Do-it-yourself antiparasitic monastery tea warehouse.

Tsikave about honey

  • The main signs that can indicate the presence of helminths are:
  • weakness, limpness;
  • raptova vaga;
  • a sudden increase in kilograms and the inability to lose them;
  • frequent headaches;
  • gradual disorders of the intestines and scutum;
  • skin illness; vipadannya hair;
  • frequent colds;


For the sake of the doctor, the selection of herbal infusions is shown in the video.

  • It is important to clarify that collections of herbs based on over-processed plant herbs should be used, including until the removal of helminths.
  • Fragments of a lot of herbs are seen as waste products, which in case of dry vicinity cause harm to the body.
  • I know, who will insure him before others.
  • It helps to cleanse the body of toxins that have accumulated and strengthen the immune system.
  • century to 12 rocks;
  • period of pregnancy and birth in women;


viraza shlunku;

bleeding in women every month;

Individual intolerance of the components of the assembly.

Keep in mind that an expert in such nutrition will not only help you praise the solution for treatment, but also select the right herbal collection for your specific patient.

It’s not surprising that no one has insurance for health problems.

Anyone can become a victim of the devastating attacks of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and helminths.

Way to health

The product warehouse is rich and balanced, which allows us to absorb most types of worms, fungi, lamblia, chlamydia and other pathological microorganisms.

The value of the exchange rate is three years.

What time is enough for all helminths, fungi and other pathogenic forms of life to be completely eliminated?

Also, in just one hour, essential components can completely heal the body, saturate the tissues and structures of the human body with the most important elements.

For whom is the collection purposed?

For many people who have decided to cope with problems with the help of official pharmacological drugs, nutrition is particularly to blame: always drink a lot of herbal medicines, in order to relieve helminths, as well as for prevention invented by a lot of faces.

In principle, by taking a special suspension, tablets or medications in any other pharmacological form, you can conduct an express course in the prevention of helminth infections in a few days.
However, it’s “unnecessary” and light drugs are always toxic.

This is the nature of these speeches - to shove this or that budnik as quickly as possible.
In this case, there is not only an “attack” on the body, but often on the tissue of the body itself.

Even “wounded” in this way are hepatocytes, tissue, and sometimes the heart and brain.

The monastic collection for the treatment of helminthic infestations is natural and completely safe.

It’s not just about eliminating the alarm, but also giving the body the strength to fight repeated attacks.

This is especially important for young children, elderly people, as well as patients who suffer from pathology of the liver, scolio-intestinal tract, nirrhoses, and cardiovascular system.

Tell your friends!
Run out of food?

Speed ​​up the search!
A long-known recipe that deeply cleanses.

Hysop leaves in small quantities can be added to salads, peppers and other herbs.

Isop is a strong anti-worm and anti-fungal agent.

Kanufer (Bible leaf)


This salad is good for replenishing the blood supply and compresses the thick walls of the blood vessels.

Polin Zvichainy

The aboveground part is vikorized - grass.

Wipe out the growth.

Dozuvannya over 20 UAH.

(1 tbsp can be fatal).

Therefore, Pauline gets used to microdoses.

It’s really nice to eat Pauline’s cookies for a fresh look - 2-3 crispy cookies per day are enough.

You can also use dried flowers from the same dosage.

Pauline "God Tree"

White radish

Contraindications – illness of nirok, gastritis, virazka.


Korisno taste salads with radishes, incl.

radish greens (aerial parts).

Young radishes are also a source of vitamins.

Contraindications: illness of nirok (stones), etc.

arthritis and arthrosis.

Rosemary Buryak

We all cried out to accept it simply as a sheep, but few people know what kind of powerful lascivious authorities are out there.

With the help of fresh beet and carrot juices, you can get people dying of cancer back on their feet.

There is also a unique recipe for oncology treatment using beetroot, which you can find in the oncology treatment section.

