More after the curtains. How can I change it after the canopies? Soreness in the crotch after the canopies

Today's website for moms, let your dear readers know about the difficult times postnatal period with a living woman. Beginning from that wonderful day when the long-awaited baby was born, and over the course of eight years in the body of the young mother, portal development of organs, which have been changed due to the importance. In the same way, the formation of the function of milk buds is expected.

For most women, the postnatal period becomes difficult, as it is necessary to trim it as soon as possible. To ease this period, ease the pain after the tops and turn your body to a forward position, you need to know the backbone important times, which the site will share with you

  1. Be prepared to the point where your body will be transformed from what it was before the curtains. Folds on the abdomen, excessively large breasts, problems and other problems, which affect the mood of every woman. However, there is no need to worry, everything will always fall into place, especially if you are dealing with physical rights.
  2. Another point related to pain relief after the curtains, we will look at this report.

Pain in the perineum that arose after the curtains

It’s not surprising that after the birth of the child, more and more people hang out at the crotch. The process may create a rift that you may not realize if you are a vikorist. However, since the rupture did not occur, the area of ​​the perineum was still injured, otherwise how would a three-kilogram baby have passed through it?

If they gave you money, then the pain will be felt. It is especially important during the hour of laughter or chanting.

How to reduce pain to a minimum after the canopies?

  • Wake up and don’t bother with this painful place. The less you turbute, the sooner you will live.
  • It is important to keep gaskets in the refrigerator. Then, as you wear them for an hour, the smell will dull the pain a little, and you will feel more comfortable.
  • With your first hand, apply, if possible, a special cold pad, which can be supplied in the pharmacy. This is to change the whiteness and reduce the swelling.
  • Applying water to the area after the curtains will help with frequent water procedures. It is not advisable to add water to stir the salt. This can lead to teasing a painful plot.
  • Add a special pillow on which you can sit for a long time without feeling pressure on the crotch.
  • Get your thoughts on yaknaishvidsche oduzhannya. Positive thoughts have never harmed anyone!

Pain in the lower abdomen

The cause of sickness in the lower abdomen in the postnatal period is periodic shortening of the uterus, like turning around at the stake. Such pain intensifies during breastfeeding, as hormones are released that cause the uterus to shorten. This seems to be true.

Cause pain in the lower abdomen after the curtains to pass through the week after the birth of the child. To change them, follow special physical treatments and massage. The massage is done by using your fingers in a circular motion, from the navel to the sides.

If you find it difficult to bear the pain, consult your doctor about prescribing pain medications that you can use during breastfeeding.

Pain after curtains in the back

This type of pain needs to be widened. Unfortunately, such pain will not go away soon. In the process of vaginosis, if a woman had to “wear a vantage” in her stomach, it could happen displacement of the ridge axis. You may experience stretching of the sores in the abdomen and back.

Use these physical rights to change the following:

  • Take a lying position on a hard surface. Bend your right leg at the knee (as you have right-sided back pain) and bring it behind your left leg so that the toe of the right foot is under the calf of the left. Grasp the right knee with your left hand, and begin to bend the right knee to the left. Vikonuvati qiu right a few times. You can draw a picture of the status of the nig. When getting up from the frame, do not make any sudden movements, but straighten your back.
  • Lie on your back, bend your right knee and hold it with your right hand. At the same time, with your left hand, straighten your heel to your groin. After the tension in your muscles relaxes, try to repeat to the right again.

Repeat this right every day, and soon you will forget about your back pain!

Pain in the pelvic area

Another broad type of pain after the bed is pain in the pelvis. During birth, the baby opens the pelvic bones and puts a lot of pressure on the chest, which can cause injury. The separation between the cysts is called symphysiolysis And it’s best to wait until the sun rises in part.

To change the value, enter the following right:

  • Gently strain and relax the pulp. If you don’t know how to work, you will realize what is happening to your organs in the hour that you endure, rushing your ass to the toilet.
  • Move the same way to the right, just with the flesh of the anus.
  • Now try to work two cervical positions to the right at the same time.

In case of pain in the sides, take a supine position and roll over onto your left side. Place your right leg slightly forward for support. Rotate your shoulders fully to the right. Be careful, try not to be afraid of sudden movements. The left hand may stick to the right knee.

In this way, you can change a little more after the canopies across.

Special rights for the renewal of placement of young mothers after birth

Due to the woman’s hunched posture, the child’s wine-making, breastfeeding, and with frequent carrying, the unsteady position on her hands is destroyed.

In one way, it looks ugly, but in another way, it is a great detriment to one’s health.

To update the position, sign it to the right under the name "yoke". To do this, take a long club (at home, you’d go with a mop), place it behind your head horizontally and put your hands on it while you carry the yoke. In this position, bend your fingers left and right and back and forth.

Try to sit up straight from now on, and figure out how you were taught to behave when you were a child.

Pain after curtains in the musculoskeletal system

Such pain can manifest itself in different ways:

  1. Parts of you are tired, feel unwell, have a headache, and feel like you are under pressure.
  2. Meat pain in various parts of the body. It is not possible to learn about those parts of the body that hurt, otherwise they can spread to other organs.
  3. Pain in the muscles and ligaments after birth is due to the fact that they have not yet returned to tone after the birthing process.

Pain relief will help the pain-related problems that the doctor prescribes for you.

Naturally, during the postpartum period, women, in addition to painful symptoms, also experience other unpleasant moments. For example, misfortune of spilkuvaniya with a man. Try to ask the person more often for help in looking after the baby, tell her about all the processes that are going on. Let him understand that you are as important and necessary as ever before.

It’s not easy for a young mother, and the fact that their entire home has been damaged by domestic pollution may lose time on itself. It is not good for you to rely on outside help, even if there are people who want to help you! You will have a free baby, and at this hour the little one will be in the right hands.

By inheriting everything for the sake of it, you can truly ease the post-natal period and fill your life with only positive emotions associated with the birth of your beloved cry!

After being driven out of paradise, people gained the ability to independently create their own kind, and the woman is little to bear children in pain... Pain is felt during the process of canopies and pain after canopies, doctors bring to the discharge inevitable. However, after virtually painless procedures, which are carried out under epidural anesthesia, women in the postnatal period experience pain.

Most often, it is more painful to pull after the canopy of the lower part of the back and the lower part of the back due to displacements of the carotid joints, as well as the manifestation of these changes in the coccygeal part of the ridge, as And are developed throughout the entire pregnancy and at the time of childbirth.

