nails with a natural varnish to remove;
  • kindly shake your hands with your sweetheart;
  • Take one tablespoon for the dough and mix yogo with lemon juice in such a quantity.
  • it is necessary to apply otriman sumish on the skin;
  • fill in for 3-5 quills
  • polish the skin plate with a buffer;
  • wash your hands and apply the cream.

You don't want to fool around especially, buy special olives. This is an even better way, which turns the nails into a colossal sight.

Yak vіdbіlity nіgti samostіyno.

I also want to please you axis qi miraculous care for keeping an eye on the nails Nutra Nail tse olії and spetsіalnі rіdini аnd lacquers on the basis of only natural components, for improvement, improvement and growth of nails, softening of the cuticle, clarification of the nail plate.

Try it!

Come Prevention

As soon as the varnish on your nails turned out to be blistering, follow these clumsy recommendations:

It is important to regularly catch up on preventive visits, so that no one will ever be at the lean camp. Varto is respectfully up to the following recommendations:

  • Dotremuvatsya standards of hygiene during manicure. Before using instruments, it is necessary to carry out their disinfection. As if you messed up a nail, then negaionously wound the wound with peroxide;
  • It is necessary to take antifungal approaches. For whom there are creams and baths for healing;
  • Do not change your nails with cheap cheap varnishes. Sometimes you should give them an opinion;
  • Quit smoking and do not allow yourself similar weaknesses, even if you suffer not less than nails, but your teeth.

As your nails began to sway, it is necessary to beat yourself up for them to shine. Don't forget about reception vitamin complexes and brown speeches.

So varto bring respect to the camp of your health.

Maybe the cause of the darkening is richly serious, you don’t think so. At this moment you will spare your life for the next hour, after which it will appear again and again.

To that it is a sense to go to the doctor and go through the obstezhennya, so that the camp of your health will be reversed.

Bula Olena Yasneva is with you, rest in peace!

Photo@@ matka_Wariatka

A beautiful woman can be beautiful in everything! All see the truth. You can't lose your nails without respect. Not obov'yazkovo mother super-sophisticated tricky manicure. Enough of that, schob nіgtі mali health and a quick look.

Nasampered to follow the respect for the color and stature of the nigtiv. Get the best, broken by a professional master, a manicure will not bring a baggy effect, as the nail plate itself may be brown, gray or yellow. At this time, the hands do not look at one another. The very same rich beauty praises food, how can you grow it independently?

Officials, buildings to bring before the fire of nigtiv

Nigti react strangely to more changes in the robotic organism. As soon as the zhovtizna appears, varto listen to yourself, it is possible, as from the organs, such a way gives an alarm signal. In the greater vipadkіv podіbne nepriemne apparition provoking:

  • fungus of the nail plate - tse means that under the nail the super-chicks are actively expanding, that they will provoke the appearance of the flames;
  • kurinnya - they suffer like a nigti, and th shkira, teeth;
  • infecting the liver and nirok to the point of pigmentation of the skin of the abozones, rotting under the nails;
  • evil with varnishes for nails; vikoristannya zasobіv nizkoї akostі;
  • frail age - in the same period, zhovtizna is a whole natural process.

Folk methods of looking at the nail plate

How to turn the nails to the amount of whiteness? Before the varto, try to re-verify the hour of the people's welfare. Similar methods are good for their cheapness and availability. You can carry out health-improving procedures at any hour.

Salt baths are most effective in such situations. Optimum zrobiti vybіr on the bark of sea salt. Zavdyaki to his warehouse, such a rozchin not only vibiliet nіgtі, but rather accept them. To prepare a bath, you need 300 milliliters of warm water and one tablespoon of the salt itself. It is necessary to dip your fingers into the water for 10-15 strands. Next, carefully rinse your hands with water and apply a soothing cream.

  • Lemon juice

In this season, it is necessary to take a cotton pad or a piece of bandage and soak yogo in fresh lemon juice. Wipe the nails with such a disk as often as needed for a day. It doesn’t take long for the bazhannya to vychavlyuvati sіk, you can lower your nails right at the pulp of the fruit.

