Against the system. Lyudina, why go against the system? People, why go against the system, as they are called

All his life, with its bright articles, fought for the value of the Russian state, emphatically victorious against corrupt officials, liberal democrats and revolutionaries, anticipating the threat that loomed over the country. The Bolsheviks, who were buried in Russia, did not investigate anyone. Menshikov was shot in 1918 with extreme cruelty in front of his squad and six children.

Mikhailo Yosipovich was born on June 7, 1859. near Novorzhevo Pskov province near Lake Valdai, it has a wheel registrar. After graduating from the military school, after which he entered the Technical School of the Maritime Department near Kronstadt. Then, having taken part in many distant sea voyages, the written fruit of which was the first book of drawings, which was published in 1884 - “Along the Ports of Europe.” As a naval officer, Menshikov came up with the idea of ​​uniting ships and airplanes, thereby conveying the appearance of aircraft carriers.

In 1892, Menshikov was promoted to the rank of staff captain. Having become a correspondent for the newspaper “Tizhden”, he had unnecessarily gained respect for himself with his talented articles. Then he became a leading publicist for the newspaper of the conservative headquarters “New Hour”, working right up to the revolution.

This newspaper developed its own column “Leaves to your neighbors”, which attracted the respect of all the sanctified prosperity of Russia. Dekhto called Menshikov “a reactionary and a Black Hundred man” (and others call him “dosi”). It’s all about this - an evil hardening.

In 1911, in the article “Russia is deviated” Menshikov, twisting the approaches of the backstage against Russia, having overcome:

“Since in America a great fund is being collected from Russia’s soul-slayers and terrorists, then our order needs to think about this. It’s not like our sovereign war is to notice anything at all times (like in 1905) and not to get ahead of the enemy?”

Vlada Todi didn’t experience any lasting visits with him. Have you accepted Yakbi? It is unlikely that Trotsky-Bronstein, the main organizer of the Zhovtnevo coup, could have come to Russia in 1917 with the money of the American banker Jacob Schiff!

Ideologist of national Russia

Menshikov is one of the leading conservative publicists, acting as an ideologist of Russian nationalism. He became the initiator of the creation of the All-Russian National Union (VNR), for which he developed a program and statute. To this organization, as a small faction in the State Duma, the post-mortem right elements of the sanctified Russian consulate passed: professors, military officials, officials, publicists, clergy, and yesterday. Most of them were generous patriots, who later brought a lot out of them not only through their struggle against the Bolsheviks, but also through martyrdom.

Menshikov himself clearly conveyed the national catastrophe of 1917 to fate and, like a real publicist, was on the alert, ahead of the curve, trying to escape it. “Orthodoxy,” he wrote, “has brought us from the old savagery, autocracy from the anarchy, but turning before our eyes to the savagery and anarchy to bring us to the necessary new principle, which is the rage of the colossus. This is nationalism... Only nationalism can give us back our lost piety and power.”

In the article “The End of the Century,” written in early 1900, Menshikov called on the Russian people to preserve the role of the power-creating people:

“We, the Russians, slept for a long time, overwhelmed by our power and glory, - and then struck one thunder of heaven after another, and we woke up and hurt ourselves in the face - both in the middle, and in the middle... We don’t want someone else’s, but ours - Russia іyska – land May be ours.”

The ability of the Menshiks to survive the revolution lies with the strong state power, with the latest and firm national policy. Mikhailo Yosipovich argues that the people of the monarch can be governed by officials, and not by them. With the bias of the publicist, he showed the deadly dangers of bureaucracy for Russia: “Our bureaucracy... has built up the historical strength of the nation forever.”

The need for fundamental changes

Close journals of Menshikov were supported by the great Russian writers of that time. Gorky once knew that he should love Menshikov, because he is “the enemy to the heart,” and enemies “are better off telling the truth.” On his own side, Menshikov called Gorky’s “Song of Falcons” an “evil morality,” because, behind his words, the light lies not in the “God’s will of the good,” which the rebels bring, but in the “wisdom of the good,” in the image of the Chekhov Lipa (“In the Yar” ).

There are 48 leaves to the new Chekhov, which has remained unchangeable until the new one. Menshikov visited Yasnaya with Tolstoy, and at the same time criticized him in the article “Tolstoy and Vlada,” writing that he was unsafe for Russia, and all the revolutionaries were married at once. Tolstoy confirmed that while reading this article, he felt “one of the most beloved and dearest feelings I felt - not just kindness, but straight love for you...”.

