How useful chicory extract. Which chicory is better: liquid, soluble or dried? Cooking drink from chicory.

Coffee, like tea, in large quantities cause adverse effects: the excretion of iron, vitamins, trace elements, which leads to anemia, poor health of hair and nails.

What can replace tea and coffee, such usual drinks in everyday life? This substitute is chicory. Chicory is a plant of the Astro family. Especially common in Altai and Western Siberia.

Chicory root powder, whose length can reach 15 meters, is used as an alternative to coffee. The chicory root beverage tastes like natural coffee, however, unlike it, it does not contain caffeine and is also very useful.

Useful properties of soluble chicory

It is rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, pectin, carotene, organic acids, micro- and macroelements, tannic and protein substances, essential oils, and mineral salts. It has an extensive range of therapeutic effects on the body.

What is chicory useful for the body:

With rational use is useful for adults. Pregnant women and children - at the discretion of the doctor.

Inulin chicory - what is it?

Chicory contains inulin (up to 60%)  - polymer of fructose, organic matter, natural sugar antagonist. Reduces blood glucose. The properties of inulin (fructosan) promote the use of chicory in the treatment of diabetes mellitus as an adjuvant.

What is beneficial for inulin in chicory, besides its effect on sugar? Inulin is a type of fiber that serves as food for bifidobacteria of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the intestinal microflora is normalized, problems associated with stool disorder (treatment of constipation) disappear.

Inulin stimulates the absorption of minerals and vitamins, improving metabolism.

To prepare a drink from chicory soluble, you should pour it with hot water and let it brew (200 ml of water for a couple of teaspoons of powder). Do not overdo it with sugar, as the coffee substitute drink itself has a sweet taste.

  Chicory drink as a coffee substitute

How much soluble chicory can you drink per day?

There are no official recommendations regarding frequency and duration of use. It takes into account the individual characteristics. Some claim that no more than 100 grams per day and no more than 2 cups. It is better to drink in the first half of the day.

Milk makes digestion of iron difficult. Add vegetable instead of cow's milk. If, nevertheless, “coffee lovers” cannot do without caffeine, then you can add a fifth of natural coffee to an instant drink. This measure will gradually get rid of addiction.

Varieties of chicory: ground (for making a drink, made from roasted root) and chicory in liquid form (concentrated extract).

  Ground soluble chicory

Soluble chicory should not contain lumps. Must have a bitter taste, produced in a sealed package. Flavoring agents are not allowed in the composition, as they reduce the beneficial properties. Of the additives allowed natural plant extracts (for example, ginger or rosehip). You can improve the taste by adding lemon or honey, however, it will affect calorie content.

Liquid extract of chicory - the highest concentration of nutrients. It is harder to fake and easy to store. It is drunk in diluted form with increased excitability, to combat, and also added to confectionery as a flavoring.

Soluble chicory in beneficial properties is not inferior to the decoction.

Who should not drink chicory?

Despite the content of the mass of nutrients, the question arises: can there be harm from chicory? Excessive use of it can harm health. Consultation with the attending physician.

Contraindications chicory:

  • Vascular diseases, varicose veins,. Among the contraindications also gastritis, peptic ulcer. It is necessary to take into account the individual intolerance of the components, especially vitamin C.
  • Too large amounts harm the liver. Sometimes it can increase appetite and lead to over-stimulation. Not recommended for people prone to arousal.
  • Chicory should not drink with asthma, bronchitis, coughing, because it may increase. Do not drink at low pressure.
  • In large quantities is not allowed during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Given the choleretic effect, with caution in the presence of gallstones.

How much you can drink soluble chicory per day without harm depends on the initial state of health, individual characteristics and the presence of contraindications. Once considered a weed, chicory has now gained great popularity as a dietary supplement due to its numerous medicinal properties.

About the properties of chicory that are beneficial to the human body has been known since antiquity. The healing root of the plant and its flowers have been used as a medicine for treating many ailments. In addition to widespread in folk medicine, the plant is used in the kitchens of many nations: its vitamin leaves are added to salads, and the root is used as a coffee substitute.