For the pidide procedure, citric acid is diluted in water. As it is necessary to avoid the bitterness of the nails, you can add to the lemon juice a trio of refined olive oil. Vlasnitsy sensible shkіri povinnі razvodit lemon sіk іz water. It is not a nuisance to be evil with such procedures, because the lemon juice of the building will dry out the skin and the nail plate.

  • Toothpaste

It's not surprising that this method is becoming popular with today's beautiful women. An important mind - do not zastosovuvat tsey zasіb for vіdbіlyuvannya nіgtіv more often nіzh once a day. The procedure is carried out as follows: the paste is applied to the nail plates, then we need to rub the rub with a brush and wash it with warm water. In this way, you can also clean your hands from the dirt. For example, toothpaste help to get rid of oil spills.

  • Kharchova water

It is required 50 g of soda zmishati with 30 ml of trivide peroxide water. Guilty viyti thick porridge. Apply qiu sumish on the nails of the day and deprive on the pivdini. Then we need to rub it with a brush and resolutely wash the warehouse with warm water. Peroxide can be replaced with lemon juice, grapefruit or lime. Yakshcho on the hands of є cuts, wounds, sadna tsey method is better not to beat.

  • Glycerin

Excellent pharmacy zasіb, building turn the whiteness on the nails. It is necessary to take a pipette and add 5 drops of glycerin and 25 drops of water peroxide. Further, it is necessary to take a small penzlik and, for help, apply the removal of rozchins on the nails. After three hvilin, the hands should be relentlessly reduced.

  • Castor oil

The same oil should be rubbed into the nails of the evening, bazhano, until the warehouse will include vitamins A and E. In order to enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of the essential oil of the tea tree, be it citrus fruits or splendid iodine.

  • Olivkova and Roslinnі Olії

Tsі olії will be no less colorful in the kitchen. Most often they win in cosmetological procedures. For the treatment of nails, you need one tablespoon of skin oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Qiu sumish needs to be rubbed into the nails with circular rubs for the help of a cotton swab. Such a mask is worn for twenty minutes, and then we rush for help, dear. Behind the bazhannyam, you can apply a life-giving cream.

  • apple ocet

Yoga can be replaced by great distances. For 200 ml of warm water, 10 ml of oats are needed. Lowering the hands by rozchins by 3-4 hvilini. Let's sweat them thoroughly with water.

Special cosmetic products

Even though the people's products did not bring a good result, you can try special cosmetic products. Tse mozhe buti: varnish, powder, gel toscho.

  1. Before effective ways bring Beam up to Essie. Yogo is the main thing for the one who knows Zhovtizna from nothing mittevo. Also, you can replace the basis for a manicure. The ringing of the wines is supposed to be a great barless lacquer, which dries as quickly as possible.
  2. The Swedish company "Oriflame" releases from its line, directing nails at a glance, similar zasib. It's called "Nail Whitener". Zasib is a rozchin, which is swirling fast, making a water base. At the warehouse, I’ll stock up on lemon juice and oliya aloe-vera. The number of ingredients is used to spriyat vіdbіlyuvannya and zmіtsnennu nіgtovih plates.
  3. The popular brewery "SEVERINA" is also engaged in the preparation of a special order for the nails. Yogo varity is selected from sixty rubles. Denmark zasіb vіdbіlyuє, zmіtsnyuє ta nadaє zdorovchiy efekt on nіgti.
  4. In order to achieve the best result, you need to use a regular cosmetic product. Zasіb can be zastosovuvatsya as the basis for varnish, as well as with a likuval or prophylactic method.
  5. Also, the product of the company "Mavala" is becoming very popular. Tsey zasіb not just prihovu nebazhanu Zhovtiznu, vіn zdatny pozbaviti tsgogo unacceptable effect. Why spray one of key elements- titanium oxide.

Mustaches are represented, insanely, kindly. Ale, more women, to try to give their nails whiteness, to fight for the help of the numerous olives that they see. You can get them both in a pharmacy and in a cosmetic store. Olіvtsі come to the rescue, if it is necessary to instantly disguise the zhovtiznu. Ale, don’t forget about your head nedolіk: the reason that provokes the appearance of a yellow eye is overwhelmed. Also, the effect of the olive may be timchasial in nature.