Menshikov made changes that Russia needed radical changes in all spheres of life, only in which there was a change in the edges, but the illusion was not understood. “There aren’t enough people - what’s the matter with Russia!” – Mikhailo Yosipovich vigued at the rose.

Until the end of his days, he gave harsh assessments to the smug bureaucracy and the liberal intelligentsia: “In essence, you have long drunk all your garnet and greatness (below) and devoured (up above). They destroyed the church, the aristocracy, and the intelligentsia.”

Menshikov noted that every nation can easily choose its national identity. “When you come,” he wrote, “about the violation of the rights of a Jew, a Finn, a Pole, a Vermenin, a violent cry rises: everyone shouts about respect to such a sacred thing as nationality. Unless only Russians talk about their nationality, about their national values: stormy cries rise up - people-hatred! Intolerance! Black Hundred violence! Rude Svaville!

The prominent Russian philosopher Igor Shafarevich wrote: “Mikhailo Yosipovich Menshikov is one of the few insightful people who lived in that period of Russian history, which to others seemed (and still seems) bleak. Already, strange people, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, were brewing the main root of the troubles that were brewing, which later fell upon Russia and are still being experienced by us (but it is not clear when they will come to an end). This is the main defect of marriage, bearing with it the danger of the coming deep upheavals, Menshikov benefited from the weakened national awareness of the Russian people...”

Portrait of a modern liberal

There are even more fates for this: the Menshikov energetically wrested them from Russia, who, like today, while destroying them, rely on the “democratic and civilized” Zahid. “We,” wrote Menshikov, “are not taking our eyes off the Sunset, we are fascinated by it, we want to live like this and not a little worse than the lives of “decent” people in Europe. Under the fear of the greatest, most acute suffering, under the weight of the uneasiness that is felt, we need to provide ourselves with the same luxury that is available to the future spouse. We are obliged to wear the same cloth, sit on the same furniture, eat the same herbs, drink the same wines, drink the same kinds of things that Europeans drink. To satisfy their needs, the illumination ball provides the Russian people with ever greater benefits.

The intelligentsia and the nobility do not want to understand that the high level of living in the countries is associated with the exploitation of a significant part of the world. No matter how the Russian people worked, they would not be able to match the income that they have in the West by pumping unpaid resources and other countries to their own ends...

The illumination ball puts extreme pressure on the people to ensure European independence, and if it doesn’t go away, they will be overwhelmed by the rebellion and rebellion of the Russian people.”

Why didn’t Menshikov paint a portrait of today’s Russophobic liberal “elite” with his incredible insight for hundreds of years?

Advice for honest practice

Well, why are the words of a prominent publicist not relevant to us today? “It seems that we have won and conquered,” wrote Menshikov, “it seems that the panic on our own land was not at all suitable for crooked battles. You need courage for any honest task. Everything is dearer in the fight against nature, everything is more precious in science, mysticism, wisdom and popular faith - everything is destroyed by the very heroism of the heart.

Every progress, every revelation is like revelation, and every thoroughness is a victory. Only the people, who sounded like a sound before the battles, the infestations of the instinct of triumph over the transgressors, built on this great scale. Just as there is no sense of panic among the people, there is also no genius. The pride of the nobility falls - and the people become slaves from the ruler.

We are full of slavish, worthless, morally worthless inflows, and this very thing is our wretchedness and the weakness of the rich people that is inevitable.”

Was it not through this weakness that Russia fell into 1917? Why did the mighty Radyansky Union collapse in 1991? Is it not the same insecurity that threatens us today when we put a global pressure on Russia from the side of the Sun?

Place of revolutionaries

Those who supported the foundations of the Russian Empire, and in the cruel fate of 1917, wanted power from it, did not forget and taught Menshikov his position as a stable ruler and fighter for the unification of the Russian people. The publicist was sidelined from work in the “New Hour”. Having spent the buildings and protected them, they were confiscated never before by the Bolsheviks, in the winter of 1917–1918. . Menshikov Provіv on Valdai, where there is a dacha in Nogo.

On this bitter day, I wrote to my friend: “February 27, 12.III.1918. The River of the Russian Great Revolution. We are still alive, like the Creator. We were robbed, devastated, liberated, driven out of our place and home, condemned to death by starvation. And tens of thousands of people were tortured and killed. And all of Russia was thrown into a disaster unprecedented in history. What would be scary to think about, it would be scary if the brain had not already reached the point of being beaten intolerably by enemies of violence and thirst.”

