Come fight with the boar mites, yoga prevention has appeared. Spider mite

The spider mite is a representative of the family of arachnids, and most of the preparations from the spiders are not covered for the destruction of the spiders, so the fight against them must be laborious and difficult. Іsnuyut raznі see spider mites, the widest chervoniy, zemlyany and zvichayny. Dani shkіdniki psuyut kіmnatnі and garden growths, vismoktyuchi juice from them.

Ticks hibernate under scorched leaves, near sheds, in crevices near trees in other places, where severe frost does not penetrate. The life span of ticks is up to 1 month, during the whole period the females reach up to a hundred eggs. Eggs hatch in 3-4 days, they do not exceed 0.1 mm.

The mite of will hover under the leaves, wrapping around thin cobwebs and viscous juices. On top of the sheet there are white specks at the puncture sites. Year of leafing yellow and beginning to fall. Through the seedlings, the lines cease to grow normally, and the vegetation process ends earlier. As soon as you don’t get used to entering, Roslin can perish.

Prevention and rejuvenation roslyn

Likuvannya polagaє in regular obraskuvannі leaves and wiped with a wet ganchirochka, on the leaves are not guilty gossamer. The most unsafe period for domestic plants is the winter period, hot batteries run around in a dry place, which is ideal for spider mites.

How to get a spider mite for help with a special care - follow the next preparation, like "Intavir" "Fitoverm" or "Karbofos", prepare the next rose in proportions with water, as it is written in the instructions. Koshti in the form of mites are applied with a spray gun to the roslin, after which a polyethylene bag is put on the roslin and tied to the mountaineer and dried up for a year.

To fight against mites, it is necessary to disinfect the soil, for which you need such preparations: "Temik" or "Aldikarb", add them to the soil.

How to fight spider mites and yoga eggs? For the fight against vikoristovuvat sirkovі and phosphorus-containing preparations. With the help of a rozchiny, they covered the roslin, the land that pіdvіkonnya. For the results to be effective, you can scoring different scores according to your needs, excluding the ability to call ticks to scoring scoring.

Folk protection against ticks

  • Tsibuleva tincture - dilute half of the middle tsibulini with males and pour a liter of warm water. The tincture should be kept for 12 years, after which it is possible to pick up the infected leaves.
  • Chasnikov's tincture - press 150 g on the teapot and add a liter of water. The tincture should be left standing for 4 days, before we drink our concentrate in proportions of 50 g of tincture of chasnikova per liter of water.
  • Infusion of kulbab - pour 20 stalks of kulbab with sprinkles and pour sprats of years. With the otrimana homeland, sprinkle the leaves of the leaves.

As the rose is very damaged, it is impossible to put a sprat of cut cloves on the ground and cover the ticket with a bag for a sprat of a year. The smell of the chapel in the case of mites, the chapel can be replaced with turpentine.

Special lamps for roslins are not only safe, but they are also bright and shaped like a light bulb for various ailments. The spider mite is afraid of ultraviolet light, this is what the sun looks like on the inside of the sheet. The ultraviolet lamp should be switched on for a few times a day, try to put it in such a rank, so that the change penetrates from the bottom of the leaves and the beast.

When buying next, choose ultraviolet lamps, which are used for lightening the growths, stench will change the range of changes, as the growths are found in nature. Other lamps can change a lot too much, which can ruin the growth.

It would have been better, kvіtnikari, if they are engaged in rozvedennya roslyn not the first river, know about the protection against shkіdniki in the mustache, and try to use preventive approaches to domogtis, so that these shkіdniki do not start up. Ale, regardless of those that we create, we need to wash the plants, we water it correctly, we fertilize it, we transplant it, as if agrotechnics help us, all one hour at a time, our greenery vikhovanci ailments. It's just that they are such shkіdniki, as they can appear at a real and constant watch, and spider mites can lie down to such.

For some reason, various cliches in nature are impersonal, and, no wonder, deacons from them are absolutely necessary. For example, soil klіshі are needed for pіdtrimki processes of laying out in the soil and molding the life-giving medium.

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See the ticks

Ale this year, we are talking about peacock mites, which are also seen, and all the stench is not safe for the roslins.

The mites are small, growing up to 1 mm (maximum up to 2 mm), which can be wetted by arthropods, arachnids. The stench is clear, milky, yellow, red chi orange colors.