In this rank, you can make whiskers: sobіv, scho allow you to domogtisya white nails, impersonal. The smartest fight is not less than the most obvious manifestation of the problem, but to joke and provoke the officials. Do not varto hovati pozhovklі nіgtiki under the ball of varnish. For the solution of the problem of the woman, it is necessary to use a whole sprinkling of wool for the day and the hands will be re-sown with beauty and health.

Nigti is an important component in the body of a person, the Crimean tsgo, behind their camp you can understand the main problems of health. Buvay so, scho nіgti pochinayut zhovtіti, tse to speak about those, scho in the middle of the organism є problems. Ale navitt yakscho їх virishiti, the color is far from always turning. We tell you, how to bring home the nigti in home minds with folk recipes.

Color can be changed different reasons And to get a real cosmetic look behind the camp of hands, do not fix this problem. The most popular factor in this will be the use of cosmetic lacquer, nicotine, or homework without any expenses. Chemical preparations and negatively infuse the structure of the nail onto the mill, through which the color can be injected.

Another popular reason is nail fungus. The plate, as a rule, takes on a brown or pale yellow color, and in such a state, it is necessary to go to a dermatologist, which is to recognize an official exaltation. Folk medicine can also help to relieve such ailments, we recommend zastosovuvat harbuzov oil, as well as tincture of spicy rosemary. Qi components help to get rid of the fungus in a short hour.

Yak vіdbіlity nіgtі in domestic minds

Є a number of effective podad, yakі allow vіdbіlity nіgtі in domestic minds without special zusil. The stench is to end up with arrogance, misrepresentation, and then follow the memory that, in parallel, it is necessary to understand the main cause of the blamed problem. If you don’t eradicate її, the zhovtizna will turn again, and you will have to work again such cosmetic procedures at home. Otzhe, the axis of the main ways to improve nails:

  1. Zastosuvannya toothpaste. Kindly wash your hands and apply trochs of great toothpaste, as you see it every day, on the skin nail plate. They gave you a special toothbrush, or you can put in a special toothbrush, which will rub the area. Leave the component for about 7 strands, then wash with divine water. Carry out such a procedure Every once in a day, the effect will not hurt yourself for a long time. It is recommended to use vicorist for toothpaste, it will be more difficult to set goals.
  2. Soda pasta is prepared. Need to take grub soda, as well as lemon juice. Components are taken approximately on equal parts, to create a paste of uniform consistency. For the butt, you can take the skin component for 1 tablespoon. Sumish needs to be applied to the nail, and 5 khvilin to be smeared for an additional brush, or just with a finger. After that, the soda paste streaks, and the nail becomes richly light. Carry out such a procedure as soon as possible. But you can’t beat the recipe, even if it hurts, otherwise it’s on your fingers, the shards are very pale.
  3. lemon juice. Natural lemon juice also helps to solve this problem. It is sufficient to apply a small sprat of streaks on the skin, after which it should be approximately quill. If so, it is recommended to apply the Chamomile cream, which ignition processes. Too often with this method of vіdbіlyuvannya, it’s not varto to choke.
  4. Effective distribution of glycerin and water peroxide. It is necessary to take 3% peroxide and mix it with glycerin at a ratio of 5:1. It is necessary to wipe it off with your own nails, or apply the mask for the help of a wonderful cosmetic penzlik.
  5. Sound childishly cute. Take a container, pour hot water into it, and put a piece of baby sweet. Lower your hands, so that the stench breaks out, if you become sweetly soft, run your fingers in such a manner, so that the component has consumed the nigot. Take your hands out of the water, and check the sprat of whilin, after which repeat the procedure. Then, with a great shield, you can clean your nails and rinse with water. After such a procedure, it is recommended to vicorist hemp oliya, apply the component on a cotton pad and wipe the skin nail.
  6. Apple otset. Another effective component, which allows vibility in home minds. Put your hands in tsyu sumish on a sprat of khvilin, after which rinse with running water. Tsej priyom allow even more shvidko to improve the mill of the dress, and also take away the ferment. To the point, such a trick can be used to whip up after cooking a vinaigrette, settling under a fur coat or other products to avenge a beet. If you take your hand sweetly after the cleansing of the beetles, no one will become a purple eye. The best vikoristovuvaty splendid apple ocet.
  7. Salt bath. Vikoristovuetsya sea strength, so you need to take 2 teaspoons, as well as a bottle of hot water. Change the components and place your hands in sizes for 15 quills. Then rinse with water and apply pine pea oil to the plate. Instead of a new one, you can also vicorate whether it is a life-giving cream, zokrema, pidide "Pea" cream.

