Prick in m'yaz. Where robiti vnutrishnyom'yazovy prick? Newly needed skills to give injections

Update: Zhovten 2018

First, lower yourself an intravenous injection in the bed, change your mind, that the nurse from the polyclinic or a medical practitioner, that he is alive, is impatient. In times of acute need, you can make an injection yourself, even if you follow the rules of singing.

Preparation stage

Before the first injection, you should add all the necessary attributes:

  • syringes - specially designed for intravenous injection, with a double needle and a volume of 2 to 5 cubes (cm3);
  • written by a doctor– for retail or powder (which will require additional breeding);
  • cotton pads, bags or sterile medical cotton wool;
  • antiseptic rozchin- "Miramistin", "Chlorhexidine", special servettes or other products for injections, in case of severe depression - vodka burner, alcohol cologne.

Medicinal alcohol is more foldable - wine is sold in minimal bottles and requires a doctor's prescription.

training stage

As an object of training pіdіyde be-like a child of a soft toy. Golovna, that she had a clearly defined protected zone - the southern region. Putting її to the faces down, thoughts to divide one of the seats into chotiri parts - quadrants. The center of the upper right (on the right side) or the upper left (on the left) will be a zone, in which it is necessary to introduce a head.

Next, take the syringe with the needle to the right hand and try to insert the needle with one light post (bavo). The syringe above the seat should be in a vertical position. The problem is the very moment of a puncture - the goal was given to enter without a reshkod.

In exactly the same way, it seems to be blamed for injections in the m'yazi of a person - a change in the look of the shkir and an easier passage of the m'yazovyh fabrics.

Procurement rules

Select the place of injunction at the borders of the outer-upper quadrant of the transmission day:

  • the uniqueness of repeated injections at the already strengthened and stabbed earlier dolyanki,
  • in moles, hemangiomy,
  • capillaries, which clearly shine through.

In order to properly inject the internal tongue into the seat, it is necessary:

  1. Relatively wimiti hands іz darling. If there are no manicures (double, with helium overlays), then the area under them should be cleaned with a special shield. Expanse under the nails - a place of mass accumulation of all disease-producing bacteria.
  2. Take three bags (cotton discs).
  3. Soak the bag first in an antiseptic rozchinі, resolutely wipe your hands (not forgetting about nails).
  4. Open the package with a syringe. Do not stick out the cannula of the neck, carefully pick it up. Put on the table (in the package).
  5. If a medicinal preparation is to be taken in ampoules, then another bag is taken, which urinates in antiseptics. Gently apply to the top of the ampoule (because of the factory incision, marked with a dot), crack. If necessary, you can cut the head of the ampoule with a special file (go together with the medication).
  6. The syringe is twisted, the cap is lifted from the new one. Insert the head into the ampoule (do not stick out the walls and the bottom), pick up the faces. They are spared too much wind - carefully watching yoga for the help of the piston.
  7. With the third bag, wipe the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe possible injection. Trochs bring the hand back - three to five centimeters, and with a slight bavovnoy carry out the injection. The site of the injection is chosen late - you can paint a spot on the new iodine for relief.
  8. After the introduction, the faces are pressed with a cotton bag, where the neck has gone, then we will pull up. The cotton pad is still close to the hvilin.
  9. Mіsce іn'єktsіy nebhіdno vіyno zmіnyuvati - to frighten the establishment of hard laborers. Physicians recommend the first injection of a baby on the skin with iodine sitka - as a warming up that additional infection.
  10. If the medicinal preparation is in the form of a powder, then the procedure is increased by one stage. The ampoule with a different opening opens up in that order, from the lids of the vial the foil is removed, the gummed cap is infected with an antiseptic. Gained in ampoules, rіdina is injected into the vial, then it is resolutely mixed (the syringe is water-creamed from the neck at the moment it is suffused). After the introduction of a homogeneous rod, instead of a vial, it is drawn into a syringe, further away the introduction is followed by a sizable scheme.

After injection, all vikoristan bags, syringes are obov'yazkovo disposed of.