Causes of pain after curtains

We will look at the typical types of pain after pregnancy and their most common causes, although, of course, the main mass of clinical episodes, if the symptoms of pain after pregnancy may be of an individual nature. For example, severe headaches are experienced after the beds torment the breeds that have undergone regional epidural (spinal) anesthesia, in which an analgesic drug is injected into the ridge area at the boundary of the transverse and crissus veins. Severe headache (with swaddling before the eyes and tiredness), which affects the first three days of pregnancy, may be a sign of preeclampsia - as in the next and third trimester of pregnancy, pregnant mothers had persistent hyperplasia terial pressure.

Pain in the chest after flatulence, or more precisely, pain in the chest with the buttocks and cough, can indicate an infectious congestion of the leg, and also symptoms of a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot reaching the pulmonary artery ii). Pain in the legs after the bed - in the lower parts of the legs - may be a sign of a dangerous life, thrombosis of the deep veins, which is accompanied by reddened skin, swelling and increased temperature. And severe pain after the birth of the abdomen may be a sign of inflammation of the uterus and the attachment of the placenta.

However, typical causes of pain after birth are associated with the fact that during the birth process, the baby is subject to strong mechanical pressure, which is often traumatic.

Abdominal pain after beds

Hormones that vibrate during pregnancy require relaxation of ligaments and muscles. This is necessary for the normal development of the fetus, and over the entire period of pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases in 25 cases. After the canopies, the uterus begins to turn around in its “before” position. And in the lower abdomen after the curtains, as a large number of breeds are indicated as pain in the mother after the curtains, associated with the shortened size of the uterus.

They are more often than not breast-like and, when bathed, the breasts become firm. Everything is absolutely normal. On the right, the hormone oxytocin, which in many cases vibrates the hypothalamus of the woman who gave birth, is absorbed into the blood and stimulates the contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus. After 7-10 days after the birth of the baby, such pain in the mother after the bed can go away on its own.

The fundus of the uterus after the canopies expands approximately at the level of the navel. During the postnatal period, over 6-8 years the uterus shrinks to its full size. However, in women who are young and very pregnant during pregnancy, the muscle tone of the cervix may be weakened, which often becomes the cause of umbilical hernia. She herself provokes pain in the navel after the curtains. To resolve the problem, consult a gynecologist to prevent vaginosis.

Before speech, pain in the bowel after the curtains, as well as pain in the intestines after the curtains can result from constipation, which affects a lot of breeds. In addition, pain in this localization can turbulate those who suffer from chronic illness of the SCT: in the postnatal period, the stink can become inflamed. Also, you can’t do without consulting a fakhivtsya.

Pain at the ridge after the canopies

As doctors say, the reason why different women feel different after pregnancy is due to the fact that their body copes with the change or the decline in the level of hormones that were produced during the period of wine-shuvanna child.

After the birth of the placenta, the production of singing hormones begins sharply. For example, the hormone relaxin completely ceases to vibrate, which during the hour of pregnancy results in increased elasticity of the muscles and relaxation of the ligaments of the pubic articulation of the pelvic cysts. However, this hormone does not return to normal levels in the breed’s body immediately, but five months after birth.

Therefore, the entire musculoskeletal system of the woman, after the canopies, gradually transitions to normal functioning. During this stage of the process, symptoms of pain after birth are revealed.

Pain in the spine after flattening is due to the fact that relaxin, which loosens the abdominal muscles during periods of vomiting, weakens the ligaments near the spine. The instability of the ridge is caused by tension and the displacement of the ridges can lead to pain, tension, in the back after lying down. The same reason may be found in the corners after the curtains, including pain in the wrists after the curtains, pain in the legs after the curtains, and pain in the knees after the curtains.

Bil across the canopies

The pain across the canopies often results from overstraining of the square muscle across, which is caused by dislocation in the area of ​​the posterior wall of the abdomen and the connective tissue of the vertebrae, ribs and transverse ridges of the transverse ridges. With extreme shortness of breath or with troubling static movements, pain begins to be felt across the back and throughout the entire back.

In addition, during the hour of pregnancy, the abdominal muscles stretch and tighten, and the transverse abdominal muscles, which indicate the strength and straightening of the torso and the stability of the lower part of the ridge, become short. And this clicks across the canopies. Stretched ligaments of the pubic joint, spine and pelvic floor also cause discomfort and pain in women.

Pain in the pelvis after bedspreads: pain in the pelvis and cuprica

Pain in krizha and kupriku after the birth of women do not separate and pain in kupriku is mistaken for pain in krizhi. Nowadays, the coccygeal bone is made up of several rudimentary ridges that have grown, and the ridge is a large tricutaneous bone, which is at the base of the ridge, slightly larger than the coccyx. At the same time, the kuprik and the krizh form the lower, indestructible part of the ridge.

From the anterior and posterior surfaces of the rings to the pelvic cysts there are ligaments that gently stretch the cysts of the pelvic ring. As vaginosis continues - literally from the very beginning - the woman’s musculoskeletal system begins to prepare for the canopies. What rank?

First of all, the ridges of the transverse section extend backwards from the axis of the ridge. Otherwise, the lower ends begin to move away from the club bones, and the pelvic heads begin to emerge from the acetabulum. In the third place, the brushes of the pubic and krizhovo-club joints diverge. When you decide, the arch of the cupric is changing, and when the bones are indestructible, the crust of the criss-cross is collapsing back. All these changes in the area of ​​the pelvic cysts are transmitted by nature and allow the child to leave the mother’s womb.

If the baby is large or if it is positioned incorrectly, or if the canopies went through so quickly, then both the sides after the canopies and the cuprics after the canopies appear as a result of an overpowering pressure on the joints in the pelvis. Provoke pain in the pelvis after the canopy and overextension of these joints at the time of the primus manual passage for the child's head under the hour of the canopy.

The more the crizococcygeal articulation has been re-engineered, the stronger and more challenging the pelvis will be after the canopies and the longer the renewal process will be.

Most often, in skargas on white in the krizhovo zone of the breed, it is necessary to clarify what is the purpose of defecation after the beds. It is true that this localization can become stronger in cases of dilatation of the sigmoid colon with accumulated feces or in the acute phase of chronic colitis, such as aggravated post-acute constipation. How constipation will occur during the post-natal period, we will understand a little later.

Pain at the pubis after the curtains

Under the influence of hormones, which “signal” to all systems of the breed’s body that the process of childbirth is completed, the mechanism of post-natal renewal is launched. And immediately after the canopies, the pubic joint (symphysis) is renewed, the cysts of which diverge during the hour of pregnancy.