In the spring of 1918, Menshikov was arrested, and within five days he was shot. A note published in Izvestia said: “The supervising field headquarters near Valdai shot the prominent Black Hundred publicist Menshikov. The monarchical view on which Menshikov stands is openly revealed. I saw a underground black-hundred newspaper calling for the fall of Radian rule.”

Whose acquaintance did not have a long-awaited word of truth. There was no more news and no more newspapers. Menshikov also never published them.

They took revenge on him for his excessive position as a staunch Russian patriot. At the meeting with the squad, after sitting for six days, Menshikov wrote that the Chekists did not accept anything, that this trial was an “act of revenge” for their stats that were fought before the revolution.

The stratum of the prominent son of Russia was born on the 20th spring of 1918 on the birch of Valdai Lake opposite the Iveron Monastery. His widow, Maria Vasilievna, who immediately became a witness to the execution from her children, later wrote in her memoirs: “Having arrived under the war at the place of death, the man became a monastery before the Iveron monastery, it is clearly visible from this place, sank down and began to pray. The first volley was fired for splashing; the resulting shot wounded the left arm of the man's hand. Kulya grabbed a piece of meat. After this shot, the man looked around. A new salvo was fired. They shot at the back. The man fell to the ground. Immediately, Davidson jumped up with a revolver and shot the two at point-blank range at the left screen.<…>The children of their father were shot and cried with fear.<…>Chekist Davidson, who stood at the door, said that there was great satisfaction."

Today, Menshikov’s grave, which has been miraculously preserved, is located in the old town of Valdai (Novgorod region), next to the Church of Peter and Paul. Only through many fates did the people manage to rehabilitate the famous writer. In 1995, Novgorod writers, in support of the administration of Valdai’s greatness, erected a memorial plaque on Menshikov’s garden with the words: “Rozstrilyany for reconstitution.”

In connection with the journalist's anniversary, the All-Russian Menshikov readings were held at the St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University. “Russia did not have and does not have a publicist equal to Menshikov,” the head of the Transgalno-Russian movement in support of the fleet, captain 1st rank reserve Mikhailo Nenashev, emphasized in his speech.

Volodimir Malishev

What does it mean to be against the system? How many people are throwing anti-system gases at once, how many people are taking a position against the system, without understanding what the System is, what a stench they speak out against so vehemently. In most episodes, all anti-systemic sentiments were extinguished due to pathos, game, youthful maximalism and not carrying any truly compelling ideas and the basic essence of nutrition. For such people, it doesn’t matter who they fight against, it’s all about throwing out their aggressive energy against any enemy, and in this case, that enemy is this System.

It’s hard to think that in this article I’m trying to break the law against the System. Not this time. I already have a statement in which I described my data when leaving the System, but I couldn’t show my money to the System itself.
What is the system? It is based on the absence of systems, it is necessary to direct special sciences to the basis of systemic methodology, which deals with the teaching of the world behind the help of systems. So, roughly speaking, our entire world is made up of systems and not all of them are worthless - many of which are necessary for our livelihood.

And now let us find out what kind of System this is, against which so many people act, against which your humble servant acts...

The system is financial-oligarchic, or, in other words, “dictatorship of the oligarchy.” It is important to note that the dictatorship is not the bourgeoisie itself as a class, but the very tricks of the most successful representatives of the bourgeoisie - the oligarchs. The money itself is more neutral and, in contrast to the broadening of the Duma, does not carry negative or evil connotations. Pennies are simply a tool that helps the economic system of people interact. Tobto. pennies are equivalent to goods.

But everything is so good only in ideal minds. The spillover of this system, due to human greed, has resulted in money being spent on a tool that does not help people, but instead makes them slaves. Tobto. Whoever controls the money controls the economy, and therefore the will of the people. Through various political events and situations of the past fates, humanity in its dark mass has until now become penniless, so one can now safely guess about the slave-like manner. Previously, slaves were slaves openly, then. they worked for their ruler, subordinated their will to their ruler, taking away what was unnecessary for life (roughly speaking, their rations, so as not to die of hunger). Ale schasna rabovlasnitska The system is richly complex and confusing. You can’t just take it and be a slave master, he will need some cunning.

In order for people not to feel like they are a slave, but to feel like they are free, the concept of freedom is taken from their childhood. As a result, a person is a slave - and at the same time feels free. You say that you are not good with me and that you do not respect yourself as a slave, well, then let’s find out why you do not understand...