These are the main recipes to allow vibility in home minds. You can choose the most appropriate for yourself, or choose them, and marvel at the effectiveness of the skin. Also, do not forget about folk medicine, even phytotherapy also helps to relieve these problems, moreover, not only ovnisno, but also internally on the body. Zavdyaki zdorov zdorov'ya pokraschuєtsya zagalom.

How to help people for the help of folk medicine

Vidbility nothing folk secrets It's easy to finish, if you have some effective recipes, which will positively add to the payment. On the vіdmіnu vіd kosmetichnyh zabіv і priyomіv, describ vyshe, takі dіyatimu dіyatimu dіyatіm more, but the process will be complex. Aje stinks help not only to improve the state of the nails, but also to improve internal health. Adzhe, as we have already said, the problem is blamed on the nails for the obviousness of whether there are any signs of depression in the body. Otzhe, the axis of the recipe folk medicine, yakі allow vіdbіlity nіgti:

  • Vikoristovuyte vіdvar chamomile. For which it is necessary to take a tablespoon of the component and pour it with dill, which is required 300 ml. We are ready to prepare 15 quills from the stasis of the water well. Otherwise, you can fill in the herbal selection, and let it brew for 40 hvilin. Like only in the oholone, it is necessary to pass and put your hands down there for 30 quills. But it is recommended to stop such a method every day for a month.
  • Vicorist the ethereal oliya. You can add sprats of water to the heat and trim your hands with a stretch of 20 strands. It is also necessary to apply oil on the nail itself, and then mix it with lemon juice. For the creation of a bath, it is not necessary to vicorate plastic utensils, as the air of the building is different. It is ideal to go with jojoba oil, cosmetic olive oil of the grape brush.
  • Vykoristovyte in zhu nasinnya hemp. This is an even more valuable life product, which improves health in general, but cream, even more tightly poured onto the camp of the shkir, hairy and nigtiv. Vіn allows for sweetness, poshkodzhennya, spend color, zhovtizni. But before choosing such a product, it is recommended to go to the doctor for advice. Varto signify that today hemp does not avenge narcotic components in its warehouse. This is a natural cleansing product, which is actively victorious in folk medicine.
  • Stop Oliya hairy pea. Yogo can be beaten up in the middle for a deep-seated examination of the body and enriched with valuable microelements, as well as wipe the nail plates. For the next hygienic procedures, apply varto on a small piece of cotton wool with oliya voloskogo pea and wipe the nail. It is not necessary to remove the component, soak until re-wetting.
  • Another effective product is pine pea oil. Stay so, like a forward component, and hope to exert pressure on the authorities. Dopomogaє even more quickly pozbutis zhovtizni, znishchu fungus.
  • Peel the potatoes from the skins and grate them on a coarse grater. It is necessary to apply the zasib on the scarf and take 30 quills. The porridge will fall into the night, we recommend that you put your hands in qiu sumish.
  • Take sik aloe and wipe the nail plate with it, after which wash your hands in warm water. Dodatkovo it is possible to extract aloe vera extract on olive oil, which is also necessary to apply on the damage of the plant.
  • Zastosovyte sik ogirka. For this, it is also necessary to have porridge, for which you should rub yoga on a grater. To strengthen the effect, you can add aloe vera. Lower the hands of the otriman sumish for 30 khvilin.

Such recipes can be allowed to be easily produced by folk methods. Post your recommendations, and the result won't last a long time. You can buy active drugs and traditional medicine from our online store. Choose the one that suits you best, add it to the box and make a prayer. In the next hour, you will take away valuable products, which will help you to save your life, and in your home minds, nothing will come of it.