If everything is normal, then the original anatomical position of this joint will be updated without any noticeable consequences.

If the woman who gave birth, there is a scar on the pubic area after the canopy, which means the cartilage that causes the pubic cysts, injuries due to overextension of the pelvic floor (as occurs when the head of a child is dislocated before emerging from the womb). In this condition there may be a loss of symmetry of the right and left pubic fistulas. Doctors diagnose this pathology as symphysitis - dysfunction of the pubic joint, in which the patient feels pain in the pubic area when walking and is tired of walking.

Since the pain is even stronger and affects all the bones and articulations of the pelvis, it is no longer just a stretching of the cartilage, but a rupture of the pubic articulation – symphysiolysis.

Pain in the perineum after bedspreads

The perineal area (regio perinealis) forms the bottom of the pelvis and is composed of ulcers, fascia, adipose tissue and skin. Pain in the perineum after the canopies occurs with trauma - rupture or dissection (perineotomy).

Based on data from obstetric practice, most often injuries to the perineum occur in women with well-developed muscles, in summer primigravidas, in women with a narrow neck due to inflammatory tissue changes, in tissue swelling, as well as in the presence of scars. For the front canopies.

During perineotomy, only the skin of the perineum is opened, and during episiotomy, the interim and the posterior wall of the skin are cut. This procedure can be avoided if there is a threat of sufficient rupture of the perineum, as well as in order to avoid craniocerebral injuries of the newborn. If there is a tear or tear in the perineum, they are sutured immediately after the canopies. The outer stitches are removed the day before leaving the canopy hut, the inner ones are unsealed within an hour.

When surgically dissecting the perineum rather than tearing it, the wound should come out smooth and clean and in 95% of cases it will be, as doctors say, prima intentio (first attempt) - smooth and without a trace.

However, there is inevitable pain in the gap after the canopies. With advanced hygiene, the wound heals after a couple of stretches, during which the woman cannot sit so as not to damage the stitches. With episiotomy, the sutures may become painful at the back of the canopy, which is more turbulent - while the process of sealing the internal tissues continues.

Pain in the groin after bedspreads

For many women, pain in the wine industry begins to turbulently during the period of the child’s winemaking. Pain in the groin can be caused by the growth of the lining of the uterus, as well as the expansion of the pelvic cysts. In addition, pain in the groin after the canopy (which occurs across) may be associated with the presence of a stone in the body or urine. It is impossible to exclude the cause as inflammation of the internal mucous membrane of the body of the uterus - endometritis. As gynecologists say, acute post-acute endometritis occurs when the uterus is infected during the procedure, and after cesarean surgery, it appears in up to 45% of cases.

Acute post-papologous endometritis is characterized by symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen and groin, elevated body temperature, purulent appearance and uterine bleeding. If such signs are evident, you should immediately seek medical help.

In addition, pain in the groin after the canopy is caused by genital herpes, which is diagnosed in the vagina.

Headache after showers

The headaches after the bad news can be attributed to a number of reasons. First of all, there is a change in hormonal levels in the postnatal period: instability in the level of estrogen and progesterone. Moreover, since the breed does not give birth to breastfeeding children, headaches occur much more often than in women who are pregnant. Relieves headaches after bedtime and taking antihypertensive drugs that contain estrogen.

Negative influence on a healthy woman in the post-natal period of stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, etc. Due to hormonal changes, these factors can lead to the fact that the new mother will reach school age often and experience intense headaches after bedtime.

Pain in the muscles after bedspreads

Meat pain in different localizations (at the cross, in the meat of the pelvis, legs, back, chest, etc.) is a natural phenomenon after such strong tension in the flesh, which stinks are felt just before the baby is born. Such pain goes away naturally and does not require water therapy.

It is no less important that the mother cares that all the changes that the body of the woman she gave birth to must go through must be controlled and prevented from worsening obvious illnesses. For example, illness of the ridge, the articular sphere, and the scili-intestinal tract, which can manifest itself with renewed vigor after suffering under the sun's canopy.

Pain in the breasts after breastfeeding

We have already learned about the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates the contraction of the uterus after birth. In addition, oxytocin has another important function. During the period of lactation, the myoepithelial cells begin to contract to open the alveoli and ducts of the mammary gland. When breast milk is released under the influx of the hormone prolactin, it passes through the subareolar duct of the mammary gland and is visible from the nipples.

Milk appears in the breasts after the birth of the baby - in the form of colostrum. The terms of “arrival” of milk are individual, but obstetricians respect the norm for the beginning of lactation to be 48-72 years after birth. This process can be seen literally before your eyes - the path of swelling of the mammary ducts, which often accompanies pain in the breasts after breastfeeding. Now the process of milk production is regulated, and all the unpleasant things will pass.

Pain during menstruation after pregnancy

Even often, after the end of pregnancy, women’s periods become less regular than before pregnancy. And for 5-6 months after the birth of the baby, this should not be the cause of restlessness. In addition, the first 4 months after gentle regulation may be of varying intensity and severity. Although this is not a pathology, the hormonal shift to the “pre-dark” mode is troubling.

It has been noted that most women who had algomenorrhea (painful menstruation) before pregnancy, recover from this pain after pregnancy, or the painful periods become much weaker. It also happens out of the blue - pain begins during menstruation after pregnancy in those who have not experienced it before.

If you have the least concerns when renewing your menstrual cycle after pregnancy, including pain, you should consult a gynecologist.

Pain with sechovy release after bed curtains

Pain during the discharge of the semen after the canopies and the unacceptable liver during the frequent physiological process - the bladder is even wider in the first days of the post-pologous period.

Breeds often face problems such as the inability to empty the mucus due to the constant presence of positives. All these symptoms have causes. On the right, the scope for expansion of the mesh fur after the canopy has increased, and during the canopy, the mesh fur can cause injuries, so at any time the position can be daily.

To the point of pain, when the cut is released after the curtains, there is a swelling of the perineum, as well as the pain of the sutures placed when suturing the tear or the opening of the perineum. In case of a seizure, 8 years after the completion of the canopy, the woman must remove the sechovy hair. This is very important both for the shortening of the uterus and for preventing possible infection of the thyroid tubes.

If the sec is released after the canopies, it continues and after the seam on the crotch burns, this is also a sign of trouble: the sec fur is likely to burn, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Whose illness requires immediate medical attention?