Let’s equate our two companions, then. two people who live today. One is a modern civilized person, the other is a resident of a tribe who lingers in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. Human skin has natural, physiological needs: take urchin, drink water etc. Tobto. te, without any people in the past. Now let’s marvel at how people satisfy their needs. The Papuans now go out into the clearing to the forest, in which it is alive, it produces hedgehogs and, happily, it eats. Tobto. Satisfaction with his need to lie in the forest, in nature. If you live near the forest, you will not require any of the benefits of modern civilization; everything that you need is given by nature simply by reason. And the scum of civilization, in order to satisfy his needs, is tempted to work, to earn money, so that he needs to go to the store and buy some food there (and I don’t tell you why The hedgehog is crushed). Tobto. In order to immediately get yourself a life, people are afraid to take part in the intermediate stages of the video, then. work and pennies. And since we do not take part in these stages, we simply do not reject the hedgehog and do not satisfy our natural need for food. Well, people are worried about the fate of these stages. And if you don’t want to take part in them and try to immediately get your own hedgehog, then in no way there is anything in the place (Rittya according to Smitniki - not in Rakhunok), so there is no hedgehog in the middle of the world and what is in the wild stage. Well, that's how you catch pigeons.

In the middle of the world, a person who has spent all these intermediate stages is becoming a homeless person, since a jungle dweller cannot be called such, because he is found in the natural and natural middle for himself, in his own home. And the little homeless man had previously been a civilized bastard, but fate played an evil heat on him and drove him into extinction. If you want to sleep somehow, then. speaking not about some kind of great comfort, but about the necessary washing, people have to pay for utility services, then. If you, for example, don’t want to pay such a pittance for heating costs, but heat with wood, then you simply won’t have the opportunity to use the design features of your living space. Well, you wouldn’t really burn wood in your apartment, would you? And for active people, it’s easier to stock up on firewood without having to pay for the burning.

Papuan children look at the bourgeoisie with contempt.

Many people incorrectly understand that they are trying to exit the System and get out of it. And interpret the diet as an external change from everything else, go to extremes without trying to understand the essence of nutrition. Anything other than liberation means liberation of one’s body, which means it’s self-destruction, burning to a mighty death. A person does not dare to identify with anything, she is dissatisfied with everything and, by the logic of it, if she continues to live long enough, such a crime will lead to death. If you jump to death, then you will have to live and work, work, you can just sleep like this and then you will still die. Therefore, any reasonable exit from the system will only lead to regression, to downfall. If you see the whole world, as if there were no different groups - small systems in one great system. And if a person theoretically gets rid of all these small systems, then he still won’t be able to achieve greatness, so his efforts are doomed to failure and nothing else, like foolishness and nonsense, which is not worthy in the future every respect and to the paragraph in this article. .. It’s not good for him to shave his head, because the people won’t be able to fly! You need to evaluate your chances realistically without horny eyepieces.

Well, let’s not talk about it again, absolutely, let’s talk about liberation from this insolent and shameless slavery. Since then, slavery has rather an ethical character, the fragments of support for living will need to be taken into account as a matter of fact, since the difference between these activities is considered purely ethical. And those who pretend that they are dominated by such slavery and that they are entitled to its fruits swell, leaving the skin with its own relish. Ale then, don’t let the stench stink, why is everything so crap. In the end, and everything, and the sits, and the poisons, and all the crap...

Now why are the oligarchs here? Well, there’s a lot of stench, otherwise we’re on the right, even if we don’t care about other people’s money. That's right, other people's pennies, earned by honest money, are not respected, because they are not valuable. Even if you spend money from food, the food is completely different. If people want, for example, billions of pennies, then they can also exchange goods for an equivalent amount. And in order to exchange the goods, you need to take it away, then. prepare, prepare, etc. If you want to earn billions of pennies (to be honest, if you have a large sum), then you need to report to Zhusil, which is practically an impossible honest way, through a small amount of goods. Or great, but worse product. Therefore, by taking these huge sums of pennies in such ways, people simply support the economy, paying pennies every day, as long as the pennies become commodities and are bought and sold that way. When people speculate on money (Forex), they earn money by not selling and losing money, taking money from nothing, taking the difference from the exchange rate. The fact is that pennies have become a commodity, playing a great evil fire on us. As a result, the purchase of very cunning people was able to get rich, vikorystyuchi this trap, and others began to hide behind him.

