Gardnerella bacterium in women is the cause of vinification. Gardnerella vaginalis: description of the pathogenic microorganism and contagion that are known. Appointment of gardnerella in women

– vaginal dysbacteriosis, associated with sharp and flaccid disorders of the normal microflora of the gut, decreased number of lactobacilli and multiplication of mentally pathogenic microorganisms, including gardnerelli. It is characterized by the appearance of bright vaginal visions of a gray eye with an unacceptable smell. Unresolved bacterial vaginosis promotes the development of flare-ups in the female state sphere and innocence of vaginess.

Zagalni vіdomostі

Gardnerellosis is the most common variant of bacterial vaginosis, which disrupts the balance of the natural microflora of the female organs. Gardnerellosis is associated with 20% of women in the reproductive period. The lactic acid microflora, which normally exceeds that of the pharynx, in case of bacterial vaginosis, it has mentally pathogenic species, the leader among them is gardnerella. Ways of transmission of gardnerellosis - articles, often gardnerella is seen in women who are active in sexual life. People sound to play the role of carriers of infection, in order to turn off the recurrence of gardnerellosis, following this, one hour of exaltation of all state partners.

Gardnerellosis in the advanced form may be the result of the development of inflamed sich paths, the uterus and appendages, bezplodnen, worsening of the hour of vagity and gentleness. With gardnerellez, infection with other microorganisms is often observed: gonococci, trichomonads, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, candida, etc.

Cause gardnerella

Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis) is the cause of the imbalance in the warehouse of natural microflora of the psyllium, if the dominance of "nephysiological" microorganism species is repaired, we are called gardnerella. Damage to the normal microflora of the sechostatic organs can be caused by external and internal officials.

Among the ovnіshnіh factors, scho zumovlyuyut development of gardnerelosis, exceed:

  • unfriendly environment;
  • recent frequent change of the state partner;
  • irrational eating, diet with lack of lactic acid products;
  • zastosuvannya antibiotics (zocrema candles, ointments);
  • zastosuvannya protizaplіdnyh zabіv (vaginal suppositories, schо vengeance 9-nonoxynol, condoms with spermicidal oil, hormonal preparations);
  • vikoristannya hygiene products (pads, tampons, perfumed intimate hygiene products) and often douching;
  • wearing white clothes and clothes made of synthetic materials, which tightly fit the figure.

To internal factors that call for gardnerellosis, one can see:

  • endocrine disruption and changes (including vaginess);
  • lowering the level of immune zakhist; become immunodeficient;
  • emotional and physical change, stress;
  • chronic illness, imbalance of microflora of the intestinal and sebaceous tract.


At the norm, in pihvu, in mature women, there are over 15 species of microorganism. Lactobacillus acidophilus prevails, Bifidobacteria (10%), peptostreptococci (~5%) account for a smaller part. Lactoflora of lactic acid enhances the acidity of the middle of the mucus genitals, as a way to defeat the immune function.

Anaerobic bacteria (mobiluncus, bacteroids, gardnerella and in), genital mycoplasma, trichomonads, candida germinate in small numbers in women. Rizke zbіlshennya number of tsikh mikroorganіzmіv disrupting microbiological rіvnovagu, blame dysbacteriosis pіhvi or bacterial vaginosis. Wines are characterized by a change in the number of Doderlein microflora (lactobacteria) and an increase in mentally pathogenic species. Most often, women with bacterial vaginosis show vaginal gardnerella, which is the main, although not the only, cause of these lesions. Therefore, the camp of bacterial vaginosis is called gardnerellosis.

Crimean gardnerella increases the number of other bacteria (coco vidi, trichomonads, mycoplasma, mobiluncus, yeast-like fungi). The role of gardnerella in the development of bacterial vaginosis in that which creates a favorable background for the reproduction of mentally pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms. Pіhvove middle is zaluzhuєtsya, the products of the exchange of gardnerella strengthen the destruction of the mucous membrane, forming the basis for the penetration of other infections. Therefore, gardnerellez sprays the development of flaming diseases of the sebaceous system of women.

Symptoms of Gardnerella

Gardnerellosis can be overcome, sometimes similar to other inflammatory infections of the genitals in women. In case of gardnerellosis, they are afraid of: syri vision of pikhvi (similar, pasty, with an unacceptable "ribbon" smell); liver, sverbіzh, discomfort during sechovipkannі and article contact. Gardnerellosis is accompanied by flaming changes in the uterus, urethra and cervix. In case of vicarious intrauterine spirals, after menstruation, interruption of vaginess and mild gardnerellosis can be aggravated by endometritis, inflamed uterine appendages. Gardnerellosis is unfriendly to vplyvayut on vagіtnіst: often sporerіgayutsya before the hour canopies, children are born weakened, preterm, it is possible to infіkuvannya fetus pіd pologіv hour.

The presence of gardnerella in the urogenital tract of people, as a rule, does not appear, rarely reveals a flashing process with signs of urethritis. Todi may appear small sightings of the urethra (serous-purulent, gray color with a "ribbon" smell), discomfort during sechovypuskanni. It is possible to aggravate the appearance of prostatitis, inflamed testicles and appendages, the development of infertility.


To confirm the diagnosis of gardnerellosis at the consultation of a gynecologist in a woman, take smears from the pharynx. In the diagnosis of gardnerellosis, the presence of gardnerella is significant, the number of sprouts and the presence of microorganisms in the warehouse of the vaginal secretion. Gardnerella is present in the vaginal flora of most healthy women without developing dysbacteriosis. The diagnosis of "gardnerellosis" is established on the basis of:

  • scarg of patients and clinical manifestations (the presence of similar pasty-like visions of a grayish-white color);
  • increased pH to the secretion of pikhvi (> 4.5);
  • the presence of "key" clitins in microscopy of smears from the pelvis and urethra ("key clitins" - epithelial clitins, covered with dribbling sticks (gardnerella) - an important sign of gardnerellosis);
  • amine test

In case of gardnerellosis, in the course of their life, gardnerella and anaerobic micro-organisms, amino acids (putrescine, triethylamine, cadaverine) are dissolved, which, when broken down, give an unacceptable "ribbon" smell. For the establishment of the diagnosis of gardnerellosis, the identification of at least three of these criteria should serve as a basis. It is also necessary to look out for the presence of intestinal dysbacteriosis, which can lead to the development of bacterial vaginosis, and to conduct yoga. To reduce the risk of recurrence of gardnerellosis.

Celebration of gardnerella

Early and accurate diagnosis of gardnerellosis allows you to conduct your own treatment. Methods of therapy, like a stasis of modern gynecology, allow the patient to get older and develop a more complicated development, but do not guarantee the presence of relapses of the disease in the future. Therapeutic treatment of gardnerellosis can be caused and manifested by illness and mind for the normalization of microflora of state organs.