Today, chicory can be seen on sale in several forms: in liquid form (extract extracted from the root), ground roasted root of the plant, or in the form of a soluble powder for the preparation of a drink.

Invigorating and healthy drink from the roots of the plant has gained immense popularity among consumers due to its taste and aroma, which resembles coffee, but does not contain caffeine, which is a very valuable property of the plant. How much can you drink fragrant and healthy drink, to whom it is useful and whether it has contraindications, tell this article.

Chicory useful properties and contraindications

The popularity of the plant increases every year due to the content of inulin in it - an important component belonging to the group of polysaccharides - the source of fiber and sugar substitute.

Its beneficial properties are widely used in nutrition, for safe and effective weight loss, since one of its properties is to absorb cholesterol and fats in the digestive tract. In addition, it is a useful product that cleanses the liver, promotes bile secretion and normalization of cholesterol levels.

The plant root contains protein, tanning compounds, a large amount of organic acids, riboflavin, thiamine, folic and ascorbic acid, and minerals.

Chicory soluble useful properties and contraindications

Especially popular is sublimated instant powdered drink, derived from the root, which you can drink instead of coffee, while it brings only benefit to the body. It is not recommended to drink it more than 1-2 cups a day.

The benefits and beneficial properties of instant drink:
  1. It has an invigorating effect, it charges energies for the whole day, as it has protein in its composition.
  2. Strengthens the nervous system thanks to great content  vitamin B.
  3. Beneficial effect on integuments, restores collagen in skin cells, saturates them with calcium, potassium, magnesium.
  4. Accelerates hair growth, reduces their fragility, improves structure. In addition to the use of the drink inside, tincture of chicory root can be rinsed with hair.
5. Soluble drink benefits patients with diabetes.
  6. Helps with dysbacteriosis and constipation.
  7. Cleans the kidneys, liver, normalizes the state of blood vessels, fights against anemia.

It is worth noting that chicory is a medicinal plant, therefore, the use of soluble powder can bring and harm.

  1. It is not recommended to use the drink for people with pathology of the gallbladder, in the presence of gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers.
  2. The product has the property to raise or lower blood pressure. Drinking before bedtime can cause insomnia.
  3. Not recommended for children under the age of 3 years.

Chicory benefits and harm for children

The benefits of an instant drink for children are that healing properties  strengthen the immune system, improves the body tone, gives strength and energy, so necessary for children of preschool and school age. It can be drunk with milk, so it will bring even more benefits. In addition, the soluble product improves blood counts and improves liver function. But kids up to three years - not recommended.

The use of chicory in traditional medicine recipes

In folk medicine, the plant and its medicinal useful properties have been used in diseases of the stomach, diabetes, obesity.

Chicory during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Opinion about whether it is possible to drink soluble drink for pregnant women or during breastfeeding from experts diverges. Some people confidently say that it can be drunk instead of coffee, thereby strengthening its immunity.

Everyone knows that coffee during pregnancy is forbidden, and the drink from chicory is an excellent substitute for it, which has a coffee aroma. Others claim that the plant can cause allergic reactions in the newborn or harm the fetal nervous system.

Drink with milk for children

Chicory with milk is an excellent option for breakfast or an afternoon snack, you can drink it with cookies. To prepare a drink, you need to take 1-2 tsp of dry powder and add boiled milk to it, mix it up with water and add it. Milk should be hot.

Tea with chicory for pressure

Due to its property to normalize the pressure, the crushed root of the plant can be brewed like tea.

Tea recipe for high blood pressure:
  2 tablespoons chopped root pour two glasses of water and put to boil for 20 minutes. Then remove from heat and let the broth brew for 15 minutes. Filter the tea through cheesecloth. Wonderful tea for pressure is ready!

It is important to remember that drinking tea for people suffering from hypotension will be harmful.

How to prepare a means for losing weight

How to make chicory for weight loss? There are several ways to prepare a healthy drink that helps reduce weight and reduce appetite, which is very important in the desire to lose weight. You can pour 1 tsp of chopped roots with 0.5 liters of water and boil them for 10 minutes, strain. Broth is taken 3-4 times a day, between meals. Alternatively, brew instant powder with skimmed hot milk.