Why did the Bolsheviks dislike the bourgeoisie so much? The bourgeois earns a lot more pennies, Zusil reports below. So, even though it seems simple, the bourgeoisie lies at the resort, sipping juice, so that its capital (production companies, workers, assets) will bring them profits. The bourgeois sleeps, and at this hour a coin falls on his rack, the bourgeois cannot sleep - and the money falls just like that. Adherents of the ideas of Marx and Lenin would regard this kind of earnings as exorbitant and unacceptable for a new (at that time) estate. They respected that every human being owed as many pennies to her mother as she actually earned her money.

This axis is the key to understanding daily slavery. Dictatorship of the bourgeois class.

"Be it a power - it's a dictatorship of the noble class."

"Right - the will of the noble class has been reduced to law."

Tobto. all laws, the entire legal framework are created for the sake of the noble class. Not for ordinary people, but for those who are dominated by nini. Bright butt before - The law on privatization of the 90s, adopted by representatives of the bourgeoisie, is gaining momentum. As the Union's main class is the proletariat, then. The worker class and the entire legal framework were created for the new one (well, according to the theory), and right up to 61, everything was in trouble, until at 22 the party’s program “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” was taken away. Tobto. The state ceased to be proletarian, and a gradual transitional stage began from communism (more precisely, its initial stage) to capitalism. Tobto. from the dictatorship of the worker class to the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, which we are now facing.

Well, the system we are trying to fight against is the totality of actions, laws, paradigms adopted by the bourgeois class, and more precisely by its “most extreme” representatives - the oligarchs. Just as democracy means the power of the big, anarchy means the presence of any clearly expressed political power, then oligarchy means the power of the rich. Tobto. Whoever has the most pennies is the one to rule. “Whoever pays makes the music.” Tobto. the power is not of those who steal, the power is not of the gifted, talented and intelligent, but the power of those who, in their wisdom, scrounge up a lot of pennies in their own time. The power of cunning and vile, vile and inhuman essences, people who I can’t even dare to call - they are simply biomas, with which the stinks dare to respect the rich among us (the rumor came out of Rome).

How to fight against the system? Behind the principle “every action has its own antidote.” To fight against the system requires a different system. Tobto. to create a new system, as it is possible to cope with the boundaries of the colossus. How to create a different system? That one over there has already been created. In order to fight against the tools that keep people out of the system, it is necessary to become aware of them, since it is good that there is no physical aftertaste, as was the case during the hours of the pharaohs, for example. Now the emphasis is on people's familiarity, and not on their physical primus. People themselves become slaves, or rather, they continue to live and do not want to change anything. This means that in order to remove these instruments from the Primus, you can remove them. Populate dying villages, create new settlements. . Preservation of maximum autonomy and independence in the face of great civilization. Create your own, different systems, your own partnerships, valuable and inviolable, with your ideals (it doesn’t matter what). Through war, these systems will become one great system or a collection of systems, as long as they want to continue as many systems as possible. The more people there are in this System, the smaller and weaker it will be, and the counter-system will be stronger. Actions are required in exactly the same way as the oligarchs do. If someone has more, then someone has less, if someone knows, that means someone has spent. I'll fight them against them. The fewer workers the bourgeoisie has, the less money he will take away from additional profit (income) and the poorer he will be. This will be a kind of rebellion and an act of disobedience to one’s slave masters. Guess how Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi acted, trying to escape the British yoke in India. The stinks stopped smelling of British clothes, stopped smelling of British strength and began to smell their own, much cheaper ones. This means that these methods work, and there is no need to kill anyone at the same time. It’s the same here, there’s no need to buy oligarchic products if we can produce our own, acquire and grow them.

Alas, I respect you, I need to inform you. As people have realized how controlled this System is, then, remember, the roads have already passed, the only nourishment lies in the fact that these are the easiest roads... And it’s not at all easy to stride in the streets, take part in rallies, create pathos for yourself no avatars or statuses in social settings - you just need to do the right thing, guys. To get rid of the System, you need to get out of it, and not fight like a turtle, wandering around in it.

No one has ever told anyone that being a hero is not easy. I suppose it was just a freak if you showed up at work right away or sacrificed a lot of dollars for charity, for which there was no need for a special term. The hero, after all, is one who is not like ordinary people, a man who often sacrifices his powerful reputation, healthy mind, psyche, or, as a matter of fact, life, does not care about anything. And this “nothing” is the very thing that the heroes win. Alas, it turns out that our marriage may be even more inconceivable when it comes to the truthless ideas. Explain how.