At the first stage of treating gardnerellosis, women are prescribed clindamycin and metronidazole (orally and intravaginally): clindamycin phosphate - capsulite and vaginal cream (2%); metronidazole - tablets and gel (0.75%). In order to eliminate the development of vaginal candidiasis during the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, prescribe clotrimoxazole (cream). In case of management of vagity in women who suffer from gardnerellosis, cure in another trimester of vagity with drugs (in the middle and at the end of the month for the indications of the doctor). In the first trimester, oral administration of metronidazole and clindamycin is unacceptable.

Treatment of gardnerellosis is carried out under the control of clinical and laboratory analyses, and is considered to be completed in case of skarg, symptoms and normalization of laboratory criteria. Under the hour of jubilation of gardnerellosis, it is necessary to unify the state contacts without a condom, drink alcohol, do not wear pads for the “skin” day, and synthetic whiteness. Another stage of treatment for gardnerellosis includes the administration of internal and external preparations to eliminate lactose bifidumbacterium, vitamins, immunostimulants.

The need for obstezhennia and the jubilation of people - the state partners of women, ill with gardnerellosis, is debatable. The recurrence of gardnerellosis in women can be blamed after the success of both partners. Tim is not less, docily in case of recurrent and recurrent episodes of gardnerellosis, conduct the same treatment in people.

Prevention of gardnerella

To eliminate the development of gardnerellosis and yoga relapses will help preventive measures, directing to identify the causes of bacterial vaginosis. The wide breadth and severity of the incidence of gardnerellosis mean not only negaic exuberance of illness, but also regular post-mortem and medical prophylaxis. Women are recommended:

  • the mother of a permanent state partner and the inclusion of a vipadkovi state tie;
  • use the bar'ernim method of contraception (condom), reduce to a minimum the elimination of mіstsevih protizaplіdnyh zabіv;
  • do not stop frequently and without control of vaginal antibacterial suppositories and tablets;
  • vikoristovuvat vaccination until the establishment of macular immunity;
  • dorimuvatisya zagalnoї and intimate hygiene.

In our organism, there are not only weak, ale and brown bacteria. The stench lives skryz: on the surface of the skins, near the intestines, on the mucous membranes, and on the pikhvu. In this way, the skin organ can maintain its own individual microflora, so as to ensure normal functioning. Corinthic bacteria, which linger in pihvi, allow you to fight various infections. However, often the trendy balance of microflora is destroyed, after which there are more shkidlivy microbes, the most widespread of which are gardnerelli. Tse to bring to the development of one-level ailment, as if the body is infested and requires healing.

Appointment of gardnerella in women

Gardnerellosis, or bacterial vaginosis, is a pathological state, when the gardnerella microorganism is carried into the pharynx. Wine is the most important bacterium, as in normal minds it also sacks in the human body together with other riches. It is important that a healthy woman in the pihva takes lactobacilli, what to acidify, how to create an optimal middle. If so, the spivvіdnoshennia is broken, blaming gardnerellosis from the usual concomitant symptoms.

The greater part of the gardnerella in the microflora of the penis is called bacterial vaginosis.

Illness swells like a woman of a different age, and so does a man. People suffer from ailments more easily, to the fact that they may have less mucous membranes in pairs with girls.

How many microorganisms in a smear are respected by the norm

As the number of gardnerella exceeds the permissible value, the patient begins to form the main symptoms of illness. In the most intelligent minds, it is possible to detect the bacterium in the analyses. For diagnostics, the following indications may be important:

  • 10 5 -10 6 microorganism in a smear of a healthy woman is considered normal;
  • 10 7 -10 9 - talk about infection;
  • 10 4 microorganism in smear with vaginess is a drive for anxiety.

Chi mozhe gardnerella perebuvat roti

As soon as the disease is present in the body, it takes longer (more and more), the bacteria progressively expand in the bloodstream and migrate near the empty mouth. It can also be infected with oral sex without zahistu. Gardnerelli settle on the mucous membrane of the mouth and begin to actively grow and multiply, accumulating in the area of ​​the tonsils and pharynx. Often it ends with a development of ignition processes (stomatitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis).

Gardnerellosis of an empty company is accompanied by a solution to the sludge on the mucous membrane.

Table: difference between gardnerellosis and thrush

Por_vnyalna sign Gardnerellosis thrush
Variety of microorganism that causes illnessbacterium
How do the visions lookGreenish-brown, kalamutniBili, Zhovti
Significant specific odorZipsovanoy ribi abo rotten meat, sharpSour, syrnium, ice vlovimy
A lot of sightUp to 250 millilitres per doba50–200 ml
Increased symptoms after sexual contactVirazenePractically every day
Damage to other organs and systemsZustrichaetsya rarelyEmpty company, shlunkovo-intestinal tract

Іsnuyuchi raznovidi ill

Classification of ailments beyond the pathological process:

  • hostriae (when penetrating into the body in case of direct contact with a large dose of the alarm clock, symptoms increase in 2-3 days);
  • pіdhostriy (formed for the second or two tyzhnі);
  • chronic (with a long stretch);
  • relapsing (phases of aggravation change to remission).

Changes in illness for the character of the vision:

  • serous form - overwhelms the yellow eye;
  • gnіyna - more important than green colors to the secret;
  • fibrinous - є bloody streaks in visions.

Classification of ailments according to the presence of a secondary infection:

  • isolation of gardnerellosis;
  • day from:
    • chlamydia;
    • syphilis;
    • trichomoniasis;
    • triper;
    • candidiasis.

Why blame gardnerellosis

In order to develop a similar illness, it is necessary not only for the presence of bacteria, but also for working factors that are necessary. Most often to them are:

  • often change state partners;
  • uncontrolled intake of antibacterial drugs;
  • good douching;
  • vikoristannya zvichayny cute yak zasib for intimate hygiene;
  • view of the community on the kshtalt lazni, sauna, swimming pool, gym;
  • neuro-emotional shock;
  • wearing tight white from synthetic fabrics;
  • work in the minds of increased temperature and moisture;
  • infectious disease;
  • pathology of the immune system

Ways of transmission of ailments

Illness can be blamed on a healthy woman when the normal microflora of the penis is damaged, so there are not a few unprotected sexual relationships. However, the leading route of infection, like before, is left with articles (oral, anal and vaginal penetration may still be a risk of infection). Gardnerellosis can also be transmitted under the hour of wearing a wild whiteness, and lack of sufficient sex toys.

Trivality of the incubation period

In the middle clinical, symptoms of the disease begin to appear 2–14 days after infection. The intensity of lying down in the form of a patient, I will become healthy and manifest other illnesses that are transmitted by the state way.

In those with a frail age, 80% of the symptoms of the disease are practically asymptomatic, which is associated with more severe metabolic processes.