Pain during sex after sex

Post-mortem recovery normally takes at least two months. Previously, for this term, doctors did not recommend renewing a friend’s sexual desires. After these two months, at least a third of women experience physical discomfort and pain during sex after intercourse.

Bil at PIKHVU PISLLY ONE BUTI Viklikani Riznimi with miStsevimi іnfitsii, Yaki drafted to the smell of Slyzovy, the Stathevich Organes, the reason for the gorter -gender Vidchutt, during sex by Pislya Polop. And the pain in the clitoris after the canopy is associated with the strain and the presence of stitches at the edge of the perineum, especially after episiotomy.

Diagnosis of pain after bedside surgery

To promptly identify possible pathologies after childbirth, it is necessary to see your doctor a couple of months after birth. This visit will be unaffected, because the woman feels good and will not harm anything.

A gynecologist’s examination will, first and foremost, show you how to take care of a woman’s reproductive organs. There is a lot to be said for a woman’s health.

If any scars are evident, a diagnosis is made based on the examination and anamnesis, including the history of canopy treatment, its stages, complications and manipulations.

Doctors say that it is possible to treat pain in the perineum after bedpanning Panthenol spray (if it is used for the treatment of opiates). This bactericidal and pain-relieving drug is used to speed up the healing of severe skin and mucous membranes and postoperative wounds. Panthenol should be applied to the damaged skin several times per day, and it can be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

To minimize the risk of injury to the seams in the crotch, doctors recommend using not the original pads, but special pads, in which the upper ball is made of material that does not stick to the seam.

For pain in the ridge after lying down and pain in the back after sitting up, physical remedies are recommended:

  • lying on your back with your right leg bent at the knee, the left leg in a horizontal position,
  • Place the toe of the bent right leg under the calf of the left leg to lie down,
  • With your left hand, grab the right knee and stretch the right knee to the left.

You bend to the right 8-10 times, then try to kick with your left foot.

If you have back pain, try to stretch yourself less, do not lift anything important, and at the end of the day, choose a position that is as comfortable as possible for your back - with a ligamentous support under the transverse area.

Presence of excessive self-importance in the postnatal period will lead to constipation! Remnants of the problem with the stiltsem may be more likely to affect the falcon and the krizh. Liquid liquids, cream - in extreme cases - enemas or glycerin suppositories. The best and safest option is dried fruits, oatmeal, fermented milk products; Take a tablespoon of nicotine oil, and then drink a bottle of cold, purified water without gas.

Remember that any portable medicinal drug during breastfeeding will produce a similar effect on your baby. Well, my mother’s constipation is worse than the child’s intestinal problems.

And axis for pain in the pubis after the bed, especially in cases of rupture of the pubic joint (symphysiolysis), necessary bed rest, sore hands, physiotherapeutic procedures and pelvic bandage for fixing the cysts . Everything needs to be determined by the doctor after making the diagnosis.

Before folk traditions, treat the pain after the curtains with the infusion of medicinal herbs. So, gritsiki not only have an excellent blood supply, but also reduce the shortness of the uterus. The gritsyka brew is prepared by pouring one teaspoon of herbs into a dill bottle (pouring and infusing until the end of the day). It is recommended to drink three tablespoons per day.

In a cleaned area, scarlet can be used to help: the juice from the leaf is applied to the sanitary pad. To change the pain when opening or tearing the perineum, and also to soften the breasts that have hardened due to the flow of milk, compress with ginger root broth: 50 g of ginger per liter of water.

And you can relieve headaches after the canopies with the help of essential oils (lavender, lemon, grapefruit, basil, rosemary and lemon balm), which are rubbed on the temples, behind the ears, and the area of ​​​​the cervical ridges.

If the pain after the curtains is not applied (or will be forced) three months after the birth of the child, it is impossible to do without feasting. It is unacceptable to give women any medications, especially painkillers, without a doctor’s recommendation!

Prevention of pain after bedspreads

Prevention of pain after flattening begins even before the hour of pregnancy. For example, in order to reduce post-pain pain in the abdominal area, new mothers need to engage in special fitness or water aerobics, master and correctly practice the breathing technique in the process. To avoid problems with pain in the spine, legs and muscles, it is necessary to take care of your legs as much as possible and prevent the appearance of persistent soreness in your legs.

The postnatal period normally lasts from six to eight years. During this hour, the breed’s body undergoes a new transformation, and its reproductive organs return to their pre-natal state – involute. Unfortunately, most wives who gave birth feel pain after pregnancy. A little bit soon passes, and the joy of motherhood is lost for the rest of my life!

And so that the pain after the curtains does not obscure this joy, do not forget to consult your gynecologist. These recommendations will help you get back to normal and maintain your health.

Important to know!

There are several aspects of the canopy mechanism. The first moment is the bending of the head; the other is an internal rotation of the head; third – extended head (the area of ​​the hypoglyctic fossa with the point of fixation – hypomochlion); fourth - internal rotation of the toe tube and external rotation of the head.

Rich women often have post-pain pain. Doctors seem to think that this is completely normal. What is especially troubling is the great gap of time. Therefore, if pain appeared after the curtains, it is not possible to solve the problem without respect.

Many wives after marriage cannot rejuvenate for a long time. I really want to torture them. Changes in the figure are only a small part of all problems. This is where post-pain pain occurs, causing women to “climb the wall.”

Vinousvannya ditini - tse dosit trivalyi ta serozny protses. Over the course of 9 months, women have experienced unbearable pain. Ale, for the sake of the child’s stench, we are ready to endure everything. It’s even more important to go through the canopies. Especially since the girl is young and people want to grow up with a big-sized baby. After all, the children feel that everything worse is behind them. But it’s not entirely like that. As many as 7.5% of women experience post-acute pain. Doctors seem to think that it is difficult to survive the first 2-3 years of life. This hour may cause severe bleeding.

It’s not surprising that menstruation will continue in this manner. Since before the start of menstruation, most people are in terrible pain, then in this season there will be more than a hundred times. You will see that the canopies will pass again. And not just one baby is born, but five at a time. That's why it's best to stock up on pain medications. Although in such situations the stench rarely helps.

Come and be patient for a few days. After which everything returns to normal. I would like to point out that the “reversal of menstruation” is experienced differently for everyone. It seems that in women whose metabolism is disrupted, the first menstruation after pregnancy is painful. And from whom the garne of etching is from - it’s not varto to show off. You will be, but not strong. They started sleeping like that and didn’t notice the pain. Melodiously, respectfully go to bed at the right time.