FBI raid on Anonymous

You, melodiously, chanted about the fallout from the accolades at Steubenville High School. Last summer, a lot of athletes believed that there was nothing bad about the famous young unknown girl and the posting of photographs from six years of correspondence with her on the Internet. As long as we live in a greedy world, the police showed up with them, and put Vidmova in front of the police in connection with the “vulnerability of the warehouse.” That’s where the whole story ended, only Anonymous didn’t know about it. Over the course of many years, they dug up enough evidence to prove the guilt without raising the usual doubts, as a result of which the governors recognized the guilt. Vlada found out that they were wrong, and Anonymous was publicly voted heroes. Hurry up, do it yourself and it’s not enough. After all, the FBI launched an intrusion into the office of Derek Lostuter, who, under the name of Anonymous, conducted an investigation into the law enforcement agency. Despite the fact that evidence has been found that the photographs belong to two suspects, Deirek, he now faces up to ten penalties for being guilty of evildoing. Now the judge is looking into the matter of the marriage of the 16-year-old girl, giving the defendants two fates.

Stanley Adams spends everything

In the 1970s, when Stanley Adams worked for the Swiss pharmaceutical company Hoffman-Laroche, he discovered signs of illegal price fixing in the company. As a respectable citizen, Adams passed on the information to the European Economic Partnership (after Maastricht in 1993, it was reorganized into the European Union), and then marveled with horror at how the stench systematically destroyed his life. Initially, the EU failed to keep his name in the dungeon ("not released" here means that the officials handed him over to the robot dealers, who quickly got Stanley Adams arrested for spying). The Swiss police kept him in solitary confinement for three months and handed him over to his squad, so they might never have to deal with him again. Having lost her mind at this terrible new thing, she laid hands on herself - and at that moment everything became even worse. Adams was released after six months of mortification and then learning that his squad was dead; In addition, even as his career collapsed, a new great shell was hanging over a million dollars in connection with ship expenses. Adams needed 10 rocks to obtain compensation sufficient to cover less than half the shell. Soon after this, he was arrested for being involved in the plot to kill his new squad; maybe now everything has changed?

Soldier arrested for gun violence

In 2009, SAS combat veteran Sergeant Nightingale returned to the UK after a successful project to train Iraqi soldiers. How successful are we? Well, my teachers gave him a special pistol as a gift, which they carefully packed for him. Unfortunately, this meant that only the Nightingale soldier, having set foot on native English soil, carried out illegal fire. What happened? Vlada killed the dog and let him go without punishment? The pistol was confiscated, deactivated, and was it turned to the soldier? Not at all. Regardless of his merits, Sergeant Solovey was thrown into military service for 18 months. Those who require any upgrading, only six months less, were given less by the valet workers in Steubenville. I'm sorry, the healthy mind moved, and its virok came out of clicks, but it became the first, the disabled veteran spent several months in deep confusion.

Canadian whistleblower placed on blacklist

Despite the stereotypes that have developed over decades, most of us appreciate that Canadians are invariably respectful and decent people. If the government serviceman Edmonds Duncan reveals his boss, Defense Minister Robert Coates, who runs German strip clubs on the pittance of paid taxes and prevents secret documents from lying around in bars, it seems completely relatives, why should we tell him? At this moment of stink, perhaps, two people were roasting over a cup of kavi, right? A axis and no. If Coates understands that they can find out about the new and other disturbances in the government, the Prime Minister also fired Edmonds and added him to the black list of government officials. In essence, this meant that at that hour, as a money-spending official, who, one might say, having threatened national security, went home in order to lose his seat in parliament (with a reduced capacity), a guy who told everyone about his easy and tell them, they kicked them out and It was fenced in and we wanted to enter. The axis has appeared, people can start in Canada.

Hero of the Vignanna

Christophe Mailly was nobody, but he didn’t work for anyone. In order to maintain this unqualified qualification, he was hired as a night watchman at the Union Bank in Zurich. What's further is what's going on. Today, the final round in one night in 1997, having spent on a hundred old ledgers, as if they were in need of a small amount of depletion. Somehow out of necessity (or, perhaps, simply out of boredom), we decided to burn them out, and at this point our life simply passed into another before our eyes. What Mail held in his hands was proof that Union Bank had knowingly pocketed money and protected Jews from the relatives of Holocaust victims. In other words, it was similar to servitude for evil - and Union Bank was on the brink of poverty. The mails were received by those who were from us, having been received at the same place and handing over the paper to the police... which immediately began an investigation from the authorities about the destruction of the bank chamber. Having left work and having lost the great term of appreciation, Maili was confused by the search for the corners of the United States, where they lived in their homeland for 12 years. Until now, the figure of national hatred in the Swiss press is no longer a figure, although the Union Bank scandal will be completely forgotten.