Diabetes treatment

Chicory in the treatment of diabetes has a rapid therapeutic effect. Positively affecting the metabolic processes in the body, reduces blood sugar. For cooking medical broth  used dried plant root.

You need to take 2 tablespoons of the root, pour it with a glass of water and put on water bath, boil for 10 minutes. Broth strain. Take a decoction on 1 st.lozhke before meals, up to 6 times a day.

For pancreatitis and stomach ailments

Chicory for pancreatitis and stomach diseases is successfully used in traditional medicine, due to the property of increasing the secretion of the stomach. There is a contraindication to chicory treatment during the acute form of the disease.

It is necessary to apply broth from it in the period of remission or for the prevention of pancreatitis. It is necessary to take 20 grams of powdered dry raw material, pour 1 glass of water and cook, put for 10 minutes over medium heat, cool and strain. To accept means to food on 1 st.lozhenka within a month.

Chicory plant how to collect and prepare

A useful medicinal plant grows everywhere, where there is a lot of sun: on waste grounds, along roads, hills and on summer cottages, where it is considered weed grass. In nature, there are both wild varieties and cultivated.

Harvesting of roots is carried out in early spring or already in late autumn, when all useful properties accumulate in them as much as possible. Roots need to dig, not tear. Then they are cleaned from the ground, washed and dried in the open air. Then the root is cut into small pieces and dried in an oven at a temperature of 60 degrees, with the door open. Curative roots are stored in paper bags or boxes for up to three years.

Good day, dear friends! Today we will talk about the wonderful drink, what is the benefit and harm of soluble chicory.

Chicory has received so much popularity due to an important component contained in it - inulin. It is this substance, as well as a number of others cause the harm and benefit of chicory. In recent decades, the use of this plant has increased significantly due to the high content of inulin in it.

This herb has blue flowers and grows in many countries in Europe and North America. Many nations use it in various forms in their kitchen.

Its roots are often used as a coffee substitute or as an additive to it. This is possible thanks to the taste, reminiscent of coffee. Also the leaves of this herb are sometimes added to salads.


Inulin is a group of oligo - and polysaccharides. Its source can be many plants. The detailed composition of this compound will vary greatly depending on the plant from which it was obtained. This is due to the variability in the length of the chains of saccharides that make up its composition. Due to the variability of the composition of inulin, it can be included in various foods:

  • It can act as a taste improver, as it has a sweetish taste.
  • It can be used to replace fat, sugar and flour, as it has a fastening and sealing effect and contains fewer calories.

In addition to being used in a number of sectors of the food industry, a number of properties that are good for health are characteristic of inulin. It is an excellent source of fiber, and also has the ability to improve the absorption of certain minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. This shows its prebiotic properties.

How prebiotics differ from probiotics - the benefits of chicory

In order to correctly understand the benefits of chicory, it is necessary to consider the distinction between probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are cultures of microorganisms that, when consumed with food, improve health.

Prebiotics are substances that create the appropriate environment for the desired existence of probiotic microorganisms. They are a specialized fiber that improves the reproduction of good bacteria. Prebiotics are not split by gastric juice, they pass through the entire path and are used by microorganisms.

Both probiotics and prebiotics help to rid the body of harmful, inflammatory microorganisms that usually multiply under the influence of a poor diet (eating excess fat or sugar). These harmful microorganisms promote gas formation, synthesize harmful compounds and prevent the absorption of beneficial substances.

Inulin is soluble fiber, it plays the role of a prebiotic. During passage through the intestines, it is fermented by probiotic bacteria.

Because of this, chicory in type 2 diabetes is very useful. The use of the root of this herb helps to delay the onset or prevent this form of the disease, as well as improve intestinal motility.

What make chicory

From the horse of the plant. As we already mentioned, not all forms of inulin are the same. Inulin from the root of this herb is an ideal dietary supplement compared to its counterparts, extracted from other plants. A longer chain of inulin derived from this herb effectively prevents the absorption of excess sugar.