Also, after the curtains, problems arise with the “toilet”. Every now and then it will be important for women to get their certificates from the inspector. Let's do this in a practical way. Then from the very beginning there will be problems with sechovidilennyam. The worst are those that replace an old problem with a new one, which is called constipation. Therefore, it is necessary to switch to a different diet.

And you yourself eat more fruits, vegetables, and seafood. The ingestion of bakery germs is strictly forbidden. This woman will not be able to continue her problems. You should drink at least one liter of clean water per day. This will help remove unnecessary speech from the body. Please note the following in the box, otherwise you may end up with hemorrhoids on the right. And now I have to go to the police officer for help.

It also happens that after giving birth to a child, a woman is often unbearable. In most seizures, this occurs through low tension or anemia. Next, drink licorice kava with milk and then go to see a doctor to prescribe a treatment. Doctors recommend not to engage in self-medication. Such a method will not lead to anything good, but will ruin the girl’s development.

However, the majority of the population is most concerned about intimate problems. And they didn’t last until the last hour. And now with new ones I want to enjoy these bright moments again, and I want to let go of the long-awaited contentment. Otherwise, you might forget about it for a good hour.

A girl’s life can begin only 6-7 years after birth. The body can completely renew itself. And you should check the trace yourself when the woman’s uterus begins to burn, as it was damaged at the time of the curtains. Moreover, it is highly probable that infection can occur in the process of social life. The legacy of this infection is disastrous. Endometritis (inflammation) may begin to actively develop. Well, of course, you may be bleeding heavily. It’s better to wait for the next hour and not risk it. If the woman starts to feel like everything is starting to heat up in her, then she can start getting closer.

Ale varto remember that after sex the woman will be even sicker. It's scary that you may experience discomfort. In such a state, restlessness is known, and the soil becomes dry. This squad needs to create an intimate atmosphere that is as pleasant as possible. Bazhano, the child was not in the house at that hour. You can give it to your dads for a day. Even the first sexual intercourse after sex threatens depression. Of course, it’s not easy to take everything close to the heart. You just need to trust and not think about the bad things, and even the worst is behind you.

However, most people have pain in the area. It’s true, women are hesitant to say this. But there is nothing nasty or terrible in this. Totally acceptable white after curtains. Only mothers who have given birth to a great baby will have to endure severe pain for 1-2 months. The crotch area of ​​girls is very sensitive.

And if a child with a weight of 2.5 kilograms or more passes through it, then it becomes sore and irritable. Whose women are known to be disgraceful. If the baby is not born so big, the penning lasts for 14-18 days. Well, those who have a larger child should prepare themselves for a month of torment. Moreover, discomfort will appear, and the woman will feel unneeded.

Psychologists confirm that after the curtains this is a primary reality. In 3-4 months everything will pass. And people need to consistently encourage their squads. Then tell them what a stink it is, how happy it is and how wonderful it is. Obov'yazkovo needs to say the words kohannya. Women are responsible for feeling the warmth, the turbo and the affection. There may be whims from the beginning, and most likely they will end. Failures were made when the women laid hands on themselves after the curtains.

This is due to the fact that the woman feels that her person is not needed for marriage. Here it is very important to show your respect and follow not just the squad, but the child. This situation emphasizes its relevance and seriousness. It is possible for any family members to have a share of all members of the family.

If the curtains come up again, it’s not good for them to flutter before. Everything will soon be over, but the battle will never settle. But still, to change the price, it’s necessary for someone’s work. For example, buy pain medications at the pharmacy. Of course, if it’s not necessary, then you can count on any hour. First you need to take paracetamol. The cost is not expensive, on average 8-15 rubles per pack, 10 tablets.

Accept the trace if it appears. In 20-30 minutes you will pass. It is not recommended to scratch the gap. There may be an infection. However, the skin will have to change sanitary pads for 3 years. It is necessary to work with care. It is important that you do not rush into harm and pain, there will be signs of bleeding. Before this, it is important to carefully wash your hands with your loved one. And after the gasket is attached, you need to check that it is not stuck. Otherwise, you may end up getting irritated.

Also, after a skin trip to the toilet, stop using a toilet paper. The best thing to do is to go to the bathtub and wash your intimate area with warm water. You need to wet the towel and begin wiping your buttocks and pubis with light hands. Olena Vasilievna Malisheva, a Russian doctor, gave very important and necessary joy. Looks like you should save the gaskets in the freezer. When they were cured, the stench was relieved, cooling the sickly village.

You can also twist the lungs to the right to remove the flesh from the bottom. At the pharmacy you can find a cold gel pad that you need to apply to the crotch. Ale categorically defends saving and vikorizing ice. You might catch a cold.

Ksenia Borodina, TV presenter, seems that after the curtains there will be pain. The girl felt it right away. Only after a couple of months did they begin to come to you. I would like to say, judging from the efirs, that Ksenia was suffering. She always walked around with joyful eyes and a kind smile. And in this case, the women helped the doctor for her sake.

Vaughn took special baths with shavli. In their words, these baths relieve depression and stress. The TV presenter also bought a pillow that reduces the pressure on the crotch. You can get it at any pharmacy at a low price. And for Ksenia, the headache is support from relatives, acquaintances, friends and all the close people who are going away.

So any girl can know the pain after the curtains. There's no need to be afraid. Varto just relax and follow the doctor’s instructions that will be given before leaving the canopy.

The family has a lot of children, otherwise it is important to name the person and the team as the family. Even though, regardless of all the difficulties, the children of the people laugh at each other, because children are truly happiness.

Well done for everything, you are ready to the point that after the birth you will experience pain and discomfort, but the unacceptable results from the post-mortem may last a few days or even more. Below are the types of pain that you can experience after your baby is born, and how to deal with them.

You are sick with everything

After I gave birth to my daughter, I felt like I was taking part in a boxing match. My ribs were ailing, my life was throbbing, my back was ailing due to epidural anesthesia.

“For the doctors who are making every effort to help the child come out, and for those who can escape under the curtains, there is nothing surprising in the fact that you feel tired, overwhelmed and ill.”

Julian Robinson, MD, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York-Presbyterian Medicine

However, this discomfort lasts only a few days, and you can deal with it by taking pain pills.

You will have cramps

After you have given birth to a child, your uterus must complete its work, or more precisely: it will soon be necessary to turn its size back to the cob. This process is difficult for a woman to go through; most new mothers experience a shortening of the uterus, as well as mild sweating and pain in the abdomen, which resembles pain during menstruation. As the hour approaches, your breasts will begin to sizzle. If you feel too much pain, talk to your doctor and ask them to treat you for pain relief. If anyone has a fit, it gets stronger - it’s not the fault of the essence to last longer.