Those who responded to 9/11 will receive compensation.

At the same time, if the stories of 9/11 support the human psyche, the world may know its heroes. Among the most heroic were the first to react - firemen, Swedish aid brigades and riot police, who were busy clearing the rubble, making their way through the gloom of toxic chemical streams that burned the center of Manhattan. You don’t need to think long enough to realize that these boys (and girls) deserve to be surrounded by signs many times over. So, if they started to get sick through a number of fates, it’s not surprising that they may have ignored them. To be fair, illnesses were completely ignored. Regardless of the 15% increase in the risk of developing cancer, the heroes of 9/11 were not given anything as compensation for the onset of 10 fatalities. When the bill was presented in 2006, the order was revived. When the final version reached the Senate in 2010, dissatisfied politicians bullied his praise. In fact, the only reason why the law was praised was that comedian Jon Stewart started talking a lot about the national political system. Finally, after ten years of recovery, emergency response services began signing the bill - as it turned out, cancer cannot be diagnosed in patients with the term treatment.

The military know Bradley Manning

For three years we knew that the war in Iraq was a logistical shambles. More than 600,000 Iraqis died in it - almost as many people live in Boston. That's what they said until Bradley Manning suddenly dumped nearly 750,000 military documents on WikiLeaks, making the true scale of the Iraq war more lucid. Papers also talked about the fate of the American troops at the torturas, the unprovoked killings of two journalists near Baghdad, not to mention those whose eyes were flattened due to the slaughter - all the chaos burst into enormity. Now you don’t need to tell me in a sing-song voice what happened next: Manning was arrested and tried three times without trial and evidence in the minds, as best described as “inhuman.” At the same time, the judgments were extended until the end of the century, since the system did not reach the greatest possible efforts to investigate the military crimes, which were described in the flow of information. How many deaths were hidden in the stream of information released by Manning? Zero.

Nuclear informant

In 1985, Mordechai Vanunu worked as a technician at the Negiv Nuclear Research and Research Center in Israel. Being an ailing pacifist, Vanunu became interested in obvious subordinate goals to the center: the tracking of nuclear energy and the immediate production of hundreds of thermonuclear warheads, which were blocked by the Israeli forces. Unable to reconcile his peculiarities with what he has to do today, Vanunu decided to give this information to the British press, which published it and then gave it to the Mossad. Vanun was kidnapped, repatriated, and sentenced to 18 years of freedom - eleven years in solitary confinement. After the release of the re-investigation, there were restrictions on travel, under constant surveillance, and this was the price of the published information. I am sorry, without having seen the secrets of the enemy power, without having gained anything big that could provoke a reaction from the side of the CIA. Well, we are also aware of Samson's Option - the methods of smuggling, in addition to which the Israeli order will respond to any attacks from the reserves of its reserves, so as not to deprive its enemies, but Europe, Asia and the world. Mi tudi is also included.

Obama reexamines Edward Snowden

Just now, one of the biggest stories in the rest of the few rocks has been disrupted without further ado. The Washington Post and Guardian have documented that the NSA (National Security Agency) was engaged in illegal monitoring and data storage. They did not feed the electorate, did not tell anyone anything, and did not inform the members of Congress about the whole world of their actions. I'm sorry, they created such an agency of spying that they would go to China late in the day - and they created it so that they could steadily follow whoever they wanted. What kind of information is there? Edward Snowden - a top CIA contractor, an employee of the Department of Justice, they call him nin. So that everything would become clear: Snowden gave us affection. No one wants to watch over their private lives 24/7. At this time, there is no shortage of evidence that this violation of rights has saved at least one life, not to mention those that it has stopped terrorist attacks, regardless of such statements by the administration. When publishing these files, Snowden made sure not to publish anything that could harm the United States, its agents or international operations. He is simply guilty of the fact that this robot has such a problem, he is guilty of protecting his family - and the authorities now call him a “hospitalist.” What else can we talk about besides the fact that our system is not working correctly?

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Were you kidding? Maybe something you couldn’t know for so long?

The god's myth of our time, fortune-telling by marketers to sell this or that product. Virus of romantic manifestations of the beatniks of the 1940s and the hips of the 1970s. Interpretations from many artistic works, including “The Wall”. It is important to remember that the world has a “sulfur mass” of “office plankton”, a “beadle” - “natov”, who lives by creature instincts and does not change anything, spending his life stupidly in a boring, boring required "robot" " and "Bidlovidpochinku". Of course, it is victorious against the “oligarchy” and the “police state” (all of which are the same) as a source of pennies and a stronghold for its throne. Everything is a “system”. Any skin that respects itself must fight for. This myth is supported in our time by a great number of columnists and interior designers, CEOs of SMM startups and food photographers. Call “to go against the system” at your posts in social media, where they write that the “system” is rotten and that there is a stink to go against it.