Video: the doctor tells about the peculiarities of the blamed ailments

The main symptomatic signs of pathology

Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by the prevalence of macular manifestations over the overt ones. Illness progresses gradually, and a worsening sign is expected after a viral infection (GRVI, colds), stress, physical anxiety and sexual activity.

The main symptoms of illness:

  1. Bіl at the dilyantsі small pelvis. Vaughn may have a weak, lingering character, the intensity of growth during cuts. In the period of menstruation, unacceptable symptoms become stronger at times, become squeezing and essence-like.
  2. Pathological vision. The stench has an unacceptable smell, which is seen as a sprat of meters, as well as a yellow, brown and green color. Vidіlennya dosit importantly vіdmiti vіd odeagu i can change the padding.
  3. Swelling of soft fabrics. Small states of ruin and clitoris bulge, become very sensitive and sharply sore. After a deaky hour for the daytime, rubbing and whisking the servettes, which they pick up, a dark coating appears on them, which is easy to clean.
  4. Sverblyachka and liver during sichovipkannі to report about the penetration of bacteria into the urethra and sich mіkhur. Such a symptom is traced at the early stages of the development of the disease.

Gardnerellosis and winemaking ditini

With a trivial illness, the health of the disease decreases with skin cancer. Even though conceived, all the same, the future mother sticks with the majestic risk of infection of the baby: bacteria penetrate into the body of the fetus through the child's body. The high level of infection is high at a low hour.

Symptoms of illness during the hour of vagity increase: the woman is suffering from unbearable fever and liver, and the number of people has seen growth of up to 300-350 milliliters per doba. Often, during the hour of a night's sleep, she suffered trauma to the mucous membrane of the outer organs of the body, which would end with a secondary infection.

I had a chance to take the fate of the adoptive wife of a woman, for a trivial hour she suffered from gardnerellosis. Vaughn could not turn the illness to vagity, after which the baby also confirmed the presence of infection. The child was born richly earlier than the term, after which she could not breathe independently. Doctors made a decision about keeping the child in intensive care. After a few months of vines, they are on the mend, but in the future, it is similar to the infection, which is serious in the physical and neuropsychic development of the same type.

How to diagnose illness

Zovnіshnі manifest gardnerellosis may have similar signs with other pathologies, as they are transmitted by the state route. This makes the diagnosis much easier. Bacterial vaginosis can be differentiated from:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • candidiasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea.

Remember that before seeing a gynecologist and having a smear, do not varto douche with antiseptic powders. For an hour of work in the medical laboratory, I repeatedly had to deal with it, as the women independently controlled the entire pathogenic microflora, as a result, I had to rework again. If you want to take a reliable result, it is recommended to include a hygienic visit for a day. Tilki so vdaschit ailment at an early stage.

Ways to confirm the diagnosis:

Conducted methods of therapy for gardnerellosis in women

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis is based on the normalization of the microflora of the penis. For this doctor, vicorist is not only pharmaceutical preparations, but also a special diet. And also in the recovery period, it is permissible to stop various physiological procedures, which will help to improve the immune system. Most often, when ill, likuvannya is obov'yazkovym. Occasionally, episodes of self-inflicted ailments without medical intervention (important in patients of a young age) rarely develop.

The state partner of the woman needs therapy only in that case, as the new one also has the promotion of gardnerelli rіven. For this person, it is necessary to have a special analysis by a urologist (smear from a sechivnik).

Video: doctor's thought about the need for therapy

Exaltation of ailments for the help of pharmaceutical products

Drug therapy for gardnerellosis includes the use of both medical and inflammatory drugs. The first ones can be used to look at candles and designs for douching, as well as in the form of ointments and gels. Others are represented by tablets, capsules and injections for intravenous or intravenous administration. The validity of therapy and the choice of drugs is determined by the doctor-gynecologist. Self-sufficiency can lead to aggravation of obvious problems in the body.

Gardnerella is sensitive to antimicrobial infections. The very same stench is the first group of faces, as if they help to get out of sickness.

Mіstsevі preparations, scho vikoristovuyutsya to fight with the disease:

  1. Suppositories with an antibiotic allow you to prevent the growth of gardnerella and further development in the body. It is most common to use the following preparations:
    • Metronidazole;
    • Clindamycin;
    • Acylactu;
    • Iodoxide;
    • Hexicon.
  2. Antifungal ointments and candles protect the development of fungal microflora and prevent thrush from forming. For the purpose of using the vicorist method:
    • nystatin;
    • Pimafucin;
    • Levorin;
    • Fluconazole;
    • Flucostat.
  3. Candles, which take revenge on the large number of lactobacilli, help to normalize the internal environment of the penis. Find home remedies:
    • lactobacterin;
    • Vaginorm-S;
    • Vagilak;
    • Lactoginal.
  4. Antiseptic products for washing to saturate a wide range of microflora. Therefore, I should stop the development of Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin.

Photo gallery: preparations for medical therapy for gardnerellosis

Polygynax - candles with an antibiotic, which are added to gardnerela Clotrimazole allows you to kill thrush Lactonorm sprays the growth of lactobacilli Miramistin creates minds for the death of shkidlivyh bacteria

Systemic preparations

Medications for systemic treatment of illness:

  1. Antibiotics in tablets and capsules will stop if the medical therapy has not brought a positive effect. The most widely used preparations:
    • Azithromycin;
    • ornidazole;
    • Dalacin;
    • Unidox Solutab.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-seizure drugs help to help the stinger and liver, and also change the severity of inappropriate sensations in the small pelvic cavity. For the purpose of using the vicorist method:
    • Diclofenac-Sodium;
    • Indomethacin;
    • ibuprofen;
    • Pyroxyfer;
    • Ortofen;
    • Rodanol;
    • Celecoxib;
    • Rofecoxib;
    • Viox;
    • Celebrex;
  3. Immunostimulators improve the processes that occur in the body, adhering to the establishment of new cells. Find the medicines of this group:
    • Viferon;
    • Wobenzim;
    • Amiksin;
    • polyoxidonium;
    • Cytovir.

Photo gallery: faces for systemic therapy of gardnerellosis

Doxycycline is an antibiotic that leads to the death of gardnerella Meloxicam relieves inflammation Imunal helps to improve immunity

Folk medicine as a dopomіzhny zasіb

Often, patients do not have the ability to turn around to the doctor (admission, release), or by accepting the doctor's appointments in a few days, and not receiving them, they will continue to pay. In such situations, it is permissible to zastosuvannya zasobіv folk medicine. Different douches and tampons will help to relieve the main manifestations of ailments and make it easier to clear up. Remember that this kind of glee does not solve the problem in general, the stones for restoring the normal microflora required by the intake of pharmaceutical preparations.