Also, inulin of this plant, unlike other types of fiber, has a delicate and creamy taste, which makes it an attractive ingredient in many dishes and foods. The process of extraction of inulin from the roots of this herb is quite simple, it in many respects resembles that of obtaining sugar from beets.

Medicinal properties of chicory

The root of this plant is an excellent source of polyphenols with antioxidant action. These compounds are large molecules characterized by the ability to quickly pass through cell membranes and interact with other compounds in the extracellular space.

Antioxidant properties of polyphenols are expressed due to their ability to bind free radicals harmful to the body. They also have a positive effect on fat metabolism due to the fact that they have an estrogenic effect. Natural chicory is also able to counteract inflammatory processes in the body.

Is soluble chicory useful?

What is useful chicory soluble for women and men? This product is a near-perfect nutritional supplement.

It is an excellent source of fiber, has a delicate and creamy taste, improves the health of the intestines, prevents the absorption of fat. It is also safe for diabetics due to its low glycemic index.

How many times a day can you drink chicory?

There are no formal regulations on this issue. It is usually recommended to limit the use of this product to 3-5 grams per day.

Many are concerned about the question whether it is possible to drink chicory with milk. If you do not use the drink in liters, then of course it is possible, this is a wonderful tandem, this drink will help make your figure slim and effectively cleanse the body.

Can children chicory?

Due to the ability of this product to normalize the synthesis of certain fats, consuming it as a child can contribute to the normalization of weight. Improving the population of bifidobacteria in the intestines of a child through the use of the extract of the root of this herb improves detoxification of the body and contributes to the overall health. Also, this herb is conducive to improving liver function in children and blood counts.

How does the pressure of chicory

This product is not only an excellent substitute for coffee, but also a natural way to reduce blood pressure. The high content of folate in it promotes the healing of blood vessels and the normalization of pressure. Also in this plant contains a significant amount of potassium, necessary for the normalization of blood pressure and improve water balance in the body.

Drinking this drink can help minimize the consumption of caffeine, which also has a beneficial effect on pressure. However, this product can interact with a number of drugs, for example, with antihypertensive beta-blockers, therefore, consultation with a specialist is desirable.

Buying and cooking

Which chicory is better?

Most often we see on sale instant powder extract of the root of this plant. More rarely found liquid (pasty) version of this product. Whole or chopped root can usually be purchased at markets or pharmacies. These categories are listed by us in order of increasing their benefits.

The powder of this product contains the least amount of nutrients compared to the root. The liquid variant is a reasonable compromise between the powder product and the root of this herb. It is rather convenient in preparation and does not cost much.

How to choose chicory?

By purchasing this product, check out the list of ingredients on the package. Ideally, it should not contain fried acorns or cereals, and in the composition should be only one hundred percent extract of this plant. A good product is homogeneous, does not contain stuck pieces and lumps.

  Chicory stock - video

Chicory contraindications

  • Cases of contact dermatitis and other allergies caused by the extract of the root of this herb are described. Contact dermatitis usually develops during the production of this product, it is caused by certain substances that are part of this herb.
  • Since this plant can cause increased bile secretion, it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking its extract in the presence of cholelithiasis.
  • For some people, this plant can cause individual food intolerance, so you may need to abandon it.

Can chicory be pregnant?

This product is a means of stimulating menstruation, it also has an abortive effect. For this reason, it is not recommended that pregnant women take this drink.

Chicory with breastfeeding  It is recommended to use only with great care, after consulting with a specialist. In view of the fact that the potential negative effect of this plant on the health of a nursing mother has not been fully investigated, doctors usually recommend refraining from taking this drink during the feeding period.

Video - chicory in traditional medicine

Soluble chicory - sum up

There is a lot of scientific evidence to the fact that both liquid chicory and powdered analogue are very useful for the body. The basis of this benefit is the presence of inulin in it, which serves as an excellent source of fiber.

In some cases ethnoscience  uses the ground root of this herb for the preparation of various decoctions in order to improve the condition of the stomach. In most cases, chicory for gastritis is not only permissible, but even useful. However, in case of problems with the stomach, specialist advice is required before consuming it.