Main pardons

  1. Incorrectly entered code– internal inspections are to be carried out at a temperature of 90 degrees. If you change the parameters, you should have a drink with the fat-fat cell tissue and not in the line.
  2. Povіlne, nekaplivny insertion of the head- calling out painfully ill, that distant hysterical fear of injections.
  3. Vision of the head under another kut- Change directly threatening to break off the head with a tip and step on the trauma point for yoga treatment.
  4. Violation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Filthy hands, insufficiently cleansed area of ​​​​in'єktsії causing a mіstsevu igniter reaction with pus, necrosis and the need for trial treatment with antibiotics (also in the form of injections). The best option is surgical removal of old fabrics, scars and scars on their joints (div.).
  5. Wrong procedure- "in the distance" the sciatica nerve seems to be injured, as the disabled-visitors feel. Sensitivity of the afflicted kіntsіvki can be changed from 4 to 48 years old. All the whole hour the foot cannot be heard - stand on it, it is impossible to bend.
  6. Postiyni іn'єktsії in one point- Call mimovilne scarring, like vimagatima trival physiotherapeutic procedures for renewal. The best result is the surgical removal of the problematic house.

The most significant pardons are extended to the widest, in fact, the list can be extended indefinitely. The one who incorrectly injected the injection internally, clearly understands that the instructions for injection are not written in a vipadkovo manner.

Where can I get an injection around the side of the bed?

In medical practice, it is allowed to carry out manipulations in the bag of quilting that hand. In both vipads, a large fold is created with a free hand, an injection is made in the yak.

Actually, this type of internal language procedures is more painful and requires advanced care - with the wrong technique, blood-bearing judges and nerve endings can be damaged. Before deciding on the assignment of options, it is necessary to read the main method.

Yak robiti is not more painful

The main fear of injections people see through bіl or yogo ochіkuvannya.

  • In order to change, to recommend patients to maximally relax the sinuses (for this reason, it is necessary to introduce people to lie on their stomachs on a flat surface).
  • Preparations that indicate pain when administered (for example, vitamin B12), should be administered properly.
  • Part of the dry speech (for example, the antibiotic Ceftriaxone) is diluted with local anesthetics (Novokain, Lidokain) to reduce pain.
  • Oils of difference (progesterone, testosterone) should be heated up to 30-40 degrees Celsius before heating up to 30-40 degrees Celsius with a water heater or a device to increase the difference.

If in the field there is an improvement, otherwise it’s bad, so that the blue breeze rose more, so that the capillary’s wickedness is hidden in the past, then:

  • bark with iodine mesh,
  • heparin or troxevasin ointment (remaining applied to the lot with a thin ball of two for a day not older than tyzhny),
  • inappropriately rozmoktuyut infiltrate and hematomas and alcohol compresses.

Pohibki and subtle injections

  • As for the syringe in the process of preparation before the manipulation, not everything was seen again, but it did not end up in the muck. Risks of concomitant embolism are less likely to be used for internal and internal arterial manipulations.
  • In that case, if the judge is close to the top of the seat, or the head has grown to the capillary, after this point, blood drops can be pumped. It’s better to hide the incomprehensible, lower the injection. I will apply an antiseptic servlet varto with a finger to touch the throat with a normal system of throat, such bleeding swells for a couple of whilins.
  • It’s like a seat over a mitzna, and the neck with a rapt, like a diva, bent under the hour of introduction - there’s no need to re-spin. Upon completion of the injection, the crooked neck is pulled up with a standard method.
  • Like a needle was injected far away, but a syringe jumped out of it - it doesn’t threaten the stabbed in any way. Deyakі medical sisters with professional bravado practice on the back of the head, after coming to her with a syringe with a difference.
  • It is not recommended by home forces to work in pain in the shoulder, to patients with diabetes mellitus, and to patients with bedsores on the seats.
  • The height of virtuosity is to stab the inner tongue, stab yourself. There are obvious advantages in people due to their strong physical training and thin waist. The stench can, without special efforts, turn the upper part of the body so that they stab themselves at the upper part of the seat. For the same purposes, you can speed up with a great mirror, according to the image in which you can manually mark the place for an injection. Natomist in people with solid dimensions is less safe in the front surface of the quilt.

The video miraculously demonstrates the technique of staging an injection in the seat.

Internal injections, in a simple way, an injection into the nursery, is the easiest and most effective method of treating a sick patient. Zavdyaky to the fact that the faces are consumed without intermediary in the m'yazovі fibers, the stench of the swedish hour expands throughout the whole organism and gives the opportunity to feel relief as quickly as possible. Intravenous language, for internal control, you can work and posture as a hospital - if you need to take a course of healing, you can work on your own injections or ask relatives. Ale, how to properly work to inject in the middle, so that you don’t blame the negative experiences of the day? About tse you rozpovist our article.

You can prick a syringe at the yak place on the side

Navit not respecting those who are in the middle of nowhere, do not make anything easy, it’s important to know the place where you can inject a syringe with a medicinal brand.