I had a chance to contact the patient, as if I was more familiar with traditional therapy, voluntarily victorious herbs and plants with the method of bacterial vaginosis. Regular douching with high-dose roses brought about the fact that the disease not only did not vitiate the gardnerella, but also a serious chemical attack of the mucous membrane of the pikhvi. The victim was brought in for a check-up at the gynecology department, where a reconstructive plastic surgery was performed. Unfortunately, as a result of the procedure, the woman lost sensitivity and may have problems with her life.

The most popular folk recipes:

Table: physiotherapy for treating illness

Name of the technique How the procedure is carried out Main effects
Radon bathsZanurennya patients to the waist near the water, enriched with cym chemical elementThis results in the death of a large number of pathogenic micro-organisms, while not destroying the normal microflora
Point injection of the smallest impulses on the songs of the plant to the bodySprinkle accelerated recovery and regeneration processes in the human body.
Medical electrophoresis with anti-sweat methodsThe introduction of medicinal preparations into the body for an additional strumGreater swede and effective introduction of speech and rozpodil її in soft fabrics
inductothermyStopping magnetic fields of different intensityChange of non-acceptable inputs, preventing the formation of the spike process

Photo gallery: physiotherapy in gynecology

Radon baths cause the death of pathogenic microbes Electrical stimulation will speed up the process of establishing new cells Medical electrophoresis of vicorism is carried out with the method of introducing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents

Changing eating habits and the way of life with gardnerellosis

In order to restore the normal microflora of pihvi, doctors recommend that women take a singing diet. For whom it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  • to live only fresh and natural products without chemical additives (you can buy on the market or from private sellers);
  • obov'yazkovo snіdat, obіdati that supper. So, maybe two snacks, so that you can interrupt me even if they didn’t drag on for more than three years;
  • every day to drink up to the second liter of pure water;
  • vodmovitsya vіd vzhivannya alcohol;
  • їzhu zapіkati, stewed chi vіdvaryuvati, so that vitamins were saved from her;
  • there is no malt, because the stench is rich in rich carbohydrates and tsukrіv, which creates the optimal medium for the reproduction of bacteria;
  • add a quantity of salt up to 5 grams per harvest.

It is necessary to include the following products in the diet before the diet:

Rules for women for the period of marriage

For an hour of therapy for gardnerellosis, you will have to change the most important way of life and move from the beginning to dressing. Do not forget that the application of these rules will help you achieve positive results for the money. What is not recommended to work with bacterial vaginosis:

  • conduct hair removal bikini and crotch - tsі procedures є stress for the body;
  • indviduvati laznі, saunas, lie for a long time at the hot tub or jacuzzi;
  • have sex - there is a risk of infection of a partner;
  • independently drink antibacterial drugs;
  • wear white, which is tight;
  • bathe in the open waters and pools.

Forecasts of exultation and possible rejection of the legacy

Therapy of gardnerellosis is a very complicated and trivial process. Most of the time, at the beginning of the normal microflora, it’s more than an hour, and the women are throwing glee, not halfway. Remember that the rehabilitation after such an illness proceeds more richly for the coming illness:

  • circulatory diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins.

In young girls, gardnerellosis and especially young age, gardnerellosis pass without visible consequences during concomitant therapy. In women of the older age and the summer population, through the general exchange, the rehabilitation process is three to several years.

Zahvoryuvannya shilne to relapse. Jubilation does not guarantee that in a couple of months or more you will not have gardnerellosis again.

I will especially emphasize the role of recognizing the normal microflora of the penis grey dotrimannya of the rules of special hygiene. In the period of lukewarmness, it is even more important that you have the opportunity to refinish the crotch of the year and change the gaskets. I happened to take the fate of a jubilant patient, for twelve years on a robot I was in a hot shop. She practically didn’t have the ability to remember, and in the heat of the moment, the temperature was high, and the woman constantly sweated. The epidermis of the larval lard was swallowed up by the appearance of the stinger and the liver, and the whole therapy was carried out for gardnerellez bula marna. Only after the fact that the patients were far away to take a permit for two months and go to the sanatorium, the treatment became effective. The sea water is warmer and warmer with the use of pharmaceutical preparations and the rules of hygiene have helped women forget about their illness.

Some aggravation and negative effects are observed in patients with gardnerellosis:

  • problems from conception - the microflora is changed, leading to the death of spermatozoa, if the stench does not reach the egg;
  • molding adhesions - growth of happy tissue in the empty small pelvis, which disrupts the normal attachment of the embryo in the mother;
  • trivale without a different character;
  • igniter infection of the organs of the small pelvis: uterus, tubes, ovaries, sich mikhura and urethra;
  • reduced immunity;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • penetration of bacteria in the organism of a child under an hour of low.

Photo gallery: soothing ailments

Long-term Zhovtyanitsa to report about the infection of the new people Inflammation of the ovaries in the veins with penetration of microflora from the lungs The spike process is characterized by the growth of successful tissue and disrupts the processes of conception and development of the fetus.

How to protect yourself from the development of illness

The treatment of gardnerellosis will require a lot of effort and effort. It’s even easier to protect your body against the development of such a disease, you don’t need to take a course of therapy. For this reason, the doctors have broken down the rules for individual prevention of ailments.

Under an hour of study at the fourth year of a medical university, I had a chance to spend a few months on probation at a specialized gynecology in Serbia. At this hour, the doctors conducted a lecture on the topic of prevention of bacterial vaginosis for the additional intake of lactobacilli and dairy products. For follow-up, a group of patients was selected, as if through a lifetime of life in the winter season, the rock was stuck with garnerelosis and these unacceptable traces. More than half of them had problems with immunity (often fell ill, caught a cold). All this autumn, doctors recommended that they take pills with a high concentration of latobacteria, and women also added dairy products (siri, sour cream, sourdough) to the diet, so they lived every day for sprat times. Due to the closeness of the cold, the doctors took the necessary analyzes from the patients - swabs from the penis. In 95% of the treated patients, there was little warning of gardnerella in the material. Another 5% were aware that they did not always comply with the recommendations of doctors and took in alcoholic drinks. Most of the sick people who suffered from such a method could forever forget about their illness.