Like all mites, the spider mite is like a spider mite, it is more moist. It’s shkidlivist in those who stink, gorchuyuchis juices growing, pozbavlyayut yoga of strength. The first signs of the appearance of mites - all bright light specks on the surface of the leaves - follow the punctures.

More for other extensions of red spider mite. The very shkіdnik winds up at my beloved balsams, if I wine their snail on the vіdkrit every day. Like I didn’t fight against the misfortune, everything is the same until the end of summer, just after a period of strong speck, leaves begin to overgrow with cobwebs - the whole robot of mites. Pavutina is a product of їhnёї zhittєdіyalnostі, but not unsafe for growing. Golovne famously - the mite itself, wine, like a vampire, vismoktuє juices of the flower.

Among the mites, not safe for roslins, the cream of the great spider mites, the Atlantic spider mites grow. As you breed exotic colors, you can learn about flat mites. Stinks especially love cacti, see different citrus fruits and ficuses, euonymus, but do not guide and simpler flowers.

And I would call the root and cibulin mites the most common of the shkіdnikіv, which you get wet, which the underground parts of the kvіtіv dangle the ears. To be more precise, it’s practically impossible to commemorate this microscopic coma under the ground, and as a result, when you dig, you get to see cybulin or lahmittya to replace the roots.

Reasons for the appearance of spider mites

All of us watch over our own lives, protect them, but sometimes they still blame the mind, as if to shrug off the appearance of a spider mite. For example, as if it were repeated in the premises, it was dry and warm, and in apartments with central scorching, it is the same way. Vihіd: either post the credits, or buy the voluzhuvach again.

Spider mites love to settle in the old withered leaves, as if they weren’t tidied up at the hour, and then they get over to the bush. I drank on a leaf - it is also a more comfortable medium for ticks, so try not to let your knіti grimacing with a saw ball.

First symptoms of mites infestation

Be careful not to miss the first symptoms of the attack of a spider mite on a leaf: on the back of the head, there are dribbling drops, which can grow larger until the patches bloom, on the back of the leaf, a spider mite appears, the leaf itself burns. At the cobwebs, new mites appear, and the leaves fall off at the same time, the growth is weaker, withers and may die.

Ways to fight spider mites

Spravzhnі kvіtniki do not like to go into the chemical ways to fight with coma. I don’t like the same, but the spider mite has such an outburst of truths.

Obviously, as you commemorated the ailment at once, at the stage of the first single dribbling specks-punctures, then you can get by with the growth of the growth of the insecticidal honey: gently rub the yogo, kindly rub the skin near the water and carefully wash the skin x sides. In addition, it is necessary to make a flowerpot and a place, to cost a ticket.

But the problem is that most of the time we help the ailment even then, if the growth changes its natural look: they appear as fleas on the leaves and cobwebs on the lower lower flank. I don't care about the ticks anymore. That's why it's necessary to stop insecticides. Today there is a great selection of brown preparations: fitoverm, neoron, fufanon, agravertin. I am a particularly stagnant actellic, which is not safe for people and creatures, but after the processing of spider mites by actellic on my apartments will not be long.

Chula I about the installation of special sticks: Plant-Pin and Etisso. They are built up in the soil from an infected flower, and the fluffy speech (rubbed against mites) is dispersed when watering the soil and it is wetted by the roots of the growth. Particularly handy broom sticks for the jubilation of violets, as they do not like wet brushing. It's a pity, I haven't had a chance to use these drugs yet.

How to grow roslini from mites

Obroblyat the ticket with chemicals as necessary, shards of mites can fall at the diapause station and successfully cross the traces of your procedure. Before the speech, before the work, see all the poshkodzhen leafing out that ticket.

Otzhe, rozchinіt actelіk u svіvіdnoshenі, zakaznі vyrobnikami. If you have a 5 ml ampoule, dilute it in 1 liter of warm water and then pour it into the bottle with a pill. Resolutely obprisskayte all roslina. Mіstsya, as it is important to wet the slicks, you can wipe it with a sponge soaked in the rozchinі. Obpriskuvati bazhano not only the sickness of Roslin, ale and ti, to stand in order. I wipe the place under the ticket with alcohol.