At the principle, on the body of a person, there are three months, destashed the largest number of "safe" m'yazyv - saddles, quilts, hands. All the stinks may be the same amount of m'yazovoi mass, which is necessary for the swedish wetting of the faces and widening of the yogo along the body, the prote is the most beautiful and overturned place for the internal' yazovyh іn'єktsіy - the middle region. Here itself there is a large number of required fibers, and there are fewer unsafe zones, lower on other plots.

The best and safest place on the side is the upper third. In order to better understand where to find the place, during the first injection, you can identify the visual area behind the help of iodine and cotton swabs. Ask the sick person to lie down on the couch or lie down, tighten the clothes lower than the seat and spread the right seat right in the middle of the shoulder horizontally, then vertically. At the klitins, the upper right square - those places where you can inject an injection without worrying. When you re-enter the mark, you won’t need it, the chips will be left with a small point in the earlier carried out inspection and orientation will be easier.

Which syringe to choose for internal language injections

So, as the procedure itself is injectable on the introduction of the neck in the soft fabric, the neck is guilty of breaking through the skin, the lower ball and drinking it into the middle of the skin, for the best that soft rose. Self-taught healers should remember that syringes with a short needle for these purposes are not suitable for the same rank, so that the injection does not seem to be an internal language, but a false one, that you can heavily blamed for side effects. Syringes of 2 ml are not suitable for injections into the nursery. It is necessary to take syringes with a double head, for example, 5 ml or more. Naturally, on the choice of the syringe, it also adds a number of differences, what to inject, so you were called upon to independently carry out internal language infusions, knowing the back of the instructions, the number of the taken medical order, etc. then buy the syringes of the necessary refills.

Internal languages ​​in your own life, or a close person, you can work only after the resolute vikonnanny of advancing minds:

Obrobka that mitt of hands
Before that, in order to begin to carry out health-improving procedures for your patient, you are obliged to wear your hands with a sweet one and apply an antiseptic. Tsey zahіd is more important and does not follow him nehtuvat, shards are in direct contact with the blood, microbes and bacteria from your hands can go to the skin of the sick and take the blame for the inflamed. In order to overcome such negative situations, it is better to change hands, first to show one’s skills as a “doctor”, to clean one’s hands from the presence of microbes.

Preparing a medical check up to the instructions
Since your hands are clean, and you have a better reputation for doing good work, read the instructions for the drug once and do everything as it is written in the annotation. It is possible that it is necessary to dilute with novocaine, lidocaine or sodium chloride as a medicinal product in the form of a powder, it is possible, it is necessary to dilute it with sodium chloride (obv'yazkovo z іnstruktsiєyu! If the drug is in a rare form, then it will be ready again (look at the instructions again!).

Before that, in order to start preparing the openings, or fill the syringe with the mother, carry out antiseptic procedures again: spray the surface of the vial with a swab, wipe the ampoule before spitting. In order not to worry about the hour of the injection, prepare a cotton bag and lightly soak it with alcohol (you can speed up with an alcohol servlet, which will make it easier to work and help not to get over the right amount of alcohol).

Preparation of the patient before the injection
After that, everything is prepared before the injection, the time has come to return to the patient. Ask Yogo to lie down on the couch, or just lightly, so that you don’t cause sharp fluctuations at the hour of the introduction of the head. It is not necessary for the grown-up to conduct any preparatory talks, but the axis of the child is obligatory morally prepared, otherwise, with a far injection of the syringe, you are tormented by strong crying and screams.

Explain to the Malyukovs that an injection is necessary to work for swedish clothing, that it does not cause severe pain, but simply feels the bite of a mosquito. Do your best to help the child, praise his courage.

Disinfection of the injection area
If the patient is lying on his back, and the upper part of the seat is open, disinfection can be carried out. We prepare with a cotton swab to smear the surface of the shkir with a cotton swab, to treat the very area where you are going to inject the syringe. Do not boast and do not strain yourself, otherwise praise may be seen by your patient and the procedure may not go far.

The procedure itself

Open the syringe, sharply inject yoga into the area to be disinfected, and carefully, do not press hard on the injection plunger, introducing the faces into the m'yazovu tissue. The needle of the syringe is guilty, but it is introduced into the skin by three quarters - for such an average size, the optimal ball of tissue for injection is reached. Pull the syringe with a sharp hand, so as not to cause additional pain.

Re-treatment of the skin of the sick
After that, like a syringe of fluctuations, put a piece of cotton wool on the wound, which you have swallowed. To reduce pain, you can anoint the injection site, rub it with your hands. Tse also allow the yaknaishvidshy widening of faces over the entire body.