Today we talked about the benefits and harms of soluble chicory. The author of the article: Vladimir Sviridov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, an information technology specialist. Dear readers, if the article was useful to you, share with friends, click the buttons of social networks.

For years, controversy continues over whether chicory is harmful or benefits the human body, for the reason that many people go after drinking coffee to him.

Chicory - the name that wears from the roots of chicory is very similar in taste to coffee. It is often consumed with milk and sugar. The qualities possessed by the drink make a person more invigorated and enhanced. There is a theory that the beneficial properties of chicory with milk are completely absent, but it is not. This drink is recommended to use for people who want to lose weight. Of course, and without chicory, milk also helps cleanse the body, as it contains inulin, which is responsible for lowering blood sugar levels. If you are in doubt whether chicory is useful with milk, pay attention to the composition, which contains active substances called triterpenes, which are catalysts responsible for the body's metabolism, which contributes to reducing excess weight.

How useful chicory with milk?

In the first place - the presence of pectin. It is this substance that is responsible for reducing hunger and achieving a feeling of satiety, so it is recommended to use it after breakfast or lunch.

And now we will consider, with milk, it brings benefit or harm to a weakened organism. There are many negative reviews about the harm of a drink from chicory with the addition of milk. But if you delve into the study of this topic, you can understand that the benefits of chicory with milk are there, and soluble chicory with cow's milk is harmful. natural milk. For the benefit and more tangible effect, you should use the most natural chicory and dry, or packaged milk. In this case, the drink has all the necessary properties that contribute to rapid weight loss.

Many people who care about their health, have long forgotten about coffee, they replaced it with chicory. Chicory drink - very fragrant, tasty, exceptionally healthy, without caffeine, can be used in the diet of schoolchildren. It is especially tasty with cream or milk, it is known that chicory contributes to a better absorption of calcium.

Chicory is a grassy perennial of the Astrov family, it blooms from June with beautiful blue flowers. There are 2 types of this plant: chicory ordinary (it is from its root that a beverage similar to coffee drink is made by many) and salad chicory. The article will discuss the soluble chicory obtained from the roots of chicory ordinary, its beneficial properties, possible harm.

Chicory composition

In the chicory root are: inulin polysaccharide (up to 59%, at the peak of the season the content of inulin in the dried root can exceed 70%), vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, carotene, proteins, choline, pectin, fructose, intibine glycoside (gives the characteristic bitter taste), trace elements, minerals (Mg, Ca, Na, Fe, K, P). Inulin, a natural prebiotic, is especially valuable, it normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates metabolism. Caloric chicory is not high and is only about 19 kcal.

Chicory is shown when:

  1. depressed
  2. migraines
  3. spleen diseases
  4. rheumatism
  5. tuberculosis
  6. polyarthritis
  7. eczema

A chicory drink is not difficult to prepare: you must put a spoonful of liquid chicory or powder in a cup, pour boiling water over it, stir it. For taste, sugar or honey is sometimes added. Ground chicory before use, unlike soluble, need to insist a few minutes.

The healing properties of the drink are due to the beneficial properties of chicory root. It has a beneficial effect on almost the entire body: the cardiovascular system, the pancreas, the intestines, and the kidneys, the immune system, restoring their work. It helps cleanse the body of harmful substances coming from outside. It is indicated for people with hypertension as an excellent means for dilating the narrowed vessels. Reduces blood sugar, which is especially valuable for patients with diabetes. This drink contributes to the dissolution and removal of stones from the gall.

Some people prefer not to use pure chicory, and tea with chicory. To prepare, mix a teaspoon of chicory roots with 2 teaspoons of green tea, pour 2.3 cups boiling water, bring to a boil. Next, insist 1-2 hours, filter and drink. You can add some honey. Drink this tea should be on the floor cup up to 3-4 times a day. It eliminates arrhythmias, helps with diabetes, generally heals and restores the body, gives strength, invigorates. You can cook it from the flowers of the plant: 2 spoons of chicory flowers are poured with boiling water as tea. You can simply add flowers or chicory powder to any tea before it is brewed.