Rules for individual prevention of gardnerellosis in women:

  1. Do not forget about the constant change of hygiene measures. Schodennі pads - tse dzherelo more shkіdlivih mikrobіv, yakі penetrate the mucosa of the flu and begin to actively multiply. Doctors flatly do not recommend wearing them for two or three years. Wet pads before the hour of menstruation, it is necessary to change the skin of the year, shards of stench cry out. Special bowls and tampons also contain bacteria. Itself to replace it, or it is necessary to waste it once in two years, and for women from the age of thrush to the thrush, to rejoice in the spirit of victoria.
  2. Zastosovyte іndivіdualnogo zakhistu іz new sexual partners. Condoms are the best thing for people to wear: they let you go like a man, and a woman’s variations. The stench is crushed with latex, which does not only have oil and does not injure the mucus membrane of the skin, but does not pass through it various microorganisms.
    Humans and women condoms protect against transmission of bacteria
  3. Wear white for the world and only from natural fabrics. Synthetic tights with seams in non-handled areas can rub the crotch, after which frayed wounds and cracks are established. The region is often sweaty in the sintered rock, and microorganism multiplies in the upper folds;
  4. Do not take antibacterial drugs without a medical indication. Antimicrobial help to help not only fight against ailments, but also kill the corysna flora. For її vodnovlennya need tizhnі and navit mіsyatsі, so doctors often try to choose more sparing antibiotics with a minimal effect that trauma.
  5. Wash your pikhvi as much as you need. A rich woman is aware that spritzing is not a part of the child's hygiene. However, the flow of water mimics all the corrosive micro-organisms, after which the mucosa appears absolutely free of bacteria. Such procedures are also carried out to dryness of pikhvi through the removal of natural oil. At the time of the statute act, cracks and cracks often appear.
  6. Don't be fooled by the products of the creature's journey. Meat, fish, eggs, milk, syrah, kefir and different yoghurts are a source of brown lactobacilli and protein products. With a trivial pre-trial vegan or vegetarian diet, the reserves of brown speech in the body are depleted, as a result of which the regeneration processes suffer.
    Dairy products necessary for optimal microflora

Gardnerellosis in women- ignition process, causing damage to the balance of microflora in pihu. Do not come to venereal disease. Without treatment, it causes chronic ignition processes in the reproductive system, which can be the cause of ovarian innocence of vaginess.

Gardnerellosis manifests itself through the destruction of microflora in pihu

What is gardnerellosis?

The microflora of pikhvi is represented by lacto- bifidobacteria. In the norm - 95% of the total mass of microorganisms that inhabit the reproductive organs. The stench improves the pH of the pikhvi, vibrates the water peroxide and improves the functions. Other 5% microorganism - Cereal coca, Trichomonas, fungi of the genus Candida.

Gardnerelli pіd zbіlshennyam

Gardnerella is considered to be mentally pathogenic bacteria, but it is a normal bag of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organs. As long as the spirits are victorious, the woman is healthy.

With overdose of gardnerella vaginalis, gardnerellosis develops. For ICD 10, the disease was coded N89.8 "bacterial vaginosis".

Cause a guilty gardnerella

The pathogen is transmitted exclusively by contact route. The ailment rarely opposes people, but the stench of the nose gardnerella vaginalis.

With a normal spivvіdnoshennі lactobacilli and mentally pathogenic flora, the incubation period can be troubling. The pathogen will be present in pihvi, but the number will be insignificant. In this case, gardnerella does not show up in smears, the ignition process is daily.

In case of unacceptable factors, lactobacilli die, and mentally pathogenic flora begins to multiply in pineapple.

Factories to sprout the disease:

  • frequent change of state partners;
  • environmental situation;
  • the emergence of a new partner;
  • unbalanced diet; availability of fermented milk products;
  • ZPSSh in history or active state;
  • irrational use of antibiotics;
  • aggressive exuberance of others ill;
  • vikoristannya contraceptives;
  • douching without recognition of a doctor;
  • supraworld victory for hygiene with antibacterial powers;
  • zahoplennya schodennymi pads and bіznoy іz synthetic thread;
  • endocrine disease;
  • vagіtnіst - іmunny zakhist decreases, scho pereskodzhaє vіdtorgnennyu fetus;
  • immunodeficiency of various etiology;
  • stress;
  • revision;
  • dysbacteriosis of the ICT system.

Damage to the robotic endocrine system can cause gardnerellosis

Chronic gardnerellosis develops without treatment. At a different pH, the pihvi shifts into a puddle, which sprays the development of other igniting processes in the reproductive organs.

Symptoms of gardnerella in women

Show gardnerellosis similar to signs of other state infections.

Symptoms of illness:

  • Sverbіzh in the region of pikhvi;
  • discomfort;
  • vidilennya - schіlnі, bіlo-sіrі, odnorodnі;
  • pain and rіzі at sechoviproskannі and statuyu actі;
  • symptoms worsen after intimacy;
  • smell - seeing the aroma of syroy ribi.

When similar symptoms appear, you should make a state contact and turn to the doctor.


To confirm the diagnosis, a woman can see a doctor. The gynecologist conducted a look at the pixie in mirrors, made a smear of the flora, which was recreated. The presence of bacteria is not a criterion for making a diagnosis, it is important that the presence of coryza and mentally pathogenic flora is important.

Standard diagnostics for gardnerellosis:

  • analysis of the patient's scarg;
  • smear on flora;
  • revealed by the characteristic odor;
  • change the pH of pikhvi in ​​the puddle bik;
  • the presence of "key" clitin - ce clitin epithelium, covered with gardnerella;
  • amino test - the material of the mucous membrane of the pikhvi is coated with a potassium meadow.

A smear on the flora helps to detect the feet of illness

It is possible to identify gardnerella with the help of PLR analysis of the urogenital tract, which is water-reinforcing. Ale, the thoughts of the fahivtsiv were divided in some way. Some people do not care for the extra medical examination for the presence of a sign of venereal disease. Others affect the conducted test.

Effective treatment of gardnerella

Treatment of illness is carried out in a complex way. Medical therapy is indicated for both partners, normalization of the diet, exclusion of factors that prevent recurrence of the disease.


Medical treatment is carried out at stage 2. In the first one, the strangulation of pathogenic flora is shown, in the other - the normalization of the microflora of the penis. Jubilation is carried out at home, hospitalization is not necessary.

For living inside

Antibacterial oral administration - Metronidazole, Trichopolum, Ornidazole, Dazolik. The tablet formulations of preparations based on metronidazole and ornidozol. Indicated in cases of infection with the simplest, bacterial flora, including gardnerella. Dosing of the drug.

  • tablets Metronidazole, Trichopolum - 500 mg of two per day;
  • Ornidazole, Dazolik - 2.5 g per day, divided into 2-3 doses.

Metronidazole - antibacterial tablets

When taking drugs in metronidazole, alcohol intake was prevented, the reaction of intolerance to boredom, vomit, frequent heartbeat develops. Slide to enter before the diet of fermented milk products.

Preparations of this group of congestion before admission to children up to 6 years of age, in the first 12 years of pregnancy, under the hour of lactation, with severe pathologies of the liver.

Patients presented skarms for the following side effects:

  • loosen defecation;
  • tedium of vomiting;
  • dry mouth;
  • candidiasis of the oral cavity and stool;
  • bіl u globakh.

Vaginal preparations

Terzhinan is a complex drug

Side effects develop rarely, they can:

  • teasing at the place of introduction of the drug.

Contraindication - less individual intolerance of the components. Lіkarskiy zasіb of permissions for vikoristannya pіd vagіtnostі.