If you have the honor to independently carry out internal lingual injections, familiarize yourself with the instructions for the preparation, take care of the disinfection and carry out all visits with yourself. With careless lamenting hands, you can no longer make it strong, we’ll prepare ourselves morally for that, and then we’ll give an injection. Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Video: how to properly inject

Unfortunately, a human being is not insured against illness. As an effective therapy, many doctors prescribe injections, as it is necessary to put them internally. If the patient does not rejoice at the hospital, he will have to come to the polyclinic every day, defend the majestic cherga, so that by stretching a lot of whilin the medical sister will give you an injection. It is possible to hide these folds, so as to put injections in the minds of the home. Tse is not so coherent, as it seems at first glance. Hurrying up with prompts at the sight of a photo and a video, it is correct to make a prick of the internal language in the middle of the day to appear only a few quills.

Preparation before injection

The introduction of medical supplies for additional infusions at the nursery is passed on to the pastors of the current preparatory work. The key benefit is dotrimannya hygiene. The very same basic rule of preparation before the end of the injection is the mitt of the hands.

  1. It is also necessary to prepare in advance everything that can be in good fortune for the victorious internship. Next take:
  2. sterile syringe;
  3. the drug itself;
  4. cotton wool;
  5. blade for opening ampoules;
  6. medical alcohol and special servings.

Note! Sob the injection would be as painless as possible, varto prepare a thin one and a long time.

Note! It is not less important to name the place, not only for medical attributes, but also for the patient himself.

Where is it right to give an injection at the nurse?

If everything is prepared for the introduction of the injection, proceed to the choice of the right place for the injection on the day. Chop at the davit behind the vlasnym bazhannami to be fenced. The place can be correctly identified. For this varto, visually divide the seat into two equal parts. An injection to fight in the village, I spread it closer to the upper edge of the saddle.

Tsikavo! Why choose the same place? All on the right, it lies in the fact that the neck can pierce the fat ball, rotting under the skin. In addition, there is a place for the introduction of intravenous language in the middle of the day, a sufficient obliga- tion of m'yazovo's mass, but it is also a good place for the accumulation of nerves and great vessels. For this reason, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe side is optimally suited for that, in order to correctly introduce faces internally for an additional injection.

The food is important, the shards of the introduction of an injection in another region of the country can be brought up to:

  • atrophy of m'yaziv;
  • the strongest attacks of pain;
  • sciatic nerve injury;
  • spend the sensitivity of the quilt.

Robimo injection

Correctly work an injection at the bedside - you can do the magic, which you can fully learn. Relying on a simple instruction, accompanied by a photo and a video, it doesn’t matter to master the technique of injecting an internal injection into the day.

  1. For the cob varto correctly put the patient on the couch. Then the vibrane on the seat is wiped with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. It is necessary for her to irritate the necessary child, collapsing in the intergluteal fold to the edge. Faces should be injected into the area, as if it was dried up in alcohol.
  2. It is necessary to put a hand on the seat so that the segment for the injection is designated so as not to pinch the nerve. The neck is inserted quickly and deeply. Up to the shkіri on the seats in the middle of the base may be over 2-3 mm.

Syringe valve slid troch pull the veins.

Get respect! It’s clear that blood is injected into the syringe, then the head was sipped into a bowl. In such a case, it is necessary to choose another place on the side for the introduction of faces through an injection.

  1. Dali need to press on the piston and inject the drug. Recommended to children as much as possible. In another case, the drug may be strongly separated tissue. In such a situation, the result of an injection in the middle is a sore bump, or blue. In most cases, similar resolutions under the skin of the rozmoktuyutsya to finish the trival hour.
  2. Let's sweat the head out of the skies. The place, where the drug is administered on the side, is pressed with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. It is necessary to take doti, blood docks after an injection in the middle do not bulge.

Can you get an intralingual injection from the bed of your own person?

Independently inject an injection at the bedside - a whole real task. Ale varto vyznati, scho to do it smoothly and unhandily. Adzhe correctly designate a square, for which one needs to work an injection, it’s important. To this very thing, before him, as an independent vikonuvat necessary diy, varto work out with an injection, standing in front of the mirror. It is recommended to turn around to the new one in pivobert. You can lie on the bed on the sofa or right on the bed. Golovna, that the couch was equal and zhorstkoy. Tse allow the injection process to be more controlled.

Video: how to properly rob an injection in the middle

Now you know how to properly inject an injection at the seat. And to make sure you don’t get pardons at your best help, look at the video-instruction.