For the preparation of chicor coffee, a portion of the dried, shredded roots is roasted in the oven. Thus, the roots acquire a brown color, a specific flavor, so similar to regular coffee. At the same time all the useful properties are preserved. After roasting, the roots are ground into powder. 1-1.5 spoons of ground root are poured with boiling water (1 cup). Boil the broth should be no more than 4-5 minutes, let it brew, strain and you can drink.

Drink of fried chicory remarkably quenches thirst, soothes, relieves insomnia. A stronger decoction (1.5-2 tablespoons of the root) is healthier, it is also more bitter, but if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, high acidity, it is better not to use saturated coffee, it is preferable to prepare a drink of 1 spoon of ground root and a glass of boiling water. You can also sweeten the drink, add honey, stevia or cream. It is almost no different from the coffee to which we are all accustomed, but at the same time they have some advantages, without the disadvantages of regular caffeinated coffee.

If you cook chicory in milk, you can get a drink with a delicious nutty flavor.

Cicorn coffee is extremely useful for women, as it slows down aging, helps to preserve youth and beauty. It can be drunk by all people who aspire to a healthy lifestyle, do not want to grow old. He not only treats, but also acts as prevention of various diseases.

There is also a simplified recipe for chic coffee from ready-made products: take a spoonful of powdered chicory, a spoonful of chopped barley root, put in a cup, pour boiling water, and stir. Infuse for 12 minutes, add cream.

Most of all nutrients - in the liquid extract. Yes, and it is stored better than powdered. The extract is evaporated at t from about 61 to 100 degrees, but not completely dried liquid chicory. If you drink it, then you can get the maximum benefit from this plant.

Chicory will help you lose weight.

Pectin, which is in chicory, prolongs the feeling of fullness after eating, and triterpenes, also included in the composition, accelerate metabolic processes. Many people report that while taking chicory, they lose weight much easier and easier.

“I tried all possible methods to lose weight, which prevented for many years. Added chicory to the diet, vigor appeared, began to keep up more, and the most incredible thing - weight finally began to fall, for the first month - minus 7 kg! Before my goal - 58 kg there is very little left, I am sure that now I will definitely achieve the result. ”

The main thing is not to overdo it, for losing weight you should drink no more than 1-1.5 cups of chicory at a time, consuming 2-3 cups of this drink in a row can increase your appetite, which will negatively affect the process of weight loss.

Chicory is useful:

For liver

Stimulates the secretion of bile, increases blood flow, accelerates metabolic processes. Promotes cleansing of harmful substances, facilitates the work of the liver.

With hypertension

It reduces cholesterol, increases amplitude, normalizes the rhythm of heart contractions, dilates blood vessels. The pressure decreases, the person begins to feel much better. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels. Just do not eat chicory with milk, as pressure jumps and arrhythmia can begin. It is better to replace milk with its vegetable analogues. It is indicated for hypertension chicory with hawthorn.

With diabetes

The cicorn root contains a high molecular weight polysaccharide - inulin. It helps reduce blood sugar levels, accelerates the metabolism, improves digestion, all this has the best effect on diabetics. Acceptance of chicory can act as prevention of this terrible disease.


Chicory helps the pancreas, helps to restore its functions after suffering pancreatitis.

How will chicory be combined with other products?


With milk

Delicious, unspeakably healthy drink. Milk helps relieve stress at the end of the day, relaxes, and soothes the nerves. The same properties have chicory. Together they reinforce each other's actions. In addition, chicory improves the absorption of calcium from milk. Chicory, boiled on milk, has an extremely beneficial effect on the skin; it becomes smooth, delicate, and velvety. Such chicory is useful for a child, he will calm him down, relax;

C cinnamon

Cinnamon helps to get rid of blood clots in blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, significantly reduces insulin susceptibility, improves the response, promotes more active brain activity. Chicory and cinnamon perfectly complement each other, both of these plants contribute to weight loss, accelerate the metabolism. This drink is very tasty, incredibly useful and especially indicated for losing weight and diabetics;