Klevazol is a vaginal cream. We have stock of antibiotic clindamycin and antimycotic miconazole. The drug is administered to pihvu 1 time per doba. Effective dosing is 5 ml.


  • hypersensitivity to cream components;
  • intolerance to lincomycin;
  • bowel disease.

Side effects and anatomy of the Klevazol victoria are rarely developed. Patients complained of discomfort after administration of the drug.

Miramistin is the main component of 0.1% Miramistin. Active schodo more species of pathogenic flora. Rozchin vikoristovuyut for douching. Processing is carried out two days a day. The drug is allowed under the hour of pregnancy.

Miramistin - rozchin for douching

Of the side effects you can watch out for:

  • liver;

Non-acceptable sightings are carried out for 15 minutes on their own. Contraindication - less individual intolerance to Miramistine.

Normalization of microflora

Preparations for the renewal of normoflora pichvi - Vagilak, Atsilakt. Qi preparations for the treatment of strains of acidophilic lactobacilli.

Vagіlak - zasіb for the restoration of normoflora pіhvi

Faces of this group of vicorous vicarious after suppression of pathogenic flora. Suppositories should be administered at the pixu at night. Trivality of the mid-life period to become 5 to 10 days. In times of consumption, the course is repeated after 20 days. Lactov_snі candles are allowed for recognition of the first hour of vagity.

Information about the development of side effects in medical literature daily. It is not recommended to prescribe the drug to a group of patients who suffer from chronic candidiasis - a risk of developing a relapse of the disease.


There is no special diet for curing gardnerellosis.

It is enough to follow the principles of healthy eating:

  • unikati lubricated, fat, gostrih strav;
  • change the amount of zucru and zucerok in the diet;
  • zbіshiti - vegetables, fruits, non-starchy roots.

With gardnerellosis, there are more vegetables and fruits

Why is gardnerella unsafe for the female organism?

The damage to the microflora is threatening with the development of ignition diseases of the reproductive system and the sieve system.

Possible aggravation of garnerellosis:

  • ignition processes of the reproductive system;
  • endometritis after a gradual change in vaginess, surgical treatment;
  • bezpіddya;
  • zvichne innocence;
  • tissue neoplasia of the cervical canal;
  • bartholinite;
  • appearance of cysts, abscesses.

If you don’t exult gardnerellosis, then bartholinitis may spread

What can be taken care of with gardnerellosis?

The presence of a pathogenic organism in the pine forest does not depend on the development of the egg. And the shift in pH in the reproductive organs of the bik neutral chamomile medium is not suitable for sperm activity.

Ale, the presence of the ignition process can be seen already on the vacancy, which was observed, on the weekend. To that, the hour of jubilation of dysbacteriosis of the pihvi should be wiped out in the intimate life, or to be cured by the bar'er zapobіzhnymi zasoba.

Gardnerellosis with vaginess

With vagity, immunosuppression develops. Tse pereshkodzhaє vіdtorgnennyu fetus. Therefore, the growth of mentally pathogenic flora, including gardnerella vaginalis, is possible.

Panic for such a diagnosis is not varto. The bacterium does not give a direct injection. Ale, it is necessary to enjoy the obov'yazkovo, the scorching process can become the cause of the weekend, the death of vagity, the development of endometritis in the postnatal period.

In the 1st trimester, during the daytime, a sign of an obvious ignition process and discomfort in the patient should not be performed. All therapeutic activities begin on the 13th day of the gestational period.

At the same time, it is not necessary to vikoristovuvat zagalnosistemne likuvannya, but the preparation and metronidazole and yogo analogues are allowed to be recognized.

In the first 12 years of gestation, suppositories should be given Hexicon, Betadin. Candles Terzhinan are recommended to vicorate, starting from 13 tyzhniv vagity. Douche fenced for a long gestational period.

Prevention of state infection

Preventive visits rely on pre-trimannian rules of special hygiene, statutory discretion. Ale and zayva sterility, pіdmivannya chi douching with vikoristannya antibacterial zabіv is also not needed.

Treat yourself to special hygiene

Wear white from natural fabrics. Include strings, spacers. And stop antibiotics for indications.

Gardnerellosis and bacterial vaginosis are synonymous words.

To speak about gardnerellosis, if the number of normal bacteria (lactobacillus) decreases in the firth and the growth of mentally pathogenic flora increases, to which gardnerelli lie. However, gardnerelli are not the only representatives of mentally pathogenic microorganism, but when they are introduced into the secretion of the pih, gardnerellosis is diagnosed.

Gardnerella vaginalis enters the warehouse of normal microflora of the penis, but in a small amount. Close to 96-98% of the normal microflora is occupied by lactic acid bacteria, which produce lactic acid, so that the pH of the vaginal secretion is acidic. Gardnerellosis is characterized by disruption of the acid-puddle balance in the puddle, which allows pathogenic microorganisms to attack the pelvis, cervix, uterus and appendages, and the development of incendiary diseases. In addition, a characteristic feature of gardnerella is its ability to develop without respite, because it is in an anaerobic medium.


Factors that help reduce the growth of lactic acid bacteria (Doderlein sticks), which provoke the growth of gardnerella and other mentally pathogenic microbes, can be divided into two groups:

Change your mind:

  • a hopelessly sexual life;
  • violation of the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • tight and squeezing lower whiteness and trousers from synthetics (perishing the access of sour to the state organs);
  • zastosuvannya schodnyh pads and zlovzhivannya vaginal tampons;
  • destroyed ecology;
  • improper eating, diet (not enough lactic acid products, vitamins);
  • mischief by douching and using manual contraception (candles, spermicides);
  • Intensive treatment with antibiotics.

Internal causes:

  • the presence of endocrine diseases;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • chronic stress, lack of sleep;
  • vaginess;

Symptoms of Gardnerella

The incubation period of infection is 5-10 days, but it can be extended up to 3-5 days. A pathognomic symptom of gardnerellosis is the appearance of a disease. As a rule, the stench may have a grayish-white or yellowish color.

If you are ill for a long time, then you see a green color. It is easy to get rid of gardnerellosis with other flaming diseases of pihvi, the shards of sight can smell the characteristic smell of rotten ribeye. The characteristic feature of the illness is the presence of a scorching sign of inflamed (blackened, swollen).

Approximately 30% of the patients can detect the liver and urethra, especially under the hour of the state contact and the sechovi- sion .

Gardnerellosis in humans

Active doctors are aware that gardnerellosis can be blamed on human partners. However, there are no common thoughts in this diet, but not all people are afraid of symptoms and signs of illness, as they enter the risk group.

In humans, gardnerellosis is more pronounced. There is only a small part of the discomfort during the session, which indicates the development of urethritis. From a sechivnik, there are severe sightings with a specific smell of rotten ribi.