Іn'єktsії need not so often. Most drugs are taken in the form of tablets, however, a number of types of drugs are not available:

  • the drug is not released in tablet form;
  • a strong vomit reflex affects the ailment of the face;
  • in lower epidemiological situations, for example, injuries, bleeding, severe pain. Through injection, the drug penetrates more quickly into the bloodstream and begins to die.

Ideally, it is the medical practitioner who is responsible for injecting the injection, who may be able to enlighten and practical knowledge. However, the services are not always available, it is important for him to know about the special features of the injections. Even if you put them in the wrong place, straight ahead, without proper processing, the pierced place and the syringe can be applied to the body.

How to properly rob an injection at the seat

It doesn’t matter if it’s an internal injection, it’s not important to master such a skill, if necessary, put an injection on yourself, dear child, grown-up relatives, comrades in service, then. Golovnya, stab respectfully, exclaiming praise and nervousness, be careful.

Important to know! Nav_scho and where to roble internal language injections:

  • іn'єktsiї at m'yaz spriyat shvidkoy zavoєnnyu drug, vydpovіdno i dіyati vіn vіn vynaє shvidshe. Zavdyaki vysokіy concentration in the m'yazovіy tissue of blood-bearing vessels, the medicinal plant quickly penetrates into the blood, mixes with its components, is transported to the point of destination;
  • The cream of the side oil of the internal language can be put into the hand or stably, but in the remaining two vikonations it is important to do everything correctly, and there is a risk of damage to the nerves and brushes. It is recommended that without medical education, it is recommended not to rizikuvat, but to surround oneself with a “filial part”.

Next step to prepare the singing inventory:

  • sterile cotton;
  • medical alcohol;
  • syringe vіdpovіdny obyagu;
  • faceless faces;
  • a drink that helps open the ampoule. As a rule, they are sold in sets with faces.

Please! As if you are on the verge of more than one injection, but the whole course of healing, it would be wise to put everything you need in a special package like a cosmetic bag, so that you don’t spend an hour on the pick.

Obov'yazkovі pіdgotovchі come in:

  1. the hands of a person, as if performing a procedure, may be refreshed with sterile cleanliness. It is recommended not only to resolutely wear them, but also to put on medical gloves;
  2. for further disinfection, we recommend 4 soaking cotton swabs in alcohol;
  3. With one of the tampons we wipe the ampoule with faces, gently sip the tip, vikoristovuyuchi special liquor.
    In the front, we are strashuєmo її, so that they raise the bulbs across the mountain. For expansion, the ampoules are squeezed with another tampon. If you don’t varto report the supra-mundane zusils, otherwise you can pore over and allow fragments to fall into the middle of the gap;
  4. quite reminiscent of the syringe with faces. Dali lifted yoga uphill, gently tapped with a finger, slammed the piston upright, lifted the faces on the syringe uphill. After a repeated exit, a drop of medication is applied to the tip of the head.

Oil injection at the nursery

Bagatiokh tsіkavit, why oily injections are more important. All on the right in a great consistency of such a variety. You need a tovstіsha head, so before taking the preparation, it is necessary to warm up the yoga to body temperature, squeezing it in your hands.

After the introduction of the head, then pull the piston on yourself, so that the blood does not tighten, which means that the judges are not hooked. Otherwise, it is possible to cure medical embolism, eat food and eat tissues at the injection site. Usuvayutsya slіdki at times less at likarnі.

Important! With the introduction of the oil rozschin to control, shchob vіn not spent at the roof.

How to learn how to work and inject in the middle

Before that, as a first injection, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the main nuances of this procedure. Information about them in an accessible form can be video-lessons, posted on various Internet resources. Giving a roller in an accessible form is rozpovist, like putting an injection, in the yak area to prick.

Remember, everyone can learn and master new skills. There is nothing coherent at the vikonan’s injections, it’s more important to show respect, neatness.

Kudi robiti injection at the seat

Lyudina, who was embarrassed to give an internal injection, is guilty of clearly understanding that it is necessary to inject only in the right place. Otherwise, for your lack of information, you can simply injure the person who trusted you.

To designate, as a part of the side, it is necessary to put an injection, visually divide it into 4 parts. On the back, the injection zone can be explored for additional iodine.

The diagram below shows how the area should be injected. The ground is fenced in the two lower squares, the first upper one, through its proximity to the ridge, also extends to the zones where it is not possible to stab.