Budov of the boar mites at the stage of state-grown individual

Short summary

  • Harrowing mites - the whole creature with a size of 0.32-0.67 mm. A vitrivale, which in the air is attached to whatever temperature it is. Vono vizhivaє navit for radioactive contamination.
  • The head of shkodi is not only for cereals, but for muci, for the fall of the lion and for the dormouse. Tse yoga is the main hedgehog. In addition, the “ration” has dried fruits, trimmed cereals, boron and meat products. Do not guide and padilla.
  • The main place of residence, the stars are boroshnyanye mites, large grain purchases and borosna - komori, warehouses. Spend the stink of rodents there, like bringing mites on your wool to grain groves. It is brought in in the wind at once from a saw, near the water, on our smell and in the mouth, as if it were contact with contaminated products, boroshno.
  • Leftovers of untidy fodder, straw, corrals for thinness, rotting bedding in forests - all the same, a friendly environment for the development of bog mites.
  • As a rule, mites are introduced at the site for the new dowkill (temperature 21°C - 27°C with a minimum moisture content of 65%), and begin to multiply intensively. There may be a large number of people living there, that the infected culture (boar, grain) begins to collapse.

To the view. The most important parameters for a "heat-loving" tick are a temperature lower than -5 ° C or more than + 55 ° C, moisture content: 15% and lower (or more than 80%).

Life cycle

Stages of the life cycle:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • nymph;
  • the individual (imago) has grown up.

The eggs are oval in shape with a size of 0.1 mm in the case of the female, they spend a few days in wine, after which they don’t. Already in 4 days a larva appears. Vaughn does not look like a mature person. Rozmir - 0.12 mm. Usy for the life cycle of klіsch vіdklaє 120-150 eggs.

Transitioning to the stage of nymph, the person may have an imperfect appearance, the oral organ is visible. Such a camp can be thrived for a long time, right up to the present time of friendly minds development. As soon as the development is activated, the larva becomes an adult. Even if it is comfortable, then for the next day you can watch a stately mature bug. The female is bigger than the male. The size of her body is 0.32-0.66 mm. Just like a male, total 0.3 - 0.43 m. The life span of a female is 2-3 months.

For example, the place of residence of the bog bug is found in granaries, in comora, it is necessary:

  • Change the temperature in the premises to -4°С and lower. Steep the grain, organize the stretches. Wine homemade cereals in the cold or place in the refrigerator.
  • On large areas, carry out the expansion of products with insecticidal and acaricidal preparations of the fumigation and contact method for disinfection: "Fostoxin", "Fostek", "Detia-EX-B" and others.

Preventive work to prevent the penetration of mites to the offensive:

  • containers for transporting boroshna and keeping grains clean;
  • before the sip of the syrovin, the comor should be disinfected, treated with a vape, then dry well, ventilate;
  • smіttya, rozsipane grain or borosno odrazu w zіbrati that burn;
  • pіd h zberіgannya grain pіdtrimuvati nіbnі parameters microclimate, organizing periodic ventilation;
  • the territory of the grain-shovish, komori, borosnomelnogo workshop can be clean, without smіttєvih kup, the call of the bushes;
  • necessary prevention of the mill of grain: temperature, moisture, presence of chitinous patches;
  • live in the entrances, which do not allow the penetration of birds from the application of grain,

Household stocks of boroshna, cupping in small portions in the world, consume, periodically review. As soon as it will be marked to the barber "I live" the mass, such a product is being sold.

  • On the kitchen police can be dry and warm.
  • Products brought from the store are transferred to a clean, dried container, which is hermetically sealed. When you don’t need to add money brought from the store, stock up on surpluses that are saved.
  • You can come in and fight according to your character. A bay leaf, a clove of a watchmaker, or a stainless steel spoon, was placed in a closed container for the beast to produce, indulging in a beard mites.
  • It is necessary to take care of cleanliness, to control the presence of rodents. When revealed, carry out pitchforks.
  • Weeding vicorist for even stitched products.
  • Carry out a cleansing of the water on the surface with a weak bite (for 2 parts of the water, add 1 part of the root).
  • Dozryuvalni products vitrimati at temperatures higher than +50 degrees. Groats, nasіnnya, fry the grain in the oven.
  • The fight against borer mites will be more effective, as you save dry food for animals that live in different places.

spider mite- a herbivoid spider-like "attack" of practically all room growths that grow in a warm, dry weather.

One of the widest and most important shkіdniks.

The body of the mite is flattened, yellowish-green in color with black hens on the sides.