Vcheni have long been brought to the conclusion that nothing like a litmus paprietz vibrates the body of the body and pours into a new ringtone. I most often find the most important and the lowest eye does not look at the appearance of an ugly yellow eye, it is not easy to try to finish it. In order to get to the bottom of the problem, it is necessary to identify the problem, the main reason is to use it.

The most widespread reasons for the appearance of a yellow eye:

  • Pathology of the liver and nirok;
  • Too long a course of taking antibiotics;
  • Nail fungus;
  • Chicken;
  • Often used varnishes for nails.

Even though the causes of life were not obvious, then you can get nails on your hands and on your feet for additional cosmetic benefits, they are sold at specialized stores or go back to traditional medicine.

Even though it may be the result of problems, which are found in the middle of the body, it is impossible to delay the visit to the doctor, after taking a competent consultation.

Yak and chim swidko vіdbіliti nіgti on the feet and hands at home minds

For the treatment of inflammation, you can get a nail plate with the help of a wonderful lemon. This ingredient can be found in another skin refrigerator, but if not, then you will definitely be in the nearest store across the road!

Vіdbіlity nіgti lemon to please navіt fahivtsі z manicure at the best salons. To the head of the battles, the fahivtsi infusion of lemon is brought not to rejoice, but to exalt, to commemorate that inspiration.

It is not recommended to wickedly victorious lemons, even dry wine like a skin, so a nail plate. For the presence of cracks, wounds and scuffs with lemon juice, you will also get buds, shards of veins cause the liver to be unacceptable and discomfort when it gets into the wounds.


An ideal way to get your nails wet is a bathtub citric acid. The main additional component is the sea force.

The recipe for the procedure is as follows: mix the insults with the ingredients and put your hands in the otrimana homeland for 10 minutes. After the procedure, it is necessary to use a vikoristovuvat revitalizing hand cream.

Yak vіdbіliti nіgti soda

Soda is a good favorite of cosmetologists and artists for manicures, shards miraculously cope with nails. Samy efficient way vikoristannya - warm baths. The recipe for cooking is even simpler:

  • Have a bottle of warm water, add a teaspoon of soda;
  • reach a new level of soda at the water;
  • Trimati 10 min;
  • Deyakі fahivtsі recommend adding a drop of citric acid.

Yak vіdbіlity nіgti water peroxide

The list of the most popular methods for the treatment of nails includes the sum of soda and water peroxide. Mix the ingredients to a porridge-like state. Apply an otriman mask for 5-10 minutes, after which it is important to take your hands off and apply a soothing cream.

Another no less effective option is found in the vicarious toothbrush. In such a rank, you can easily clean and widbility nigti for help soda, do not overdo it and do not harm the shkir. As the skin of the hands is above it, it is possible to win the cotton pads.

Already after the first procedure nails become brighter. The procedure should be carried out exactly until the moment when nothing is needed. However, it is not recommended to work more than three procedures after.

Estimated for clarification of nails

Shvidko that one can easily vodbility nigti, vicorist spicy apple ocet. However, for the smallest wounds, yoga has been fenced.

The recipe is like this:

  • Mix a glass of water with a teaspoon of otstu;
  • Dip your fingers in the finished bath for 5 minutes;
  • In case of liver, that procedure should be immediately repeated and washed with water.

Such a simple, but even more dangerous way, has been misinterpreted by more than one thousand people.

Seen nails with toothpaste

An important rule is to use nails with toothpaste and choose colors. Vaughn can be exceptionally white, at the same time not blue or green. Recipe for preparing a very simple recipe:

  • A small amount of pasture should be thoroughly mixed with grub soda.
  • Apply otriman sumish next with a great toothbrush.
  • Rub it on the nail plate, after which you should wash it with warm water and free your hands.

If you don’t have time to bother with people’s supplies, you don’t have to worry, then in the nearest cosmetic store or pharmacy you can find the olives that you see. Tsey zasіb vіdmіnno pіdhodit for vikoristannya in domestic minds.

Yak vіdbіlity nіgti after varnish

To protect the nail polish from the lacquer, follow the obov'yazkovo base before the manicure. If you want lakiv, then it’s better to get 2 expensive favorite tickets, a dozen cheap ones.