By the exclusion method, we are left with one area where it is necessary to put injections - the upper outer square. They have great blood-bearing judges, not so rich in nerve endings and close-to-stitched brushes. Plus to everything, in the middle of the hallus the risk is taken to the sidnic nerve - minimal.

It is also important to know not only how to work, but how to work tsyu diyu. For example, if injections of meloxicam or diclofenac (popular analgesic drugs) are given, they should be taken as deep as possible for swedish consumption in the blood.

Technique for injection in the middle

A lot of information from nurses is written to the intuitive understanding of how to put injections and how deep (inject the head on the scales) for a painless introduction of the licks. Similar beginners come from fates, the correct positioning of the hand is the result of a great practical knowledge.

Point the rules below to show how to enter the head correctly:

  • the patient needs to take a supine position. However, in emergency situations, injections can be administered internally and standing;
  • in front of him, like inserting a neck, next to close (lightly smear) the seat for an indentation that has been hidden after the front injections. If you inject it in such a place, it will be obvious that you will not receive that pain, and the medication will disperse through the tissues for a long time. About those, how to relax the seat before the injection, to change the pain, you know, having read the article to the end;
  • having disinfected the injection site, let it dry again;
  • surround the injection site by placing your hand on the seat. The introduction is a little slow, but deep. Here, it’s more important to introduce the head with a hint. The glibina is guilty of such a thing, that the base of the head did not reach the shkіri less than a sprat of millimeters;
  • the piston of the troch syringe is pulled on itself, to overturn, that the vessel is not hooked up and that blood is not drawn into the syringe. Otherwise, it is necessary to put an injection before the next month;
  • the introduction of a medical zasobu is driven by a path of pressure on the piston. It’s more appropriate to fight, otherwise the tissues may break up, a hematoma will settle down, which will break up for a trivaly hour.
  • After curing the neck, the injection site is treated with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.
    Significantly, that the head of the head is not guilty of being too short, otherwise the faces will not be squandered at the m'yaz, but simply will be introduced under the shkir.

Reduce the soreness of the eye to help in the recovery of the patient, the nurse will tell you how to rob an injection at the bedside with a blunder. This process is supported by the fact that before the injection, the seat should be spanked, and then only stabbed.

Like a painless injection

Spread the injection painlessly and safely handle the science, the cream described by the “splashing” method, there are still a few secrets:

  1. It is not more painful to put an injection in addition to the sharp introduction of the head strictly perpendicular to the injection site. The introduction of likiv vіdbuvaєtsya povіlno that smoothly;
  2. the head is also removed perpendicularly, the injection site is pressed forward with cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

Learn how to be shy, if it's not easy, it's more of a psychological barrier. How to stop being afraid to put injections? Vіrniy sposіb - zdіysniti tsyu procedure on your own.

Syringe for an injection in the middle

How to trim the syringe and inject the drug you have recognized more. However, self-taught nurses are guilty of memory, for the effectiveness of the procedure, it is important, like a syringe, to inject.

The head is not guilty of being short, even for the optimal distribution of the preparation, the head, which is to be administered, is guilty of breaking through the skin and the sub-shkirny ball, moving into the middle of the m'yaza. Short needles are not suitable for this, the optimal volume is 5 ml or more.

How to make an injection at the bedside in the home minds

You can give an injection internally on your own, without getting caught in the presence of any outsiders. The food is about those who can learn how to improve their fortune, even if it’s like a newcomer, it’s very useful in emergency situations.

Fakhіvtsі stverdzhuyut, that everything is possible for proper legality, prote similar beginners should stop more like an emergency, even if it’s right to conduct an “execution” yourself, don’t worry. Robiti іn'єktsії in such a position is not only unhandy, but I threaten with innuendos:

  • neakіsna obrobka injection site;
  • nepovne zaprovadzhennya necks;
  • falling into a vessel;
  • deformation of the head through the m'yazova prugu.

Significantly, that the nurse herself may not inject a skin injection, in this situation the role of a psychological barrier plays a role.

At the article, I will tell you how to properly inject in the nursery for grown-up children, I will give them a classification, I will share a lot of wild joys and blue recommendations.

Not all faces are introduced into the body through an empty mouth. Deyakі preparations at the shulnku ruynuyutsya, dratuyuchi mucosa, and long time to get wet at the roof.

Since the advent of disposable syringes, injections have become much easier. Inject shy at the vein, m'yazi chi pid shkir. Although internal inference conveys the obviousness of practice, rightness, knowledge of the anatomy of a person, then internal language and fluency easily lend themselves to independent introduction in domestic minds.