Licorice Tarragon

Residents of the present day worship this herb and eat it in bunches of spices.

Licorice congeal the herbs until the worm infestation is completely eliminated;

Further, the use of antihelmintic herbal mixtures can cause people harm, some of the words that seem to be painful.

  • When performing a bath, it is necessary to adjust the recipe.
  • The best thing to do is to consult with a doctor who will choose the safest options for you.
  • The main tricks when folding collections

  • in case of diabetes – intensification of allergic reactions on the skin;
  • with cholecystitis and hepatitis - increased pain in the liver;
  • for disorders of the nervous system, migraine – worsening headache, sleep disturbance, confusion.
  • crepe;
  • fennel;




1. Popular recipes

If you want to experiment, you can try folding the herbal mixture with your own hands by choosing this recipe: My life already has a rich history of people tied to their clothes who underwent purification in front of approaching guests. Tansy - Pauline - Clove Grind 1/2 100g pizhmi, 50g cloves, 30g polina, 30g 3 Milk thistle and 100 grams of thistle grind at once..

Accept by

However, this method has its own contraindications: vaginity, baby eyelids, and the need for very important people with hypertension and women to start cleansing after the menstrual cycle.

2. ! ( )

Warehouse sumisha : ()

Horsetail - pressing blood-cleansing, anti-scalp, antibacterial zasib.

I prefer to use great fabric instead of flint.

It’s not without reason that the people of Athos said: “If you want a sweet life, drink licorice, if you want a sweet life among the sick, have fun with licorice.”

Before speaking, alcohol, do not be surprised by its sharp taste, it is a sweet product that strongly “acidifies” the body, and the healthy middle part of the body is weak!

  • Now about enemas and bowel cleansing without enemas.
  • The recipe for an “oxamite” enema is as follows:
  • Cooked salt 100 grams - 1/2 bottle
  • Water (boiled) 1200 ml

Pure glycerin (not flavored) 30 ml

3% peroxide water 30 ml

The temperature of the “oxamite” enema is close to room temperature, in the author’s opinion.

I especially trust his Duma.

And for the purpose of cleansing the intestines without enemas, I present the following recipe for collection, based on the recipe from the same book by M. Engerleib.

I changed a dozen of stock herbs, based on the feedback of our clients, for example, hibiscus, which has many contraindications for this tea, improves heartbeat, evokes boredom and confusion.

Also, instead of green tea, I included Ivan tea in the recipe, again for special reasons.

I added “brushes” to the recipe for tea, as M. Engerleib himself calls it, Polin girky and the fruits of the shishina.

After douching, try this method of preventing bacterial attacks throughout the day, apply one drop of tea tree essential oil or monardi to the inner surface of the white, let the drops of the drops evaporate, soften the white Feel yourself stolen and overwhelmed by the passage of this day!

I myself really love such baths and my friends enjoy them.

After such a bath, it seemed like you were in thermal baths.

This procedure is carried out until proper recovery, about which I write in a report in my current status.

  • What to add:
  • Next, we prepare infusions of herbs in equal proportions: arnica, cherry, marshmallow, chamomile, calendula and pollen, pour in dill and leave for a couple of years.
  • 1 pack of basic grub soda
  • 250 grams of sea salt (without added flavorings)

5 sachets of magnesium sulfate (magnesia, sold in pharmacies, sachets of 20 g each)

10 drops of essential oil of cloves or geranium in a liter of milk

Stir and pour everything from the list in the bathtub, strain the herbal infusions thoroughly and pour into fresh water.

The water temperature is acceptable, and you can take such a bath from 15 to 30 minutes.

The effect of such a bath is simply stunning!

The skins are cleaned and toned, through the pores of the skin, toxins are removed, the entire skin is cleansed and toned, filled with microelements, pathogenic bacteria and fungi that live on the skin are eliminated, the pores are cleansed The nails are starting to appreciate.

People I know who suffer from oily seborrhea soak the scalp in water.