Your breasts will become majestic

In the first year of my motherhood, I asked myself: how do I know when milk has appeared in my breasts? Three days later, I gave up on my diet - I collapsed when my breasts became large and I began to feel very ill.

“The best way to get rid of engorged nipples is to roll over so that the baby has properly swallowed the nipple with her mouth and so that the breasts are completely empty after birth.”

Freda Rosenfeld, certified lactation consultant and birth control instructor

If your breasts are too tight, you can express a little milk before birth - this will make it easier for your baby to take it into her mouth. Applying an ice pack to your breasts will help relieve pain.

Every hour you will be bleeding

Many mothers who are awaiting the birth of their first child understand that there will be a shortage of blood at the end of the day. Most of them are shocked that bleeding occurs even after the curtains.

“No one prepared me to the point that there would be streams of blood in me after I came into being.”

young mother

Bleeding can last up to 4 days, but in most cases it will go away in 2-3 days. Gently remove pads, not tampons, as stinky debris can lead to infection. Of course, you will notice that the breasts bleed just before the hour of birth, but this occurs due to the fact that breastfeeding provokes a shortening of the uterus. If the bleeding has not stopped after the first few days, tell your doctor to get over it, it’s all right.

You will sweat a lot in your sleep

Most mothers suffer from severe sweating around bedtime in the first days after giving birth.

“I was soaking wet”

Jennifer McCulloch, young mother from New York

Your body still retains a lot of waste that accumulated during pregnancy. Sweating is one of the ways the body gets rid of food. Within a few days, this unpleasant symptom may go away. Lay an additional bed so that the mattress remains dry.

Itching in the area of ​​scars after cesarean surgery

Since you have been fond of the Caesarean procedure, then the good news for you is that you, having seen everything, were able to avoid certain side effects of vaginal canopies, such as stitches after episiotomy and hemorrhoids. Now here are a few nasty new things: cesarean surgery is a serious operation, and it has its own side effects. During the first day, most patients are afraid of being tired and tired. During the renewal process (4-6 days after surgery), be prepared until you feel tingling, pricking and itching on the spot, and the incisions will form. Increased temperature and bleeding of the scar may signal the development of infection.

Cesarean scar

You will be constipated

A few days after the curtains, rich wives begin to have problems with defecation. Sometimes it is purely a psychological problem, caused by the fear of tearing the seams. And sometimes it means that your body begins to become overawed after pregnancy. If you're having a bad time, try to relax. Nothing will happen to your stitches, and with time everything will return to normal. If you don’t know this problem, your doctor may recommend taking a stilt. Eating a large number of products rich in cellulose, sufficient amounts of water and drinking water (as in a simple walk in the corridor) can help you solve the problem.

You will have pain in your stomach

As long as you haven’t had an episiotomy, the canopies let you know: the swelling and pain in the past is inevitable. Proceeding from the update, you will have to fill it with liquid. After 10 days, you will get rid of the stitches, approximately during which period the swelling will disappear. Apply a filled bag of ice for an hour. If it is more painful for you to sit, place a bathing pillow on your chest.

Be prepared: your hair will fall out

About 10% of women show that after pregnancy their hair begins to fall out a lot. This is achieved through a decrease in the level of hormones. If you relax, then of course you won’t wet yourself. When you are pregnant, your hair becomes thicker. After the curtains, you simply waste your hair. After three months, you will begin to wake up, but if after this hour, as before, you will notice a lot of hair on your comb - go to the doctor. Perhaps you will have to check the thyroid gland.

Zhovten 27, 2017 Author admin

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The light of the child has appeared - we have to try harder to see how women can perceive it. The birth of a new person radically changes the life of the mother, which is by no means easy. However, the joy at the appearance of the little one is great, which alone makes up for all the torment experienced.

It’s a pity that the experiment won’t end there. Often women have to endure different types of pain after pregnancy. And here we need to understand what is a physiological process, and what may be on our guard. There is also a signal that seems to be not quite being received.

Normal post-polar body

First of all, what is the understanding of the breed, but immediately after the appearance of the little one, it doesn’t become a big deal. Canopies are a physiological process that is not associated with large rhizomes. The body recognizes the greatest attraction. The birth process, which happens classically without any difficulties, traumatizes many organs.

For example, the inner surface of the uterus. There, after being born into the world, it is a wound that is ready to bleed. Even though the placenta had been attached to it for a long time, there were no lids, as the curtains had become damaged. That’s why it’s completely natural that all women have pain after the curtains. This is accompanied by bleeding in the first three or four days.

In another way, the uterus begins to quickly feel, renew itself, cleanse itself of what is unnecessary. This process also cannot be completed completely painlessly. Mothers often have to endure sharp spasms that are similar to cramps. Often the stench begins to develop on its own at the moment when the baby begins to suckle the breasts or has to express milk. It’s completely normal and it’s kind of cool. Renewal of the breed's body in this type is more likely to occur, less so for those who are unable or afraid to suckle a child with their breasts.

Women often suffer from collapse, the fragments being associated with post-acute trauma. Through displacement of the ridges, discomfort in the spine periodically occurs during the hour of physical exertion. You can “push” across, at the cupric. Sometimes you’ll want to “pull” the leg, the gap. Step by step and unacceptable pain seems to pass. Through those that, under the hour, the slopes of the knees have become very loose, so that the lower abdomen and back can last for a long time to cause women to feel restless. Sometimes the renewal process takes until completion. It’s entirely natural.

Stiletto is not only a piece of furniture.

The uterus is located very close to the rectum. Feces, especially when purchased in large quantities, squeeze onto it. This respects normal renewal. If the uterus is rapidly shrinking, it is necessary to regularly empty the intestines. And it’s difficult to earn a living after the canopies. And quite often replacing the answer with a well-fed breed: “Why does the uterus hurt?”, the doctor starts talking, and if there is a remaining stele and some hardness.

It is very important to demonstrate normal bowel function as soon as possible. It’s not enough to lie down until you quickly get back to life and your figure will become huge, and if you go through illnesses, you’ll be in bed. Moreover, a normal stature of the breed often guarantees the health of the baby. It is especially important for those mothers who are one year old. Remnants of stagnant medicinal preparations and products with a permeable effect may appear at the baby’s station, it is best to consult a doctor.