To establish the diagnosis of gardnerellosis, it is sufficient to indicate 3 of the most possible signs:

  • scargs for sbіlshennya bіlіv іz fіkhvi;
  • designation of key cells in smears of pixie;
  • pH shift (at norm 4.5);
  • positive amniotest seen

In vaginal smears for Gram, key cells are indicated, which are nothing else, like an aggravated cells of the epithelium with gram-negative sticks attached to them.

The middle of the vaginal secretion in patients with gardnerellosis is in the range of 5.0-7.5. The amniotest is positive, due to the appearance or increase in the smell of rotten ribeye when mixed with the secretion of pineapple with 10% potassium hydroxide.

Celebration of gardnerella

Therapy for gardnerellosis in women is carried out by a gynecologist. The treatment of illness is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, preparations of metronidazole and clindamycin, which are effective against anaerobic bacteria, are tested.

Likuvannya is carried out both internally (in candles and creams), and internally (in tablets). Tampons with metronidazole or clindamycin are administered twice a day for 7-10 days. Metronidazole is administered orally in tablets of 0.25 g. (2 tablets per day). The course of tablets and tampons is 7-10 days. In parallel, it is necessary to take polyvitamins and other immunostimulants (Echinacea, Eleutherococcus, Lemongrass).

Another stage of therapy is followed by the restoration of normal microflora in pihu. For this, medical biopreparations (lactobacterin, apilak, bifidumbacterin, bifidin) are prescribed. Tampons are administered at 2.5-3 doses intravaginally for two days, the course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Likuvati chi do not likuvati state partner - the doctors have not yet shared a single thought. However, under the hour of therapy for gardnerellosis, it is necessary to achieve statutory calm. Also, during the period of convalescence, it is necessary to increase dietary intake with the introduction of sour-milk products and the conversion of malt, gostroy and brine.

Complicated forecast

By itself, gardnerellosis is a harmless disease, but it destroys the normal microflora of the psychium with the activation of mentally pathogenic microorganisms by spraying penetration into the internal organs of pathogenic microbes, which leads to the development of flamboyant diseases:

  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages;
  • urethritis and prostatitis in people;
  • a person and a woman without a child;
  • reversal of vagity and innocence;
  • inflammation of the cervix.

The prognosis for spontaneous and repeated gardnerellosis is favorable.

Gardnerellosis is a severe bacterial infection of the sebaceous system, which can be blamed on both men and women. The bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis is a wake-up call for sickness.

There are such reasons for the development of such a state infection:

  1. Parts of the change of state partners (non-protection of sexual contact, both in men and women).
  2. Untimely (do not finish often) replacement of gaskets. It is especially important during the period of menstruation, if the microflora in the pine forest is particularly infuriating and scalable to the consumption of various pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Rizke disruption of hormonal levels (may be due to the state of maturity of the period of pregnancy).
  4. There is a choice of thin pads, through which all the mind widened infections are created.
  5. Chi not dotrimannya rules of intimate hygiene.
  6. Trivale with antibiotics.
  7. A sharp decrease in the immune system.

In addition, the appearance of Gardnerella vaginalis ailments can lead to non-violent dysbacteriosis, often until the end of an unbalanced diet, various facultative pathologies of the state system, as well as the occurrence of chronic contraceptives.

All the factors that contribute to the active progress of the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis, together with a decrease in immunity, little people in such a state become very susceptible to similar illnesses. At one’s own discretion, post-mortem to a weakened immune system can be severe stress, chronic rupture, physical exhaustion of the body, or a recent illness (or surgical intervention).

There are three main ways of infection with this type of bacterial vaginitis:

  1. Sublingual penis-genital contact is the most common way of infection with such vaginosis. With this variant, it means that the bacterium can be consumed from infection to healthy people, both through traditional sexual contacts, and during anal or oral sex. A condom is not much help for cioma. In most cases, this type of contraceptive directing is less likely to prevent negligible vaginess.
  2. The vertical path of transmission of Gardnerella vaginalis changes during the next few hours. When this bacterium is hostile to the newborn child, but, fortunately, it does not develop further in the microflora, since it simply does not have enough glycogen, since this bacteria is so necessary for normal growth.
  3. Contact-on-butt path of infection can be caused by crusting with summaries of hygiene (towels, whitewash, washcloths). As soon as the bacteria gets in, they trap in the lazni or the sauna, if a person sticks around the genitals to the chest.

It is not possible to call Gardnerella vaginalis an ailment, which is transmitted exclusively by a path, by inducing more ways of infection. Regardless of the price, in most cases such a pathology manifests itself in women, as they lead an active life and often change sexual partners. There is such a pattern due to the fact that, with unprotected sexual stoic women, a healthy vaginal microflora of a woman sticks with an affected human microflora.

After that partner-carrying infection, they simply transmit the bacterium to women, yak, drinking from a friendly mind, starting to actively multiply. If it costs less to carry Gardnerella vaginalis, then the incubation period in such a case can be fatal. With whom, a person may not notice the obvious sign of illness. Regardless of the price, the ailment all the same sooner or later shows itself more often.

Moreover, the gardnella permanently ignites the immunity, the roblyach people are weakened and responsive to other pathologies. To detect non-specific vaginal anaerobes, follow-up DNA analysis, culture (smear) from organs and analysis of PCR. It is also important to work it out earlier, even if your own diagnostics and more exuberance can be saved from the development of unsafe heritage.

Gardnerella vaginalis: symptoms and diagnosis

In most cases, gardnerella vaginalis in humans practically does not manifest itself, shards often stink and are not ill with this infection themselves (there are no pronounced symptoms). Rarely, there may be a slight fuse in the urethra, small purulent sights and bil during sichovizkanni.

In more zanedbanih depressions in a person (with a three-fold lesion of gardnerella vaginalis) may develop bezplydya, inflamed testicles and prostatitis. It should be noted that 95% of all depressions in case of damage by gardnerella vaginalis people should not think about those who are guilty of ailments and infect their partner during sexual contacts.

In females, gardnerella vaginalis is accompanied by obvious inflammation processes in the uterus and cervix. The main sign of this ailment will be the appearance of mucus or rotten visions from pikhvi, as a non-specific smell of “zip ribi”.

It is especially noteworthy in case of state contact without sticking a condom. So often, in sickness, the liver is overwhelmed in the organs of the state, the appearance of sticky zhovtih visions is that of a state act. Rіdshe buvaє dyscomfort during the hour of sechovipuskannya, teasing and reddening of the mucus vagina.

important to know

The situation changes in that case, if the bacteria gardnerella vaginalis become too rich and start to harm the microflora of the woman. It is especially unsafe with reduced immunity and vaginess. For the detection of gardnerella vaginalis infection, the patient should take a smear from the pharynx (urethra for people) and rectify it for a further microscopic follow-up.