You can't forget about taking the necessary vitamins, calcium and other micronutrients. Especially for the hour of using gel polish on nails. It is possible that zhovtizna nіgtіv is the first little sign, which gives a signal about internal problems. As if after victorious masks and baths, nothing changes, next you turn to the doctor. How to grow nails

It is possible to grow nails with the help of a special polishing file and essential oils. Apply a drop of ethereal oil on the skin, for example, pine or tangerine, and polish the nail plate with a special file.

Only a little patience, that strap of the robot over the nails, will help to achieve miraculous results, and that will be the strength of your hands.

Baths for watching the city

From early spring, the period of dachas and towns begins. For someone to grow sweet vegetables and fruits as a help for the soul and body. However, there would be no meta, if the robots were on the hands of others, it would be more painful to marvel. Brood psuє nіgti zsredini, literally climbing into the shkіra and trіshchenki і vіdmiti її staє an hour is simply impossible. You won’t be able to see a sweetheart here with one sweetheart.

Naygolovnіsha problem - vіdbіlity nіgti nіgtі nіgtі nіgtі nіgti vіdnіh vihіdnіh іn the city. Fakhіvtsі recommend to us before battling about safety. For whom you sing:

  • Vykorivayte hand cream. The life-giving hand cream perfectly copes with its functions and becomes the best barrier for the brew and the saw. You can’t forget about those that your hands should be constantly washed with water, and apply the cream at least twice a day, so that the dryness of the skin and the appearance of pigmented patches disappear.
  • Pick up good-quality mittens. Perevagu should be given to special mittens, which are sold at a leather store with goods for the garden and the city. Thin medical fabrics and fabrics do not fit;
  • Earn nothing. The masters of vicory are informed of such cunning: they roam a small bar of honey, carefully “smell” the mile, so that the miyuchy zasib is covered under the nail plate. When you turn back from the city, all the rubbish is easily shrugged off at once from the sweet thing that was left under the nails. Carefully before such a procedure, vartos are placed by those who have the skin of their hands poshkodzhen.

Before radical approaches, it’s definitely not a varto, it’s better to take care of the cleansing, to spare - special invigorating baths for nails:

  • Bath with water peroxide. It's no secret that for additional peroxide, you can lighten it up: starting with hair, ending with old patches. Not having missed this universal zasіb i chisthenna rug i nіg vіd bruda. The only minus of the choice of this problem is those that it is necessary to dry the skin very much, that the use of a healing cream is necessary in the region. Since the skin of the hands is so dry, one should know another method of purification. The recipe for a bath is simple:
  • Heat up 2 bottles of water;
  • Add 3 tablespoons of mild water to clean the dishes;
  • 100 ml of peroxide;
  • 20 ml of liquid ammonia.
  • Lower your hands at taking off the rozchins for 10-15 quills;
  • After the procedure, clean the skin finger with a soft brush.
  • Citrus. Lemon juice is actively used in cosmetology as a natural remedy. After an important day in the city, you can put half a lemon on the fingernail plate and hands and put on thin paper mittens. After 5-10 strands of the hand, follow the cute and victorious revitalizing cream or experiment and develop the power of healing zasib. What do you need for whom?
  • Prepare a rare vitamin E (approximately 5 drops), as well as 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Mix the ingredients and rub the mass on the skin.
  • After 30 quills, the oil will pick up on its own, and the skin of the hands will become soft and shovky.

milk and soda

A bath for hands made of milk and soda vіdmіnno rozchinyaє rubbish, a kind of zradnitski drank nіgti and clogs in pori. The recipe for a miraculous recipe is as follows:

  • Prepare 1 flask of milk, fat bazhan, 1 flask of water and 3 tablespoons of rare honey or a quarter of a bar, which is necessary to grow in a warm homeland.
  • Put your hands down by the bath no less than 15 minutes.
  • And voila, the road has not lost its trace!
  • Don't forget the refreshing cream.

Such simple ways can help to save the long-term smoothness and shovkovistity of the skin of the hands and save the beautiful nails. Aje hands are an important part of the body of a skin woman, on the yak rich someone who gives us respect. Looking after yourself is an important stage of the skin day, be it a girl.