With blueberries

Bilberry has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent action. Strengthens visual acuity, reduces eye fatigue. Blueberries are an excellent regulator of gastrointestinal activity. It is indicated for diseases of the stomach, colitis, enteritis. Like chicory, blueberries lower blood sugar levels. It is useful for anemia, rheumatism, gout. Beneficial features  chicory root in combination with blueberries are greatly enhanced;

With dog rose

Rosehip is a strong multivitamin remedy, the content of ascorbic acid rosehip is many times superior to other plants, it also contains vitamins: P, K, F, B1, B2. It strengthens the immune system, helps with hypertension, vitamin deficiency, influenza, eliminates breakdown, restores the digestive tract. Together with chicory, a truly miraculous drink is obtained;

With ginseng

Adaptogen ginseng increases efficiency, restores strength, contributes to longevity. Together with chicory, its effect is enhanced. Chicory drink with ginseng is especially indicated for loss of strength, exhaustion, nervous diseases, after myocardial infarction, with reduced hemoglobin.

Chicory with inulin:

  1. strengthens the immune system
  2. reduces blood sugar
  3. stimulates bone growth
  4. improves heart activity
  5. removes radionuclides, slags
  6. increases the absorption of calcium by the body.

Chicory with inulin is not indicated while taking antibiotics, since drug absorption may decrease. Do not take this chicory to people with varicose veins, hemorrhoids.

  • In excess, it can harm the liver, so it is better not to drink drinks based on this plant for hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  • We must be more careful with chicory people with gastric ulcer, duodenal intestine, gastritis.
  • When hypertension is not recommended to drink chicory with milk, as the joint use of these products can lead to pressure surges, disruption of the rhythm of heart contractions.
  • Sometimes chicory has the ability to whet the appetite, so no need to drink it too much, 1 cup at a time is enough.
  • With varicose veins, hemorrhoids chicory should be removed from the diet.
  • People with allergies should start with a small dosage of chicory, for example, half a cup at a time. If negative reactions do not happen, you can add an extra portion.
  • Occasionally, chicory causes overexcitement, insomnia, you should know about it and be more careful if you want a cup of coffee before bedtime.
  • It is forbidden to use chicory in asthma.
  • Excess dosage can cause flatulence, diarrhea, bloating.
  • There is an individual intolerance to chicory.

How much chicory can you drink per day?

No need to drink more than 3-4 cups of this drink per day (maximum 5). What does the cup need to use no more than 0.5-1.5 spoons of powder. It is especially pleasant to enjoy this drink in the morning to cheer up before the working day. Add strength, energy and a cup of chicory at lunch. But before going to bed, it is better to abstain from tea with chicory, for some people it causes overexcitement, insomnia.

Which chicory is better: liquid, soluble or dried?

The most useful liquid extract of chicory, is a real concentrate, you can say “extract” from the root of the plant, it contains most of all inulin, vitamins, minerals. Drink it in diluted form. In addition, it is harder to fake. Unscrupulous manufacturers may add foreign herbs to powdered chicory. There are also many useful substances in dried, not roasted chicory, but it is devoid of that charming coffee aroma that appears after frying.

Chicory and pregnancy

Coffee from chicory can be safely used as food while waiting for a baby. Considering that chicory strengthens the immune system, prevents anemia, gives strength, reduces sugar, it is simply necessary in the diet of a pregnant woman. In order to get the maximum benefit from the drink - it is better to brew chicory not with boiling water, but with hot water, besides, the burning drinks are not very useful. Of course, one should not forget about the possible harm, should be attentive to your body, at the slightest negative reaction it is worth reducing the dosage of chicory consumed.

Let's sum up

Chicory is not in vain called grass for all ailments. It has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, is useful for both women and men. Chicory helps us strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, and remove toxins. This is a good choleretic agent, an assistant in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, a magic wand in case of anemia, exhaustion and loss of strength. Chicory is effective in losing weight, with it the process of weight loss is not so painful and heavy. Chicory - natural coffee flavor, it gives baking a unique nutty flavor.

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