The best way, which allows you to accurately reveal the buddnik (foil) of ailment, yogo type is thin. As an additional diagnostic technique, it is recommended to have a look at a gynecologist (urologist), take an analysis for other anaerobic bacteria and convert sensitivity to bacteria using the PLR ​​method.

Gardnerellosis in women: especially manifest, not safe and lucid with vaginess

The general scheme of manifestations of gardnerellosis in women can be three stages: nose, active phase (period of manifestation of illness), damage to microflora or development of bacterial vaginosis.

After the primary infection, this venereal disease (gardnerellosis in women) "takes root" in the fox and for friendly minds begins to actively multiply.

Since the woman has a strong immune system, then, more likely for everything, more bacteria will die, so she won’t “grow root”. With this gardnerellosis, the woman has a form of wear. After the first phase, the period of active reproduction of bacteria begins. In case of illness, you will have a fever, a liver, and an unacceptable smell from state organs. Also, it is not uncommon for mucus visions to be inflamed. Even with the first appearance of these symptoms, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist, and do not check until the gardnerellosis in women will show themselves “in all beauty”.

As shown by medical practice, gardnerellosis in women can be a frequent overrun, which is often accompanied by complications. Illness is caused by the fact that the replication of bacteria changes the overall balance of the woman's microflora. In his line, he provokes the development of vaginal dysbacteriosis or dysbiosis.

When this is given, lactobacillus is given to the one who becomes already very strong, to the point of burning ailments of the system. For the same reason, it is important to diagnose and treat gardnerellosis in women at the same time. When gardnerellosis is detected in women during the period of vaginess, traditional antibiotics are blocked, stink shards can negatively infiltrate the fetus.

In such a mood, it is recommended to use special vaginal candles, as they may have a strong antimicrobial and antibacterial effect. The trivality of such jubilation is due to be chosen by the doctor individually. Also, in such a time, the patient's partner can go through therapy.

How to exalt gardnerella: different conditions before therapy gardnerella vaginalis

Before z'yasuvannyam, as it is necessary to exult gardnerella, varto say about the importance of therapy itself in the human state. On the right, due to the presence of obvious symptoms of illness, a person develops chronic inflammation and damage to the immune system. Tse, in his court, it is not possible to bring about serious damage to the state function of a person (urethritis with advanced ureaplasma, prostatitis, impaired sechovipukannya and insufficiency).

Moreover, if a person has an active nose, then with skin unprotected state contact, it infects a woman, provoking her microflora damage, a decrease in the number of brown lactobacilli and the development of dysbacteriosis. To stop the gardnelliasis in women, then the fault is to blame for the obov'yazkovo exuberance, even if it is necessary to lie down the hard functioning of the patient's state system and induce the state of reproductive function.

How to treat gardnerel with drugs

As you have been diagnosed with gardnerella vaginalis, as a way to please the qualifications of physicians, therapy is often required and carefully selected medications. Traditionally, the transfer of recognition of immunomodulatory drugs and antibiotics. Take them at least ten days later. If necessary, analyzes are repeated and, if necessary, therapy is continued.

Someone asks for food, how to exult gardnerela so that you don’t infect your partner. The reason for this is simple: for the period of therapy, it is necessary to wear an intimate bond, especially without using a condom. The gynecologist (urologist) is especially responsible for monitoring the process of conducting general therapy for the treatment of gardnerella vaginalis. How to treat an infection you know less than fakhivets, do not accept faces without recognition from someone else and do not engage in self-exaltation.

Antibiotics are even more effective in therapy. The stench is directed at suppressing the activity of bacteria. Choose the method to be used Metronidozole or Clindamycin. Vikoristovuvat їх it is possible at looking pigulok, vaginal candles or gels. Trivality of treatment with antibacterial drugs can become ten days.

At another stage, the patient needs to “populate” the microflora with “good” bacteria (lactobacteria). The most divisive methods of this group are the drugs Acilact, Lactonorm and Lactobacterin. During the period of rejoicing, the patient needs to take a special meal. The diet is rebuffed with alcohol, lubricated, fatty, licorice, beetroot and spicy.

Porridge, sour-milk products, soup, riba and vegetables become the basis of the diet. For the prevention of elimination of dysbacteriosis in the intestine, bifidobacteria (probiotics) are prescribed. Linex or Filak Forte are the most respected. A month later, after the cob of healing to the ailing, they should re-analyze it. Further therapy should be delayed depending on the results.

Gardnerella vaginaliz: how to exult for the help of traditional medicine

Folk therapy can be practiced, prote with a not very zanedbanoy camp of this disease, and under the suvorian eye of a doctor. One of the shortest recipes for such a delight is the sitz baths with additional birch brunok, chamomile or oak measles.

These growing natives may have an antibacterial effect, which will be helped by a quick bite of the infection. As an additional therapy, women are allowed to insert bandage tampons, soaked in fresh kefir. Vіn normalize the microflora of pichvi.

Gardnerella infection in humans: symptoms, complications and prevention

Gardnell infection in humans may have the following developmental stages:

  1. The period of wear, if the disease does not show up.
  2. The appearance of active replication of bacteria and the spread of gardnerella infection.
  3. The appearance of the first sign of illness in a person (sverbіzh, liver, chervoninnya, the appearance of small peaks on the head of the penis). If someone comes up at the time of the sechovipkannі that liver under the hour of the state act.
  4. Rozvitok ailments on aphids gardnerelli. A person may have balanoposthitis or urethritis.

If you don’t spread your glee at the same time, then the gardnerella infection will spread throughout the body at once from the blood, attacking not only the mucous membrane, but the organ. In such a rank, an ailing person may develop an abscess of the leg, inflammation of the sich mihur, sepsis and Reiter's syndrome.

Varto nobility, scho іnfektsiya gardnerella, as if it will be revealed with vaginostі, zdatna viklikati cystitis, frontal canopies, infection of the fetus or yogo people with anomalies. Moreover, the woman has a gardnerella infection with a chronic infection of the blood, chronic inflammation, deterioration of the work of the sich mikhura, and impaired reproductive function.

To reduce the risk of infection with gardnerella infection, follow the following medical recommendations:

  1. Women on the river pass the control of the obstezhennia at the gynecologist (at the urologist for people) and take the analysis from the venereologist.
  2. Mothers of a constant sexual partner and a unique vipadical state relationship. With inconsistent state partners, it’s always necessary to flirt with a condom.
  3. At the same time, exult the ailments of the state system, as if to increase the risk of development of gardnerel infection.
  4. Wear white only from natural fabrics.
  5. Relatively dorimuvatsya іntimnoї hygієni.
  6. Strengthen your immunity (go in for sports, avoid stress, fully eat).
  7. At the same time, do not greet others with special hygiene, and do not allow them to take their own towels too thinly. inspire loved ones.