Through microscopic rozmіr (0.5-0.6 mm) it is not visible with an invisible eye.

With great stinginess, on the growing line one can see a pour of dots that are moving.

It opposes over 200 different types of indoor roslin, and especially “loves” pelargonium, fern, cyclamen, poinstensia, gerbera.

In most cases, spider mites “settle” on the lower parts of the leaves, and if they stop eating for eating, they pay off the tops of the pagons.

About the defeat of the growth of the shkіdnik, to note the appearance on the leaves of znebarvlennyh tsatok, as step by step grow up to the great zhovtih belyam.

In the hour, the storms storm and fill the red-brown color. I took off my name of the tick through the oblutuvanya of the damaged parts of the growth with a white cobweb. Basically, the cobwebs are established between the leaves and the stem.

At the late stages of infection, the leaves are deformed (contracted to cobwebs), wither and fall off. Great colonies of shkіdnikі v zdatnі zapasti roslina, vymoktavshi from it the whole clitiny sіk.

The life cycle of the mites is about 25 days, during the whole hour the female lays up to 200 eggs. The maturation of the egg takes 3 days, and the “path” to the mature individual takes the whole day.

Eggs are well saved not only on the very growth, but in the soil, ale and on the mountaineers, near the cracks and cracks. The best friends of the spider mite are dry temperatures and high temperatures.

At +25°С low water content, the shkіdnik most actively reproduces. The mite is good to go around, one fell ill, the growth of the building infects everything else that is in the host.

To that, for the first sign of a blow, it is necessary to isolate the growth. Pozbutisya komakh importantly, the fight against them takes more than one day.

The greatest preventive benefit is regular exposure to ultraviolet "baths". Shkіdnik not to endure yaskravih drowsy exchanges, that hovaєtsya under the leaves of the day light.

Lighting with an ultraviolet lamp, 1-2 times a day, reduce the number of mites, and increase the resistance of the growth to the disease. You can kill the roslin with warm water with a neutral sweet and place it in a plastic bag for 1-2 years.

Change the number of shkіdnikіv additional processing of the damaged parts of the growth with 96% rose alcohol. Roslin is sprayed with a dry spray or rubbed with soaked cotton wool.

However, skin roslin is far from being transferable. It is not necessary to process the omission of the growth, the shards of alcohol for a long time to evaporate and may be reduced to opium.

You can check the reaction of the sprouting to alcohol by rubbing 1-2 leaves forward. Alcoholic distillation is ideally suited for the processing of window frames and gorshchikiv roslin.

For the full blame of the spider mite, it is necessary to vicorize acaricides - chemical preparations for the fight against bugs. In case of need, it is necessary to take preparations, which will decrease overnight and eggs and matured individuals.

One of these is Dimethoat. Vikoristovuvati yogo should be more careful - due to strong toxicity, it can be aggravated on the leaf. The drug "Difokol" is effective against mature mites, and "Tetradiphon" is against eggs.

You can win "Fitoverm" and "Neoron". Ticks easily call to acaricides, so it is necessary to change the drug, which will kill. And after the reduction of the shkіdnik, it is necessary to carry out one more preventive work.

It would have been better, sir, to grow up near the kіmnati, not to contact with the street, not to be afraid of shkіdniki, but the stench gets to them. Help famously - a colony of spider mites on room dews. How to fight? Let's get it together.

This microscopic shkіdnik is not remembered by an indefinable eye. Then, you can follow the yoga of life, orienting yourself according to the costs that are applied to the roslins. Zhwavy lover of rose juice is pierced on the leaves, when looking at the light, the stench is good to be seen. For an hour, the stench is angry, satisfying with whips, leafing through dryness. Roslin's growth is growing, leafing to fade. Pavutinka, as if letting out a shkidnik, talk about a heavily populated growth with mites. Tsya stage of the wounded vimahay negaynyh diy, іnakshe kvіti can perish. In order not to miss the safety, check them regularly. To talk about the settlement of the apartments with ticks and trace the line, which may look like a bluish fool, and also the marriage of the husband and the spit - the sight of the shkidnik. For yoga, it’s better to win a magnifying glass, choosing a sunny, bright day. With an electric light, the chances of showing yoga are small.

Biologists classify ticks as a class of arachnoid type of arthropods. Such a classification is possible through the special nature of yoga body. To the very same, all zastosovuvani z іnshih comas of insecticides against mites are powerless. Їx you will need other koshti. Nature has over 2000 different types of mites. You can zestrit at any little piece of the earth's backwoods.