For us, practice on models - іgrashtsі or pillows. Such training, in addition to taking a praise, that vpevneno introduce the head. Once you get a newbie, you can practice on a living person. I’ll admit, the article describes only more general recommendations, and whether it’s better to work with a medical mortgage.


  1. Like a dummy pidide gumov іgrashka, an empty syringe that needle.
  2. Fill the syringe with water. Pull the piston until it stops.
  3. Trimati syringe with the right hand for the base.
  4. On the model, vibrati poukla dіlyanka and zrobiti prick under a straight kutom to the surface.
  5. After the insertion of the needle, it is safe to see it correctly in the syringe.
  6. Touching the neck with the middle finger, pull, pulling the syringe.

Practice docks and learn how to insert the head into the whole depth without dents and ribs.

Preparation before injection

  1. Kindly wimiti hands dear. Wash your fingers with an alcohol swab.
  2. Take a disposable syringe and take a needle.
  3. File an ampoule with a medicinal preparation and remove the upper edge with an alcohol cotton ball. So at the ampoule do not squander the tricks of the warehouse.
  4. Take from the neck a zahisny kovpachok and do not hasten to gain faces.
  5. With a light pressure on the piston, release the 3 syringes again, which has been drained into the new one. As a result, there is less face left in the middle.

Internal injection

  1. Divide the bed of an ailing thought into 4 parts. For internal use, the upper outer part is victorious.
  2. The whole area of ​​the center of the region is resolutely covered with alcohol. Insert the head perpendicular to the body.
  3. After refueling the medication, remove the head by pressing the injection point with a swab.

Underarm injection

  1. Bare the ailing shoulder.
  2. Squeeze the upper part of the shoulder with your fingers, wipe it with alcohol and insert the head. Kut prick 45 degrees.
  3. Having completed the introduction of the liquid, remove the head, and apply an alcohol swab to the injection point.

Detailed plan of injections at the nursery

It is not so easy to make an injection more firmly in life. You need masculinity and rіshuchіst. It is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe to patients with a bugatoriasis internal language injections. Without a doubt, you can’t find a polyclinic. You left alone - trust the manager of a close person.

I'll tell you, like a robiti prick in the seat, so that the nervous system of the ailing person recognizes the minimal shkodi. Golovne, respect and patience.

  1. Ask the ailing one to help him lie down and relax the mud in the middle. Otherwise, painful sights cannot be lost.
  2. Designate the insertion point of the head. Divide the seat into 4 regions, and rob the injection in the uppermost part.
  3. Treat the area with cotton wool soaked in alcohol.
  4. The top of the ampoule, to avenge the faces, file it with a file and make a kinchik.
  5. Take the drug from the syringe, then turn it upside down and tap it down on the base. Povіtrya climb uphill, after which you can see it with a light pressure on the piston.
  6. Insert the head sharply and perpendicularly to change the bіl. To escape getting into a blood-bearing vessel, pull the head of the troch on yourself.
  7. Likuvalny zasib introduce it smoothly.
  8. Wiymati golku slid sharply under a straight cut. For the next place, press down with an alcohol swab. After the completion of the procedure, ailments are guilty of trochs to lie down, so that the faces rose up.

How robiti inject yourself

It is traditional to give an injection to another person. Ale deyaki try to work the procedure on their own.

It is necessary to take care, so that the injection worked in the sanitary minds. Otherwise, infection is possible. It is not for nothing that someone should go to the liquor for injections, where cleanliness is achieved. Like to drink on the head drank, which in any apartment is not enough, the level of infection is high.

Self-sufficient injection at the nursery

  1. You need an ampoule with faces, alcohol, a cotton swab, a syringe.
  2. Bare the seat and visually divide it into 4 parts. The injection is administered at the upper left part of the side.
  3. Cut the ampoule and open the upper part. Take the syringe out of the package, take out the cap, insert the cap into the ampoule and collect the faces.
  4. Obov'yazkovo let out of the syringe again.
  5. With a bag of cotton wool soaked in alcohol, wipe the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seat.
  6. Take a syringe and insert the needle under a straight cut at 70% її dozhini.
  7. It was not enough to administer the drug correctly, wilt the head and apply an alcohol cotton swab.


Self-injection at the vein

Such an injection will require a certificate of mastery. It’s wrong to do it wrong, blueberries will be left on the hands, and the place for the injection is very sick. If you don’t let it happen again, such an injection will appear unsafe.