Today's icons of “campaigns against the system”, who speak with their sermons of “another life”, are not supported by bank accounts, the ownership of stores, the registration of government authorities and passports by the government, public relations and private PHI, maintaining their interests in the jurisdiction of courts and arbitrations - and the direction from the mainstream with a distantly pumped up biceps, behind the wiped trendy environmental oil)) True walkers “against the system” - without bums and relapses. Everything else is a devilish simulacrum that calls from the TV screen to “fight the system” by purchasing a new fashionable add-on for only 9.99 and getting a special bandana to fight the system for 4.99.

This is a phenomenon among women (there is no sexism here, it’s just a psychological phenomenon, they don’t know who it is). After many fatalities, the destruction of the shells, the encouragement, the breath and the cries of one or many people (cases of Volochkova, Saltikova, Khromchenka, Rudkovskaya, that Monroe, Winehouse, Gaga, burned the skin of a friend) - the stench really sank into to what they “earned for themselves” And they really don’t compare one by one, all respecting their own special achievements. It’s not bad and it’s not good, it’s just the way it is, and it can’t be changed, it must be accepted. Wow. Exactly the same psychological blinders are respected by any person, whether he is a clerk, a vandal, or a thug, in order to understand that there is no “gray mass”, that the skin of the individual and sometimes there are such depths and heights that defy the slightest glance , such busyness, thoughts and hobbies, - What will you get excited about? In other words, “gray mass” - no. And the “system” is the totality of objective economic and political minds, fighting against them - all the same in order to fight against the corruption of the body, sleep and empty itself (which also requires limiting our freedom and reflecting our high sensibilities). And “fighters against the system” are simply fighters in a shooter without a network, with a computer and on their own.

Moreover, there is no gray mass, ready to cross. I myself often associate with representatives of this gray mass. Just yesterday, sensing that a new sculptural composition, depicting musicians, was installed on one of the squares of the place. To my question, why did she say: “Who needs this and what?” Me: “It’s so beautiful!” And she: “What’s so good about it? It would be better if the money spent on this sculpture were given to the same mothers!”

Of course, you can understand this woman. Vaughn is a single mother, and the government's assistance is limited to only meager food (of course, Vaughn is already in good shape), paying for bills (for electricity and water, which are never turned on), cheap cigarettes (and Marlboro is not for her) kishenі) , modest (by Israeli standards) clothes and the purchase for my daughter of a not very difficult and not perfect game console. About those that you want to work on, even if you want to go to the private sector, this lady is trying not to think about it. Of course, who should sit at home with her little girl and wait, so that she doesn’t smoke grass and don’t fuck around with older guys in the Arabian way, which would elevate any light-haired Russian girl to the rank of goddesses? and especially for those whose appearance is radically undermined The appearance of the squads that became familiar to them, flamboyant, brown-eyed brunettes, who naively assumed that the man was busy working on his work, or that his car had been broken into on the way home.

Just like there are already sculptures and sculptures, the poor single mother has no time for them, here it ends with ends and the “minus” of the bank is cut off. And then suddenly go to the shopping center and buy a lot of different kinds of goods, which is due to chronic depression, a loss of the sense of life and disorientation of specialness.

And if it’s not sira masa, then I just don’t know what “sira masa” is.

With respect,

Jan Albertovich Denenberg,

oooh, you know, these are my favorite fantasies)))
In general, it is possible to effectively guard against certain people within rigidly fixed frameworks, who manage to rebel there.
and so, in general, there is enough light in a diverse place, so that no one needs to rebel.

From now on you can go there, if you don’t praise yourself, you don’t want to be re-examined.

Of course, there will always be people who simply ought to “rebel.”

People are powered by stereotyped thoughts, labels are drawn to all possible spiritual or inanimate objects. Marketers are familiar with strong influences on the human psyche, but the truth is that the skin of a person is unique, and behind the scenes they can be seen from the masses. So I will agree with the author and whose food. I don’t know to what extent this can be called a singing illness of fate, even though the first tribes carried out various rituals, and the roles assigned to each member of the tribe inevitably lead to the creation of these and other patterns.