For indoor roslins, the biggest problem is to become like this:

  • spider mite is absolutely ubiquitous, infects up to 200 species of roslin;
  • spider mite - specializes in room dews and is the most unsafe for them;
  • red-legged spider mite;
  • mite pavutinny bavovnyany Turkestan.

The splendor of these microscopic arthropods is not up to the end, it can be seen from other varieties.

The main hedgehog, be it a representative of the listed above, is sik roslin. The relief of the room will quickly loosen up and die. Why is there a problem with spider mites?

It's important to reveal

The rosemary of a mature individual is independent in appearance no more than 1 mm, and the color is a greenish-brown color that allows you to easily get angry with the leaves. Only the females, who hibernate over the winter, have been harvested. The tick lives on a vivoritous leaf, so the same colony does not fall into the vіchі.

The stench is rapidly multiplying

The cycle of reproduction of mites, titles by metamorphosis, can last a month until winter and lie down at a high temperature. At temperatures close to 30 degrees Celsius, the larvae emerge from the eggs within 3 days, and in a few days the stench is ready to breed. Therefore, the colony of mites grows rapidly, hoarding new territories.

Ease of infection

Shkidnik can be brought to the booth with purchased roslins or other planting material, with soil, on the soles of the boots and on the odaz. Nareshti, the mite can be consumed in the room through the window, wind-blown, and the surface does not play a role here.

Presentation in diapause females

If you wash the rose, that food becomes unacceptable, the female ticks fall into their own stage of calm, which can have up to 5 years. But more often than not, the stench is simply swept up in winter - a bright day shorter than 17 years does not give them the opportunity to lead an active way of life. Ticks overwinter on leaves or in the soil of a mountaineer. The stench of the building is buried on a 20 cm deep. This is how the females themselves slacken and with trivaly spices.

Such peculiarities of the life cycle make the fight against the child difficult and difficult.

Yakі kіmnatnі roslini skhiln_ before infection

Most of the species of mites are all day long, those who make their own special advances, but most of them do not linger on the growths of the Hesnerian family through frayed hairs that cover their leaves. They have their own shkіdnik, also from the family of mites - a flat bed, but you can’t see spider veins.

Do not hesitate to eat the juices of other colors:

  • citrus;
  • arrowroot;
  • aroids;
  • kutrovih.

Often mites can be found on ficus, fuchsia, croton, balsams. Especially gourmets give priority to one species: phalaenopsis mites attack orchids, and cactus flatworm attacks cacti. Ale is in love with meta tsієї komakhi - trojandi. Navit with an uninterrupted fight with other arthropods, spider mites on trojans appear again and again. Deyakі kvіtnikari through tse simply stop її viroshuvati.

Ale, all the same, you can get in touch with this fellow.

Chemical preparations against spider mites

Koshtіv vіd spider mites chimalo was found, and all stinks can be seen to the class of acaricides or insectoacaricides.

It is not possible to get rid of the insecticides of this shkіdnik, the stench cannot be given to you shkodi.

Table: insectoacaricides and acaricides for the reduction of spider mites.

A drugclassFeatures
AktellikAcaroinsecticideDіє all stages of development. Unsafe class 2. Not safe for your creatures. Recommend processing on a fresh surface
ApolloAcaricide from hormonal depletionSterilize grown-up individuals, roaming the roost. Nebezpeki class - 4
DemitanAcaricide, intoxicating speech - phenazakhinSlightly toxic, not safe for fish. Resistance is possible, it’s more than a one-time trial
KarateInsectoacaricideDie popri all stages of development. Unsafe class - 3. Unsafe for bjil, rib and svіysky creatures
BitoxibacillinBiological insectoacaricideSafe intestinal preparation for mature children
NeoronContact acaricideNebezpeki class - 4
NissoranHormonal acaricideSterilize mature individuals
omiteContact acaricideThe enemy has matured individuals and nymphs. Non-safety class - 2
SunmiteContact acaricideDie on all individuals. You may develop resistance to the drug, so for the season one-time treatment. Non-safety class - 3
SkeltaInsectoacaricideDіє on the individual of a different age.
TalstarInsectoacaricide from the pyrethroid groupDie popri all stages of development. For people low toxicity. Not safe for rib ta bjil
flumiteHormonal acaricideDie after all stages of development, sterilizing matured individuals. The dressing is disposable. Low toxicity
FufanonInsectoacaricideDie on all individuals. 3 class of non-safety
EnvidorInsectoacaricide, disrupting lipid metabolismDie popri all stages of development. Non-safety class - 3.