  1. Prepare a syringe, a cotton swab, an ampoule of the drug, alcohol, a belt and a tourniquet.
  2. As soon as they got faces at the syringe, pull the arm over the biceps with a harness.
  3. It’s not enough to pop your fist and tap on your hands to reveal the largest vein. Wipe well with alcohol.
  4. Take a syringe and aim. Don’t just pierce the day, but stick your head in it.
  5. After hitting the vein, loosen the constriction and it is necessary to administer the medication.
  6. After the completion of the procedure, put an alcohol swab on the injection site, straighten the neck, bend the arm in the elbow gloom, squeeze the cotton wool and bud.

Іn'єktsії in deyakih vipadki to shy at the shoulder, groin and feel alive.

How to give injections to children

Occasionally, children are treated internally with the introduction of medicinal preparations. I recommend at this time to go to a professional nurse.

It is also possible to request a qualified physician every day to need an injection.

As soon as the synergist recognizes the injections, it is necessary to go to the pharmacy and come to all the necessary. Before the list of speeches include:

  • a drug
  • disposable syringe
  • medical alcohol


  1. Obrobit hands, vikoristovuyuchi cute or disinfectant zasib.
  2. Internally, injections are taken to work in the ass. To determine the place of the injection, divide the child's seat into 4 segments. Injection work in the upper part of the upper part.
  3. Take care of the wind and calm. Vіd tsogo lie down the ease of entry of the head.
  4. As a rare drug, open an ampoule, unpack a syringe, take a needle and collect faces. Like faces of powder, in front of the water.
  5. See the syringe bulbs again. Shake the syringe and lightly press on the plunger. As soon as a drop of the drug appears, clean it with a tampon.

Injection technique

  1. With soft hands, anoint the side. Masazhuvati with warm hands, not straining the m'yazi, which are being massaged.
  2. Wipe the injection site with an alcohol swab.
  3. With your left hand, pick up the shkir of the side of a small fold.
  4. With a sharp move, insert the head under a straight cut. The seat can lose 75% of the head.
  5. Press the plunger with your thumb and inject the drug in full.
  6. Apply an alcohol tampon up to the entrance of the neck, promptly winyat and cover the puncture with a tampon, so that you can see it.

Most of the vipadkivs of people have to cough, where it is necessary to rob the injections. Inner-Language inn'єktsії squirm in the middle of the day. Introduce other faces at the front of the stehna.

It is important that the patient is lying down, so the m'yazi relaxes, and the neck is penetratingly painless. To stand m'yazi quickly, the head may be cracked or bent.

  1. Good hands.
  2. Shake the ampoule, tap on the tip and wipe it with an alcohol swab.
  3. The skin rach with ampoules has a nail file. Sip the neck of the ampoule on it with a stake, squeeze the trochs, and let it go.
  4. Take a syringe, take a needle, take a cold cap and collect faces.
  5. Trimati syringe vertically with a needle to the top. So that the bulbs rose again, enough to tap on the syringe with a nigtic. Lightly press on the piston, docks on the end of the head do not show up a drop of liquid.
  6. Sprinkle the injection site with alcohol.
  7. If the patient is not aware of the hour of the insertion of the neck, the skin at the point of injection of the troch is stretched.
  8. It is recommended to insert the head with one swipe, practically everything.
  9. With the introduction of likiv, do not hurry.
  10. Vityagnut head and press down to the point of injection with an alcohol cotton swab.

How to work a prick of intestines in the withers and internally

Like a domestic kitty, the gut fell ill on a swedish coat, helping to prick at the withers cleanly. Described below is the approach for dogs.

  1. It is necessary to turn around with your fear. The bowel is easily aware of nervousness. If you see that calmness, the creature will also calm down.
  2. Most often, the intestines are administered internally, or injections into the withers. In the first one, an injection is made to fight in the back area of ​​the quilt, in the other - at the crease on the scruff of the neck.
  3. Procedures are easier to work in two. One person is guilty of taking the gut and trying to calm down, and stabbing the other.
  4. It is better to inject with an insulin syringe, the shards may be severe and thin. For the first time, don’t spill your gut, fill up a syringe in advance.

Under the neck

Let's talk about the pidshkirna injection. As if you were getting ready, filled the syringe, let it out again, messed around with the correct dosing, you can shukat the place for the injection.

  1. A cotton swab should be zanurited at an alcohol level and wiped over the place of the injection.
  2. Put a fold of collar on the scruff of the neck, pull it lightly, wipe it with alcohol and insert the neck. You can administer a drug.
  3. It is necessary to be careful and do not hurry. Only in this moment you will not pierce the nape of the neck, and the creature does not take away the pain sensations.