Constipation and hard tissue can cause hemorrhoids. However, illness often manifests itself in some women immediately after bedtime – as a result of severe overexertion. In both cases, the symptoms of this illness cannot be called acceptable or painless. Cold baths, cold lotions, and antihemorrhoidal creams help women achieve a balanced diet.

Important! You cannot take hot baths when the anal opening is on fire. This can make your camp worse.

Eating the wrong way can lead to constipation. There is a strong movement of gas, provoking fermentation in the intestines, causing discomfort, pressure on the uterus, detrimental to normal renewal. This causes pain in the abdomen and an unpleasant feeling of bloating. Considering the diet of certain foods (dairy, cellulose, and yeast) can help relieve these symptoms.

So, just like constipation, it’s a rare thing for a young mother. This can cause fatigue, weakness, and anemia in the body. And, of course, this is also accompanied by severe pain.

Why is the skin of the breed even more important to its senses and memory, since the stole is not just a piece of furniture. The health of a woman or a child depends on these clear and numerous characteristics.

Some parts of the lower abdomen are associated with sectioning. It is accompanied by sadness and liver pain. This is also a physiological process. Call for a few days and everything will pass without knowing.

If the stomach pain is not safe

It is clear that the physiological process of renewal of the body in the postnatal period is accompanied by pain. And it’s a completely tolerant camp. It is intended for the shortening of the uterus and the emptying of the uterus. If the pain is strong and does not kick in a month after the people are silent, they are ready to beat on fire. This can be a very serious symptom.

One of the reasons for the pathology is excess placenta in the mother. Parts of the baby's tissue sometimes stick (grow) until the uterus is empty. After the canopies, such dead pieces of flesh cannot come out spontaneously, and they begin to rot in the middle. This can lead to infection.

The process is accompanied by abdominal bloating, pain, fever, tiredness, and discomfort. Besides these symptoms, there is a lack of respect for what you see. The stench may include clots of blood and rot. It has a specific smell.

If the doctor diagnoses excess placenta in the middle of the uterus, the decision to carry out a “cleaning” is praised. Although modern medicine may already be able to correct the condition with medication in some cases.

Important! As in the empty uterus, particles of dead tissues are kept away – which causes even more serious disruption to the post-mortem process. It is not possible to correct the situation in the home mind on your own; you can only overpower the camp.

For such a pathology, you cannot take medications that open the cervix, drink alcohol, or take a hot bath. These procedures can result in such severe bleeding that it becomes impossible for doctors to treat. Don’t risk sacrificing your health and life.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen may indicate the beginning of an ignition process in the mucous membrane of the uterus. This illness is called endometritis. Most often, this is the case for wives who have undergone surgery - they were robbed of “Caesar’s Rostin”. During the operation, microbes and infections are eliminated from the wound. In addition, patients also have a high temperature, are seen to be heavily contaminated with blood, and are wary of the presence of pus in them.

Peritonitis is a very serious pathology. This infection is also accompanied by unbearable pain and fever.

Raise the curtains at the hour

People especially often watch out for stench in firstborns and at the birth of a large child. Tears, cracks and cuts may appear on the lips, on the neck of the uterus. Sometimes obstetricians apply stitches. In any case, there are additional injuries that, of course, are not perceived by a woman in the most acceptable way. Sore wounds, sometimes deliver pain, which is more difficult.

The most unacceptable are those that can be affected by infection. The first rule is: maintain cleanliness!

  • After removing the skin, wash the area with warm water and add potassium permanganate.
  • During the first few days, it is recommended to regularly wash the toilet after flushing the toilet to make the child cute.
  • It is recommended to coat the outer seams and rips with mint (brown) potassium permanganate.
  • If your stitches hurt after the curtains, it is recommended to apply cold compresses to this stitch.
  • You should not irritate the kidney, especially if you feel pain. For consumption you can purchase a special pad.
  • It is not possible to lift heavy objects, run, walk long distances, or do heavy lifting.
  • After skin pruning, it is recommended to change the pad.
  • It is absolutely not possible to use tampons after the curtains until the first menstruation!

Correct vision guarantees normal renewal

The first week after full-length ties causes the greatest discomfort for the woman. When the uterus shrinks, blood and fluid appear. Ale lyakatisya tsyogo ne varto. Shvidshe, you need to praise them for their importance. Such a pathological condition is called lochiometra. It is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and, most often, an increase in pain, as if it were distended.

Important! Bearing in mind that the installation will no longer be completely clean in the first week, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

The vision is to support the shortening of the uterus for 42-56 days. Their colors change step by step. Lochia until the end of this term are less clear, similar to the “daub” on the remaining days of the month, light and clear for those that were on the cob itself. And after a month after shedding, the woman is still “flowing” with clear crooked visions, which are accompanied by abdominal pain and cramps - but it cannot be allowed to self-fuel. Chantly, such a situation is associated with pathology. So he goes to the doctor for an oblique condition.

The renewal process may proceed step by step. Every day he lives is forced to change, the lochia becomes less clear, more weak.

Important! It is noted that the process is progressing in the colitis (life increases, additional pain appears, unacceptable swelling in the middle, foreign odors), it is not possible to get rid of the symptoms on your own.

This may result in an infectious disease, and it is impossible to stay at home. Let me repeat, what is the most important thing for a patient to get to the medical facility?

So, just like the miserable losers, the unsafe, supernaturally clear visions. The stench is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms can be either various infections, the beginning of an ignition process, or increased physical activity, stress, or injury. A woman needs to understand that her body has even suffered spills. Those that passed unnoticed until pregnancy, without any consequences, can now become the cause of serious illness. And not just herself, but the people most dear to her – her child.

Symphysiopathy - what and how to treat it?

Speaking about the pain that women have to endure after the curtains, one cannot help but think about the pubic half. The pubic bone itself often begins to hurt in rich people even during pregnancy. And these painful sensations do not deprive you of any activity after the curtains.

Symphis – this is the elevation of the pelvic cysts from the front. The vein is made up of cartilage and ligaments. During the hour of pregnancy, the forehead of the sun shines with great importance. Sometimes the joint becomes even stretched. This is supported by the process of canopies. Especially beautiful women with a narrow pelvis and a great fetus. The ligaments of the symphysis are no longer elastic, so the process of renewal proceeds very quickly.

It is impossible to eliminate symphysiopathy. Call for updates every hour. The drug can also help change symptoms and relieve severe pain syndromes. Sometimes you should beware of the appearance of symptoms of symphysiopathy for a long time, for example, with increased physical activity. Sometimes pain in the pubic joint appears as a result of high lifting, non-manual positions (for example, doing yoga for an hour), injuries, or cycling. This may be unacceptable, painful, but in the final stage of health it is practically impossible to beat.