We need to zastosovuvat Bitoxibacillin, Apollo, Akarin, Flumite, stink shards are less unsafe for people.

How do you get rid of the spider mite, how do you want to get rid of the chemist? Іsnuє chimalo folk methods.

Narodnі zasobi for borotbi

We are in front of the tse rіznі vіdvari ta nastoї.

  • In 1 liter of water, boil 100 dried leaves of the wilha, or 100 g of fresh water. Vіdvar, scho insisting on stretching for 12 years, protsіdzhuyut and zastosovuyt for priskuvannya.
  • Pour 50 g of leaves or 30 g of kulbabi roots with hot (40 degrees) water and infuse for about 3 years, strain.
  • 100 g of rooted root is poured into the chrono with a liter of water. Let it brew for a year and procіdzhuyut.
  • 20 g of clockwork teeth are passed through a clockwork press and crushed from 1 liter of water. Procіdzhuyut, not napolagayuchi, and once done shave.
  • Dribno cut the great cibulina, pour 0.5 liters of warm water, let it brew for 5 to 7 years under the roof. Vykoristovuyut protsіdzheny rozchiny.
  • Gently wipe the leaves with 965 concentration copper alcohol. I especially respect the next step to harvest the sinuses of the leaves, de mozhe hovatsya mites.
  • If only for 2-3 hours, turn on the ultraviolet lamp with a change in the average life, then the mite will be dead. You can work 3-4 times a day.
  • Possibly, zastosuvannya sumish acetone and 96% alcohol in proportion 1:2. In each branch, it’s better to simply zaniruvati growlings. Combine the process of cultivation with transplantation, having thoroughly cleaned the roots of the old substrate.

How to properly process roslini and kviti

An unsystematic fight against spider mites will not give an overbearing effect, on the other hand, it will form a new strong immunity to disgust. Therefore, in the fight against such an unsafe shkіdnik, it is necessary to increase consistency, methodicalness and not forget about deyakі drіbnitsі, zdatni zvesti all zusillya to zero.

What do you need to work?

  • It is necessary to renovate not only the roslin, but also other quarters, which should stand on the chomu pіdvіkonnі, but maybe near all the kіmnatі.
  • Tear off all the poshkodzhene leafing out that znishchit.
  • Power for roslin's souls can be spun and washed with miles of leaves. For roslins, as water procedures are contraindicated, vlastovuyut steam lazna. For some, put it by the bathtub for a quarter of the year, turn on even hot water, without curving it. And the axis of the door, on the other hand, is crooked.
  • Relatively disinfect all piddons, you can touch them in sprinkling.
  • Treat the leaves with a vibranium preparation, soaking the entire surface. Spill the soil for the miner.
  • Put a plastic bag on the ticket and tie it up, creating an enclosed space. The package is not accepted until 2 days. Roslina is not guilty of standing in the sun, otherwise she’s just brewing.
  • As long as the spider mite lives on otters, it is resolutely coated with alcohol and with a minimum of roses on the surface of the miner, pіdvіkonnya, ramie, skla, not letting through the zhіlini. We will not close the viprati curtains.
  • In order to get rid of mites again, it is necessary to repeat 2 times with an interval of 6 days, but no more. It is possible to change the national zasib or acaricide, so that the mites do not sing.

In order not to start a stubborn struggle again, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures.


Klіsch love dry povіtrya and high temperature povitrya. In order not to bring satisfaction to you, it is necessary to often check the rooms, and to check the apartment, so that it would not be too stingy.

A hot shower every 3 days can be a garnim prophylactic entry. Rich roslin calmly endure temperatures up to 45 degrees.

Everything that is tied with roslins and brought to the calling booths can go through strict control and, if necessary, be processed. A new ticket is passed to the soul and put on an empty pіdvіkonnya, de won can go through two quarantines. The soil for roslins will require steaming, as well as all other components that are vikorated for folding planting bags, including drainage.

The spider mite is an unsafe and approachable enemy. You can quickly stock up the entire collection of room tickets. That is why you need to fight him mercilessly, you can only overcome it.