If a woman continues to have pain in the pubic bone after bedclothes, it is recommended that she:

  • regular intake of preparations with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D;
  • enrichment of products that contain calcium and magnesium;
  • taking naps or taking walks in the open air;
  • change in body position through the skin;
  • changes in physical requirements;
  • wearing special bandages (pre- and post-polog);
  • taking acupuncture courses;
  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;

If the pain is very severe, the doctor may recommend inpatient treatment with medications. Sometimes, in particularly important cases, surgical treatment is required.

Back pain

It is very often after the birth of a child that a woman experiences painful pain, as it is completely unrelated to the process of the birth of the baby. Well, how can we explain that now, if there is no fruit in the middle, that desire has significantly changed, despite the continuation of the illness? It turns out that this is not a pathology, but a natural process.

Lives and my back hurts after the rainfall for another difficult period. This means that during an hour of pregnancy, the abdominal flesh diverges and becomes deformed. These changes caused the “cavity” to be created across. Incorrect body position caused pressure on the intervertebral nerves. The symptoms will gradually go away, but it is completely normal for the woman to feel some discomfort.

The fragments of the ridge will end in captivity, which can bring suffering to women. It is especially common to ask, why does it hurt, women who have suffered from curvature of the ridge even before pregnancy. Understand the severity of the pain in anyone you want and feel, otherwise the pain is accepted as if it were inevitable. And it goes without saying that after the curtains everything will go away by itself. After the birth of the baby, the pain will not change, and it will continue to get stronger.

The reason for this may be distension of the pelvic ulcers. Great fruit provokes these symptoms. This situation is especially clear in breeds with a small pelvis. There are few fears to come across and those who are not physically prepared before trying them out. It is so important for him to take up gymnastics and physical education long before he praises his decision to become a mother.

Floor injuries are often a problem. As a result, there is a displacement of the ridges in the area of ​​the transverse ridge and sternal angles. And once we take into account the change in hormonal levels, it is completely clear why the lumps hurt. During pregnancy, the cartilage becomes soft and crumbly, otherwise the woman would not be able to show such affection. After the canopies, the center of gravity begins to re-emerge. All this can’t help but fall on the woman’s hot figure. Promptly take your place. It was a tedious process and, unfortunately, far from painless.

The internal organs often change during the time of winemaking of the fruit of their place, for example, nirka. The smells can go down or up. And after the bed, dull pains across the sides are felt for a long time, which can be pressed below, for example, at the perineum and nose.

It should be noted that women who suffer the most from pregnancy and those who did little physical training before becoming pregnant.

Why do breasts hurt?

After the canopies, lactation begins - the production of milk in the canopies. And often women begin to suffer from unpleasant sensations associated with this process. Another important fact is that pain in the breasts can also occur in women whose lactation is weak. So, the little one doesn’t get enough milk for food, but you also notice that your breasts are simply bursting!

In any case, a woman can identify the cause of unpleasant symptoms. What causes discomfort?

There may be reasons for this:

  • stagnation of milk in cones (lactostasis);
  • burning (mastitis);
  • stretched skin and deformation of chest sores;
  • cracks on the nipples.


This pathology occurs in most women, especially firstborns. The causes of this pathology are:

  • incorrect reporting;
  • non-excessive extraction of excess milk from the breasts;
  • tight bra;
  • hypothermia;
  • clogged place;
  • sleeping on your stomach;
  • hyperlactation;
  • vuzky ducts;
  • znevodnya;
  • lack of sleep of the woman;
  • stress;
  • perevtoma;
  • sharply applied to the child's year.

Symptoms of lactostasis:

  • severe prickling pain in the breasts;
  • increased temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • severe engorgement of milk spots, heaviness;
  • blackened nipples;
  • sanction strengthening.

Important! The woman's temperature during the year must die out not in the groin cavity, but in the lacteal cavity. Otherwise, it is guaranteed that the wrong result will be removed due to milk influx.


Fire (mastitis) occurs on aphids due to lactostasis or through the entry of microbes (streptococci, staphylococci) into the cracks.

Symptoms of mastitis:

  • very highly enlarged pectoral cavity;
  • crimson skin color;
  • body temperature over 38 degrees;
  • severe pain in the area of ​​the breasts;
  • spreading at the milk vine;
  • The visible nipples are rotten.

Important! Lactostasis and mastitis should not be treated independently, but at the first signs they will turn to the doctor. With timely and correct diagnosis, it is possible to recover from these illnesses with medication. In case of emergency procedures, it is sometimes necessary to stagnate surgical procedures.

Skin stretching and nipple cracks

These are simple pathologies that can often be corrected at home. The symptoms associated with elevated temperature must be local in nature. If a crack in the nipple, for example, is too deep, and it is impossible to get through it, brutalization to the point of failure will become the shortest way out of this situation.

In case of skin irritation, it is recommended to lubricate the wound with green liquid, peroxide and water. Ointments are good for healing wounds. But here the following must be respected: it is not the fault of the medicines, which can be harmful to children if they reach their mouths. And to relish the stench, there is no harm in bitterness and a motherly unpleasant taste.

Today, the industry produces special latex covers that protect nipples from damage during bathing. If the wounds are so painful that it is impossible to do without them, consider this option.

To relieve pain in the chest, a woman must understand that the most important thing during this period is healthy sleep, plenty of food, walks in the morning, a calm and cheerful mood. Of course, proper extraction of excess milk, whiteness that does not tighten or crush the breasts are the basic rules of a mother who is one year old.

Important! It’s not like you don’t have enough bras at all. The swollen breasts become more important. Without the support of the bodice, it is not easy to get into shape, which then will not be possible to renew, and stretch marks, pain, and plumpness will appear under the breasts.

And every woman should start preparing her breasts before the baby appears even before the hour of pregnancy. This involves massage of the nipples with a terry towel. The skin can get a little rough. Well, there is a rule here: no matter what! Work carefully so as not to injure the lower epithelium, massage yourself, and do not rip the skin.

After the curtains, the woman goes through a stage of renewal. This period, in the opinion of most doctors, is ancient to the term vaginess. Therefore, you need to be patient, calm, and not get on your nerves through arguments. Ale, at the same time, it is not possible to be without a turbo or without a turbo. It is only wise to respect your peers, know the functional features of the post-pologous process, and help you to have a healthy, beautiful and, in addition, a happy, groomed mother and a healthy child.

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